Chapter 13

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As everyone returns to the Wild Area, a downpour drenches the entire landscape while intermittent thunderstorms crackle in certain pockets. Helen, eyeing the tumultuous weather, comments with a hint of disappointment, "Well, there goes the good weather..."

"But hey, this weather's perfect for Electric and Water type Pokémon! They tend to come out during rain and thunderstorms," Elena observes optimistically.

"You're onto something. It could be an excellent opportunity for us to train with them, especially considering our next gym specializes in Water-type Pokémon," I suggest, feeling a surge of excitement.

"And I'm thinking this weather might just help me check off some Water-type Pokémon captures from our next job list," Gloria chimes in, her enthusiasm matching mine.

Water Type Poke Jobs:

1. Surf Shipping: This job involves carrying cargo over the water. We're looking for Water-type Pokémon. (3 Pokemon)

2. Yoshida Cafe: We want to take particular care in what water we use to brew my coffee. I'd like Pokémon that are knowledgeable about such things. (3 Pokemon)

3. The Captain's Table: In order to create delicious, moist desserts, I would like to ask for Water-type Pokémon to help in measuring out the ingredients. (6 Pokemon)

4. Lapras' Shipwrights: We need Water-type Pokémon to dive beneath the ships and inspect the hulls. (6 Pokemon)

5. Grow Sures: Vegetables need to be crisp and well hydrated! We'd love to have some Water-type Pokémon come and help us out. (7 Pokemon)

6. Wyndon Monorail: The monorail's gotten rather dirty, so we'd like Water-type Pokémon to come help make it nice and clean! (9 Pokemon)

7. Galar Fire Station: There's one thing that we absolutely need to put out fires, and we're looking for a Pokémon that can help us refill our fire truck! (10 Pokemon)

8. Macro Cosmos Living: Clean water is the basis for delicious meals! We'd like to hire Pokémon that have an eye for water quality. (10 Pokemon)

9. Rondo Floral: All plants need water! And as it so happens, Water-type Pokémon are the best at watering plants! (30 Pokemon)

10. Galar Post Office: Our delivery truck's gotten a bit dirty, so we want to wash it off and make it shine again! We're waiting for Pokémon that can help! (30 Pokemon)

Gloria happily remarks, "Yoshida Cafe was delighted with the plant decoration I handled, and now they're interested in having me showcase some Water-type Pokémon to determine the best water for their coffee. And as for Galar Fire Station and Macro Cosmos Living, they've been our loyal customers from way back."

Curious, Elena asks, "But how on earth did you manage to secure orders from those big companies?"

Gloria responds, "Well, my Dad used to be the head of the Poke Job Company. After he passed away in an accident, I've taken the reins. I'm determined to rebuild the business from scratch and make it as successful as it was many years ago."

Realizing the extent of Gloria's commitments, I add, "So, capturing all those Pokémon is all part of starting fresh. You've got quite a lot on your plate."

"And it's not going to be easy," Alice remarks, acknowledging the challenges ahead.

Amidst the tasks and responsibilities, Helen manages to find a silver lining. "Luckily, we have some trees around. We can use their cover to set up a cloth and still attempt to enjoy my Curry meals," she says with a determined tone. "Here we are. This time, I'm using Bob's Food Tin to make some Juicy Curry."

"Bob's Food Tin?" Flora queries with curiosity. "You mean that tin from Bob's Your Uncle?"

"Exactly," Helen confirms. "The contents of Bob's tin bring an unexpected volume and richness that one can truly savor in this curry."

As we delve into the curry-tasting experience, Gloria marvels, "The fusion of the spicy seasoning and the impactful essence of the tinned foods has resulted in a miraculous blend."

Adding to the sentiment, I express, "There's a delightful balance between the dry flavors and the oil, making this a universally enjoyable taste for people of all ages."

Alice reflects, "At first glance, it may seem like an odd pairing, but this combination exudes richness and smoothness that's incomparable."

Gloria further elaborates, saying, "Amidst the rich wave of oil, the curry roux's bitter undertones might be subtle, yet they undeniably contribute to the overall flavor."

Elena chimes in with her observation, "The acidic touch effectively tames the distinct taste of the individual ingredients, skillfully bringing out the essence of umami."

Helen, ever modest, responds, "Of course, I'm glad you enjoyed it."

And after helping Gloria with the Pokemon searching, we decide to continue our journey from Route 5.

While walking west from Turffield, we encounter some reporters eagerly waiting to interview the gym challengers. They request to get acquainted with the gym challengers by engaging in battles. Alice and I decide to team up and battle together. Much to our delight, as the battle concludes, Rookidee evolves into a Corvisquire.

Corvisquire: The Raven Pokemon: Flying Type. Evolved from Rookidee at LV:18. Smart enough to use tools in battle, these Pokémon have been seen picking up rocks and flinging them or using ropes to wrap up enemies.

"That's one impressive-looking Pokémon," remarks Alice with a sense of admiration as she gazes at the newly evolved Corvisquire.

Through battling various Pokémon in the vicinity, we witness our Gossifleur evolve into an Eldegoss. Not only does it evolve, but it also learns a helpful move Cotton Spore, which proves to be advantageous for lowering the speed stats of our adversaries.

Eldegoss: The Flowering Pokemon: Grass Type. Evolved from Gossifleur at LV:20. The seeds attached to its cotton fluff are full of nutrients. It spreads them on the wind so that plants and other Pokémon can benefit from them.

"Eldegoss looks absolutely beautiful nestled in your hair," I comment, admiring the graceful appearance.

"Thank you, Ash. That's really kind of you," responds Alice, a hint of a blush coloring her cheeks, appreciative of the compliment.

The next member of our team to evolve is Nickit, playful and mischievous as it snatches my hat. "Hey, give that back!" I playfully chase after the Pokémon until Nickit accidentally falls into the river. Without hesitation, I leap into the water to rescue it. However, as we struggle, we realize we're hurtling towards a waterfall.

"Oh no, Ash!" the girls cry out in horror. But in a surprising turn of events, Nickit evolves into a Thievul just in time. It quickly springs into action, swiftly maneuvering us back to the safety of the shore. "Thank you so much, Thievul," I express my gratitude, embracing the Pokémon as it affectionately licks me.

Thievul: The Fox Pokemon: Dark Type. Evolved from Nickit at LV:18. It secretly marks potential targets with a scent. By following the scent, it stalks its targets and steals from them when they least expect it.

As I emerge from the river, dripping wet and slightly disoriented, Alice's voice cuts through the air, filled with concern and frustration. "Ash, stop doing this again!" she yells, her worry evident in her tone. I wince at her words. "I'm sorry, girls," I mumble, acknowledging my recklessness.

Amidst the tension, our team continues to grow and evolve. The next Pokémon to transform is Zigzagoon. Through dedicated training sessions with our other Pokémon companions, Zigzagoon evolves into a more powerful Linoone. Along with its evolution comes the mastery of a new move: Night Slash. This enhancement in its abilities serves as a testament to our ongoing efforts and dedication to strengthening our team.

Linoone (Galarian Form): The Rushing Pokemon: Dark and Normal Type. Evolved from Zigzagoon at LV:20. It uses its long tongue to taunt opponents. Once the opposition is enraged, this Pokémon hurls itself at the opponent, tackling them forcefully.

As we carry on with our training regimen, the sound of trainers hastily making their way toward the Turffield Pokémon Center catches our attention. Curiosity piqued, we decide to investigate. To our astonishment, we stumble upon a Farfetch'd heading in our direction.

"A Farfetch'd? That's a massive leek it's carrying," Flora remarks, clearly taken aback.

"That's a Galarian Farfetch'd," Elena clarifies. "It's a Fighting-type Pokémon."

"Are you my next challenger?" the Farfetch'd taunts, provoking me. "You want to battle? Then let's do it," I respond confidently.

Choosing Lucario, despite the type disadvantage, raises some eyebrows among the group. Ignoring their concerns, I command Lucario to unleash an Aura Sphere. However, the Farfetch'd skillfully defends itself using its leek, blocking the attack before countering with Night Slash. Reacting swiftly, Lucario manages to land a Bullet Punch before the incoming strike, but the Farfetch'd continues its charge.

"Lucario, Double Team!" I order, hoping to evade the Night Slash. The strategy pays off as the duplicates confuse the opponent, causing the Night Slash to miss. Seizing the opportunity, Lucario bombards the Farfetch'd with a barrage of Aura Spheres, yet the determined Pokémon deflects them with another Night Slash. Undeterred, Lucario employs Double Team once more, but Farfetch'd retaliates with Brutal Swing, dispelling all copies and striking the real Lucario.

"That Farfetch'd is certainly resilient," remarks Flora, noting its toughness.

"At least it's not using Fighting-type moves. Let's try this! Use Reversal!" I call out. The move lands solidly on Farfetch'd, dealing a heavy blow, but it remains standing. "Hang in there, Farfetch'd! Don't give up!"

The peculiar sight bewilders everyone, prompting Elena to inquire, "Why are you cheering for Farfetch'd?"

"Because it's showing resilience too," I explain. However, as the Farfetch'd attempts to rise again, its leek starts to slump down, signaling its unconsciousness while still standing—a testament to its unwavering determination despite fainting in battle.

After tending to the exhausted Farfetch'd at the nearby Pokémon Center, the resilient Pokémon expresses its recognition of our strength and resolve. With a newfound sense of camaraderie, Farfetch'd communicates its desire to become a part of our team, acknowledging the mutual respect that has grown between us through the intense battle.

Farfetch'd (Galarian Form): The Wild Duck Pokemon: Fighting Type. The Farfetch'd of the Galar region are brave warriors, and they wield thick, tough leeks in battle.

"Hey, where's Alice?" Flora inquires, prompting us to notice her absence. Suddenly, the door swings open, revealing Alice, who announces, "I'm here. I stumbled upon these and decided to catch them."

Curious, I observe the object in her hand, only to realize it's an apple. To our surprise, two eyes and a tail suddenly emerge from the apple. "Is that an apple?" I question, slightly taken aback by the peculiar sight.

"They're Applin," Alice explains with a smile. "I've already caught one, and I wanted to give you these two. They can evolve into two different forms—Flapple and Appletun."

"Ah, I remember seeing Milo using those in battles against us," I recall, reminiscing about our previous encounters.

Applin: The Apple Core Pokemon: Grass and Dragon Type. It spends its entire life inside an apple. It hides from its natural enemies, bird Pokémon, by pretending it's just an apple and nothing more.

Here is a new chapter, and you can see Ash captures a Galarian Farfetch'd like in the anime. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth x2 (Kantonian, Galarian), Machamp, Farfetch'd (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Linoone (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Raboot, Skwovet, Corvisquire, Dottler, Thievul, Eldegoss, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Carkol, Applin x2, Arrokuda, Sizzlipede, Milcery x9, Kleavor

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