Chapter 35

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As we move on from Route 7 to Route 8, Elena enlightens us, saying, "Route 8 is divided due to Steamdrift Town, with this section being the rocky part."

Gloria chimes in, observing the surroundings, "I can see numerous ruins in this area. This place seems quite remarkable and holds a special allure."

As we explore the ruins, our attention is drawn to a group of six Pokémon marching together. Alice recognizes them, saying, "Those are Falinks."

Observing their formation, I comment, "The one leading the group must be the brass. Just look at how coordinated they are." We witness their synchronized movements as they engage in battle against a Boldore, showcasing exceptional teamwork and strategy. Their collective efforts and synchronization leave us impressed with their battle prowess.

Surprisingly, one particular Falinks within the group is out of sync, and as they attempt to attack us, Pikachu's Thunderbolt disrupts their formation, separating them from the brass, their leader. "Oh no!" Alice exclaims, hurrying after the Falinks' leader, while I take charge of dealing with the remaining Falinks.

Once the other five Falinks regain consciousness, they unexpectedly begin treating Pikachu as their new "brass," following it closely. Pikachu appears bewildered by the sudden turn of events. Despite my attempts to break up the formation, the Falinks continuously gravitate back to the last one in line, following Pikachu.

After a while, Alice returns, accompanied by Absol, Espeon, Mimikyu, Eldegoss, and Weezing, who are trailing behind the Falinks' captain. Flora inquires, "What are you doing, Alice?"

"Well, I was just training the brass; it seems a bit uneasy," Alice explains. She then kneels down and encourages, "Go on, Brass."

Subsequently, the brass and Pikachu exchange positions, causing Pikachu some annoyance as the other Pokémon persist in following it. Frustrated, I sigh, "You don't have to stick to anyone..."

After the training session, Falinks is prepared for battle once more. Unexpectedly, an Eiscue suddenly appears, eliciting a gasp from Alice, who expresses, "An Eiscue! I've always wanted one!"

A battle ensues between Falinks and Eiscue, with both sides fiercely engaging. During the skirmish, the brass of Falinks exhibits enhanced confidence, skillfully directing its troop in both offensive and defensive maneuvers. However, the intense battle causes the ice mask around Eiscue's face to shatter, leading it to panic and flee from the scene.

"Oh no... I really wanted to catch that Eiscue..." Alice laments with disappointment.

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll have another chance to encounter it," I reassure her with a sigh, trying to lift her spirits. "But you truly are acting as one Pokémon. Excellent teamwork!" I commend the Falinks, acknowledging their exceptional unity and coordination.

The Falinks, filled with joy and a desire to join our team, eagerly express their willingness to become part of our group. In response to their enthusiasm, we decide to capture all of them at once in a single Poké Ball, welcoming them into our team with excitement.

Falinks: The Formation Pokemon: Fighting-type. The six of them work together as one Pokémon. Teamwork is also their battle strategy, and they constantly change their formation as they fight.

As we arrive at Steamdrift Town, I find myself participating in the fourth Contest, where to our pleasant surprise, we encounter Serena and Lisia. Excitedly, we greet them, "Serena! Lisia!"

Serena, visibly surprised to see her sister with us, expresses her astonishment, "Helen? You're traveling with Ash?"

Helen responds confidently, "Why is that surprising? We've been journeying together for quite a while now. Ash even managed to defeat my Dad in a Gym battle a few months ago."

"Wow, that's incredible," Lisia exclaims, joining in the conversation and offering her greetings to all of us. The unexpected reunion brings about a sense of joy and camaraderie among us as we catch up and share our respective adventures.

"So what brings you two here?" I inquire, curious about Serena and Lisia's visit.

Serena responds first, explaining, "I'm here to participate in the Contests. After winning the Hoenn Grand Festival, I thought it would be exciting to compete alongside you in the Contests once again."

"That sounds like a great idea," I respond with enthusiasm. "So you're joining the Steamdrift Contest?"

Lisia interjects, "No, we're just here to spectate. Hope you don't mind us cheering you on from the sidelines?"

"Of course not," I reply warmly, smiling at the prospect of having their support during the competition.

The excitement surges within me as I step onto the stage of the Steamdrift Contest, ready to secure my fourth ribbon, and my heart pounds with anticipation. "Alright, Cinderace, Zoroark, let's give it our all!" I call out to my trusted partners, ready for the appeal rounds. Cinderace gracefully dribbles the Poké Ball while Zoroark weaves illusions, creating a spectacle resembling a spirited soccer match. "Show them our teamwork!" I encourage as the crowd erupts in applause, impressed by our synchronized performance.

Moving onto the battle rounds, Cinderace and Zoroark face formidable opponents. "Let's do this, Cinderace! Zoroark, let's use our combo!" I shout, feeling the intensity of the match. Cinderace's Pyro Ball and Zoroark's illusions work seamlessly together, confounding our opponents. "Keep it up! We can do this!" I urge them on, watching as their coordinated moves outmaneuver the opposition.

Amidst the cheers, the judges announce me as the winner. Grinning from ear to ear, I hold the fourth ribbon tightly. "Great job, you two! We did it!" I beam proudly at Cinderace and Zoroark, feeling grateful for our teamwork that led us to this hard-earned victory.

Serena beams with admiration, her eyes sparkling as she congratulates me, "Ash, your performance was incredible! The way Cinderace and Zoroark synchronized their moves was breathtaking. You truly have an amazing bond with your Pokémon."

Alice nods in agreement, her face glowing with pride, "Absolutely, Ash! I couldn't take my eyes off the appeal rounds. Cinderace and Zoroark's teamwork was astounding. Your strategies in the battle rounds were top-notch too! It was an impressive display of skill and coordination."

"Thanks, guys. It's all thanks to their hard work," I respond gratefully to their encouraging words.

Serena and Lisia express their intention to head for Motostoke, Serena wanting to visit her father. With warm farewells, we part ways, exchanging wishes for safe travels as they depart. Turning our focus back to the path ahead, we make our way towards the stadium.

Amidst the bustling crowd, two enthusiastic fangirls excitedly point out, "Hey look! It's Gordie!" Eager to get closer, they rush towards the gym leader, prompting our curiosity as we follow suit, intrigued by the commotion.

As we approach, we witness Gym Leader Gordie surrounded by fans, presenting autographs of his new book, "Hard as Rock, Strong as Gordie."

"Here you go," Gordie beams as he hands over the book to one of the fervent fangirls, eliciting a joyful squeal from her.

"So, that's the next gym leader you're going to face..." Alice observes.

"Yeah, it looks like he's quite occupied with fan meetings..." I note. "I wonder if he's also an author?"

"Perhaps he's just a well-known celebrity," Flora speculates, nodding in agreement with the group's observations.

After the fangirls disperse, Gordie requests Solrock and Lunatone to move the tables, and as he does, he notices our presence and strolls toward us.

"Well, if it isn't Ash Ketchum and Alice?" Gordie greets us with a smile. "How long have you been standing there?"

"We just got here, and it seems you've already finished the autographs," I respond, extending my hand for a handshake. "So, you're having a fan meeting for your new book?"

"Yeah, indeed. You don't have a copy, right? Here, consider this a freebie from me to you," Gordie offers, handing over two books. Inside, I find a League Card featuring details about him.

Suddenly, a voice interrupts the exchange, "So you're handing out autographs again, huh?"

We turn to see the Ice-type Gym Leader Melony standing before us. However, Gordie's reaction to her arrival seems tense. "What I'm doing is none of your business, Mom," Gordie retorts, his tone tinged with displeasure.

"We didn't realize you two were related," Alice expresses our surprise. Melony, the Circhester gym leader Alice wishes to challenge, being Gordie's mother, catches us off guard.

Gordie seems defensive, "What are YOU doing here? If you're trying to push me into training Ice-types again, you're mistaken."

"I'm just here for your book signing; after all, I'm the inaugural member of your fan club," Melony teases, causing Gordie to groan. Noticing us, she shifts her attention, "Oh, Ash and Alice! Sorry for not noticing you earlier. I didn't realize you were also fans of my son."

"We only found out about the fan club a few minutes ago... We actually came to town for the Gym Battle," I explain.

"Ah, you've already earned five badges," Melony acknowledges. "How about challenging my gym instead of my son's? I might offer you a more challenging battle."

Gordie's reaction is tinged with irritation, "Are you suggesting that I'll lose to them? Just because I prefer Rock-types doesn't mean you can insult me like that!" He seems slightly agitated by the suggestion.

"Sure," Melony responds. "Do you want a reminder of what happened when I used Eiscue against your Stonjourner?"

Gordie's expression turns somber, and Melony shifts her attention back to us, apologizing, "I have to go. I've got a challenger named Marnie waiting for me at Circhester Gym. Say hello to Aurora for me, alright?"

"Wait, you know my Mom?" I inquire.

"We were childhood friends back in the day," Melony reveals before bidding us farewell.

Turning to Gordie, who seems visibly frustrated by his mother's visit, Elena asks, "Gordie, are you alright?"

"Sorry you had to witness that," Gordie apologizes. "As mentioned in my book, my relationship with my Mom isn't great... and that's the reason why Circhester is currently split into two towns."

"I see... According to your biography, it's about your mother training you for an Ice-type Gym Leader role, but you prefer Rock-types, leading to disagreements," I remark after perusing the book. The tension between Gordie and Melony becomes clearer in light of the biography's narrative.

"I understand how you feel, Gordie. My relationship with my mother has been similar," Helen empathizes. "We've clashed over differing perspectives, but I never held any animosity towards her. Have you attempted to discuss your true aspirations with her?"

"To be honest, I have," Gordie responds. "That's why I strive to ensure my fans are content. It's my way of proving that I don't require her guidance or predetermined goals to achieve my dreams. Ash, you're here for my gym battle, right? I'll be waiting for you there."

As Gordie departs, Flora remarks, "Gordie seems like a genuinely good person."

"Yeah... I can't help but feel sorry for him," I reflect. "I hope there's a way for both of them to reconcile and find common ground."

"Gordie is a young rising star that many suspect will be the Champion someday. Though Rock-type Pokémon are typically known for being rough and unrelenting, Gordie has worked hard to achieve victory through a refined and graceful battle style. He always tries to keep his fans happy and thus is very popular among the audience. On the other hand, he has the surprising tendency of shutting himself away in the locker room when he is defeated, making postdefeat interviews a rarity. This doesn't bother most of his fans, though, and they see this behavior as endearing."

As we step into the stadium, a staff member approaches us, welcoming me as a Gym Challenger. "Would you like to attempt the Gym mission? If so, you'll need to change into the Gym uniform. The dressing room is that way," she gestures.

I head to the dressing room and don the Rock Uniform, resembling Gordie's attire without the jacket. Returning to the staff member, she adds, "Be sure to collect the Trap Detector further ahead. It's essential for the Gym mission."

"Trap detector?" I inquire, feeling slightly puzzled as I accept the device. Making my way onto the field, I notice a massive sandy path leading to a staircase from the sidelines, signaling the challenge ahead.

As I tread cautiously on the sandy terrain, I notice the Trap Detector vibrating, indicating the presence of hidden pitfalls. Meowth curiously ponders, "I wonder what would happen if you step on the invisible pitfall?"

"I'd rather not find out," I reply, determined to navigate carefully. Moving forward, we encounter the first Gym Trainer, Abigail. "Hey, you used to walking around in Circhester Stadium, yet?" she remarks before initiating a battle, sending out her Boldore.

Opting for Sandaconda, I command an Earthquake, swiftly defeating her Pokémon. "You battled so confidently... I see! You've got to have confidence!" Abigail acknowledges, impressed by our performance.

As we complete the first stage, the ground starts shaking, revealing the previously hidden pitfalls. "Whoa... there are so many pitfalls," I observe, slightly overwhelmed.

"It seems like there are some bouncing mats below, so I assume it's safe if we fall," Zoroark points out, noticing the safety measures in place below.

As I progress to the second phase of the Gym challenge, I notice a faint sandstorm beginning to blow. "I see... so in the third phase, the entire field will be covered by a Sandstorm... I'll need to be careful," I remark, mentally preparing for the escalating challenge.

However, my anticipation is disrupted as I unexpectedly fall through one of the hidden traps, landing on the safety mat. Everyone looks at me with concern, but fortunately, I'm unharmed, managing to return to the start of the second phase.

In the second phase of the Gym challenge, I encounter the first of two trainers, Kiera, who expresses her admiration, "Rock types are really, really, really, really amazing!"

She sends out a Crustle for battle, prompting me to choose Samurott. Despite the Sturdy ability setback, I instruct Samurott to use Razor Shell, defeating Kiera's Pokémon. "Did I manage to convey how impressive Rock types can be?" Kiera queries after our battle.

Continuing through the second phase, I face the next trainer, Oliver, who praises Gordie's attributes, saying, "Gordie's amazing qualities... Number one! He's cool and fashionable!"

Oliver sends out a Carkol for battle. Opting for Dracovish, I command the use of Fishious Rend, swiftly defeating Oliver's Pokémon. "Gordie's amazing qualities... Number two! He's lively and stylish!"

In the obscured visibility of the third phase, the sensation of vibrations is the only guide. The final trainer, Wendy, calls out, "Gym Challenger! I know you're there."

Although barely able to discern her figure, I anticipate her sending out a Sudowoodo. Choosing Corviknight, I utilize Steel Wing to defeat her Pokémon. "Even though I sensed your presence, I couldn't see a path to victory," Wendy remarks after our battle.

Struggling through the challenge, I manage to navigate through the obscured terrain and eventually reach the goal. "Thank goodness my aura helped. I wonder how many attempts a Gym Challenger needs before reaching Gordie at the end..." I ponder aloud.

Pikachu responds, "That's a great question. I'm just glad we won't have to find out." A sense of relief washes over us, grateful to have overcome the challenge and reached our goal without having to repeat the trial multiple times. Dan exclaims, "Gym mission cleared!"

Arriving at the Battlefield, I confront Gordie, who introduces himself, saying, "Hey there. The name's Gordie. I admit I feel a little bad for doing this to a Gym Challenger, but... I'm going to use this match to show the crowd that my Pokémon are unbeatable! So, let's get this over with, Challenger!"

"Sounds good, Gordie," I reply, ready to take on the challenge.

Gordie executes a backflip, initiating the battle by sending out his first Pokémon, Barbaracle. "A Rock and Water Type, huh? Appletun, let's go!" I announce, choosing my Pokémon for the match.

Opting for Apple Acid, I swiftly command the move. However, Barbaracle anticipates the attack, countering with Rock Tomb, blocking the incoming assault.

"Razor Shell!" Gordie commands, and Barbaracle slashes at Appletun, catching it off guard. "Now, Poison Jab!"

Barbaracle's Poison Jab lands, poisoning Appletun and causing substantial damage. "Appletun, recover your health!" I instruct urgently. Appletun manages to use Recover, regaining some health. Seizing the opportunity, I command another Apple Acid attack, which successfully lands and eliminates Barbaracle from the field.

"Barbaracle certainly put in quite an effort, but now it's time for my second Pokémon: Go, Shuckle!" Gordie sends out his Shuckle.

"Shuckle has low Attack, Special Attack, and Speed..." I recall, considering Appletun's chances. "I think my Appletun can still handle this."

"Are you sure?" Gordie challenges, instructing Shuckle to use Power Split!

My eyes widen as Shuckle executes the move, seemingly absorbing some of Appletun's stats. "Power Split equalizes the Attack and Sp. Atk stats with the target," I explain. "With Shuckle's low stats, it absorbed some of Appletun's to bolster its own."

"Now, Struggle Bug!" Gordie commands. Shuckle's attack inflicts substantial damage on Appletun, compounded by the ongoing Poison effect.

"Appletun, hang in there! Bulldoze!" I urge. Unfortunately, the attack doesn't fare well, and ultimately, Appletun succumbs to the Poison status, unable to endure the damage.

"Now that Shuckle has Appletun's stats, I have to be cautious... Struggle Bug lowers special attack, so I'll focus on physical moves," I strategize, sighing as I send out Aegislash.

"Nice Aegislash you've got there. Looks sharp," Gordie comments.

"Sharp enough to take down your Shuckle once and for all. Iron Head, let's go!" I command, and Aegislash strikes at Shuckle. However, its high defenses mitigate much of the damage.

"Rock Tomb," Gordie orders, and Shuckle hurls rocks at Aegislash.

"Try King's Shield!" I urge, but the attack knocks the shield away before Aegislash can transform. "Oh no!" I gasp.

"Don't worry. Aegislash, focus! Power Split didn't raise your Speed Stat. Grab your shield quickly and use Iron Defense!" I guide Aegislash, reassuring it despite the setback.

Aegislash swiftly retrieves its shield, and as predicted, Shuckle's slower speed prevents it from attacking again. Aegislash raises its defense successfully.

"Now, switch back to Blade Form and unleash Sacred Sword!" I command loudly.

"Struggle Bug! Don't let it strike you!" Gordie counters, but to his surprise, Aegislash's strike overwhelms Shuckle, ultimately knocking it out.

"Great job, Aegislash," I commend my Pokémon with a smile. Gordie exhales deeply, indicating his next move, "I think you're going to force me to use the big guns. Let's see if you can face my next Pokémon: Stonjourner!"

"Ston-what?" I express confusion until I spot the Pokémon, consisting of three rectangular rocks. "I've never seen that Pokémon before..."

"Stonjourner, Rock Tomb!" Gordie commands as the Pokémon hurls rocks at Aegislash. Reacting swiftly, I instruct Aegislash to employ King's Shield, lowering Stonjourner's attack.

"Don't back down, Stonjourner! Attack again!" Gordie urges. Despite the attack being weakened by King's Shield, Aegislash succumbs to the relentless Rock Tomb, ultimately fainting.

"Ah, Aegislash, you did great," I murmur with a tinge of disappointment.

I swiftly recall my weakened Aegislash and reach for another Poké Ball, calling out, "Perrserker, you're up next!"

Surprised by the switch, Gordie commands, "Stonjourner, Body Press!"

"Dodge it from below, Perrserker!" I direct urgently.

The crowd and Gordie watch in amazement as Perrserker skillfully evades the attack, positioning itself beneath Stonjourner. "Metal Claw!" I command.

Perrserker delivers a powerful slash from below, dealing considerable damage to Stonjourner. "A smart move, but it won't stop me," Gordie asserts as he retaliates with a Mega Kick, causing Perrserker visible discomfort.

"Can you keep going, Perrserker?" I inquire as my Pokémon struggles to rise. "Yes? Perfect! Use Brick Break!" I command. The Fighting-type move lands with force, dealing significant damage to Stonjourner and eventually defeats it.

Gordie withdraws his fainted Pokémon and declares, "Not yet! I'm not crumbling to dust just yet. We can still battle!"

Out comes Coalossal, and a hint of worry crosses my mind knowing it's capable of Gigantamaxing. "Coalossal, Heat Crash!" Gordie commands as the immense Pokémon unleashes the super-effective fire move, overpowering Perrserker and rendering it unable to continue the battle.

My final Pokémon standing is Inteleon, and Gordie declares, "Like a giant mountain boulder! Hiyah! Gigantamax!"

Gordie recalls his Coalossal, and it undergoes a colossal transformation, Gigantamax Coalossal emerging before us. "What the... that's massive," I exclaim, taken aback by the colossal size of the Pokémon.

In response, I Dynamax my Inteleon, and Gordie taunts, "Size means strength! Savor this pain! G-Max Volcalith!"

The powerful attack inflicts substantial damage to Inteleon, and the stone remnants continue to damage it persistently. "It's like a Rock-type version of Fire Spin or Whirlpool," I note.

To counter, I command Inteleon to unleash Max Geyser, dealing significant damage. Yet, to my surprise, Gigantamax Coalossal's Speed Stat skyrockets.

"So, Steam Engine," I realize. "It boosts the Speed Stat to the maximum when hit by a Fire or Water move."

Despite the adversity, Inteleon manages to defeat Coalossal with a Snipe Shot after reverting to its normal size.

"I just want to climb into a hole... Well, I guess it'd be more like falling from here," Gordie sighs, showing a hint of disappointment as he recalls his final Pokémon. He approaches me and extends his hand, saying, "That was... impressive. Rules are rules. Here, take this Rock Badge."

We shake hands, and I receive the sixth badge. However, I notice a glint of emotion in Gordie's eyes. Concerned, I ask, "Are you alright?"

"Oh, don't worry about me. I just need to train harder, that's all," Gordie assures before leaving. Despite his words, his lingering emotions leave us feeling concerned for him.

Back at the entrance, the staff exclaims, "As a celebration of your victory over Gordie, here's a special uniform! It's the same design that Gordie wears, and that means it's extra cool!"

Accepting the uniform with gratitude, we step outside and find my mom and Melony chatting nearby. Gordie soon joins us, and Melony remarks, "I saw your gym battle, and I can say you have grown a lot."

"Mom..." Gordie's expression tightens a little.

"I was just worried about you, Gordie. I couldn't help but wonder if you could handle all the training I gave you back in my gym, and how it might affect you as a gym leader. But seeing you now, I may have been overthinking things," Melony admits.

"Mom, I'm sorry. I pushed you away when you were just looking out for me," Gordie says remorsefully, and they share a heartfelt family hug, reconciling their differences.

I turn to my mom, slightly surprised, and ask, "Mom? What are you doing here? I thought you were assisting Chairman Rose and Dad with something."

"I heard you were challenging Gordie, so I decided to bring Melony along to watch the battle. And I'm glad I did. You did a great job bringing them together," she replies warmly.

After the heartfelt conversation with Gordie and Melony, the Circhester Gym Leader, Melony, turns to Alice. "Aurora mentioned that you want to challenge me for the sixth badge, Alice. I'm looking forward to our gym battle."

"Absolutely," Alice replies confidently as we bid farewell to the gym leader. Gordie chimes in, "Alice, my Mom's a tough opponent, but I have no doubt you'll beat her in no time."

The others nod in agreement as my Mom adds, "To get to Circhester, you'll have to pass through Steamdrift Way. While you're there, I suggest you take a dip in the Hero's Bath. It's a renowned hot spring in the region."

Flora, excited at the idea, exclaims, "A hot spring amidst the snow! Can't get better than that."

With everyone looking forward to the relaxation, we bid farewell to my Mom and Gordie, preparing to venture toward Circhester and the Hero's Bath.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash gets his sixth badge and fourth ribbon. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Polteageist (Antique), Hattrem, Morgrem, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Dreepy, Kleavor

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