Chapter 8

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In the coastal haven of Oceablu City, nestled along the shimmering waters of the Sevestar Region, the vibrant heartbeat of aquatic life pulses through its streets. Here, Ash's brother, Palmer, stands as a beacon of strength and mastery, commanding the Oceablu Gym with a formidable arsenal of Water-type Pokémon. The gym itself is a marvel, housed within the sprawling confines of the city's renowned aquarium, where the gentle sway of ocean currents serves as a backdrop to electrifying battles.

Access to Oceablu City proves an adventure in itself, as its remote location on the ocean's edge necessitates unconventional modes of transport. Ships and Water Pokémon are the sole conduits bridging the gap between the mainland and this aquatic paradise, for the city's skies remain untouched by the roar of aircraft engines.

Among the vessels traversing these azure waters, the legendary S.S. Rainbow reigns supreme, a majestic vessel proudly bearing the Mikuri family crest. The Mikuris, esteemed friends of Ash's family, boast a lineage deeply intertwined with the realms of both sea and sky. Their friendship blossomed from a shared ardor for Pokémon Contests, a passion that knows no bounds.

It was amidst the tranquil banks of a river near Ash's ancestral castle that fate wove the initial threads of connection between the two families. Here, Ash and Lillie encountered the youthful spirits of the Mikuri offspring: Reisa and her brother, East. Reisa, with her effervescent love for Water-type Pokémon, served as a guide to Ash and Lillie, unveiling the secrets of angling and fostering a deep appreciation for the creatures beneath the waves.

As the sun cast its golden embrace upon the rippling surface, Reisa's laughter danced with the gentle melody of flowing currents, weaving tales of friendship and camaraderie. Meanwhile, East, his gaze fixed upon the boundless expanse of sky above, harbored dreams of flight and adventure. With each beat of his heart, he yearned to soar amidst the clouds, forging a path with his beloved Flying-type Pokémon by his side.

Today, enveloped in the thrum of excitement, Ash, Alice, and Reisa find themselves transfixed by the enchanting spectacle unfolding upon the stage. Each note, each lyric, weaves a tapestry of sound that captivates the audience, drawing them into a realm where music reigns supreme.

"Isn't this incredible?" Alice exclaims, her eyes alight with wonder. "The singer's voice is like pure magic, and the way they engage with the crowd—it's simply mesmerizing!"

Reisa nods in agreement, her gaze never leaving the stage. "Absolutely. It's the synergy between the performers and the audience that makes live shows so special. But for me, it's the fusion of melodies and vocals, intertwining to create a symphony of emotions, that truly steals the show."

Ash, curious as ever, turns to Reisa with a grin. "You mentioned taking music lessons in Hoenn, right? What instruments are you learning?"

A soft smile graces Reisa's lips as memories of her musical journey flood her mind. "Oh, a variety, really. Piano, violin, guitar... I've dabbled in them all. But it's not about obligation; I genuinely adore exploring the nuances of each instrument. My parents have always encouraged me to follow my passions, and music has been a cherished part of that journey. What about you guys?"

"Well, I sometimes like to sing songs, but playing an instrument... well, I've never tried it before," Ash replies, his voice tinged with a hint of curiosity.

"I've always admired your singing, Ash," Alice remarks, her voice tinged with admiration. "But hey, you never know until you try, right? Maybe someday you'll find yourself strumming a guitar or tinkling the keys of a piano."

A reminiscent smile graces Alice's lips as she recalls her own musical endeavors. "I remember picking up a toy guitar once, trying to mimic the melodies I heard. It wasn't much, but it sparked something within me. And singing... well, that's been my saving grace. It's like stepping into another world where insecurities melt away, if only for a moment."

"I remember there is one day when we visited your house back in Kalos, you were missing and the blizzard was going on. We had been searching for you, and that's when I heard your singing. You replicated the whole scene of 'Let it go' by using your aura powers and even created an Ice Castle there," Ash reminisces, a fond smile gracing his features.

Reisa's eyes widen with awe as Alice recounts a memory from their time in Kalos. "An Ice Castle? Using your aura powers? That sounds absolutely breathtaking!"

Alice nods, her expression wistful. "It was... surreal. The blizzard, the music, it all just came together in that moment. But like all good things, it had to end."

"Hey, I have an idea," Reisa exclaims, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Why don't we try to form a band ourselves? We can become just like the band that we were just watching!"

Reisa's suggestion ignites a spark of excitement within the group, fueling their imaginations with the possibilities of creating their own musical legacy.

"Form a band?" Alice's eyes widen with newfound enthusiasm. "That's... actually a fantastic idea! But, uh, where do we even start?"

Reisa's grin widens as she leans in, her eyes gleaming with determination. "We start by trying! Who knows what magic we can create together?"

Ash nods in agreement, his adventurous spirit eager for the challenge. "Exactly! And hey, we've got a secret weapon: our giant music room back at the Water Manor in Johto's Whirlpool Islands. It's practically begging for us to make some noise."

With their decision made, the trio wastes no time, embarking on a whirlwind journey back to their castle. With the aid of teleportation devices, they traverse the vast expanse of the region, each heartbeat bringing them closer to their musical destiny.

As they step into the grand music room of the Water Manor, Reisa and Alice find themselves awestruck by the array of instruments adorning the space. Their eyes widen in wonder as they take in the sight, each instrument whispering promises of untold melodies and harmonies.

"Where did all these instruments come from?" Alice breathes, her voice tinged with awe.

"They belonged to Dad," Ash explains with a grin. "I got his permission to use them, but he did make it clear that I should handle them with care. Apparently, none of these instruments come cheap."

Reisa's fingers itch with anticipation as she reaches for an electric guitar, her curiosity piqued. With deft movements, she plugs in the cord and begins to strum, the room instantly filled with the electrifying sound of her music.

"Wow," she murmurs, her eyes alight with excitement. "The sound of this guitar... it's like nothing I've ever heard before. These instruments are definitely something special."

Eager to join in the musical exploration, Ash reaches for a guitar of his own, his fingers dancing effortlessly across the strings. Alice watches in astonishment as Ash's innate talent unfolds before her eyes.

"Whoa, Ash," she exclaims, her voice filled with admiration. "Are you sure you've never touched an instrument before? You're a natural!"

Ash simply shrugs, a modest smile playing on his lips. "It just feels right, you know?"

As the days pass, their sessions in the music room transform from simple practice to full-fledged creative endeavors. With Reisa taking the helm as their patient and knowledgeable teacher, she guides Ash and Alice through the intricacies of each instrument, nurturing their budding talents with care.

"There are plenty of covers we could do, but with copyright issues, I think it's best if we focus on creating our own music," Reisa suggests, her brow furrowed in thought.

"Agreed," Ash nods. "And if we're going to start our own band, we need a name that's unique to us."

Alice's eyes light up with inspiration. "What if we call ourselves 'the Colors'? And we could even have code names, like Red, Green, and Blue to match!"

"That's brilliant!" Reisa exclaims. "I'll take the Blue mask."

"I'll go with Red, my dad likes that color," Ash decides with a determined gleam in his eye.

"And I'll be Green," Alice declares, donning the remaining mask with a sense of pride.

"Now that that's settled... how many original songs should we aim for in our album?" Ash muses, his mind already racing with possibilities.

Reisa calculates thoughtfully. "Well, according to industry standards, an album must have a minimum total playing time of 30 minutes. If we assume most songs are around 3 to 4 minutes long, that means we'll need at least 8 songs for an album."

Ash nods in agreement. "That's quite the undertaking, but I'm up for the challenge."

"Exactly," Reisa agrees. "We just need to put in the effort. Making music isn't as daunting as it seems. All we need is a melody to start with, and we can build from there. We can even incorporate sounds from our everyday lives and turn them into something magical."

Ash's eyes light up as he spots a Poké Ball nearby. "Like the sound a Poké Ball makes when it captures a Pokémon?"

"Exactly!" Reisa beams. "We can experiment with using these instruments to replicate that sound and then weave it into our music with matching lyrics."

"Sounds like a blast," Alice chimes in eagerly. "Let's get to work on our new album!"

Returning to the Sevestar Region, the trio wastes no time in sharing their exciting news with Adam, eager to garner his support and expertise in their musical endeavor. As they showcase their budding talents and offer glimpses of their musical pieces, Adam's initial skepticism melts away, replaced by a sense of pride and admiration for their ambition.

"I must admit, I'm impressed," Adam concedes, a hint of surprise coloring his tone. "It's not often that young folks like yourselves embark on such ambitious ventures. But if this is your passion, I'm here to help in any way I can."

With Adam's guidance, the trio navigates the intricate world of music industry contracts and copyrights, securing the necessary permissions with ease. Much to their relief, the financial strain of their endeavor proves manageable, thanks to Adam's shrewd financial management.

As they delve deeper into the creative process, Reisa assumes the role of DJ and multi-instrumentalist, her talents adding depth and richness to their compositions. Ash and Alice, in turn, revel in their roles as vocalists, each solo and duet a testament to their growing confidence and artistry.

With the assistance of seasoned music producers, their compositions are expertly recorded and filmed, ready to be unleashed upon the world. Under the moniker "The Colors," their songs make their debut in online music stores, quickly capturing the hearts of listeners far and wide.

"Wow... people really love our music," Reisa marvels, her eyes glued to the steadily climbing subscriber count on their PokeTube channel.

Helen, ever the supportive figure in their lives, offers her own testament to their success. "Even though I'm no expert in music, I can tell your music is fantastic. In fact, I've started playing your songs in my restaurant, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive."

Ash beams with pride at Helen's words, turning to Alice with a grin. "Looks like we're making waves, Alice."

Alice returns his smile, her heart swelling with a sense of accomplishment. "Definitely. And it's all thanks to the incredible teamwork we've built."

As news of The Colors' rise to fame spreads throughout their circle of family and friends, an outpouring of support and admiration follows in its wake. Amongst those who offer their unwavering encouragement are Serena and Lillie, both astounded by Ash and Alice's newfound musical prowess.

"I can't believe it!" Serena exclaims, her eyes shining with pride. "You two are incredible! I never knew you had such amazing musical talents."

Lillie nods in agreement, her expression filled with genuine admiration. "It's truly impressive. But as much as I would love to join the band, I think my talents lie more in the realm of behind-the-scenes work."

Ash, ever eager to share their success with their closest friends, extends an invitation for them to join The Colors. However, Serena gently declines, citing her passion for dance as her primary focus.

"I appreciate the offer, Ash, but dancing is where my heart truly lies," Serena explains, a warm smile gracing her lips. "I'll support you both from the sidelines."

Lillie echoes Serena's sentiments, expressing her desire to contribute in her own way. "I think I'd like to help out behind the scenes, maybe with managing or organizing. But being on stage... it's just not for me."

Though Ash and Alice feel a twinge of disappointment at their friends' decisions not to join the band, they understand and respect their choices. After all, the bond they share extends far beyond the stage, woven together by friendship, support, and a shared love for music and adventure.

Here is a new chapter, and this marks the birth of the Colors Band in the Ash's Story, considering you'll learn more about them in the main story.

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