Chapter 11

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Exiting the mine, we find ourselves at Route 4, where Alice excitedly exclaims, "Wow! Look at that massive stadium! It's visible even from the entrance of this route..."

"Absolutely," I respond with enthusiasm. "Let's take a moment to appreciate its grandeur and explore what captivating sights await us there."

In the vicinity, numerous patches of golden grass sprawl across the area, and to our astonishment, our Meowth inadvertently encounters a Galarian Meowth. With a puzzled expression, he queries, "Wait, are you trying to tell me that you're also a Meowth?"

Responding defensively, my Meowth retorts, "Hey! I'm a Meowth too. What exactly are you?"

Stepping in to clarify, I explain, "That over there is a Galarian Meowth. It is a Steel Type."

"Wait, are you implying there's a Meowth with a Steel Type? And what's with those oversized whiskers?" My Meowth expresses irritation, while the Galarian Meowth, not tolerating verbal jabs, lunges forward, executing a Metal Claw attack, slashing at my Meowth.

"Ouch! That's seriously painful," grumbles my Meowth, initiating a confrontation. Following my directive, my Meowth adeptly employs Night Slash, a move acquired from Absol, ultimately overpowering the Galarian Meowth and emerging victorious. Seizing the opportunity, I opt to capture the Galarian Meowth, much to the displeasure of my other Meowth.

Meowth (Galarian Form): The Scratch Cat Pokemon: Steel Type. These daring Pokémon have coins on their foreheads. Darker coins are harder, and harder coins garner more respect among Meowth.

Continuing our training regimen, both Gloria and our Scorbunny engage in battles against various Grass Type Pokémon in the vicinity, such as Pumpkaboo and Budew. Through their perseverance and effort, they evolve into Raboot, much to our delight and excitement.

Raboot: The Rabbit Pokemon: The Rabbit Pokemon: Fire Type. Evolve from Scorbunny at LV:16. It kicks berries right off the branches of trees and then juggles them with its feet, practicing its footwork.

As we descend the hill, a distant voice suddenly shouts, "Wooloo, where do you think you are going?"

Turning around, we spot a Wooloo rolling down, eventually coming to an abrupt stop as it collides with Alice.

"Of all the luck," Alice grumbles as the Wooloo lands atop her.

"My, are you OK?" Concerned, the First Gym Leader, Milo, swiftly rushes over, inquiring, "You took that Tackle head-on..."

Assisting Alice to her feet, I reassure Milo, "She's okay, no need to worry."

Upon noticing me, Milo exclaims, "Oh goodness, Ash Ketchum! It's an honor to meet you. I remember seeing you and this young lady at the opening ceremony. Your speech was quite impressive."

"Thank you," I respond with gratitude.

"My name's Milo. I'm a Gym Leader and rather partial to Grass-type Pokémon. I've been itching to see just how good the Champion-endorsed Gym Challengers are... Let me find out at the Gym Stadium! Just head on through this route, and you'll run right into my stadium. See you there!"

As Milo prepares to depart, the Wooloo remains affectionately nuzzling against Alice. Milo nudges gently, saying, "Come on now. Back at the stadium with you, too! We can't keep the Gym Challengers waiting!"

Reluctantly, Wooloo pouts but eventually follows Milo. Alice sighs, puzzled, and remarks, "I just don't understand why Wooloo always gets so close to me..."

"Who knows?" Flora chuckles. "Maybe it's your outfit?"

Just then, we spot a poacher hauling a bag filled with captured Pokémon, desperately calling for help. Quickly taking cover in a nearby corner, I inquire, "What kind of Pokémon are those?"

"They're Milcery," Helen informs us. "They are Pokémon made of cream."

"Judging by the bag, there seems to be quite a lot of them trapped inside," observes Alice.

"We must rescue them, without a doubt," I assert, deciding to confront the poacher directly. The poacher, indifferent to my identity, attempts to attack me using a Tyranitar. However, I command Pikachu to use Iron Tail, swiftly slamming the poacher to the ground. Simultaneously, Elena successfully contacts Officer Jenny for assistance, leading to the poacher's arrest. Meanwhile, the rest of us work together to break open the net, liberating all the Milcery and setting them free.

"Now you're all free," I remark with a smile. Surprisingly, after some of them depart, nine Milcery express a desire to join us.

"I was hoping to catch some new Pokémon... not expecting to capture nine of the same species," I mutter in mild disbelief.

"Didn't you already have 28 Unown and 20 Vivillons?" Flora points out, reminding me of my substantial collection. I sigh, realizing the irony of my situation.

Milcery: The Cream Pokemon: Fairy Type. This Pokémon was born from sweet-smelling particles in the air. Its body is made of cream.

We eventually reach Turffield, a town ensconced amid numerous terraced farming fields. Spotting Hop at the Pokémon Center, he rushes over to us, exclaiming, "Look! Just take a look at that, guys! That's Turffield Stadium down there!"

Observing the colossal building adorned with the Grass Type logo, I remark, "It certainly stands out compared to the ones we've encountered previously."

Hop adds, "The Gym Leader just returned, too. Milo's his name. But the place is jam-packed with challengers. It'll be ages before our turn comes up... Oh, but Sonia was looking for you."

"Why specifically us?" Helen inquires, perplexed.

"She wanted to ask you about something, she tried asking me, but I had no idea." Hop explains. "She's up on that what's-her-face hill. You know the one."

"The what's-her-face hill? I have no idea what you're talking about," Elena responds, puzzled.

"What? You don't know the hill? Well, have a look at your map if you're not sure," Hop suggests.

Before we get the chance to check the map, a Yamper approaches us. Flora recognizes it and exclaims, "Oh, look! It's Sonia's Yamper! He's such a good boy. I bet he'll lead us the way!"

We follow the energetic puppy Pokémon and reach the top of the hill where Sonia awaits. "Thanks, Yamper!"

"Hey, Sonia," we greet, intrigued. I continue, "So, what's the reason for bringing us here?"

"I had you come 'cause I wanted to hear what you thought." Sonia explains while gesturing towards the colossal Geoglyph that stands out amid the grassy field. We're left in awe at the sight before us. Sonia then prompts us, "So, that geoglyph... What do you think of it?"

"That's truly astounding... Is it related to the Darkest Day you told us about?" Alice inquires.

"Right perceptive of you. Especially since the portion depicting the black storm has mostly disappeared," Sonia confirms before pausing. "A long time ago...a great black storm covered the Galar region. Giant Pokémon ran rampant... But what was that black storm they called "the Darkest Day"? What connection does it have to Dynamax? Guess I'm the lucky lady who'll be looking into that... Gran sure gives me a lot to do."

"Well, you're more than capable of handling it," Elena assures Sonia.

"Thanks for your thoughts on the matter! As thanks, I'll give you a League Card." Sonia hands us Milo's League Card as a gesture of gratitude.

"Milo's a Grass-type Gym Leader. Things will go well for you if you use Fire-, Flying-, or Bug-type moves. Take these, too! It'd be pretty bad if your Pokémon weren't in fighting form!" Sonia hands us some useful items, including two Revives.

"Go on, then! Get yourself to Turffield Stadium and battle yourself silly!" Sonia encourages us before we head towards Turffield Stadium to take on the Gym Challenge.

As we converse with the young girl at the entrance to the clearing atop the hill, she shares information about a buried treasure hidden within Turffield. According to her, the standing stones act as guides to locate it. However, the hint we receive seems to be more of a riddle:

"Seek yourself three standing stones, with Grass before the other ones. Use well that strength, and find then the strength of its strength in the end. Dally not, if you've a mind to find what time has left behind."

Exploring the numerous standing stone structures scattered throughout Turffield, we notice that each stone is engraved with a specific type. After examining the stones representing Grass, Water, and Fire, we eventually uncover the hidden treasure: an Expert Belt.

The next day, after spending the night in Turffield due to the crowded conditions, we make our way to the Stadium. There, we encounter Hop, who appears to have already completed his gym battle.

"Take a look at this, guys!" Hop proudly displays the badge, which appears to be a fragment, one out of eight pieces. "The Grass Gym Badge! I got it in one try! I reckon I'm just about the greatest when it comes to wrangling Wooloo... I've had plenty of practice at it, after all! But I'm sure you can win this one, too. After all, you are my rival!"

As Hop departs, Alice makes an observation, "Hold on, let me guess, there's a bunch of Wooloo in the stadium, right?"

"Perhaps... but that won't deter me from securing victory," I assert confidently, then we decide to check out Milo's League Card.

This Trainer was born as the son of farmers. He has honed his strength, stamina, and skill as a Pokémon Trainer from a young age by working together with his Pokémon. Because of his gentle nature, he has trouble going all out on weaker opponents, which is why his Gym is the first one for challengers to attempt during the Gym Challenge. He always wears his boots, as apparently, they let him dig in his heels when he needs to.

Inside the stadium, a woman adorned in a Grass Type uniform greets us warmly. "Welcome, Gym Challenger! Let me assist you with your registration. First and foremost, how about a brief recap of the Gym Challenge? Your objective as a Gym Challenger is to undergo each Gym mission, overcome every Gym Leader, and collect all 8 Gym Badges!"

"We're already familiar with that," I respond.

"So, are you ready to take on the Gym mission?" the staff member inquires. "If you would like to attempt the Gym mission, please change into your uniform!"

As we hand over the freshly cleaned Grass-Type Uniform, Flora expresses her enthusiasm, saying, "With 18 types in total, that means there are 18 unique uniforms! I absolutely aim to collect every single one of them."

Following suit, I change into the new attire. The uniform I'm now wearing boasts a pristine combination of white and green hues, adorned with intricate grass-shaped patterns adorning the shirt, along with the prominent Grass-Type Logo. True to form, the number on the uniform aligns perfectly with my chosen digit. "Then let the Gym mission begin! Give it your best shot!"

Upon entering the stadium, I'm struck by the multitude of spectators eagerly observing. In front of me stands a group of 30 Wooloo, and as I take in the scene, the Gym Guide approaches.

"The mission given by Turffield's Pokemon Gym is this! To chase our unruly Wooloo! To that blockade, we've made from our bales of straw over there!" The guide explains the challenge.

Assessing the considerable distance to the straw blockade, I mentally note the challenge's difficulty. Just then, the guide introduces themselves, saying, "Oh, by the way, you can call me Dan. I serve as a referee, and it's also my job to report the results of battles to the League HQ. Now, let the Gym mission begin!"

As I embark on the task of herding the Wooloo, they roll in the opposite direction, making the challenge even more demanding. With four phases to complete, the first phase concludes as the Wooloo break the initial barriers. However, as I approach the second phase, a Yamper appears, causing the Wooloo to scatter.

"It would be troublesome if they get dispersed further..." I mumble to myself, endeavoring to regather the Wooloo before reaching the phase line. Yet, my progress is halted by the Gym Trainer Samuel.

"Welcome, Gym Challenger! Sorry, but I'll have to send you packing. It's my job." Samuel releases a Gossifleur. I opt for Sizzlipede and instruct it to utilize Bug Buzz, swiftly overpowering the opposing Gossifleur. "As expected! A Gym Challenger and their Pokemon are in perfect sync with each other!"

After defeating the trainer, the Yamper stops moving, giving us the advantage of moving the Wooloo. Upon progressing past the second phase and witnessing the second set of barriers being breached, I approach the third phase, encountering another trainer amidst some bushes. The Gym Trainer, Mark, expresses his curiosity, "I wonder if your Pokemon want to use their moves with all their strength and feel great."

Mark commands an Oddish and a Budew, prompting me to select Rookidee for the battle. With a combination of Peck and Power Trip, we swiftly overpower both Pokémon. "I'll give a "bow wark" instead of Yamper!"

In the ultimate phase, a squared bush and two Yampers stand in our way, and the final phase line is guarded by Gym Trainer Leah. "The Gym Leader lies just ahead of you! But that doesn't mean you'll be reaching him."

Leah initiates a battle, deploying Bounsweet and Oddish. I counter with Carkol's Flame Charge, swiftly overpowering both of her Pokémon. "Next is the Gym Leader, right? What a strong challenger."

As we reach the last blockade, I notice only 19 Wooloo, realizing one is missing. Tracing back to the third phase line, I locate the stray Wooloo causing trouble, needing to chase it all the way back to reunite with the others. With all the Wooloo now gathered, we progress through the final phase, successfully guiding the Wooloo into their respective pens along the sides, and I hasten towards the exit gate.

"Gym mission cleared!" Dan's voice echoes through the stadium, signaling our successful completion of the challenge.

Rushing onto the battlefield alongside Milo, he remarks, "My Gym is the first one people face, so we get a lot of challengers. That's why I try to keep the Gym mission challenging. But...that didn't stop you from completing it, Ash Ketchum! Proper job."

"Thank you," I respond with gratitude.

"Sure seems like you understand Pokemon real well. This is gonna be a doozy of a battle! And everyone in Galar knows how strong you are, so I'll have to Gigantamax my Pokemon if I want to win!" Milo acknowledges, gearing up for what promises to be a formidable battle.

The battle unfolds in a two-on-two matchup, with Milo sending out his first Pokémon, Eldegoss. "Carkol! I choose you!" I call out, sending the Coal Pokémon onto the field.

"Eldegoss, use Sunny Day!" commands Milo, causing the sun's rays to intensify. Seizing the opportunity, I respond, "You've made a mistake. Use Flame Charge!"

Leveraging the boosted power from the sunny weather, Carkol inflicts significant damage on Eldegoss. "Great! Now, Smack Down!" I order.

But to my surprise, Eldegoss evades the attack, dodging the Smack Down maneuver. Astonished, I question, "What? How did it dodge? I increased my Pokémon's speed."

"As did I," Milo calmly responds. "Eldegoss's ability is Cotton Down. When it's struck by damage, its speed also increases. Solar Beam!"

The intense beam of light hurtles toward Carkol, dealing substantial damage. Concerned, I check on Carkol's condition, receiving a nod of reassurance from the Pokémon. "Trust me on this. Wait until it gets close," I instruct.

Milo commands, "Use Rapid Spin!" As Eldegoss approaches, I smile confidently and declare, "Self-Destruct." The unexpected move shocks everyone present.

"Stop the attack now, Eldegoss!" Milo urgently calls out, but it's too late. The explosion occurs, leaving both Pokémon lying on the ground, and fainted.

Milo exclaims, "Woohoo! We're not going down that easily! We're tough as weeds! Time to turn the bitterness into something even more sour! Go! Flapple!"

As Milo hurls the Pokéball, an apple materializes on the field, swiftly disintegrating to reveal a dragon emerging from within.

"Phew... I was afraid I'd have to battle an apple," I remark, relieved by the unexpected transformation.

"It's too early to let your guard down. Flapple, it's Gigantamax time! Get ready to be uprooted!" Milo calls back his Pokémon and tosses it into the air. As it breaks free, Flapple undergoes a transformation, growing into a colossal apple with a head and a tail protruding from it.

I decide, "Grass and Dragon types, so Ice moves should do the trick. Abomasnow! I choose you!"

Summoning the Pokemon, I add, "Even though we can't Gigantamax, we can Dynamax!" Instantly, a towering Abomasnow materializes on the battlefield.

"Ah, Ice Types, huh? You do understand type advantages, but it'll take more than that to bring us down," Milo comments. "Max Wyrmwind!"

The forceful wind unleashed by Flapple inflicts damage upon Abomasnow, lowering its Attack. As my Pokémon suffers, I reassure him, "Hold on tight, Abomasnow! Max Hailstorm!"

The combined assault of heavy snow and hail pelts Flapple, dealing substantial damage to the Pokémon.

"This'll really leave you in shock and awe. It's our Gigantamax move! G-Max Tartness!" Milo commands, and Flapple spews acidic juices toward Abomasnow, causing my Pokémon to express a horrified expression and drops its evasiveness.

"Abomasnow, you okay?" I inquire, visibly concerned.

Pikachu and Meowth notice the juice on the ground, and both decide to taste it, only to recoil in surprise. "It's way too sour!" Meowth cries, echoing Pikachu's sentiments.

"Abomasnow! Let's end this! Max Hailstorm, combined with Max Darkness!" I command, and Abomasnow unleashes both moves simultaneously. The combination attack disrupts Flapple's vision, ultimately leading to its defeat as it reverts to its normal form, much to Milo's astonishment.

"The power of Grass has wilted... What an incredible Gym Challenger!" Milo remarks, returning Flapple to its Poké Ball. "That must have been a fulfilling Pokémon battle for you!"

We converge in the center of the expansive battlefield. Milo, beaming with appreciation, declares, "As proof that you have defeated a Gym Leader for the Gym Challenge, allow me to present you with your very own Grass Badge!"

We exchange a handshake, and I receive my inaugural badge in the Galar Region. "You need to obtain all eight Gym Badges in order to complete the Gym Challenge. And the only way to gather the Badges is to defeat every Gym Leader!" Milo explains.

After reverting to my original attire and making my way back to the staff area, a staff member approaches, expressing, "Challenger Ash! My heartfelt congratulations on your triumph over Gym Leader Milo! Here, you can have Milo's uniform as a memento! It's a replica, of course."

Accepting the Grass Uniform, I'm greeted by Flora and the others offering their congratulations on my victory. Alice is going to do her Gym challenge next.

As Alice arrives at the stadium, the Wooloo suddenly rush toward her, showering her with affectionate licks and attention.

The onlookers in the crowd murmur amongst themselves, taken aback by witnessing a person so adored by a group of Wooloo. Alice takes charge, saying, "Alright, Wooloo, stick close to me. Don't worry about any obstacles, just follow my lead."

The Wooloos nod in agreement and follow Alice, swiftly completing the mission. The audience erupts into cheers, impressed by their teamwork. Flora remarks, "Alice seems to have a special connection with Wooloo."

"Yeah," I respond with a smile, acknowledging Alice's affinity for the adorable Pokémon.

In Alice's battle against Milo, her Sizzlipede makes quick work of Gossifleur, utilizing Bug Buzz and Flame Wheel to exploit its weaknesses. However, Milo's surprise entry of Appletun, related to Flapple, catches Alice off guard, especially when it reveals its identical Gigantamax form.

Unfortunately, Sizzlipede falls to Appletun's Rollout attack, prompting Alice to call upon her Butterfree and Dynamax it. Unexpectedly, Butterfree's ability to Gigantamax comes from being fed Max Soup at the ranch while not in use.

"Time for the G-Max Move! G-Max Sweetness!" Alice commands, causing Appletun to spray a juice-like substance on Butterfree. Astonishingly, this juice not only cures Appletun's paralysis but also affects Meowth, leaving him bewildered, "Hey! Why did I get hit?"

Observing Meowth's reaction, I note, "Seems like the attack packs quite a punch." Meowth then tastes the juice and adds, "Now this is sweet! I actually like this taste."

After Alice secures victory in her battle and earns the badge from Milo, she receives her Gym Leader uniform. As we celebrate her triumph, Milo approaches us with a congratulatory smile on his face.

"Here's some advice for you, Ash and Alice. The Gym Challenge follows a specific order, so you've got two options: Hulbury to face Nessa or Grenomy for Luna," Milo explains.

"There's also the Normal Gym in Wedgehurst available right from the start, but we're limited to just eight Gym battles, so our choices need to be strategic," I add.

"Hulbury lies just beyond Route 5. Alternatively, with the Grass Badge in hand, you could venture into the Wild Area. Catching Pokémon of higher levels than your team can be a challenge, but they can become formidable allies if you succeed! Grenomy Town is close to the Watchtower Ruins," Milo elaborates, providing guidance on potential paths ahead for us.

Flora excitedly showcases her newly acquired Grass Uniform, prompting Alice to inquire, "Where did you get that?"

"I bought it from the nearby store. They sell these as merchandise," Flora explains, mentioning a shop in the vicinity that offers such items. With our business at the gym concluded, we make the decision to depart and return to the Wild Area.

Here is a new chapter, and you can see that the first gym battle is done. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be a chapter to see my custom gyms.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth x2 (Kantonian, Galarian), Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Zigzagoon (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Raboot, Skwovet, Rookidee, Dottler, Nickit, Gossifleur, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Carkol, Arrokuda, Sizzlipede, Milcery x9, Kleavor

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