Chapter 1

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As Alice and I return to the Pallet Town House after our adventures in the Alola Region, I inquire, "Hey, Dad. What are you doing with the Guzzlord?"

Dad responds, "Regarding Guzzlord, it's true that it's always hungry, just like Snorlax. However, to prevent it from eating more, I'm providing some energy snacks that stop its hunger."

"I know, Guzzlord can be quite a handful," Alice sighs.

At that moment, my mom enters the room and announces, "Ash, the process is complete. You've been transferred to Hammerlocke Academy for your second year of school."

"Thanks, but do I really need to attend the school there? I mean... Hammerlocke Academy offers online courses, doesn't it?" I inquire.

"Absolutely," my mom replies. "I've spoken to the principal, and he's agreed to let you attend classes online. Since Mark and Minami are joining the school there, they'll assist in recording the classes for both of you."

Alice asks, "So when are we actually heading to the Galar Region?"

Dad responds, "We're waiting for Chairman Rose. He intends to transport us to Galar using the Macro Cosmos helicopter instead of us purchasing tickets."

I recall that Chairman Rose wants to take us on this trip as a way of expressing gratitude for our efforts in stopping Hunter J and Hunter E back in the Sinnoh Region. Both of them happen to be Dark Phases of Chairman Rose's daughters, Elena and Jane. Elena has been engaged to Dia, although they haven't married yet, and we're all eagerly anticipating that special day.

I gaze at the Pokémon playing outside—Pikachu, Espeon, Absol, and Zoroark, all engaged in playful antics with Meowth. It's still astonishing to me that this particular Meowth used to belong to Team Rocket. Ever since his memories were altered, he seems to have found genuine happiness living with us. Over the years, with patience and understanding, he and Meowsie have finally started dating.

As for the other two members of Team Rocket, Jessie has taken on a new role as a Nurse Joy, working at a Pokémon Center in Celadon City, dedicating herself to caring for Pokémon and their trainers. Meanwhile, James has returned to his parents' business, we heard that he married Jessibelle as well.

As the helicopter arrives, we all get on and fly towards the Galar Region. Besides being the one who arranged our trip, Chairman Rose is also renowned for his adeptness in using aura and is a member of Team Alpha. His proficiency in aura abilities commands great respect from my parents.

"As the helicopter touches down near our Dragon Manor, Chairman Rose steps forward to greet my parents with a warm smile. "Good day! It's wonderful to see you both," he says, extending a hand in greeting.

"Chairman Rose, thank you for organizing this trip for us," Dad responds gratefully, shaking his hand firmly.

"The pleasure is truly mine," Chairman Rose replies graciously. "I've always held Ash in high regard for his unwavering dedication and bravery throughout his Pokémon journey."

"We're incredibly grateful for your generosity," Mom adds, expressing her heartfelt thanks.

At that moment, Alice and I step out from the helicopter, both wearing excited expressions as we finally arrive at the Galar Region.

"Chairman Rose, it's great to see you again," I say enthusiastically, greeting him with a firm handshake.

"Hello, Chairman Rose," Alice chimes in, offering a respectful nod.

"Ash, Alice, welcome!" Chairman Rose greets them warmly. "I hope you both have a wonderful time in the Galar Region."

"Ash has been looking forward to this trip for ages," Alice mentions with a smile, glancing at me affectionately.

"I'm thrilled for the adventure," I admit and my eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"I believe your journey to Galar will be quite remarkable," Chairman Rose remarks, nodding approvingly. "Are you interested in challenging the Pokémon League in the Galar Region? After all, you have a reputation for defeating Leagues and Champions throughout your career as a Pokémon Trainer."

"Absolutely, Mr. Rose. Challenging the league is definitely on my agenda. Although I've heard that the Galar League is unlike any other," I respond.

"You're not mistaken about that. We boast a set of 18 gyms, but you only need to challenge 8 to enter the League, and there won't be an Elite 4," Rose explains. "And as you all may already know, Dynamax Pokémon are a significant part of our league."

"And I am excited to try out Dynamaxing myself," I say with enthusiasm, glancing at Alice who nods in agreement.

"Since you're here, how about visiting Postwick and meeting my apprentice, Leon? He'll be delighted to see you," my Mom suggests warmly.

"Absolutely," I affirm. With that, we bid farewell to our parents and Chairman Rose, setting off towards Postwick.

(Gloria's POV)

"Welcome, one and all! Welcome to the wonderful world of Pokémon!" On the screen, Chairman Rose's voice resounds through the giant stadium, captivating the audience's attention. "Our beloved Galar region is a wonderful place, with thriving nature...beautiful cities, and many Pokémon with which we share our lives! As you know, our society is able to thrive..."

He gestures, summoning a Cufant onto the field. "thanks to help from these mysterious creatures that we call Pokémon. Yes, Pokémon are all around us—in the sea, in the sky, and even with us in our towns! And those of us who choose to raise and train Pokémon to do battle and compete...we call Pokémon Trainers!"

The crowd erupts into cheers as Chairman Rose continues, "Oh! But I'm getting carried away. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Rose, and it is a pleasure to be here. Now turn your gaze to the Galar region's greatest Pokémon Trainer, your undefeated Champion... It's time for Champion Leon's exhibition match!"

That's when Leon shows up, striking his signature pose, and the stadium erupts with energy. Across from him stands Raihan, the Dragon Gym Leader, throwing a taunt, "Exhibition or not, Leon, your pristine record is about to end—when I beat you here today!"

"You know I don't lose battles, Raihan! Charizard! Gigantamax!" Leon retorts confidently, commanding his Pokémon to Gigantamax.

As the Gigantamax spectacle unfolds before my eyes, the doorbell interrupts my focus. I recognize it as Hop, Leon's brother, and our neighbor. "Hello, hello!"

My brother Victor promptly opens the door for Hop's arrival, and they both make their way into the living room. With a grin, Hop points at my phone, exclaiming, "Oh! That your flash new phone, Gloria? Were you watching Lee's exhibition match on it? But you can't cheer him on with your hands full! You know the only way to properly cheer on Lee would be with his famous Charizard pose!"

At that moment, my mom joins us, expressing her surprise. "Hop! Didn't expect to see you here today, dear. Isn't this the big day?"

"Yeah, that's exactly why I came running over to get Victor and Gloria! Never mind watching the match now! I've got it recorded at home anyway. I record all my brother's matches," Hop explains enthusiastically.

Victor chimes in, "Gloria, let's go. Leon will be arriving any minute now."

"I'm on my way, just give me a moment," I reply, gathering my things.

"Lee always brings presents when he visits, so I wouldn't forget that Bag if I were you!" Hop reminds us before dashing off. "Now I've got to run! See you at mine later!"

As Hop hurries away, Victor brings up the bag, saying, "And what about our bag? They are from Mom and Dad after all."

Ignoring the bag concern, I pick mine and assert, "Never mind that, let's go."

With a smile on my face, I reach into the bag and pull out a picture. It's a cherished image of Ash and his faithful Pikachu. They've been my idols for as long as I can remember, inspiring me through their adventures and their courageous efforts in thwarting the plans of various nefarious teams across the world. Their bravery and resilience in standing up against evil have left an indelible mark, shaping my own aspirations and beliefs. Holding onto this picture, I feel a sense of motivation and inspiration, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

As my brother and I step outside, we're greeted by Hop, who can't help but jest, "Hahaha! Have a look at you, Victor, Gloria! Those old bags look like they could pull you over! At least we know they should hold anything Lee might bring, even if it's as big as a Snorlax!"

Victor's attention is drawn to a Wooloo near the fence. "A Wooloo... But what's it doing there?" he wonders aloud.

We notice the Wooloo repeatedly tackling the fence, and Hop intervenes, "Hey! You silly Wooloo! I see what you're up to! Don't go using Tackle on the fencing! Now, you listen! No going past that fence! No! Everyone knows there are scary Pokémon living in the Slumbering Weald!"

I recall the longstanding rumor about the Slumbering Weald and the caution our mom always emphasized about staying away from it. Hop's warning to the Wooloo about the dangers in that area resonates with that warning.

"Now that that's taken care of... How about it? Let's race! Bet I can make it to my house first, what with you lugging about that big old Bag!" Hop suggests, his competitive spirit shining through.

The challenge to a race from Hop is a familiar one, his enthusiasm infectious and we all head to his house. As we enter Hop's house, we're welcomed by Hop's mother. Hop rushes in eagerly, exclaiming, "Mum! Is he here?!"

"There you all are at last, Hop! Oh, and you've brought along Victor and Gloria. Hello, dears," Hop's mother greets us warmly.

Ignoring the formalities, Hop persists, "Yeah, yeah, but where's Lee? Have you got him crammed in a cupboard somewhere?"

With a hint of exasperation, Hop's mother replies, "For the hundredth time, he's still not here... Honestly, Hop, you must learn some patience! He's probably only just arrived at the station in Wedgehurst." Her annoyance is evident as she tries to manage Hop's eagerness while waiting for his brother's arrival.

"Then that's where I'm going! You know Lee is hopeless with directions. I'll make sure he doesn't get lost on the way!" Hop declares, eager to assist his brother.

"Oh, will you?" Hop's mother replies, slightly relieved. "Yes, that probably is for the best..."

"You've got to come with, Victor and Gloria. You've still never met my big bro, right? You can't miss out on your chance to meet the undefeated Champion! I'll wait for you out on the route!" Hop insists, urging us to join him.

Exchanging a resigned glance, my brother and I follow after Hop, knowing it's futile to argue with his determination. With a sigh, we chase after him, ready to embark on the journey and meet the undefeated Champion, Leon.

Here is the first chapter, and you can see, we're beginning with the Galar Arc. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be Ash and Alice meeting Leon, Hop, Victor, and Gloria. I will put all 18 gyms inside, but Ash will not challenge all of them as I want to give other Gym Challengers a chance to shine.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Kleavor

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