Chapter 10

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Elmososha Town, a marvel of engineering and innovation, stands proudly north of the island of Oceablu City. Unlike its bustling neighbor, Elmososha Town is a floating city, its towering structure reaching skyward with ten floors of bustling activity and vibrant energy.

At the base of this remarkable edifice lies the docks, where ships from distant shores find safe harbor, their masts swaying gently in the ocean breeze. Here, traders and travelers alike come and go, their footsteps echoing against the wooden planks as they embark on their respective journeys. Ascending upward, the second to fourth floors are dedicated to residential living, where families and individuals find solace in the comfort of their homes amidst the bustling cityscape below.

The heart of creativity and entertainment lies on the fifth and sixth floors, where the movie studios stand tall and proud. Reminiscent of the famed Pokestar Studios, these studios offer a platform for aspiring actors and filmmakers to showcase their talents, while also providing a space for movie enthusiasts to immerse themselves in the magic of cinema. Moving further up, the seventh floor houses the Pokeball Factory, a bustling hub of activity where skilled artisans craft Pokeballs of the highest quality. Adjacent to the factory is a spacious room dedicated to housing wild Electric-type Pokemon, providing a unique opportunity for trainers to observe and interact with these fascinating creatures.

For those seeking sustenance and culinary delights, the eighth floor boasts a bustling food court, offering a diverse array of cuisines to tantalize the taste buds of residents and visitors alike. The ninth floor is home to the Game Corner, a lively hub of entertainment where patrons can indulge in a variety of games of chance and skill. From classic slots to the thrilling Voltorb flips, there's something for everyone to enjoy. However, it's the elusive secret slot machine that holds the key to the gym entrance, granting access to those lucky few who manage to align three sevens in a row.

Finally, at the pinnacle of Elmososha Town, the Sky Garden awaits, a serene oasis amidst the urban jungle. Here, lush greenery and blooming flowers provide a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle below, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding sea and skyline.

In the heart of Elmososha Town, overseeing the electrifying atmosphere and vibrant culture, stands the Gym Leader Paris - a man of charm, charisma, and an undeniable talent for both gambling and the silver screen. Paris is more than just a Gym Leader; he's also Ash's beloved uncle, married to none other than Diantha Carnet Ketchum, the illustrious Champion of the Kalos Region and younger sister of Adam Ketchum.

Their love story is the stuff of legend, sparked by their captivating performances as the lead stars in a romantic movie that captured the hearts of audiences far and wide. From the silver screen to the stage of life, their chemistry blossomed into a deep and enduring love, culminating in a marriage that continues to inspire others.

Together, Paris and Diantha share two children, David and Elline, who bring joy and laughter wherever they go. Sometimes joining Ash and their extended family in the bustling castle of Otem Town, and at other times accompanying their parents on their glamorous adventures in the world of cinema and entertainment.

As Ash and Serena stand before Diantha and Paris in Elmososha Town, anticipation hangs thick in the air. Ash can't help but feel a surge of curiosity as he asks, "So why did you call us here?"

Diantha, radiant as ever, smiles warmly. "You see, we are going to do a movie based on a Fairy tale: The Dragon Slayer."

Serena's eyes widen in disbelief. "You mean... We will film a movie with you?"

Paris nods, his gaze alight with excitement. "Yes. But we won't be the main characters. We will be side characters, while you two, along with Elline and David, will take on the leading roles."

The revelation leaves Ash and Serena stunned, their minds racing with a whirlwind of emotions. "What?!" they exclaim in unison, their voices echoing in disbelief.

Diantha steps forward, her expression earnest. "Yes, Elline and David have already chosen their roles as the witch and the sword maker, which means both of you are up for the prince and princess. I've obtained permission from Adam and Aurora, and you two are going to become famous stars."

"Wow... that sounds cool," Serena breathes, a mixture of excitement and apprehension coursing through her veins. "I mean, acting sounds fun."

As Ash and Serena immerse themselves in the world of movie-making, they find themselves under the guidance of the esteemed director, Tom Wood. With a wealth of experience behind him, Tom Wood wastes no time in recognizing the talent and potential of the young duo, immediately agreeing to cast them as the leading roles in his latest project.

Each day begins with rigorous practice sessions in the morning, fine-tuning their performances and perfecting their delivery under Tom Wood's expert direction. And as the sun reaches its zenith, they transition seamlessly into filming in the afternoon, bringing the story of The Dragon Slayer to life with each take.

In addition to their acting prowess, Ash showcases his creative flair by crafting the intricate costumes for the Prince and Princess of the tale. His attention to detail and craftsmanship leave not only Ash and Serena amazed but also the entire cast and crew, who marvel at the beauty and authenticity of his designs.

With no Pokemon of their own, Ash and Serena make use of the rental Pokemon available in the studio. Ash finds a kindred spirit in an Eevee, forming a strong bond as they work together to bring their characters to life on the screen.

As the filming reaches its climax, Ash finds himself standing before the imposing facade of the Witch's castle, the final scene of their epic adventure. With the director's cue ringing in his ears, Ash takes a deep breath, steeling himself for the pivotal moment.

"3, 2, 1. Action!" Tom Wood's voice echoes across the set, signaling the start of the scene.

As Ash stands resolute in his prince costume, facing off against Elline's formidable witch character, a sense of urgency grips him as Serena, bound and helpless in her princess attire, awaits rescue.

"I've already slaughtered all of your dragons, now give back the princess!" Ash demands, his voice echoing with determination.

"Why should I? I am not losing yet! I still have another wild card!" Elline taunts, her words laced with malice as she begins to incant a spell, her form transforming into that of a towering Mega Salamence.

"No way!" Ash's heart pounds in his chest, sweat beading on his forehead as he takes a step back, a shiver of fear coursing through him at the sight of the formidable foe before him.

"Hahaha! Do you think you can defeat me? You are foolish," Elline jeers, her voice now echoing from the mouth of the Mega Salamence as it unleashes a devastating Flamethrower attack.

Reacting quickly, Ash summons his courage, raising his shield to protect himself from the onslaught of flames. "Eevee! Use Swift!" he commands, desperation evident in his voice as he calls upon his faithful partner for aid.

But to his dismay, the attack proves ineffective against the mighty Salamence, leaving Ash gritting his teeth in frustration. "Damn it, she's different from the dragons before," he mutters, realizing the magnitude of the challenge before him.

Determined not to falter, Ash braces himself as Salamence unleashes a barrage of Dragon Rage, the force of the attack causing Eevee to stumble and fall. "Eevee! Stay strong!" Ash urges, his heart clenching with worry for his loyal companion.

As Salamence prepares to deliver the final blow with Dragon Rush, Ash leaps into action, wielding his sword with all his strength to block the attack. But despite his efforts, the force of the impact sends his sword flying from his grasp, leaving him defenseless against the impending doom.

"Even the most powerful sword of yours, Dragon Slayer, can't do anything. Now fall to your demise!" Elline taunts, her voice ringing with triumph as Salamence unleashes another devastating Dragon Rage.

"Prince Ash!" Serena yells in horror. As the blue flames bear down upon him, Ash braces for the inevitable... until, in a miraculous twist of fate, Eevee begins to glow with a radiant light, signaling her evolution.

As Sylveon's evolution unfolds before their eyes, Director Wood and Diantha exchange stunned looks, the unexpected turn of events catching them off guard.

"Is this?" Director Wood stammers, his astonishment evident in his voice.

"Yes, it is evolving. But we originally planned to have a Sylveon to get inside the screen," Diantha explains, her excitement palpable. "Looks like we don't need to."

With newfound determination coursing through him, Ash watches as Sylveon endures the dragon's onslaught, his heart swelling with pride at his partner's evolution. "Sylveon! You evolved!" he exclaims, awe and admiration shining in his eyes.

Sylveon nods resolutely, her ribbon-like appendages glowing with power as she unleashes a powerful Moonblast, causing the dragon to stagger back in surprise. "What? How did you manage to..." Elline's voice trails off, her disbelief mirroring that of the onlookers.

With Sylveon keeping the dragon at bay, Ash seizes the opportunity to retrieve his sword, determination burning bright in his eyes. "Sylveon, keep attacking the dragon! I will get my sword back!" he calls out, his voice ringing with resolve.

With a nod of understanding, Sylveon continues her relentless assault, the dragon beginning to falter under the onslaught of her powerful attacks.

But Elline refuses to back down, her desperation mounting as she summons the dragon's ultimate fury in the form of an Outrage. "There is no way I will lose! I am supposed to win!" she declares, her voice tinged with defiance.

Undeterred, Ash braces himself, his grip tightening on his sword as he prepares to face the dragon head-on. With a fierce cry, he charges forward, slashing through the illusionary beast with all his might, his determination unwavering until the very end.

As the scene comes to a close, Director Wood's voice cuts through the air, bringing an end to the intense drama unfolding before them. "Cut!" he declares, a note of satisfaction in his tone. "That will be it for today. Thank you for this act."

Breathless and exhilarated, Ash and his companions exchange triumphant smiles, the thrill of their performance still lingering in the air as they bask in the success of their cinematic masterpiece.

As Ash catches his breath, Sylveon tenderly wraps her ribbons around him, a silent gesture of comfort and support. "You really did evolve. I am proud of you," he murmurs, his voice filled with genuine admiration.

Elline, still reeling from the unexpected turn of events, chimes in, "Indeed, although we originally wanted to put a Sylveon, this is really a surprise."

Diantha beams with pride as she looks at Ash and Sylveon. "Ash, you and Sylveon really are special," she remarks, her words eliciting a bashful blush from Ash.

The following day, excitement fills the air as Mr. Wood approaches them with news of the completed film. "Well, you guys did a good job, the film is ready," he announces, a hint of satisfaction in his tone. Eagerly, they all gather to watch the finished product, their hearts swelling with pride as they see their hard work come to life on the screen.

"How is it, Ms. Diantha?" Serena asks anxiously, her eyes searching for validation.

Diantha's smile is radiant as she responds, "You guys sure are spectacular."

Mr. Wood nods in agreement. "Indeed. You guys are the best actors I have been looking for. Why don't we work together again for another time?"

"It will be an honor to do so," Ash replies, his voice filled with gratitude and enthusiasm.

Serena echoes his sentiment with a smile. "Me too."

As word spreads of Ash and Serena's newfound success in the world of acting, Alice and Lillie's interest is piqued, their hearts swelling with pride for their friends' achievements. While they may not share the same passion for the spotlight, they offer their support in their own unique ways.

Alice, with her musical talents, extends a generous offer to provide assistance with the film's soundtrack. "If you need any music for your projects, I'd be happy to help out," she suggests with a warm smile, eager to contribute to their creative endeavors.

Meanwhile, Lillie, known for her creativity and craftsmanship, offers her skills in prop making. Though she may not have a desire to be in front of the camera, she recognizes the importance of every aspect of filmmaking and is more than willing to lend a hand behind the scenes.

With their friends by their side, Ash and Serena feel grateful for the unwavering support and encouragement they receive, knowing that no matter where their journeys in the acting world may take them, they'll always have their cherished friends cheering them on from the sidelines.

Here is a new chapter and this one is the Dragon Slayer film making that I used in RPA High School, and I hope you like this chapter.

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