Chapter 14

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As we sit down for breakfast the next morning, chaos ensues as our food mysteriously vanishes, leaving us in a state of bewilderment. "What's happening here?" Alice questions, perplexed by the sudden disappearance of our meals.

As I glance at my empty plate, I notice a Sobble attempting to pilfer my food, but it seems scared and retreats into a corner upon being discovered.

"A Sobble!" Alice exclaims in surprise at the unexpected guest.

However, the situation takes an unexpected turn when Sobble begins to shed tears. Strangely, we find ourselves inexplicably tearing up alongside Sobble. "Why are we crying?" I wonder aloud, bewildered by the shared emotional response.

"Could it be because of Sobble?" Elena suggests, prompting us to look around, only to find that Sobble has vanished without a trace, leaving us puzzled by the bizarre and emotional encounter.

Determined to find Sobble, we initiate a search, enquiring with Nurse Joy to see if she's spotted the elusive Pokémon. With knowledge that Sobble becomes invisible in water, we focus our search around the fountain.

Alice takes the lead, attempting to establish rapport with Sobble. "We're not upset that you ate our breakfast. If you join us, we can all eat together," she offers, hoping to coax a response from the shy Pokémon. However, Sobble remains unresponsive.

Frustrated by the lack of progress, I decide to take a chance and toss a Poké Ball towards the fountain. Much to our surprise, the Poké Ball captures something. "No way... was it really right there?" Helen gasps in disbelief as we realize that Sobble had been there all along, invisible in the water, and now captured inside the Poké Ball.

Sobble: The Water Lizard Pokemon: Water Type. When scared, this Pokémon cries. Its tears pack the chemical punch of 100 onions, and attackers won't be able to resist weeping.

After releasing Sobble from the Poké Ball, it appears surprised and attempts to cry once more, prompting Helen's exasperated remark, "Again? Why does it have to pack the chemical punch of 100 onions?"

Realizing the need to comfort Sobble, Alice suggests, "We need a Pokémon that can help us soothe it..."

"Audino! I need your help!" I call out, summoning Audino to the scene. Audino immediately responds by embracing Sobble, calming its distress. Gradually, Sobble ceases crying and finds solace in Audino's comforting embrace.

"Sobble, we're sorry that we captured you against your will," I express apologetically. "If you'd like to join our team, you're more than welcome. But if you prefer to leave, you can tell us."

Touched by our sincerity, Sobble expresses a desire to join our team, although we need to prevent it from crying again. Understanding its wish, we accept Sobble's decision while ensuring its emotional comfort and happiness within our team.

Upon arriving at the Pokémon Nursery on Route 5, we encounter an establishment similar to other Day Cares, offering services for Pokémon breeding and care. However, our attention is immediately drawn to two newly hatched Pokémon right before us.

The breeder proudly informs us, "Both of them are Toxels, and they're siblings. Would you like to raise them? They're quite shocking Pokémon."

Surprised and intrigued, we gaze at the two peacefully sleeping Toxels. "Are you offering us these Pokémon?" I inquire, seeking clarification.

"Absolutely, I believe you'll be excellent caretakers for them," the lady replies warmly, sensing our willingness to provide a nurturing environment. Without hesitation, both Alice and I decide to capture the two Toxels, eager to welcome them into our team and provide them with a loving home.

Toxel: The Baby Pokemon: Electric and Poison Type. It stores poison in an internal poison sac and secretes that poison through its skin. If you touch this Pokémon, a tingling sensation follows.

As we approach the bridge once we leave the Nursery, a troubling scene unfolds before us—a doctor being harassed by a couple of Team Yell Grunts.

"Oi! Just hand over the bike already! We need it to cross the long bridge!" demands the female grunt.

"We're gonna use that bike to chase around Gym Challengers! It'll be a scream!" adds the male grunt.

The doctor, clearly exasperated, comments, "How barbaric. It wouldn't work anyway. You didn't even have a Rotom with you!" Upon noticing us, he pleads, "Hey, you Gym Challengers! They're trying to steal my bikes!"

"Team Yell? Seriously?" We exchange glances, a mix of disbelief and mild amusement at the situation unfolding.

"Please, if you could give them a good thrashing, I would be in your debt!" pleads the bike owner, hoping for our intervention.

"Well, perhaps we could use this as an opportunity for some training," Alice suggests thoughtfully.

"Oi, we're not tryin' to steal the bike! Only borrowing it!" "We're gonna use it to chase after Gym Challengers and make'em all tired!" retorts the male grunts defensively.

"I doubt Marnie would approve of your methods, right?" Gloria interjects, causing the grunts to flinch at the mention of Marnie's name.

"She's got a point. What's the plan now?" the male grunt turns to the female grunt.

"Well. Alright, but I'm thinkin' you deserve a special shout-out. I'm gonna crush you in a battle," the female grunt declares, conceding but determined to make it challenging.

The female grunt hastily releases Zigzagoon and Thievul, eager to engage in battle. However, our team comprising Sobble and Farfetch'd swiftly overpowers their opponents, securing a decisive victory.

" crushed my attempt to crush you..." the defeated female grunt laments in frustration.

"Why you...I want that bike! Don't get in my way!" Enraged by their failure, the male grunt takes matters into his own hands, summoning Sableye. However, Gloria's Raboot effortlessly defeats Sableye, showcasing our team's strength.

"You're too strong! If you stay in the Gym Challenge, you're gonna cause problems for our lady," the male grunt admits begrudgingly.

"You 'aven't seen the last of us! We're gonna make sure you stay out of our lady's way!" With a final declaration, the two grunts hastily retreat, fleeing the scene in a hurry.

"My word, you're quite the Trainer! And I see you have a Pokedex, too! That means you have a Rotom with you! Fantastic! I think I'll give these bikes to you, then. Better you have it than Team Yell!" The bike owner hands us the bikes with a generous smile.

He continues enthusiastically, "Now, you know that Rotom love motors very, very much, right? Enough to jump right into machines that have motors! So, that got me thinking... If I attached a motor to a bicycle, then maybe I could get a Rotom to pop into that as well!"

"I see..." I respond, intrigued by the idea.

"Come now - give it a shot! Enjoy cycling together with Rotom to the fullest." He encourages us, urging us to attach our Rotom Phones to the bike. To our astonishment, our Rotom Phone interacts with the bike, granting us the unexpected ability to activate a turbo boost while cycling.

Following the intense battle, Sobble begins to emit a radiant glow, prompting Helen to exclaim, "Sobble is evolving!"

"Wow, that's amazing!" I cheer, excited to witness the transformation. However, to our surprise, Sobble, in its enthusiasm, mistakenly declares, "I'm finally going to become an Inteleon!"

Wait, that's not right—Sobble needs to evolve into Drizzile before reaching the final stage of Inteleon. Upon seeing its reflection in the water, Sobble, now realizing the error, becomes visibly crestfallen and lowers its head in disappointment.

Drizzile: The Water Lizard Pokemon: Water Type. Evolve from Sobble at LV:16. A clever combatant, this Pokémon battles using water balloons created with moisture secreted from its palms.

"Drizzile, are you alright?" I ask, growing concerned for the Water-type Pokémon. Despite attempts by other Water Pokémon to encourage Drizzile with a Water Gun attack, it remains despondent. Even when a Chinchou tries to help by using Thunder Shock, I gasp as Drizzile falls into the water.

In an unexpected turn, a Magikarp leaps out and smacks Drizzile, sending it flying. Distressed, we chase after Drizzile, only to find it seeking refuge inside a nearby cave, attempting to hide away.

"Drizzile, can you tell us what's wrong? You've evolved, but you seem upset. We're here to help," I reassure the troubled Pokémon.

"I'm not Inteleon..." Drizzile murmurs in disappointment.

"We understand, Drizzile. You'll get there with continued training. Let's train together and work towards making that dream a reality," Alice encourages, trying to uplift Drizzile's spirits.

"But... I just want to be Inteleon right now..." Drizzile fades into invisibility and attempts to flee. Determined to help, we search for Drizzile until we locate him hiding.

"Drizzile, we didn't mean to upset you by forcing you out of the cave. We respect your feelings. You're a part of our family, and that won't change," I express sincerely, trying to comfort Drizzile.

After a sigh, Drizzile murmurs a desire to return to its Pokéball. Understanding its wish, albeit with a heavy heart, we comply and return Drizzile to its Pokéball, giving it the space it needs. We reassure Drizzile of our care and support, hoping it finds solace within the confines of its Pokéball.

As we continue our journey, we encounter Hop standing ahead of us. "There you are, Ash and Alice! I'm warning you, though... Any closer than that and we're going to have to have a battle—you and me!"

"Are you trying to intimidate us?" questions Alice, surprised by Hop's sudden challenge.

"I warned you! We're both Gym Challengers who've earned ourselves a Grass Badge. This is the perfect training!" Hop declares eagerly, gearing up for a battle.

Alice accepts the challenge this time, and both trainers prepare for the battle. "Let's have a taste of what a Gym Badge holder's team can do!" Hop exclaims, releasing his Wooloo onto the field. In response, Alice sends out her Farfetch'd, ready to engage in the battle.

With precision and strategy, Galarian Farfetch'd unleashes a series of swift attacks. It starts by initiating the battle with a powerful Pluck, adeptly pecking at Wooloo and dealing significant damage. As Wooloo tries to retaliate with Tackle and Defense Curl, Galarian Farfetch'd persists with a combination of Fury Cutter and Brick Break, swiftly overpowering Wooloo and securing the victory.

"Typical! Should've known you'd mastered type matchups!" Hop says. For the second round, Alice summons her Yamper to face Hop's Corvisquire. Yamper, determined and energetic, launches into the battle with a burst of speed. It begins by executing a well-timed Spark, electrifying its opponent and chipping away at Corvisquire's health. Despite Corvisquire's attempts to counter with Peck and Wing Attack, Yamper's agility and perseverance prevail. Harnessing its abilities, Yamper executes a combination of Bite and Nuzzle, ultimately overpowering Corvisquire and claiming victory for Alice.

"Every one of my Pokémon is an ace! This is no problem at all!" In the decisive final round, Alice relies on her Eldegoss to confront Hop's Drizzile. Eldegoss, composed and resilient, engages in a strategic showdown. Drizzile initiates with Water Gun and Quick Attack, but Eldegoss remains steadfast. Drawing from its arsenal, Eldegoss employs a blend of Cotton Spore and Energy Ball, tactically weakening Drizzile's defenses and dealing substantial damage. Despite Drizzile's attempts with Aqua Jet and Pound, Eldegoss persists, culminating the battle by launching a powerful Leaf Storm, securing the final victory for Alice.

After his defeat, Hop expresses his bewilderment, muttering, "We both have the same Grass Badge, so why are you so much stronger?"

"Maybe underestimating us wasn't your best move," Alice responds confidently. "Ash and I share our Pokémon and grow stronger together."

"You've truly grown stronger, Alice. Looks like I'll have to step up my training," Hop acknowledges, contemplating his next steps. "I've decided to challenge Luna, the leader of the Psychic Gym."

"Ah, interesting choice. We're heading for Nessa, the leader of the Water Gym," I reply. With a friendly farewell to Hop, we bid him goodbye and resume our journey towards Hulbury, each with our sights set on the next Gym challenge awaiting us.

Here is a new chapter, and I add the Sobble and Drizzile in this chapter and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be the Hulbury Gym battle.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth x2 (Kantonian, Galarian), Machamp, Farfetch'd (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Linoone (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Raboot, Drizzile, Skwovet, Corvisquire, Dottler, Thievul, Eldegoss, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Carkol, Applin x2, Arrokuda, Toxel x2, Sizzlipede, Milcery x9, Kleavor

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