Chapter 7

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As Ash and Serena traverse the bustling streets of Fiero City, the sweltering heat of the hot springs envelops them, the air thick with humidity. Seeking relief from the oppressive warmth, Ash takes to fanning himself with a makeshift fan, his movements languid as he navigates the city's winding pathways alongside Serena.

"It really is hot here, don't you agree, Serena?" Ash's inquiry breaks the silence, his gaze turning towards his companion expectantly. However, to his surprise, Serena appears lost in thought, her brow furrowed in contemplation.

"Serena?" Ash's voice carries a note of concern as he calls out to her, but his words seem to fall upon deaf ears as Serena remains ensconced in her reverie.

"Eek! Yes?" Serena startles, her attention abruptly snapped back to the present as she meets Ash's gaze.

"What are you thinking about?" Ash's curiosity is palpable as he seeks to unravel the mystery of Serena's preoccupation.

"N...Nothing at all!" Serena's response is swift, her attempt to deflect the question evident as she averts her gaze, a faint blush tingeing her cheeks.

As Ash observes Serena's inner turmoil, his concern deepens, prompting him to gently urge her to share her thoughts.

"Your heart is saying otherwise. Just tell me what is in your mind?" Ash's words are gentle yet insistent, his unwavering support evident in his earnest gaze.

Serena hesitates, her resolve wavering before she finally decides to confide in Ash. "It's just my sister Helen," she begins, her voice tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "She recently won the Master Chef Junior competition in the Sevestar Region. I can't help but feel a little concerned. She's found her dream in cooking, but I... I don't know what mine is."

Ash listens attentively, his empathy radiating as he absorbs Serena's words. After a moment of contemplation, he offers his reassurance, his voice gentle yet steadfast.

"It's fine. Not many people have found their dreams that early. You can think of it anytime, even while you're traveling," Ash assures her, his unwavering support a beacon of solace amidst Serena's uncertainty.

But Serena's frown deepens as she grapples with her own doubts. "But..." she begins, her voice trailing off as she struggles to articulate her fears. "I had a Skiddo Race with my mom to prove my determination... but if I didn't have a dream..."

Sensing Serena's distress, Ash reaches out, his hand gently enveloping hers in a gesture of comfort. Serena's blush deepens at the unexpected intimacy, but she finds solace in Ash's reassuring presence as he speaks.

"Serena, if you really don't know your dream, just think about what you love, what you want. It's not good for you to be sad about this," Ash encourages her, his voice infused with sincerity and compassion.

For a moment, Serena is speechless, her heart stirred by Ash's unwavering belief in her potential. "You're right," she finally murmurs, a sense of clarity dawning within her as she realizes that perhaps her journey to discovering her dream has only just begun.

"That reminds me, your sister is very busy these days in the restaurant, right? Considering that the news of her winning the Master Chef Junior Competition really has attracted a lot of people to the hotel?" Ash remarks, his tone thoughtful as he acknowledges the impact of Helen's culinary prowess on their family's business.

"Yeah," Serena responds with a nod, a hint of pride evident in her voice. "I know that this hotel is owned by my Dad, considering that he is a gym leader here. Though most people come there now because of Helen's cooking instead of the gym battle. And that might be able to help him focus on his own gym duties in the Galar Region."

"It's a good thing that RPA Company has provided a lot of teleportation devices, to the extent that we can teleport from one region to another," Ash interjects, a note of amusement coloring his words. "He doesn't need to worry about the flying time from Galar to here," he adds with a chuckle.

However, Serena's expression grows somber as she brings up her father's recent struggles in the gym battles.

"Though he recently had a losing streak and I'm concerned," Serena confesses, her brow furrowing with worry. "I mean, his Gym Leader ranking has decreased, and I'm worried that it would affect his gym battles."

"Mr. Kabu really needs to put himself together after all," Ash agrees, his voice tinged with concern. As they continue their walk through Fiero City, the weight of their worries hangs heavy in the air, a reminder of the challenges faced by those they hold dear.

"You know, can you tell me how your dad and mom are together?" Ash asks, his curiosity piqued by the dynamics of Serena's family.

With a fond smile, Serena begins to recount the tale of her parents' journey together.

"Sure," she begins. "My dad, Kabu, was originally a Trainer from Hoenn who was invited to the Galar League. He's always been straightforward and direct, with a battling style that mirrors his fiery spirit. Despite his youth, he's always believed in the power of simplicity and the importance of pushing boundaries, as he once mentioned in an interview: 'Just burn as hot as I can, you know?'"

"Meanwhile, my mom, Grace, was a famous Rhyhorn racer who retired to become an instructor and later, a devoted housewife," Serena continues. "Her passion for racing was matched only by her warmth and nurturing nature."

As the flames of competition raged within the Galar League, Kabu found himself captivated not only by the thrill of battle but also by the vibrant tapestry of life unfolding around him. It was amidst the bustling streets of Galar's bustling cityscape that fate intervened, guiding him towards an encounter that would forever alter the course of his life.

One fateful day, as Kabu ventured through the lively marketplace, his attention was ensnared by a spirited commotion echoing through the air. Drawn by curiosity, he followed the sound, his steps guided by an unseen force towards a bustling crowd gathered around a makeshift racetrack. There, amidst the throngs of spectators, he caught sight of Grace, a vision of determination and grace as she expertly guided her Rhyhorn through the winding course with unrivaled skill and precision. Her laughter rang out like music, a symphony of joy amidst the backdrop of the bustling marketplace.

Intrigued by her passion and captivated by her radiant energy, Kabu found himself drawn to Grace like a moth to a flame. With each passing moment, their worlds collided and intertwined, the barriers of their respective backgrounds melting away in the warmth of their burgeoning connection. Their initial interactions were marked by shared laughter and spirited conversation, as they discovered a common love for Pokemon and a shared sense of adventure. As their bond deepened, Kabu found himself falling irrevocably, hopelessly in love with the spirited Rhyhorn racer who had stolen his heart.

Amidst the chaos of battle and the bustle of daily life, Kabu and Grace found solace and strength in each other's presence, their love growing stronger with each passing day. And so, amidst the vibrant tapestry of life in the Galar region, two souls found themselves entwined in a love that would withstand the test of time, their hearts forever united in a bond forged in the fires of passion and devotion.

Ash's chuckle reverberates through the air, his amusement evident as he responds to Serena's recounting of her parents' fiery romance.

"Wow... that sure is fiery..." he agrees, a grin spreading across his features as he marvels at the unexpected twist in their love story.

"Yeah, even though my Dad isn't that interested in Rhyhorn Racing, but my Mom did teach her some racing skills on Rapidash instead," Serena adds, her voice tinged with fondness as she reminisces about her parents' shared adventures. "Considering that it is a Fire Pokemon that is commonly rideable."

As Ash and Serena meander along the tranquil pathways surrounding the hot springs, their attention is captivated by the sight of a young girl frolicking joyfully with a Sizzlipede. To their delight, they recognize the familiar figure as none other than Helen, Serena's spirited sister.

"You know, this water isn't that hot. Try coming in," Helen beckons with a warm smile, her invitation extending to her sister and her companion.

Intrigued by the prospect of experiencing the rejuvenating waters of the hot springs, Ash and Serena tentatively dip their feet into the inviting pool. Serena's observation breaks the silence, her voice tinged with curiosity as she addresses her sister.

"It sure is warm. But what are you doing here, Helen? Weren't you working at the restaurant?" Serena inquires, her brow furrowing with curiosity.

"Now it's the closing hours, and the preparation is also finished thanks to my sous chefs that Dad provided to me," Helen explains, her smile bright with satisfaction. "To think you have also grown so much. I still remember how you used to be shy and scared so easily before meeting Ash here. How is your prince charming with you?"

Serena's cheeks flush crimson at her sister's teasing, her embarrassment palpable as she lets out an exasperated exclamation. "HELEN!" she protests, her voice tinged with a mixture of amusement and chagrin.

Meanwhile, Ash attempts to maintain his composure, but the warmth creeping into his cheeks betrays his own embarrassment at the mention of Serena's "prince charming." Despite his efforts to remain unfazed, the playful banter between the sisters elicits a soft chuckle from him, his heart warmed by the bond shared between them.

"So Ash, what brings you here in Fiero City?" Helen's question cuts through the air, her curiosity piqued by their unexpected visit.

"Well, we heard the news of how you've become the Champion of the Master Chef Junior tournament in the Sevestar Region. We want to congratulate you for that success," Ash responds warmly, extending his heartfelt congratulations to Helen for her impressive achievement.

Helen's smile widens at the recognition, her eyes shining with pride. "Why thank you, though that doesn't mean my culinary journey has ended. I want to try making more food to make people happy," she explains, her passion for cooking evident in her words. "That reminds me, Serena, have you found your dream yet?"

Serena hesitates for a moment, her gaze shifting to Ash for support before she finds her voice. "Well..." she begins, drawing strength from Ash's unwavering belief in her. "I may not have a dream right now, but I won't give up until I found one."

"Nice determination, Serena," Helen chuckles, her admiration for her sister's resilience evident in her tone. "I was surprised that you challenged Mom into a Skiddo race to show that determination. It sure brings back memories."

As the conversation shifts, Ash interjects with a question of his own. "So if you want to continue your culinary journey, what are you going to accomplish next?" he inquires, his curiosity piqued by Helen's aspirations.

"I want to try becoming a Pokemon Connoisseur, they are famous in the Unova Region," Helen reveals with a smile, her eyes alight with excitement at the prospect of embarking on a new adventure.

"Wow... a Pokemon Connoisseur, that doesn't sound easy," Ash remarks, his admiration for Helen's ambitious goal evident in his voice. "I know you can do it."

"Thanks, Ash," Helen replies, her appreciation tinged with determination as she sets her sights on her newfound aspiration.

Meanwhile, Serena's expression darkens slightly, a twinge of jealousy flickering in her eyes as she watches her sister's confidence and determination.

"I can't lose to my sister... I'll find my own dream for sure," Serena mutters under her breath, her resolve solidifying with each passing moment.

"Did you say something, Serena?" Ash's inquiry breaks the silence, his gaze shifting to Serena expectantly.

"Nothing!" Serena responds quickly, her cheeks flushing crimson as she attempts to brush off her momentary lapse in composure.

Her response elicits a chuckle from everyone present, the tension diffusing amidst the shared laughter and camaraderie. In that moment, amidst the warmth of their bond, Serena finds solace in the unwavering support of her friends and family, her determination reignited by the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

I am not going in the order of the Sevestar Region but the types, so here is mostly the talk with the family with the Fire Gym, Serena's family. I hope you like this chapter.

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