Chapter 5

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A few days after Serena joins Alice and Ash in the Sevestar Region for training, they receive an unexpected invitation from Adam to visit the Alola Region's Aether Foundation. Excited for the opportunity to explore a new region, they eagerly accept and soon find themselves greeted by the warm embrace of Lusamine, the head of the Aether Foundation.

"It's so nice to see you again, Ash," Lusamine says, her voice filled with genuine warmth.

"It's great to see you too, Ms. Lusamine," Ash replies with a smile. "It's been quite a while."

With Lusamine as their guide, they embark on a comprehensive tour of the Aether Foundation, taking in its vast facilities and learning about its mission to protect Pokémon and preserve their habitats. Intrigued by the organization's goals, Alice can't help but ask, "So, what exactly is the Aether Foundation?"

Lusamine smiles, her eyes alight with passion. "The Aether Foundation is dedicated to the research and conservation of Pokémon and their environments," she explains. "We strive to create a world where both humans and Pokémon can live together in harmony, free from harm."

As Ash, Alice, and Serena continue their tour of the Aether Foundation, they are captivated by the organization's efforts and the dedication of its staff in caring for Pokémon. They are amazed by the sight of Pokémon being treated with such care and compassion, their hearts swelling with admiration for the work being done.

Their reverie is interrupted by the unexpected appearance of a boy and a girl with blonde hair, who approach them with curiosity. The girl, shy and timid, quickly hides behind the boy, both of them appearing to be around the same age as Ash.

"Who are you guys? What are you doing here?" the boy asks, his tone cautious but not unfriendly, as they exchange curious glances with the newcomers.

"We're visiting from the Sevestar Region," Ash replies, extending his hand in a friendly gesture. "I'm Ash, and these are my friends, Alice and Serena."

Lillie peeks out from behind Gladion, her shy demeanor softening as she tentatively returns the smile. "I'm Lillie, and this is my brother, Gladion," she introduces herself, her voice quiet but polite.

Gladion nods in acknowledgment, his expression guarded yet curious as he observes the newcomers. "Nice to meet you," he says simply, his tone neutral but not unfriendly.

Lillie's eyes widen in awe as she addresses Ash. "So you are the Ash Ketchum that my mom told us about..." she gasps. "I've heard how you're like an Arceus and how you were able to protect Mom from the evil team leader..."

Ash's expression softens at Lillie's words, a mixture of gratitude and humility crossing his features. "Well, I don't know about being like an Arceus, but I do my best to help whenever I can," he replies modestly. "And I'm just glad I could help Lusamine."

The memory brings a slight frown to Ash's face as he adds, "But... I still couldn't save my sister..."

Lillie's eyes widen in realization, her hand instinctively covering her mouth. "I'm so sorry, Ash. I shouldn't have brought that up," she says softly, her voice filled with sympathy.

Gladion, sensing the heaviness of the moment, steps in to offer a change of topic. "How about we show you around the Aether Foundation, then?" he suggests, his tone gentle yet inviting. "There's plenty to see and explore."

Serena nods eagerly, her enthusiasm helping to lighten the mood. "That sounds wonderful!"

As the five children explore the wonders of the Aether Paradise, Lusamine and Adam observe them from a distance, their expressions reflecting a mix of pride and concern.

"Seems like my children are getting along with Ash... that's great," Lusamine remarks with a smile, her gaze following the group as they marvel at their surroundings.

Adam nods in agreement before broaching a more serious topic. "So, Lusamine, are you still feeling troubled about the whole thing?" he inquires gently.

Lusamine's expression darkens as she reflects on the past. "It's my fault... if I weren't careless... Golly wouldn't have needed to rush in front of me and take the bullet herself," she admits, her voice tinged with remorse. "And it's also my fault that I let Giovanni slip away..."

Adam offers a comforting nod of understanding. "It's true that as Arceus, we possess immense power, but we are not immune to suffering or loss," he acknowledges. "The only solace we have is the possibility of regaining our past memories upon rebirth. But I understand your concerns, especially regarding Ash..."

Their conversation is interrupted by Adam's sudden realization. "That reminds me, where is Mohn?" he asks, scanning the area.

Lusamine responds, "Mohn is in the basement, still engrossed in his research on the phenomenon of the Ultra Wormholes."

"Ah, I see," Adam acknowledges, before suggesting that they leave the children to their exploration and search for Mohn together. With a shared nod, they turn to make their way to the basement, leaving the children on their adventure in the Aether Paradise.

As they meander through the sleek corridors of the Aether Paradise, Alice's curiosity is piqued by the subtle allure of the sign pointing towards the enigmatic "Secret Labs." Her inquisitive nature prompts her to inquire, her voice laced with a hint of anticipation, "So, Lillie, what exactly is researched in these secret labs?"

Lillie's response is tinged with uncertainty, her words laden with caution, "We're not entirely sure. Father has always warned us to steer clear of those areas... He says they pose a significant risk."

Ash, however, fueled by his typical adventurous spirit, dismisses any trepidation with a wave of his hand, his eagerness palpable in his voice, "Dangerous or not, it's gotta be interesting, right? Let's go take a look."

Gladion's voice cuts through the air with a note of concern, "Hold on, Ash. It might not be wise to rush into unknown territory."

Despite the cautionary words, Serena, Lillie, Gladion, and Alice find themselves caught in the momentum of Ash's impulsive decision, a collective sigh escaping their lips as they reluctantly follow his lead, their footsteps echoing through the dimly lit corridors as they descend towards the basement, their hearts fluttering with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity.

As they step into the dimly lit basement, a scene of chaos greets them, sending shockwaves through their collective senses. Workers lean against the cold walls, their faces etched with fear and pain, some nursing injuries while others tremble uncontrollably. Gladion's voice cuts through the tense atmosphere, his tone laced with disbelief, "What in the world is happening here?"

Without hesitation, Ash darts towards a trembling worker, his voice urgent as he demands answers, "Hey, what's going on? What happened?"

The worker's voice quivers as they struggle to articulate the horror they've witnessed, "I-it's... the Ultra Beasts! Mr. Ketchum and the presidents... they were trying to fend them off..."

The mention of his parents sends a shiver down Lillie's spine, her voice barely above a whisper, "Mother and Father... facing Ultra Beasts?"

Alice's brow furrows in confusion as she turns to Gladion, seeking clarity, "Ultra Beasts? What are they?"

Gladion's features harden with grim determination as he imparts his knowledge, his words heavy with gravity, "Ultra Beasts are highly dangerous entities from another dimension. They possess unimaginable power and are notoriously unpredictable."

As the weight of Gladion's words settles upon them, Serena's eyes widen with disbelief, her voice trembling with apprehension, "But why would they be here, in the Aether Paradise?"

A grim realization dawns upon Gladion as he connects the dots, his expression darkening with understanding, "The research conducted in these secret labs must have somehow attracted them. Ultra Beasts are drawn to anomalies in the fabric of space and time."

A heavy silence descends upon the group as they grapple with the dire implications of their discovery. Ash's resolve hardens, his jaw set with determination, "We can't let my parents and the presidents face those Ultra Beasts alone. We have to find them."

As they cautiously navigate through the labyrinthine corridors of the secret labs, tension hangs heavy in the air, each step fraught with uncertainty. With a sense of urgency, Ash and Lillie venture forth into one area while Serena, Gladion, and Alice explore another, their hearts racing with the weight of their mission.

Suddenly, a collective gasp escapes their lips as they enter a dimly lit room, their eyes widening in horror as a jellyfish-like creature emerges from an ominous Ultra Wormhole, its sinister form homing in on Lillie with alarming speed.

"Lillie!" Ash's voice rings out in a desperate plea, his heart pounding with fear as he watches the impending danger unfold before him. His gaze darts to Faba, who stands frozen in shock nearby, his own terror mirroring Ash's.

"Quick, Faba! Do something!" Ash implores, his voice tinged with urgency as he beseeches the assistance of the startled scientist.

Lillie's screams pierce the air as the jellyfish-like creature closes in, its intentions ominous and threatening. Just as all hope seems lost, a sudden blur of movement catches their attention as another Pokémon charges into the fray, its determination evident as it unleashes a powerful Iron Head attack, intercepting the creature's advance and saving Lillie from certain peril.

Relief floods Ash's senses as he rushes to Lillie's side, scooping her up in his arms with a gentle urgency as she succumbs to the shock and fear, her body limp against his chest. "Lillie! Are you alright?" he pleads, his voice laced with concern as he shakes her gently in a desperate attempt to rouse her from her unconscious state.

"It seems she's merely passed out from the shock," Gladion's voice cuts through the chaos as he and Adam rush to join them, their arrival a welcome sight amidst the turmoil. Ash's gaze flickers with gratitude towards his father and Gladion as he struggles to comprehend the harrowing ordeal they've just narrowly escaped.

"Dad! Gladion! How did you find us?" Ash's words spill forth in a rush of relief and confusion, his voice tinged with gratitude as he turns to his father and brother for answers.

Gladion's expression is grim as he recounts their unexpected encounter, his voice heavy with concern, "I stumbled upon your father in the hallway, and we heard Lillie's screams... We came as quickly as we could."

As Silvally, the enigmatic Pokémon, rushes to their aid, Ash's voice trembles with awe and confusion, "Dad... what kind of Pokémon is that?"

Adam's response is swift and informative, his tone grave as he imparts knowledge of the powerful creature, "That's Silvally, a Pokémon engineered by the Aether Foundation for the specific purpose of combating Ultra Beasts."

Their reunion interrupted by Lusamine's frantic call, they hasten to leave the room, Silvally offering to carry Lillie to safety. With a shared sense of urgency, they race towards the source of the distress, their hearts pounding with dread as they approach the scene unfolding before them.

Mohn's piercing cry of pain resonates through the air as they arrive, their worst fears realized as they behold the horrifying sight of him being attacked by Ultra Beasts resembling sharp-bladed origami creatures. Serena and Alice stand frozen in disbelief, their minds struggling to comprehend the nightmare unfolding before their eyes.

"Mohn!" Adam's voice reverberates with anguish as Ash and Gladion rush to comfort Serena and Alice, their hearts heavy with sorrow and disbelief. Ash's voice trembles with emotion as he seeks answers amidst the chaos, "What's happening here?"

Serena's voice is barely a whisper, her words tinged with grief, "Professor Mohn... he was trying to save us..."

As the situation spirals further into chaos, the Ultra Wormhole's ominous presence intensifies, its gravitational pull growing stronger with each passing moment. In a horrifying twist of fate, the wormhole begins to reverse, its powerful suction drawing everything in its vicinity towards its gaping maw.

Panicked cries fill the air as the Ultra Beasts are forcibly pulled back into the writhing vortex, but to the group's horror, Mohn and Lillie are caught in its merciless grip, their bodies dragged inexorably towards the yawning abyss.

"No! Lillie!" Ash, Gladion, Serena, and Alice struggle desperately to hold onto Lillie's unconscious form, their grip slipping as they fight against the overwhelming force of the wormhole. Adam and Lusamine, realizing the danger, rush to their aid, their arms outstretched in a desperate attempt to save the children from the same fate befalling Mohn.

But as they focus on rescuing Lillie, Mohn is left vulnerable, his body sucked into the unforgiving void of the Ultra Wormhole, his anguished cries echoing in the chamber as the portal seals shut with a finality that leaves them reeling in shock and despair. The five children, their bodies battered and bruised, collapse to the ground, their minds reeling from the harrowing events that have unfolded before them.

In the somber aftermath of the tragic events, the group finds themselves confined to the hospital wing of the lab, their bodies healing from the physical toll exacted by their ordeal. Days pass in a blur of anxious anticipation, until finally, Lillie stirs from her unconscious state, her eyes fluttering open to the sterile surroundings of the hospital room.

As the reality of what transpired sinks in, a heavy veil of sorrow descends upon Lillie's heart, her mind haunted by the knowledge of her father's fate. Tears well in her eyes as she listens to the somber recounting of the events that led to Mohn's disappearance, a gnawing sense of guilt gnawing at her soul as she blames herself for her perceived weakness.

In a moment of resolve born from grief and determination, Lillie makes a solemn vow to herself, her voice tinged with steely determination, "I won't let myself be weak anymore. I have to become stronger, for Father's sake."

With unwavering determination burning in her heart, Lillie makes the decision to embark on a journey to the Sevestar Region, seeking solace and strength in the company of Ash and her friends as they train with aura. Gladion, ever protective of his sister, resolves to accompany her on her journey, his steadfast presence serving as a source of comfort and support in their shared grief.

Meanwhile, the aftermath of the tragedy leaves its mark on Lusamine, her once vibrant spirit overshadowed by the weight of loss and regret. Though she still cares deeply for Gladion and Lillie, her focus shifts inexorably towards her lab work, her days consumed by research and experimentation.

Aurora and Adam, concerned for Lusamine's well-being, watch with apprehension as her once luminous spirit dims in the wake of tragedy. They can only hope that she finds a way to navigate the darkness that threatens to consume her, clinging to the fragile hope that the light of love and family will guide her back from the brink.

Here is a new chapter, and it is quite tragic, their first meeting turns out to be the horrible day when the Ultra Beasts were released from a failed incident. I hope you like this chapter.

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