Chapter 16

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As we step outside the Hulbury Stadium, Oleana intercepts us, her demeanor as composed as ever. "Do not keep the chairman waiting. Head to the seafood restaurant—the Captain's Table," she urges, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "So you will not forget the chairman's face, I will give you one of his League Cards."

Accepting the card, we watch Oleana depart swiftly, her purposeful strides echoing her commitment to efficiency. Relena, observing the exchange, shares insights with a tone tinged with concern. "My husband, Rose, possesses a nature that feels disheartened if he doesn't attend to matters promptly. It would be wise for us to make our way to the seafood restaurant without delay, so as not to keep the chairman waiting."

As we stride purposefully towards the seafood sanctuary known as the Captain's Table, our curiosity beckons us to examine the League Card bestowed upon us by Oleana. With a sense of anticipation, we take a moment to study the card bearing the distinguished insignia of Chairman Rose.

Mr. Rose is in fact a talented Trainer, coming in second place for a past Champion Cup. As the chairman of the Pokémon League, and as the president of a large business conglomerate, he is truly a hero to the Galar region, working tirelessly to ensure its prosperity. His thoughts and words don't always match, and thus many say it's hard to tell what he's talking about. In fact, it is said that only his wife and secretary can tell what his true intent is. (NOTE: The above text was submitted by his secretary.)

"Seriously?" Elena mutters under her breath, a hint of disbelief evident in her tone as she finishes reading the elaborate description. Her mother, catching wind of the reaction, lets out a light chuckle, her amusement palpable.

"Well, that's Oleana for you," her mother remarks with a knowing smile, acknowledging Oleana's penchant for formality and thoroughness.

As we step into the bustling ambiance of the seafood restaurant, our eyes widen in astonishment as we spot Chairman Rose and Oleana. However, the real surprise unfurls as we recognize familiar faces amidst the gathering – my Mom, Dad, Dia, and Sonia, all gathered together, creating an unexpected yet heartwarming scene.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?" I blurt out, unable to contain my surprise at the unexpected reunion.

"It's a delightful surprise, seeing you here, Ash," my Mom responds with a warm smile, swiftly enveloping me in a heartfelt hug that speaks volumes of her joy at our unexpected encounter.

Elena's expression lights up with unanticipated delight upon spotting Dia among the gathering. A shared moment of affection between Elena and Dia catches us off guard – a tender kiss exchanged between them, a surprising twist that momentarily leaves us speechless.

"So you're traveling with Ash and the others?" Dia inquires, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"Yeah, surprised?" Elena playfully teases, a mischievous glint in her eye.

"Not at all. You'll be amazed at how Ash is," Dia responds with a reassuring smile. "Good to see you again, bro," he adds warmly.

As we settle comfortably into our seats at the Captain's Table, the ambiance infused with the aroma of delectable seafood dishes, Chairman Rose enlightens us about Hulbury's culinary specialty. "Hulbury is a seafood town. Naturally, if one is going to eat here, the obvious choice is the local cuisine! Everything on the menu is delicious," he remarks, setting the tone for our flavorful culinary journey.

The tantalizing seafood dishes served promptly leave our taste buds astounded, garnering exclamations of amazement from everyone present. Each bite is a revelation, eliciting expressions of sheer delight and surprise at the exquisite flavors.

Seizing a moment of curiosity amidst the delightful feast, I turn to my parents, eager to unravel the purpose behind this unexpected gathering. "So Mom, Dad, what is the purpose of this gathering?" I inquire, my interest piqued.

My mom's smile widens, brimming with a sense of anticipation as she shares the exciting news. "Oh, Ash. Did you know that at the end of the year, Dia and Elena are having a wedding party? We were just discussing the details," she reveals, her eyes sparkling with joy.

"Seriously? That's awesome!" Flora exclaims, her excitement palpable. "It is such wonderful news!"

Elena, caught slightly off guard by the attention, blushes ever so slightly and downplays the significance. "It's not a big deal..." she murmurs, a hint of bashfulness in her response. "Though I wonder when will be Ash's turn."

Elena's casual comment about my hypothetical future startles me, almost causing me to choke on my food. Alice, equally surprised, nearly spits out her water in disbelief. "Are you serious about that?" Alice interjects incredulously. "I'm just 16 years old while Ash is 17."

The sudden shift in conversation prompts Rose to divert attention away from the unexpected topic. With a subtle tact, he turns the focus toward Sonia, inquiring about Professor Magnolia's well-being. "By the way, how is Professor Magnolia getting on?" he inquires, acknowledging his indebtedness to her expertise. "I'm quite indebted to her, you know. She was the one who figured out how to unleash the power of Wishing Stars and use that power to Dynamax Pokémon. We would never have been able to create Dynamax Bands without her."

Sonia, reflecting on the professor's concerns, lets out a sigh, her expression reflecting a sense of shared worry. "She was saying that there's still so much we don't know about Dynamaxing. It's causing her some worry," Sonia reveals. "She even made me take a Power Spot Detector with me when I started traveling..."

"A Power Spot Detector! That's the device that allowed me to discover the Power Spots... Locations that emit Galar particles and allow Pokémon to Dynamax!" Rose confirms, nodding in acknowledgment. "I don't like hearing that Professor Magnolia is so worried, though. If only there were something I could do..."

"Well, it's better that we all contribute to finding a solution," I assert, the sentiment echoed by nods of agreement from the others.

Sonia's expression brightens at the collective willingness to assist. "Thank you, Ash. Your support means a lot," she acknowledges gratefully.

Relena interjects, adding her insights to the conversation. "Sonia, it may be good for you to visit the vault in Hammerlocke. I believe the key to unlocking the secrets of the Dynamax phenomenon lies in the history preserved there."

Oleana acknowledges with a nod. "Understood. I will arrange a meeting with Ms. Sonia. However, I believe it is about time we get going, Chairman."

Chairman Rose, wearing a faint frown, expresses his regret. "But I've hardly had a chance to speak with Ash and his friends." He sighs, acknowledging the constraint. "It's regrettable, but I suppose it can't be helped. If something needs to get done, there's no time like the present, after all!"

As Chairman Rose and Relena depart, their commitment to their duties leaving a lingering sense of obligation in the air, Sonia's mixed emotions become evident. "Do they think they're doing me a favor?" she muses aloud, revealing her conflicted feelings about their departure. "They're right that the vault would be a good place to look for info on the legends, but..."

Her contemplation gives way to a smile, a shift in mood signaling a change in conversation. "You got the Water Badge, yeah? Nessa's a good friend. Perhaps I should drop in on her. Until next time!" Sonia bids farewell, following in the footsteps of Chairman Rose and Relena, leaving my family as the only ones remaining.

My Dad takes the opportunity to engage in our next plan. "So, which gym are you heading to next?"

"We're planning to make our way to Motostoke since that's where Helen's Dad is. But before heading there, we're considering checking out the other gyms, starting with the one in Grenomy," I explain, outlining our tentative itinerary.

Dia chuckles, his tone lighthearted as he remarks, "Looks like I get to meet my father-in-law, and then it's your turn to meet yours, huh?"

I playfully nudge Dia's shoulder, a playful grin on my face, and retort, "Seriously?"

After bidding farewell to my parents and discreetly acknowledging another heated moment between Elena and Dia, we find ourselves back in the Wild Area. This time, a thick fog envelops the surroundings, severely limiting our visibility.

"Wow... it's really foggy," I remark, struggling to see more than a few feet ahead.

"Yeah, visibility's practically zero. But this weather is ideal for finding Psychic-type Pokémon," Gloria chimes in, displaying a list of available Psychic-type Poke Jobs she's gathered.

1. Jetsetter: As a final touch, we like to use psychic powers to make the feel of our cloth truly unique. Would any Psychic-type Pokémon be interested? (4 Pokemon)

2. Bookmark: We would really be grateful if Psychic-type Pokémon could come and use its powers to quickly search for the books we have in stock! (5 Pokemon)

3. Celebrity: To all Psychic-type Pokémon! Please come lend us your strength so that we can create some absolutely mind-bending cloth! (5 Pokemon)

4. Hotel Ionia: We are looking for Psychic-type Pokémon so that they can sense the thoughts and needs of any customer experiencing troubles. (6 Pokemon)

5. Telescreen: Debugging can be mind-bending sometimes... Are there Pokémon that could maybe use some mysterious powers to find bugs? (9 Pokemon)

6. Macro Cosmos Tech: Please let us research the mysterious psychic powers that certain Pokémon can use. (10 Pokemon)

7. Macro Net: System engineers need to be able to tell exactly what customers want. Send us Pokémon that can read minds somehow. (30 Pokemon)

"They're more about tasks related to mental abilities," Elena clarifies. "But I'm intrigued. How exactly does harnessing Psychic powers translate into making clothes mind-blowing or unique?"

Helen chimes in, adding her perspective, "And reading minds definitely isn't a favorable ability either..."

As we assist Gloria in capturing Psychic-type Pokémon in the foggy Wild Area, Helen excitedly unveils a new addition to our culinary repertoire—a Bach's Food Tin acquired from lunch. It's hailed as the key ingredient to concocting Rich Curry, a highly esteemed dish that has seemingly never left the top shelf of delicacies.

"Seriously?" Alice exclaims as we gather around, each taking a plate. "The strong umami from the tinned foods and the spicy seasoning in the curry roux create an incredible combination."

Flora, adding to the culinary commentary, shares, "The curry roux's refreshing dry flavor accentuates the richness of the tinned foods in this curry."

"I agree," I interject. "With its robust sweetness and profound richness, this dish is a must-try for any curry enthusiast."

Elena chips in, offering her perspective, "The umami hits so intensely, almost numbing the tongue. The bitter flavoring intensifies the taste of the ingredients."

Gloria follows, elaborating on the culinary experience, "The acidic seasoning of the curry roux envelops the tinned foods, creating a dish you could savor endlessly, never growing tired of its flavors."

Helen concludes with a nod of agreement, connecting the shared sentiment. "That's undeniably true," she remarks, acknowledging the remarkable flavors of the dish we've discovered. After the meal is done, we decide to camp out and sleep in the Wild Area, hoping that the fog is not going to bring some Ghost Types to disturb our sleep.

Here is a new chapter, and this is just the restaurant part from the game. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be Hop's Psychic Gym battle.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth x2 (Kantonian, Galarian), Machamp, Farfetch'd (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Linoone (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Raboot, Drizzile, Skwovet, Corvisquire, Dottler, Thievul, Eldegoss, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Carkol, Applin x2, Arrokuda, Toxel x2, Sizzlipede, Milcery x9, Kleavor

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