Chapter 4

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In the Sevestar Region, Professor Cerise is a fresh face in the world of Pokémon research, having recently obtained his license. He often brings his daughter Chloe Cerise along with him to the lab, where she quickly forms a bond with Ash and the others. However, Chloe tends to gravitate towards Trenor, as Ash spends most of his time with Alice and her sisters while the rest focus on their training.

During one memorable summer, Ash, Chloe, and Alice find themselves attending the same Summer Camp organized by Professor Oak. As they gather at the campsite, Chloe teasingly remarks to Ash, "Ash? I'm surprised you're not still asleep. I thought you'd oversleep, as usual."

Chuckling, Ash replies, "I was too excited to sleep last night."

Alice shoots him a pointed look, her expression serious. "Really? You stayed up all night just for this camp? Only you, Ash."

Their banter is interrupted by the arrival of Gary Oak, another familiar face from Ash's childhood. Gary's smug attitude often irks Ash, and the tension between them is palpable. "Ashy Boy is always like that," Gary quips, earning a glare from Ash.

Before their disagreement can escalate, Professor Oak intervenes, his voice firm. "That's enough, you two. No fighting allowed. Let's focus on starting the camp."

With Professor Oak's admonishment, Ash and Gary begrudgingly set aside their differences, knowing that their bickering could disrupt the camp's proceedings. Chloe, growing increasingly impatient, directs her question to Professor Oak. "Professor Oak, are we ready to go yet?"

With a weary sigh, Professor Oak responds, "Well, you see... there's supposed to be one more camper joining us."

"But the meetup time's already passed," Chloe remarks, her confusion evident in her voice.

Ash, ever curious, chimes in, "Who's the one that hasn't shown up?"

Professor Oak's expression turns thoughtful as he explains, "She's a girl from the Kalos Region. Her mother is a famous Rhyhorn Racer, and there's actually a race happening in Kanto. So she brought her daughter along, but I wonder where she is..."

Before anyone can speculate further, a newcomer makes his presence known. A boy with brown hair and an air of confidence speaks up, his tone somewhat brash. "Probably went 'I'm going on a trip tomorrow, so I'm too excited to sleep!' I bet she's careless and simple-minded."

Ash bristles at the boy's presumptuous comment. "Hey, who are you to say something like that?"

The boy introduces himself as Goh, claiming to be a friend of the missing girl. Professor Oak, intrigued by this revelation, inquires, "Oh, you're Chloe's friend?"

Chloe nods, confirming Goh's assertion. "My Dad also has a lab in Vermillion City, and Goh would come to play when we were there."

Professor Oak listens to Goh's description with a thoughtful expression. "I see. However, the girl that I know is not careless and simple-minded. She's rather shy and timid, from what I observed when I saw her yesterday."

Turning to Chloe, Professor Oak inquires, "By the way, Chloe, is Professor Cerise doing alright?"

Chloe nods in affirmation. "Yes, he's doing fine."

"Chloe's father is a Pokémon researcher as well," Professor Oak adds, addressing the group. "He shows great promise, too; he's been deemed a genius since he was young."

Gary, impatient as ever, interjects, "So, how long are we gonna wait for that shy and timid girl?"

"We don't want to be late returning, either," Professor Oak muses with a sigh. "Oh well, I suppose we're setting off."

With a resigned nod from the group, they gather their belongings and prepare to embark on their journey, leaving behind the mystery of the missing camper from the Kalos Region for another day.

As they venture deeper into the forest, Professor Oak announces, "All right, it's time to explore the forest and observe the Pokémon living here!"

The children erupt into cheers of excitement as they eagerly scan their surroundings. Ash's attention is drawn to a lively scene unfolding before them – a Squirtle engaged in battle with a Caterpie. "A real live Caterpie!" Ash exclaims, his eyes wide with wonder.

They watch intently as the Squirtle's trainer skillfully throws a Poké Ball, successfully capturing the Caterpie.

"As you just witnessed, you can catch wild Pokémon by throwing Poké Balls at them," Professor Oak explains. "When you turn ten, you can become Pokémon Trainers, receive your own starter Pokémon, and embark on an adventure with Pokémon!"

The children cheer in anticipation, eager to one day begin their own Pokémon journey. Professor Oak continues, "But before that, it's important to acquire plenty of Pokémon knowledge."

"We got it!" the children chime in unison.

Ash, ever the confident one, can't resist boasting, "I've already got more Pokémon knowledge than I'll ever need, though!"

"Ash?!" Alice interjects, trying to quiet him down, but Professor Oak simply chuckles. "That's great to hear, Ash!"

Gary, always up for a challenge, retorts, "Oh yeah? You think you know more than the great Gary Oak?"

The exchange quickly escalates into a friendly argument between Ash and Gary, until they're interrupted by Professor Oak's stern voice. "Enough, you two. No more fighting."

Alice steps forward, her tone firm. "Professor Oak's right. Let's focus on learning and exploring, not arguing."

Just as tensions seem to simmer down, Goh decides to join in the fray. "If you think you two have more knowledge than me, then you're wrong!"

Chloe, ever the peacemaker, tries to diffuse the situation. "Come on, let's all calm down and enjoy the adventure together."

As the group encounters a Kakuna, Professor Oak prompts them, "Can anyone tell me what Pokémon this is?"

Quick to respond, Ash eagerly chimes in, "It's Kakuna, the Cocoon Pokémon."

Not to be outdone, Gary interjects confidently, "That's a Farfetch'd. The plant stalk it carries in its mouth is used as a sword to cut various things."

The others marvel at Gary's knowledge, but Ash can't help but feel a competitive fire ignite within him as he notices the attention his rival is receiving. Meanwhile, Alice simply sighs, accustomed to the dynamic between Ash and Gary. Goh, sensing the rivalry brewing, decides to join the fray.

"I won't lose to Ash or Gary," Goh declares, his determination evident. Spotting a Diglett nearby, he identifies it with gusto. "That's Diglett! A Pokémon that feeds on plant roots!"

The group cheers for Goh's impressive knowledge, but Ash and Gary refuse to be outshone. Gary spots a Dugtrio and enthusiastically announces, "That's Diglett's evolved form, Dugtrio!"

Not one to back down, Ash counters, "It's incredibly strong! It can dig to depths of up to 100 kilometers!"

Goh, determined not to let Ash and Gary steal the spotlight, continues to share his Pokémon knowledge, igniting a back-and-forth exchange between the three boys that leaves the other children in awe.

Professor Oak can only sweat-drop at the spectacle unfolding before him, while Chloe shoots a glare at the trio. "Goh, Ash, Gary," she scolds, "Professor Oak is supposed to provide the Pokémon explanations."

Professor Oak, however, finds amusement in the situation. "It's fine. You three certainly know a lot about Pokémon," he chuckles. "Just as Ash, Goh, and Gary mentioned, Pokémon evolve under various conditions, changing their appearance and abilities."

"But Farfetch'd don't evolve." As Goh corrects Professor Oak's oversight, the professor sweat-drops in embarrassment. "That's right," he acknowledges, slightly flustered.

Gary chimes in, eager to contribute, "Not every Pokémon evolves! But some Pokémon certainly do, right?"

Professor Oak nods in agreement. "Indeed, Gary. Pokémon evolution is a fascinating aspect of their biology."

"Quite alright," Professor Oak continues, regaining his composure. "Now, let's turn our attention to the Pokémon living in the water."

As the group traverses a bridge, Ash, Alice, Goh, and Chloe find themselves lagging behind. Chloe, exasperated, turns to Goh. "Geez, Goh... that's why you can't make any friends!"

Goh's expression hardens as he retorts, "I don't need friends... I want to catch an amazing Pokémon someday! One that nobody's ever seen before!"

Alice and Ash share a knowing chuckle, prompting Goh to glare at them. "Are you mocking me?" he demands.

Alice shakes her head, trying to stifle her amusement. "No, Goh. It's just that catching such a rare Pokémon seems like quite a lofty goal..."

"It's not just a goal! It's my destiny!" Goh insists passionately. "And that destiny rests in my hands!"

Ash, always one to appreciate ambition, offers a supportive nod. "Well, Goh, I look forward to seeing you achieve that dream."

As a Poliwag scurries by, Ash's curiosity is piqued. "A Poliwag!" he exclaims, his excitement evident as he gives chase.

Meanwhile, Alice, noticing Ash's sudden disappearance, calls out in concern. "Ash!? Where are you going?" But her words fall on empty air as Ash disappears from sight. With a resigned sigh, Alice instructs Chloe and Goh to continue ahead while she sets off to find Ash.

Elsewhere in the forest, a blonde-haired girl finds herself lost and alone, her panic mounting as she searches for her companions. "Where is everybody? Where did they all go?" she frets, her voice trembling with fear.

Suddenly, a Poliwag appears before her, startling her and causing her to stumble and hurt her knee. Tears well up in her eyes as she laments, "I knew I shouldn't have come to this Summer Camp..." Her distress grows as she calls out for her mother, her voice filled with sadness.

Just then, she hears a familiar voice calling out to the Poliwag. "Poliwag, where are you?"

Emerging from the bushes, Ash comes into view, his gaze immediately drawn to the distressed girl. "Are you alright?" he asks, genuine concern etched in his features.

Approaching her gently, Ash introduces himself. "I'm Ash. What's wrong?" he inquires, his voice soft and comforting.

The girl looks up at Ash, her eyes filled with tears. "I hurt my leg," she admits, her voice quivering with pain and uncertainty.

Ash's heart sinks as he notices the blood seeping from Serena's knee. Without hesitation, he reaches for his handkerchief and gently ties it around her injured leg, offering what little comfort he can. "There, it's better now. Watch this, Pain Pain, go away!" he exclaims, waving his arms in a playful attempt to alleviate her discomfort.

But despite his efforts, Serena still winces in pain as she tries to move her leg. "It still hurts..." she admits softly, her eyes downcast with frustration.

Determined to help her, Ash encourages, "Come on, don't give up until it's over. It'll get better soon." With a reassuring smile, he gently lifts her up and cradles her in his arms, causing her cheeks to flush with embarrassment.

Just then, Alice arrives on the scene, her surprise evident as she takes in the sight of Ash holding a girl she doesn't recognize. "Ash? Where have you been?" she queries, her confusion palpable. "And who is she?"

Turning to Alice, Ash hesitates for a moment before introducing Serena. "Alice, this is...sorry, I didn't catch your name," he admits sheepishly.

"My name is Serena. I'm from the Kalos Region..." Serena introduces herself softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Alice's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Wait, so you're the one who was supposed to attend the Summer Camp? Why are you here?" she asks, her curiosity piqued.

Tears threaten to spill from Serena's eyes once more as she explains, "I got lost in the woods and couldn't find everyone..."

Sensing Serena's distress, Ash comes to her defense. "Alice, that's not nice. You made her cry," he scolds gently.

Feeling guilty, Alice offers a sincere apology. "I'm sorry, Serena. I didn't mean to upset you," she says, her voice filled with remorse.

Ash gently wipes away Serena's tears, offering her a comforting smile. "Serena is coming with us to Professor Oak. Her leg is injured, so we need to be careful," he explains to Alice as they support Serena between them, holding each of her hands as they walk back to the group.

Upon reaching Goh and Chloe, they halt, prompting Chloe to inquire, "Ash! Alice! And who's that behind you?"

"This is Serena, the missing camper from Kalos. She hurt her knee, so we're taking her to Professor Oak. But what are you two doing here instead of with the Professor?" Ash responds, curious about their whereabouts.

Goh eagerly begins to recount his recent discovery, interrupted only by the arrival of Professor Oak, who scolds the group for causing him worry.

"Professor, you've arrived just in time. We found Serena, and she's injured," Ash informs the professor.

Professor Oak gazes at Serena thoughtfully before recognizing her. "Are you perhaps Grace's daughter? I wondered why you hadn't shown up at the Summer Camp," he muses.

"I got lost in the woods," Serena admits with a frown, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

Inspecting Serena's injury, Professor Oak determines, "It doesn't seem too serious, but we should return to my lab so I can get you some medicine."

The group nods in agreement as they follow Professor Oak, with Ash also taking the opportunity to inform the professor about the Pokémon they encountered.

"That might have been Mew," Professor Oak speculates. "It's said to reside deep in the jungle and contains the genetic makeup of every Pokémon. Mew is known as a Mythical Pokémon."

"A Mythical Pokémon?" Chloe echoes, her eyes widening with awe and intrigue.

"Wow, Goh, aiming high, aren't you?" Ash chuckles, impressed by Goh's determination. "But catching Mew won't be easy. Even though it has the same catch rate as a Starter Pokémon, finding one is a whole different challenge."

"You're absolutely right, Ash," Alice adds, nodding in agreement. "But knowing Goh, he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goal."

Goh beams with determination, his eyes shining with excitement. "That's right! No challenge is too big for me. I'm going to catch Mew, no matter what!"

As the group shares a laugh at Goh's unwavering determination, they are filled with a sense of camaraderie and excitement for the adventures that lie ahead. With newfound friendships formed and dreams of catching legendary Pokémon in their hearts, they continue on their journey, ready to face whatever challenges come their way.

As the days passed after the summer camp, Serena found herself drawn to spending more and more time with Ash and Alice. The trio formed a close bond, enjoying each other's company and engaging in countless conversations and adventures together.

As they grew closer, Serena confided in Ash and Alice about her family back in the Galar Region. She spoke of her sister Helen, who was currently with their father, a member of Team Alpha. Serena also revealed that she possessed the potential to harness Aura, a fact that intrigued both Ash and Alice.

Despite her mother Grace's efforts to train her for the Rhyhorn Race, Serena found herself hesitant to pursue that path. It was through the encouragement and support of Ash and Alice that she finally mustered the courage to express her true desires to her mother.

In a bold move to prove her sincerity, Serena challenged her mother to a Skiddo race, determined to show her newfound determination and growth. Grace, impressed by her daughter's resolve, accepted the challenge.

The race was intense, with Serena pushing herself to her limits to prove her worth. In the end, she emerged victorious, crossing the finish line with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Witnessing her daughter's determination and growth, Grace couldn't help but smile. It was clear to her that Serena had matured and flourished with the help of Ash and Alice. With a newfound understanding and appreciation for her daughter's aspirations, Grace granted Serena permission to spend time with her friends and continue her Aura training under their guidance.

And so, with Grace's blessing, Serena embarked on a new chapter of her journey, her heart filled with gratitude for the support and friendship of Ash and Alice. Together, they faced the future with excitement and determination, ready to embrace whatever challenges and adventures awaited them.

Here is another new chapter, and this chapter not only marks the meeting of Serena, but also Goh and Chloe. I hope you like this chapter.

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