[ CHAPTER 030 ]

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"Home sweet home."

Jackson say as he stood beside Jungkook who smile softly as he stare at the mansion before him. Lisa step out from the car and approach Jungkook slowly. She stare at his features, admiring him silently.

"His operation will be held in one week."

That is what Yugyeom said. He allow Jungkook to be discharged but he must be watched 24 hours. Yugyeom is probably worried that Jungkook might run away again.

Yoongi assure him that this time Jungkook won't run away. He will get the surgery. Lisa couldn't be more happy. In this one week, Lisa will make sure that Jungkook can do whatever he want with whoever he want whenever he wish it.

Upon reaching his side, Jungkook turn towards her and smile as she mirrored his action. Jungkook bring take her palm into his and intertwined their hands together. Both of them look at each other lovingly.

Yoongi who are standing behind them scrunch his nose "okay, get a room you love birds." He huffed as he walk inside the mansion with Jackson. Hoseok chuckle and soon follow the two as he say.

"Single lives matter you know?" He mutter with a teasing smile making Lisa chuckle while Jungkook just shake his head. There is silence soon after as Jungkook glance at Lisa. "Come." He say and Lisa nod.



Jungkook's eyes flutter open and the first thing that greet him is the white ceiling above his head. He blink for a few times, finally realized that he might have fell asleep just now.

He sit up and glance at the alarm beside his bed. It's 5:34 in the evening. Jungkook huff, he never take a nap before or sleep at a time like this. Getting enough like this is surprisingly make him feel good.

He smile at his own thought as he stood up from the bed and walk out of his room. He find himself walking at the garden where his stepfather often went to get some air. It brings back memories, the good and of course...

The bad one.

"Both of you guys are the future of the Wang's! If you two can't even bare this kind of training, I'll make it harder for you!" His voice was harsh as the two male just look down.

Both of them are around 18 years old, Jackson are breathing heavily as blood slide down from his lips while Jungkook's fist are already bleeding. They have to fight 12 men at once but of course, they lost.

"Honey, calm down, they're still a kid." Li na try to confront her husband but to no avail, he just huff. "They need to be trained! If they can't even handle this, they don't deserve to have the Wang's recognition!"

"Train harder!"

Jungkook halt his step upon reaching a small pond. He just stare at the fish in it, swimming around freely. Jungkook took a deep breath as he bend down and grab one of the stone. He throw the stone inside the pond.


Silence engulf the room when the last men fell to the ground unconscious. Jungkook who are breathing heavily are the last one to stand as around 16 men lay on the ground, unconscious.

Jackson glance at his father who smile at Jungkook before glancing back at his brother who just walk away coldly. Jungkook just clean himself a little as he put on a sweater and walk out from the room.

Duke soon walk away from the room, leaving only Jackson who sigh softly before going after Jungkook. Jungkook sat at the pond with his hand holding a few stone while the other hand keep throwing it into the pond.

Jungkook stop his action when someone offer him a bottle of water. He glance at the bottle before lifting his head up only to see Jackson offering it to him. Jungkook grab it and open it before chugging it down.

Jackson sat beside him as he grab the bottle after Jungkook and chug it down too. He sigh in satisfaction before giving back the bottle towards Jungkook.

Jungkook grab it and Jackson glance at his palm and saw it bleeding. "Aish, I've told you to not punch till your hands bleed." He say as he pull out his handkerchief and throw it towards Jungkook.

Jungkook huff "are you worried?" He ask teasingly as he grab the handkerchief. Jackson scoff "I have no time for that." He deny before grabbing the rock and throw it inside the pond.

The just sat there in a comfortable silence.

Jungkook was pulled out from his thought when he felt someone standing beside him. He glance to his left and saw Jackson standing beside him with his hand offering a water bottle.

Jungkook glance at the bottle before back at Jackson as a small smile appear on his face. He grab the bottle and open it before drinking it a little.

"What are you doing out here?" Jackson ask as he place his hand into his pocket. He look around the place before turning back at Jungkook "just taking some fresh air." Jungkook answer simply.

"It's freezing." Jackson complain as he hug himself. "Get in then." Jungkook reply making Jackson role his eyes. Jungkook chuckle at the older's reaction. There's silence between them before Jackson decide to break it.

"Jungkook, actually-"

"Jackson!" Jackson got cutted off by someone. The two of them turn around only to see Hoseok standing at the corridor while hugging himself, probably not liking the cold weather.

"What?!" Jackson yell back. "There's a phone call for you!" The male yell. "I'm coming!" Jackson say as he rush back towards Hoseok leaving Jungkook alone at the pond.

Jungkook sigh when he saw Jackson leaving his sight. He drink the water again before walking away from the pond to continue his evening walk.


Jungkook walk across the living room to get back to his bedroom but he halt his step when he heard loud noises from the kitchen. Sounds like people struggling to do something.

Jungkook frown at those weird noises. He turn towards the kitchen direction before looking around, only to find the place empty with no maid or anyone. Jungkook grow cautious as he took a step towards the kitchen.

Upon reaching there, his step halt at the kitchen entrance. The noise are getting louder as if someone is mumbling in frustration. "How the hell do I have to use this?"

Jungkook's frown gone deeper. He got curious and peek on the entrance. He tilt his head in confusion at the view as he whisper at himself "Lisa..."

"Are you cooking?"



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