Chapter 34

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As we head back to Hammerlocke City, we decide to assist Gloria with her Rock Type Poke Jobs.

1. Rondo Floral: I've got some plants that only grow on rocky terrain. I'd like some rough, Rock-type Pokémon to keep my precious plants company. (3 Pokemon)

2. Bob's Your Uncle: Rock salt, as the name implies, can be found within rocks. We need the help of rock-solid Pokémon to get it! (4 Pokemon)

3. DEFOG: We use extremely hard rocks for grinding and polishing our lenses. We would like to recruit Rock-type Pokémon. (5 Pokemon)

4. Galar Minerials: There are always large rocks kicking around the mining area. We'd like to have Rock-type Pokémon, since they know how to deal with rocks. (9 Pokemon)

5. Timburr Builders: Falling rocks can be a real hazard where we work. Pokémon that know a lot about rocks, please help! (10 Pokemon)

6. Macro Cosmos Energy: They might get zapped a bit by electricity, but we would really like to get some powerful Pokémon that are good with rocky terrain! (30 Pokemon)

"Not too many jobs, but still related to rocks," Helen remarks.

"You're right," Alice agrees. "So what are you making this time?"

Helen smirks before revealing... bones? Is she sticking the bones out from the rice? "We have Bone Curry!" Helen announces. "The flavors imparted by simmering the bones add depth to the curry roux, yet the flavor remains clean and delicious."

"I don't think bones are edible..." I sweatdrop, but despite my reservations, we decide to try the curry.

Gloria observes, "The flavors imparted by simmering the bone really enhance the spicy seasoning in the sauce."

I add, "The umami and richness from the bone blend into the dry curry roux, creating an exceptionally refined flavor."

Flora remarks, "The intense flavor extracted from the bone isn't overshadowed by the sweet curry roux. The aftertaste is exquisite!"

Alice notes, "The savory and rich taste masks the bitter notes in the curry roux. It's amazing how using such high-quality bones elevates the dish."

Elena chimes in, "The rich and savory essence from the bone, combined with the tangy sauce, leaves a delightful aftertaste."

Helen concludes, "Yeah... the bone really contributes to the flavor, even though it's not meant to be eaten."

Upon arriving at Hammerlocke, we spot Sonia standing in front of the Hammerlocke Stadium. We decide to approach her, and she greets us, saying, "Heya! The Badge collecting going well?"

"You bet, we all have 5 badges," Alice replies. "What about you and your research?"

"I've been doing some research on the ruins in Stow-on-Side... The sword and shield... What kind of Pokémon were they? And where are they now? I still have so many questions, I was thinking about taking another look at the tapestries in—"

Suddenly, an explosion interrupts her thoughts. Sonia exclaims, "Are you kidding me... What's that?!"

Elena mutters anxiously, "The Hammerlocke Stadium shook... That's where my Dad's power plant is..."

Sonia's phone vibrates, and as she checks it, she exclaims, "Huh? A Power Spot?!"

"What's happening?" I inquire.

"I'm getting readings from the Power Spot Detector... Does that mean Dynamaxing is possible here?" Sonia asks, puzzled.

At that moment, Leon hurries over to us. "Hey guys! You felt the shaking, right?" Leon queries.

"Yeah, what's happening?" Helen asks, echoing everyone's concern.

"Seems Chairman Rose and Adam are testing something again," Leon sighs.

"Wait, my Dad is involved in this?" I ask, surprised.

"This is bad! Pokémon might start Dynamaxing right in the middle of Hammerlocke!" Sonia gasps.

"Is that so? I can make sure the chairman knows," Leon says confidently.

"You'll just get lost, Leon. I'm going, too!" Sonia asserts, as Leon nods in agreement. She continues, "I'm really looking forward to seeing you compete in the Finals. So you should leave the investigation on the quaking to the adults. Head to Steamdrift or Circhester and get that Gym Badge!"

After they depart, we notice Hop coming out from the train station, waving enthusiastically at us. "First that forest, then that mad quiz... I've been lost in every sense of the word! But it looks like I've finally caught up to you again. Come with me to Route 7! I could use a bit of competition to motivate me!"

"Another battle? Count me in," Alice says. "I'll take you on this time."

After visiting the Ghost Girl's place and finding her gone, she left a Reaper Cloth behind for us, leaving us with an eerie shiver despite her absence.

Arriving at Route 7, Hop initiates the challenge, saying, "All right, Alice! You and I both know I've got to keep on trying different strategies if I'm gonna get strong enough to catch up to Lee... No! Not just catch up! If I want to surpass him! So I think you know what's coming, mate... Let me try out my latest in a battle against you!"

He sends out a Trevenant, to which Alice responds, "I see... you're starting with a Ghost-type."

"Of course, it's time for me to test exactly how far I can go with my latest and greatest team," Hop says confidently.

Alice sends out Morgrem to battle, and Morgrem defeats Trevenant using Dark Pulse. Hop asserts, "The way you battle... You know, it kind of reminds me of Lee!"

"Glad to hear it." Alice replies. Hop then sends out Snorlax, which manages to defeat Morgrem with a powerful Body Slam. In response, Alice sends out Dreepy. Despite its small size, Dreepy manages to defeat Snorlax using Infestation and Bite, although it takes some significant damage in the process.

As Heatmor takes the field, it surprisingly overpowers Dreepy despite the Fire-type moves not being particularly effective against it. Alice decides to send out her ace, Inteleon, to counter Heatmor. With precision, Inteleon executes a powerful Snipe Shot, finally taking down Heatmor.

Following Heatmor's defeat, Hop introduces his fourth Pokémon, Boltund. It swiftly launches a potent Thunderbolt attack, managing to defeat Inteleon. Without hesitation, Alice switches to her Sandaconda, leveraging its Ground-type advantage against Boltund. Sandaconda's formidable strength and Ground-type moves prove to be highly effective, eventually overpowering Boltund.

"I'm the kind of guy who gets fired up to win in these situations!" Hop sends out Inteleon as his final Pokemon. Sandaconda, despite this victory, is worn down and falls to Hop's Inteleon's attacks.

With Sandaconda out of the match, Alice calls upon her Rillaboom to take on Hop's Inteleon. Rillaboom enters the battle with a powerful Drum Beating, using its Grass-type moves to counter Inteleon's attacks. The intense clash between the two starter Pokémon reaches its peak, and ultimately, Rillaboom's Drum Beating proves to be too much for Hop's Inteleon, securing Alice's victory in this hard-fought battle.

"This is rubbish... My team can't perform if I can't get my own head straight as their Trainer..." Hop groans in frustration.

"But you did battle well," Alice reassures him. "I was just fortunate this time."

Hop sighs heavily, expressing his thoughts, "Before we ever started out on this journey... I remember watching Lee on the telly. He was like a bright star, so strong I could hardly bear to look right at him. But now, I can tell just how strong he really is... And what he's got that I haven't..."

Turning to everyone present, Hop continues, "But I am getting stronger, too. Maybe not as fast as you guys are, but fine. Whatever! Thank you for letting me battle you, Alice."

"No problem at all," Alice replies. "Just take this challenge at your own pace, Hop."

"I think I know what it is I really want... I want to battle Lee—I want to take on my bro. But not just that, I want to beat him. I want to be the one who beats the unbeatable Champion! And I am going to! My mind has been made up! Ash and Alice, you and me are going to have another battle once I get my Gym Badge in Circhester!"

"So we'll battle after the sixth gym, huh?" I remark, to which Hop nods determinedly before taking his leave.

"Still, I am a little worried about your parents..." Flora expresses her concern.

"I'm sure they will be fine, of course," Elena reassures us. With that, we head towards Route 7, ready to continue our journey.

As we finally arrive at Route 7, we discover an abundance of Pokémon in the area. Determined to strengthen our team, we decide to engage in some training sessions.

Alice and I concentrate on training our Ponyta, dedicating time and effort to its development. Through persistent effort and guidance, our Ponyta evolves into a majestic Rapidash. With this evolution comes the added advantage of a Fairy Type, allowing it to learn Fairy Wind, a move that will aid us in countering Dark Type Pokémon effectively.

Rapidash (Galarian Form): The Unique Horm Pokemon: Psychic- and Fairy-type. Evolve from Ponyta at LV:40. Little can stand up to its psycho cut. Unleashed from this Pokémon's horn, the move will punch a hole right through a thick metal sheet.

As our Corsola evolves, the transformation surprises us all as it breaks its shell and emerges as a Cursola. To our amazement, we discover that Cursola possesses a unique ability: Perish Body. This ability triggers Perish Song upon physical contact with another Pokémon.

"We need to be cautious with Cursola," Alice remarks. "Its Perish Body ability means we can't use this Pokémon for an extended period, or it'll activate Perish Song."

Understanding the implications of its ability, we realize the need to strategically manage the time we spend using Cursola in battles, ensuring it doesn't inadvertently trigger Perish Song and force an untimely end to the battle.

Cursola: The Coral Pokemon: Ghost Type. Evolve from Galarian Corsola at LV:38. Its shell is overflowing with its heightened otherworldly energy. The ectoplasm serves as protection for this Pokémon's core spirit.

As our Corvisquire evolves into Corviknight, we're thrilled to witness its transformation into a new form adorned with Steel Type characteristics. Along with its evolution, it gains a powerful new move, Steel Wing, further broadening its range of attacks.

Even more exciting is the discovery of its new ability, Mirror Armor. This ability proves to be a valuable asset as it reflects and rebounds any stat-lowering effects caused by opponents' moves right back at them.

Corviknight: The Raven Pokemon: Flying and Steel Type. Evolve from Corvisquire at LV:38. This Pokémon reigns supreme in the skies of the Galar region. The black luster of its steel body could drive terror into the heart of any foe.

Encountering a Morpeko in its Hangry Mode, we notice it attempting to eat our food. Helen, always prepared, swiftly ensures there's plenty available to satiate Morpeko's hunger, helping it transition back to its Full Belly Mode. With the situation resolved, we manage to capture Morpeko without any issues.

"Seems like we've got another heavy eater besides Snorlax," Helen remarks, noting Morpeko's voracious appetite.

"Sorry about that," I express, feeling a bit apologetic for the unexpected situation caused by Morpeko's hunger pangs.

Morpeko: The Two-sided Pokemon: Electric and Dark Type. It carries electrically roasted seeds with it as if they're precious treasures. No matter how much it eats, it always gets hungry again in short order.

Here is a new chapter, and we have new Pokemon capturing and new evolutions, as well as a battle with Hop. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be Route 8 and probably another gym.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Koffing, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Polteageist (Antique), Hattrem, Morgrem, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Dreepy, Kleavor

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