Chapter 3

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As Ash and his mother, Aurora, arrive at Route 20 in the Kalos Region, they stride toward a quaint wooden house nestled amidst the serene landscape. Ash's curiosity piques as he gazes at the modest structure.

"So, this is where the Mache Family lives?" Ash inquires, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Aurora nods, her expression serious. "Yes, Valerie resides here with her three children: Flora, Eve, and Alice. It's important to make a good impression, Ash, especially since there aren't many children around here. Try to get along," she advises, her tone gentle yet firm.

"I will," Ash affirms, his determination evident in the nod of his head.

Approaching the door, Aurora raises her hand to knock, but there's no response from within. A sense of unease settles over them as they exchange worried glances.

"Maybe they're not home..." Aurora murmurs, a furrow forming on her brow. "Valerie? It's me, Aurora. Is anyone home?"

As Ash's gaze shifts to the window, his eyes widen in alarm at the sight of bloodstains marring the glass. Before he can voice his concern, Aurora tests the doorknob and discovers it's unlocked. With a hesitant push, she swings the door open, revealing a distressing scene inside.

Valerie, Wulfric, Eve, and Flora lie strewn across the floor, their strength waning. Aurora rushes to their side, her heart pounding with fear and concern.

"What's happened? Valerie! Wulfric! Eve! Flora!" Aurora's voice trembles as she tries to rouse them from their state of weakness. Valerie manages to speak, her voice barely audible. "Alice... kidnapped..."

"Alice?" Aurora gasps, her eyes widening in shock. "Don't worry, I'll contact Officer Jenny. Ash, stay here, alright?"

In that moment, memories from a year ago flood Ash's mind, reminding him of the pain and loss he endured when his sister met a tragic fate. Determination hardens his resolve as he refuses to let another loved one suffer a similar fate. Without a word, he bolts away, leaving Aurora to call after him in frantic dismay, "Ash! Where are you going?"

As Ash cautiously approaches the secluded house, his heart pounds in his chest at the sight of three menacing figures standing over a bound Alice. One of the men speaks, his tone callous and indifferent, "Hey, you reckon she'll fetch a good price?"

"Just look at her, all innocent-like. She may seem sweet, but she's just a kid. Not my type," another man replies with a dismissive sneer.

"I ain't asking for your opinion on her looks. We're gonna peddle her to the Underground market in the capital, auction her off to those sick old perverts," the boss declares, his words dripping with malice.

Meanwhile, Alice lies on the cold ground, her expression void of emotion as she silently endures her harrowing ordeal. "It's so cold," she murmurs softly, her voice barely audible amidst the tense atmosphere.

Suddenly, the conversation halts as two of the traffickers hear the door creak open. Ash steps into the room, his nerves evident as he stammers, "Excuse me."

The nearest thug immediately advances towards Ash, his voice laced with aggression. "Hold it, kid! How'd you stumble upon this place?"

"I, um, got lost in the forest. Saw the cabin and, uh, thought..." Ash's voice trails off, a flicker of fear dancing in his eyes.

The thug glances at his boss, who silently signals for Ash's disposal. "You know, kid, it's dangerous wandering the forest alone," the thug continues, his tone sickeningly sweet as he kneels down towards Ash. "There're some scary Pokémon out there, you know."

Unbeknownst to the thug, Ash already has a knife concealed behind him. With swift precision, he draws the blade and plunges it into the thug's abdomen. "But there's nothing to fear now. We'll be happy to take you—" the thug's words are cut short as he collapses to the ground, gasping in pain.

"What the hell?!" The boss's exclamation echoes through the room as he leaps from his seat, but before he can react, Ash slams the door shut and swiftly tapes the knife onto a broomstick. As the boss flings the door open, Ash thrusts the makeshift weapon forward, impaling the leader.

"Rot in hell! You deserve this! You deserve nothing less!" Ash's voice rings out with a chilling intensity as he delivers blow after blow, his eyes burning with a fierce determination. Alice watches in stunned disbelief as Ash takes justice into his own hands, his actions both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

"You're safe now," Ash reassures Alice, his voice calm despite the chaos around them, as he assists her in freeing herself from the bindings.

"B... but there were three of them..." Alice's voice trembles with fear and disbelief as she recounts the harrowing events.

Before Ash can respond, the third trafficker returns, his eyes widening in horror as he takes in the sight of the lifeless bodies strewn across the room. With a swift kick, he sends the knife flying out of Ash's reach before grabbing him, his grip tightening around Ash's throat in a desperate attempt to extract answers. "Was it you? Did you kill them?!"

Alice watches in terror, her body shaking uncontrollably as she witnesses the unfolding violence. "I'll kill you! You're dead!" the trafficker roars, his rage palpable in the air.

Struggling against the man's iron grip, Ash's voice rises with defiance, "Fight! Fight or die! Survive!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing, you little brat?!" the trafficker bellows, his fury escalating.

"The only way to survive is to fight!" Alice's resolve strengthens as she retrieves the discarded knife from the ground, though her hands still tremble with fear and uncertainty.

"No... I can't do it..." Alice's voice wavers, but the sight of Ash on the brink of unconsciousness serves as a stark reminder of the cruel reality they face. With a surge of determination, she feels a newfound power awakening within her, propelling her forward as she charges at the assailant. "Fight!" she screams, her voice echoing with defiance as she confronts the darkness that threatens to engulf them.

"His heart was pierced through the back in a single strike," one officer grimly relays to Officer Jenny.

"Those kids did this?" Officer Jenny can only mutter in stunned disbelief.

Outside the house, Aurora's frustration boils over as she scolds Ash. "I told you to wait! Do you realize what you've done?"

"I got rid of those monsters," Ash retorts firmly. "They were using human skin to disguise themselves."

"Ash!" Aurora's tone is a mixture of admonishment and concern.

"They would've escaped by the time Officer Jenny arrived! It was a matter of time!" Ash argues.

"Even so, you took an enormous risk, Ash!" Aurora's voice cracks with emotion, tears welling in her eyes. "The way you recklessly threw yourself into danger is what terrifies me! What if I lost you like I lost Golly a year ago?"

The mention of Golly's name pierces Ash's heart, and he can't hold back his tears. "But... I don't want her to end up like Golly..."

Alice, trembling at Ash's side, catches Aurora's attention. "Alice, are you alright?" she asks gently.

"I'm cold," Alice murmurs, her voice barely audible over the turmoil of emotions.

Without hesitation, Ash retrieves a scarf from his bag and tenderly wraps it around Alice's shoulders. "Here, this should keep you warm," he offers softly.

"It's warm..." Alice murmurs, her fingers grazing the soft fabric with a hint of gratitude.

Aurora, her resolve firming, gently takes hold of Ash and Alice. "Let's go home. Your parents and sisters are worried sick about you," she says, her voice a mixture of relief and exhaustion as she leads them away from the scene of danger.

As days pass, Alice finds solace and comfort in Ash's presence, drawn to him by an unspoken understanding that binds them together after the harrowing ordeal they endured. This newfound closeness doesn't go unnoticed by Alice's sisters, Eve and Flora, who sometimes feel a pang of jealousy and tease her about it. Despite their occasional teasing, deep down, they understand the bond that has formed between Alice and Ash, and they begrudgingly accept it.

Valerie and Wulfric, still reeling from the shock of what Alice has experienced and done, grapple with their own fears and uncertainties. They recognize that Alice's dormant aura powers have been awakened by the traumatic events, a realization that fills them with both awe and trepidation. However, having been part of Team Alpha themselves in the past, they understand the complexities of the world they live in and refrain from blaming Alice for what she had to do to protect herself and her family.

Concerned for their safety and realizing that their home is no longer secure, Valerie and Wulfric make the difficult decision to relocate their family to the castle where Ash and his siblings are staying until the area is deemed safe once more. Amidst the castle's protective walls, Alice and her sisters find refuge and camaraderie with Ash and his siblings. Despite the initial awkwardness and hesitation, the children quickly bond over shared experiences and adventures, spending their days playing and exploring the castle grounds together, forming a tight-knit group that finds strength in each other's company during uncertain times.

A look of earnest determination crosses Ash's face as he pleads with his mother in the halls of the International Police building. "Please, Mom? Can Alice join our training as well? I promise I'll protect her and make sure nothing happens to her!"

Aurora pauses, her expression reflecting both understanding and concern. "Ash... I understand your concern for Alice, but I can't make that decision for her. She's not my daughter, and it's important that we respect her parents' wishes."

Ash's shoulders slump slightly, disappointment evident in his eyes. "But Mom, Alice really wants to join. She's been through so much, and I know she wants to learn how to protect herself."

Aurora places a comforting hand on Ash's shoulder. "I know, Ash. And I'll speak to her parents about it. If they agree, then she can join us. But we have to respect their decision, alright?"

Ash nods, a glimmer of hope rekindling in his eyes. "Alright, Mom. Thank you. I'll talk to Alice about it too."

With a reassuring smile, Aurora nods. "That sounds like a plan. Let's see what her parents have to say."

Determined to help Alice, Ash seeks out Valerie and Wulfric to discuss the possibility of Alice joining the International Police training. Finding them in the midst of preparing their belongings for the temporary stay at the castle, Ash approaches them with a hopeful expression.

"Valerie, Wulfric, can I talk to you for a moment?" Ash asks, his tone respectful yet earnest.

Valerie looks up from her task, her expression softening as she sees the earnestness in Ash's eyes. "Of course, Ash. What is it?"

"I was wondering if Alice could join our training with the International Police," Ash begins, his voice tinged with determination. "I promise to keep an eye on her and make sure she's safe."

Wulfric exchanges a glance with Valerie, silently communicating their shared concerns. After a moment of thoughtful consideration, he speaks, "Ash, we appreciate your concern for Alice. But joining the International Police training is a big decision. We need to discuss this as a family and ensure it's the right choice for Alice."

Ash's heart sinks at their response, but he nods understandingly. "I understand. Thank you for considering it."

Valerie places a gentle hand on Ash's shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. "We'll talk to Alice about it and let you know our decision, alright?"

Ash nods again, a glimmer of hope flickering in his eyes. "Alright. Thank you, Valerie, Wulfric."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Ash turns to leave, his mind already racing with thoughts of how to convince Alice's parents to let her join the training. He knows it won't be easy, but he's determined to do whatever it takes to help Alice become stronger and more capable of protecting herself.

In the days that follow, Ash finds himself anxiously awaiting Valerie and Wulfric's decision regarding Alice's participation in the International Police training. He spends his time honing his own skills, eager to show Alice the ropes should she be granted permission to join.

Finally, the day arrives when Valerie and Wulfric call a family meeting to discuss the matter. Ash waits with bated breath as they gather around the table, their expressions grave yet thoughtful.

"After much consideration," Valerie begins, her gaze gentle yet firm, "we've decided to allow Alice to join the International Police training."

A rush of excitement floods through Ash as he hears the words he had been hoping for. "Really? That's great!"

Wulfric nods, a hint of pride in his eyes. "But there are conditions," he adds, his tone serious. "Alice will only join under the condition that you, Ash, keep a close watch on her and ensure her safety at all times."

"I promise," Ash vows earnestly, determination shining in his eyes. "I won't let anything happen to her."

Valerie smiles warmly, her eyes reflecting her gratitude. "Thank you, Ash. We trust you to look after her."

With the approval granted, Ash wastes no time in inviting Alice to join him in the training sessions. Her eyes light up with excitement and determination as she eagerly accepts his offer, ready to learn and grow alongside him.

As they embark on their training journey together, Ash and Alice forge a bond that transcends mere friendship. They support and encourage each other through every challenge, growing stronger and more confident with each passing day.

And amidst the trials and tribulations they face, one thing remains certain – with Ash by her side, Alice feels a newfound sense of courage and determination, knowing that together, they can overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

As their training progresses and they face new challenges together, Ash and Alice emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before, ready to face whatever the future may hold. And as they stand side by side, their hearts filled with hope and determination, they know that with each step they take together, they are one step closer to achieving their dreams.

And here is the introduction of Alice in this prologue. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be Serena's turn.

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