Chapter 12

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Upon our return to the Wild Area, I glance at the looming sky and remark, "Seems like the weather's taking a turn... looks like rain's on the way."

"Absolutely," Alice concurs, checking the Rotom Phone. "It's marked as Overcast weather on the map. There might be some specific Pokémon around in this weather."

We opt to assist Gloria in capturing her next set of Normal-type Pokémon, which happens to be her current objective. Surprisingly, she has prepared a list of the jobs she's going to be taking:

1. Lass: We're looking for Normal-type Pokémon! Together we can make cloth that you can use in any way you like! (3 Pokemon)

2. Jetsetter: High-quality cloth requires delicate and precise handwork. Are there any Normal-type Pokémon that would like to try? (5 Pokemon)

3. Budew Drop Inn: We would like to have Normal-type Pokémon for customer reception, as they are able to handle many different situations and tasks. (6 Pokemon)

4. Daily Discovery: We want to create the perfect normal cloth. We need the help of Normal-type Pokémon to do so! (6 Pokemon)

5. Rose of the Wonderlands: We need Normal-type Pokémon, since they're good at handling all sorts of different customers. (6 Pokemon)

6. Cozy Fried Chicken: All our customers must be treated equally! We need exemplary Normal-type Pokémon to help us out! (7 Pokemon)

7. Hotel Ionia: We are looking for Normal-type Pokémon that can flexibly respond to the needs of all our customers. (8 Pokemon)

8. Northern Delights: I would like Normal-type Pokémon to show off how delicious my sweets are by eating them in a delicious way. (10 Pokemon)

9. Marco Cosmos Living: I want to create dishes that'll be accepted by everyone. I'd like to get input from common, plain, normal Pokémon. (30 Pokemon)

I express surprise, exclaiming, "Whoa, that's quite a number... especially the one with 30 Pokemon!"

Elena chimes in, "I'm familiar with the last one on the list. Some dishes at the restaurant are too unconventional for regular customers to try."

Flora adds, "Most of them seem related to clothing, food, and customer service... quite different from the Grass-types who excel with flowers and plants."

Gloria remains determined, stating, "As always, I've got 30 Normal-type Pokémon to capture. Let's get going."

Then we help her capture some Normal Type Pokemon, and we even do some Dynamax battles. During our break, Helen surprises us by preparing a new kind of curry.

"Since you all found the previous curry too plain, I've added some new ingredients," Helen announces proudly, unveiling her creation. Elena observes, "Sausages?"

"Exactly! And six different types. I tried a standard one, and the boiled sausage flavor really shines through in this curry thanks to the simple seasoning," Helen explains.

We sample each variety, and I try the spicy one, commenting, "Impressive! The spicy seasoning in the curry roux really amplifies the sausage's umami."

Alice notes, "The sausage's oil blends perfectly, reducing the curry roux's dryness. It's quite approachable for anyone."

Flora adds, "The sausage's umami and the sweet curry roux complement each other beautifully, creating a sophisticated flavor."

Elena remarks, "The sausage's texture meshes well with the bitter curry roux, appealing more to the adult palate."

Gloria marvels, "The tangy acidity of the curry roux and the savory umami of the sausage truly whet the appetite. These are fantastic."

"Thrilled that you all enjoy it," Helen beams, pleased with our reactions.

Given that attending the opening ceremony is mandatory and cannot be bypassed, Alice and I decide to temporarily depart from the group to participate in it.

Interestingly, we discover that the Hammerlocke Academy comprises two campuses—one in the primary Hammerlocke area and the other located in Wedgehurst. To our astonishment, we learn that Elena's mother, Relena, serves as the principal of the institution, while Namie, the Normal Gym leader, holds the role of administrative teacher at the Wedgehurst Campus.

After the lackluster and somewhat dull opening ceremony, we're relieved when Mark and Minami record the session for us. Once reunited with our friends, we set off for Wedgehurst and make our way to the Wedgehurst Campus.

"Wow, this is the Wedgehurst Campus. How did we miss visiting here before?" Flora queries.

"We've been quite occupied, which left us with little time to explore this part of town," I explain.

"Salutations, Ash Ketchum," a robotic voice intones, catching our attention. Namie, the Gym Leader of the city, approaches us with an almost mechanical demeanor.

"You're the administrative teacher here at the Wedgehurst Campus, Namie, correct?" I inquire. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Principal Relena has relayed your tendency to exclusively appear during examination periods. I acknowledge your emphasis on practical experience over conventional learning methods within the educational setting. Is your current objective centered around obtaining the second-grade scores for your graduation?" Namie inquires.

"I'm set to enroll at the RPA University in the Sevestar Region. However, I need a high school diploma to gain admission. I completed my first year at Alola's Trainer School, followed by the second year here at Hammerlocke Academy. My final year will be at the Narauva Academy in the Paldea Region," I explain.

"Understood. Here's my League Card," Namie states, handing over her League Card in a precise manner. "I've also been informed that you possess Milo's gym badge, so you won't be challenging this one, am I correct?"

"Apologies for that," Alice interjects. "Although we won't be participating in the battle, we're interested in observing it."

Namie acknowledges with a nod before returning to her duties, maintaining her robotic demeanor. We also take a look at the League Card and her number is 742.

Hailing from the Unova Region, Namie's life was shrouded in shadows of adversity. Born into a family tied to wealth and infamy, her father, a once-prominent businessman, faced legal repercussions due to alleged domestic abuse. Rumors linger of a tragic event involving her mother's untimely demise, heroically safeguarded by a courageous Snorlax. This Snorlax, her steadfast companion, became a beacon of solace amidst the turmoil. Rescued from this tumultuous past, Namie found refuge and a new beginning within a caring adoptive family. However, the trauma of her past remains etched deep within her, shaping her demeanor and speech. She speaks in a robotic tone, a self-imposed shield masking the emotional scars she continues to heal.

As Victor approaches us at the Wedgehurst Stadium, he greets, "How's everyone doing?"

Responding, I share, "Alice, Hop, and I managed to snag our first badge in Turffield. Are you here for the challenge?"

"Absolutely," Victor affirms. "I'm hoping to put on quite a show."

Upon reaching the staff, they ask, "Are you prepared to take on the gym mission? Please change into this uniform if you're ready to proceed."

That reminds me, I decide to head to the souvenir shop to check out what they have on offer. Flora and I browse around and end up purchasing uniforms for ourselves. Additionally, I grab a replica of the Normal Badge, noting its similarity in shape to the Grass Badge.

The uniform I acquire is predominantly white, adorned with multiple Poke Ball patterns. Positioned at the center is the emblem of the Normal Type, represented by a gray-colored Poke Ball. As a Gym Challenger, the staff offers to personalize the shorts with my number, which I happily accept.

Once Victor finishes changing, the staff encourages him, "You're all set. Best of luck in there."

Heading to the audience seats, we notice that the mission stadium is set up to resemble a classroom, adding an interesting dynamic to the Gym challenge.

As Victor proceeds into the gym challenge, the gym guide explains, "The Wedgehurst Gym Mission centers around a spelling challenge. Your task is to locate six items within the classroom that begin with the letters in 'SCHOOL.' However, there's a catch. Some items may only be obtained through a battle with their respective owners. I'm confident you can handle this challenge. Let the Gym challenge commence!"

Victor delves into the classroom and easily locates a scissor from the toolbox, a cup offered by the female gym trainer, a hat from the male gym trainer, an organizer on an unclaimed desk, an oven situated near the door, and a lock taken from the gym trainer's school bag.

"This gym challenge seems pretty straightforward, all about those letters," Flora comments. "Seems like a nice, creative approach."

"I can see the reasoning behind Namie implementing this challenge," I acknowledge. "It appears to promote a harmonious class environment, free from any disturbances."

"Definitely," Alice agrees.

Once Victor and Namie take their positions on opposite sides of the field, she opens the battle with an intriguing statement, "Greetings, challenger. Prepare to engage in a calculated dance of strategy and precision. Our battle will unearth the hidden depths of emotions and logic intertwined."

In this two-on-two battle, Namie kicks off with Wooloo, while Victor selects Zigzagoon.

Namie says, "Challenger, in this arena, we decode the complexities of both our strengths and vulnerabilities. Are you ready to embark on this logical journey? Use

"Dodge it and counter with Quick Attack!" Victor commands swiftly.

Zigzagoon skillfully evades the incoming attack and swiftly retaliates, causing Wooloo to stagger backward.

"Double-Edge!" Namie commands, urging Wooloo to charge at Zigzagoon. The force sends Zigzagoon flying, but it manages to hold its ground. "Zigzagoon, are you ready to continue?"

The Pokemon affirms its readiness. "Great, use Snarl!"

Zigzagoon unleashes a snarl at Wooloo, inflicting some damage. In response, Wooloo tries to use Attract to captivate Zigzagoon's affection, but the agile Pokemon adeptly dodges the affectionate hearts. Zigzagoon follows up with a decisive Headbutt, knocking out Wooloo.

"Executing final directive: Deploying my last circuit. Let's conclude this battle with calculated precision," Namie declares as she sends out her final Pokémon, a formidable Snorlax.

Snorlax launches a powerful Giga Impact, overpowering Zigzagoon and rendering it unable to continue. In response, Victor sends out Stufful as his next Pokémon.

"Activating G-Max protocol! Snorlax, amplify your presence. Become the unstoppable force that overrides the system!" Namie commands. With that, she recalls Snorlax and its size drastically increases upon reemerging from the Poké Ball, revealing the formidable Gigantamax Snorlax.

Victor decides to Dynamax his Stufful as well. Stufful goes for Max Knuckle, landing a hit on Snorlax. However, Snorlax swiftly recovers by consuming a Sitrus Berry.

"Initializing G-Max Replenish sequence! Snorlax, restore our energy and fortify our resolve! Refresh the program!" Namie commands. With this move, the Sitrus Berry is restored, but Max Knuckle's boosted Attack stat allows Stufful to deliver two more powerful hits, finally causing Snorlax to fall.

"Error detected... System failure acknowledged. Emotions evaded me this time. Rebooting for the next encounter with enhanced algorithms," Namie utters in her robotic tone. "After the calculated clash of strategies and emotions, I commend your prowess in battle. Here, accept the Badge as recognition of your triumph."

With a nod, they exchange badges, marking Victor's achievement of obtaining his first badge. Namie adds, "You need to obtain all eight Gym Badges in order to complete the Gym Challenge. And the only way to gather the Badges is to defeat every Gym Leader. May it illuminate the path ahead, where logic meets passion in harmony."

We catch up with Victor, offering our congratulations on his victory. "Now that we each have a badge, what's your next move?" I inquire.

"I'm planning to challenge the Hulbury Gym for my next badge. Water types are up next for me," Victor responds.

"Got it." With that, we bid Victor farewell, making our way back to the Wild Area.

Here is a new chapter, and this one is just a short one since we're talking about the gym that I customized. I hope you like it and we're going back to the Wild Area in the next chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth x2 (Kantonian, Galarian), Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Zigzagoon (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Raboot, Skwovet, Rookidee, Dottler, Nickit, Gossifleur, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Carkol, Arrokuda, Sizzlipede, Milcery x9, Kleavor

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