Chapter 2

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Alice and I arrive at Wedgehurst, bringing us to a bustling crowd. Curious, we decide to see what's drawing such a large gathering, and to our surprise, we spot Leon and his formidable Charizard amidst the excited crowd.

"Hello, hello, Wedgehurst! Your Champion, Leon, is back!" Leon announces, his voice carrying over the cheering crowd. "I promise I'll keep doing my best to deliver the greatest battles for you all to watch!"

"It's our unbeatable Champion! Leon, you and Charizard are the greatest!" a man from the crowd shouts enthusiastically.

"Well, thank you for that!" Leon responds warmly. "I hope you'll all carry on training up your Pokemon and never shy from battle. Then come challenge me for the Champion title!"

"We're on it! We've been working on our battle skills just like you taught us to, Lee!" another voice echoes from the crowd. "But that Charizard of yours is too strong for the likes of us to take on."

Leon smiles in acknowledgment, "Too true that Charizard is blazingly strong. But other Pokemon can be strong as well! That's why I want the strongest of challengers to fill the Gym Challenge and come battle me! My wish is for Galar's Trainers to work together to become the strongest in the world!" Charizard nods in agreement, emphasizing Leon's sentiment.

"Lee!" Hop's voice calls out, drawing Leon's attention. Leon's face lights up with a smile as he acknowledges Hop's presence.

"So my number-one fan in all the world has come out of his way to pick me up! Look at you, I reckon you've grown... exactly an inch and a quarter since the last time I saw you!" Leon teases good-naturedly.

"Bingo! That's the sort of sharp eye that's kept you undefeated for so long, eh, Lee?" Hop responds, playfully bantering with his brother.

Leon turns his attention toward Victor and Gloria. "And these bright eyes over here... I've got it! You must be Victor and Gloria—am I right? I've heard loads about you from my little brother."

"I bet he tells you that I'm annoying more than he compliments, huh?" Gloria quips with a grin, causing Hop to interject.

"Hey," Hop retorts, feigning offense.

Leon chuckles warmly, brushing off the comment. "Anyways, I am the Galar region's greatest-ever Pokémon Champion—and a massive Charizard fan, too. People call me the unbeatable Leon!" His introduction carries an air of confidence and cheerfulness.

As the crowd begins to stir, voices exclaim, "Hey! It's Ash Ketchum!" "No way! Is that really him?"

Alice and I exchange nervous glances as the fans start to gather around, causing us to pale a little. "Oh boy... why are we in this kind of mess..." Alice murmurs, clearly feeling overwhelmed.

"No way, It really is Ash Ketchum!" Gloria gasps, clearly excited. "He's here in the Galar Region!"

Coming to our aid, Leon steps in and requests the crowd to give us some space. "Thanks, Leon. I really need it," I express my gratitude, feeling relieved for the assistance.

"No problem. It sure has been a while since I last saw you. And Alice, right?" Leon acknowledges, addressing us.

"It's nice to see you again, Leon," Alice replies with a smile.

Introducing us, Leon gestures towards Hop, Victor, and Gloria. "This is my brother Hop, and these two here are Victor and Gloria."

"It's nice to meet you," I say as I extend my hand for a handshake. However, it seems Gloria might be a little flustered by the encounter, and I can't help but notice a small smirk on Alice's face as she observes the situation unfold. Seriously?

Victor initiates the conversation, inquiring, "So, what brings you to Galar, Ash? Are you perhaps here to challenge the Galar League?"

"You could say that. I'm also attending the Hammerlocke Academy, starting a month later during the Summer Vacation," I respond, offering an explanation of my current visit.

"Ah, that's cool! You must have come to our house! Bet I can beat all of you back home!" Hop chimes in enthusiastically, already taking the lead by darting off in a sprint that swiftly makes him a distant blur.

Leon lets out a sigh, shaking his head lightly. "That Hop... always striving to be the best, isn't he?" he remarks, a hint of amusement in his voice, while everyone watches Hop's sprint with a mixture of surprise and admiration for his enthusiasm.

Gloria adds with a wry smile, "You have no idea... I have to deal with that attitude every day..."

"With a proper rival of his own, I bet he'd push himself to become something truly special..." Leon nods in understanding and then addresses the crowd, "Well, everyone! I bid you farewell for today, but don't you fret...I'll always be around to make sure everyone in Galar can have a Champion time! And since we have Ash Ketchum here, maybe we'll have a Champion time together!"

The crowd erupts into wild cheers, causing me to blush in embarrassment. Alice reassures me, saying, "Well, you are a legend after all."

"I guess so," I sigh, feeling a mix of embarrassment and humility as the excitement of the crowd continues.

With the event coming to an end, we all head to Hop's house, perhaps feeling a bit overwhelmed by the unexpected fanfare and attention.

As Leon engages in conversation with his mother, the rest of us gather in the living room, engaging in a lively discussion. Victor and Hop express their aspirations of entering the League, while Gloria shares her interest in capturing Pokémon.

"Come on, Lee! You promised us a present! So out with it! You brought Victor, Gloria, and me Pokémon. You did, didn't you? I know you must have!" Hop urges Leon excitedly once we head outside.

"Right then! The greatest gift from the greatest Champion... It's showtime, everyone!" Leon announces enthusiastically, reaching for three Pokeballs. "Take a good look, you three."

From the Poke Balls emerge three adorable Pokémon: a green monkey, a white rabbit, and a blue lizard. Leon introduces them, saying, "The Grass Type Pokémon, Grookey. The Fire Type Pokémon, Scorbunny. And the Water Type Pokémon, Sobble."

Excitedly, the trio of Pokémon disperses to explore and play. Grookey climbs up a tree, Sobble jumps into a nearby lake, and Scorbunny darts around the field. As Pikachu approaches Sobble to greet it, the Water Type Pokémon, startled, spits out water, inadvertently spraying Scorbunny. Startled, Scorbunny leaps high to shake the water from its fur. This unexpected leap causes a branch to shake, knocking down a Sitrus Berry, which falls into the water near Sobble, frightening it to the brink of tears. Pikachu steps in to comfort Sobble, soothing its distress, while also reassuring the other two Pokémon.

"They're all so cute when interacting with each other," Alice remarks, charmed by the Pokémon's playful antics.

"I agree," I nod, feeling a warm sense of affection witnessing the adorable camaraderie among the Pokémon.

"All right! Line up, everyone!" Leon calls out, gathering the three Starter Pokémon together in front of us all. He then turns to the three new trainers, eager to see their choices. "So who are you going to choose?"

Hop speaks up first, "You guys go first, I have a Wooloo, so I'll choose the last one."

"Then I'll pick Scorbunny! A Fire-type sounds like a good fit for me," Gloria announces confidently. She turns to Victor, inquiring about his choice.

"I think I'll choose Grookey," Victor decides with a smile.

"Nice one, you two, then Sobble, you're mine." Hop declares, his determination clear. "I'm aiming to be the next champion, so be ready! You and I'll be doing some serious training!"

Sobble happily nods and joins Wooloo to play, while Leon smiles proudly at the scene. "I bet you do, Hop. That's why I brought along these Pokémon for you, Victor, and Gloria. So you can battle, train, and grow stronger together... aiming to try to reach me!"

I express a touch of envy, remarking, "Indeed. You guys seem to really bond well with your starters. I can't help but feel a bit envious."

"Why's that?" Gloria asks, curious about my statement.

I look at Pikachu and share, "Let's just say my Starter Pokémon refused to listen to me when I received him." Pikachu's ears lower, expressing a touch of regret. "But it was only after being chased by a flock of Spearows that he decided to start listening."

"Wait, your Pikachu didn't listen to you at the beginning of your journey? That's hard to imagine since you two are the strongest pair in recent years," Hop comments, surprised by the revelation.

"It's not just him; my Charizard was the same," I sigh. "But they've become my friends in the end."

"Let's set aside trainer talk for now," interrupts Hop's mother and Gloria's mother as they approach us, signaling that they've prepared a barbecue for dinner, diverting our attention away from Pokémon training tales and onto a relaxing evening of shared camaraderie and good food.

The following morning, we encounter Leon outside. He initiates a conversation, "So, you spent the whole night with that new partner of yours, right? Hop? Victor? Gloria?"

"Yeah," Gloria responds. "We're getting along just fine, understanding one another, and even building a strong bond."

Leon then shifts his attention towards me, "So, Ash, as the experienced trainer, do you have any words of advice for the new trainers?"

With a smile, I address Alice, Gloria, and Hop, "Of course I do. Believe in yourself and your Pokémon. If you trust in one another and continue battling side by side long enough, then might even become worthy rivals for me and Leon, the Champions. Although, Leon here is known as the Unbeatable Champion, right?" I tease with a chuckle, acknowledging Leon's renowned title.

Leon begins, "One ever since age 10."

"Don't just focus on Ash, Lee. I'm the one who'll be coming to challenge you. If you think Ash might have a chance to challenge you, then I'm staking my claim as his first rival," Hop asserts confidently.

"And count me in too," Victor adds firmly.

"Boys..." Gloria sighs, sensing the competitive atmosphere escalating.

"But I'm not planning to lose to Ash and miss my only chance to beat the unbeatable Champion," Hop interjects, his determination clear.

Victor interposes, "Hop, simply having a Pokémon with you doesn't automatically make you a true trainer. Proper trainers raise their Pokémon to excel in battle as well!"

"Oh, and you believe you're already worthy of being called a proper Trainer, Victor?" Hop counters, tensions rising as the debate intensifies, hinting at an impending argument.

I interject with a sigh, "Cut it out, you two. This isn't the time for arguing."

Alice chimes in, attempting to diffuse the tension, "Conflicts can be resolved through battles. What do you think, Victor? Are you willing and ready to engage in your first-ever Pokémon battle against Hop?"

Hop calms down and agrees, "You're right, Alice. Victor, let's have a battle."

"Don't assume having two Pokémon means I can't defeat you," Victor retorts confidently.

Leon intervenes with words of guidance, "Believe in your partner Pokémon! Care for them with all your heart. If you do these things, you'll learn to choose moves that suit your Pokémon. And most importantly... you'll have a Champion time battling alongside them!" His advice aims to steer the conversation toward constructive competition and camaraderie rather than conflict.

As Hop and Victor step onto the battlefield, I encourage them, "Looks like everyone's ready, both Pokémon and Trainers? Then let's do this!"

"I've watched every match Lee's ever had! I've read every book and magazine he left behind at home, too! I know exactly what to do to win," Hop exclaims, brimming with confidence.

Victor smirks, "And one thing I've learned from Ash's battles is to never give up until the end and to think outside the box. Don't assume I'll let you win easily."

Observing Gloria and Victor's fandom, I watch as Grookey lands a Scratch attack on Wooloo, dealing significant damage. Hop reacts, "No way, a critical hit? What kind of beginner's luck is that?"

With determination, Victor responds, "You'll see, Branch Poke!" as Wooloo is ultimately defeated in battle.

"It's not over yet! I've added another trusty ally to the team." Hop sends out Sobble as his next Pokémon and commands, "Water Gun!"

Victor, taking advantage of the type matchup, counters, "Then I'll use a Type advantage. Branch Poke again!"

As the battle progresses, Sobble is unable to withstand the consecutive Branch Poke attacks from Grookey, leading to its defeat.

"You beat my two Pokemon with your one? You and that Grookey are too much." Hop admits with a hint of admiration but also a tinge of defeat in his tone.

"Why thank you, and I did mention Ash might be a rival to Leon," Victor acknowledges.

"Ah, don't forget we're here too," I chuckle. "But congrats on your win."

"Thanks," Victor replies modestly.

"Well, that was a shock! Guess I know now know why Lee thought he should give you two Pokemon as well." Hop remarks, impressed by Victor's skill.

"You and your Pokemon all fought hard." Leon praises. "Made me almost want to let out Charizard and join in all the fun." His words commend the effort and dedication displayed by the trainers and their Pokémon in the battle.

"Count me in," I respond. "Let me help you all out."

After assisting in healing the three Pokémon, Leon turns to me and says, "Ash, you've got real promise! In fact, I've got a favor to ask a real rival to Hop and Victor, would you? Push them, and make all of you stronger."

"I'm up for that challenge," I assure him with a smile.

Hop chimes in eagerly, "I already want to get stronger and stronger! You see me battle now, Lee, Ash, so come on-you've gotta let me take on the Pokemon Gyms!"

"You? Join the Gym Challenge?" Leon laughs. "You think you're ready for the single greatest competition in the Galar Region? Not putting the cart before the Rapidash there, Little Brother? If that's really what you want to do, you have a whole lot you need to learn about Pokemon."

Turning his attention to Victor and Gloria, Leon advises, "Especially your friends Victor and Gloria. Before you think about getting Gym Badges, best to think about getting a Pokedex. A trainer's Pokedex helps them learn lots of things about all the Pokemon out there, including their strengths."

Alice adds to the conversation, "But there is more than just a collection of data, you know. It's a record of a Trainer's love and passion for Pokemon training."

"Right, right, we get it...Pokedex, then! We're on it!" Hop exclaims with determination.

"Looks like it's off to the Pokemon Research Lab for us," Gloria remarks.

"That's the kind of enthusiasm a Trainer needs! I'll let the Professor know to expect you five." Leon confirms.

"I am going to be the next Champion, so completing a simple Pokedex will be nothing! Just another page in the tale of my legend." Hop declares confidently.

Gloria adds practically, "Well, we have to go tell our mom that we're going out, though."

Alice offers, "We'll accompany you." And with that, the five of us set off towards Gloria and Victor's house, preparing to notify their family before embarking on their Pokémon adventure.

Here is a new chapter, and now you have Ash's rivals in this region. Gloria is going to be Ash's travel companion and also one of the harem members. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Kleavor

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