Chapter 36

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After leaving Steamdrift Town, we find ourselves on Steamdrift Way in Route 8, encountering numerous Ice-type Pokémon in this area, despite the fact that we could also encounter them back in the Wild Area where it's snowing.

1. Surf Shipping: This job involves carrying cargo over icy seas. We're looking for Ice-type Pokémon. (4 Pokemon)

2. MCR Freight: We need to get our shipments through blizzards, and the best type of Pokémon to do that is Ice-type Pokémon! (5 Pokemon)

3. The Captain's Table: In order to make delightfully chilled desserts, I would like to have some Ice-type Pokémon come to help out with temperature management. (7 Pokemon)

4. Bob's Your Uncle: Ice is needed for everything in the food industry, whether it's for dishes or drinks. We need the help of Ice-type Pokémon! (7 Pokemon)

5. Huo Guo Hot Pot: We need help waxing the floors! Accepting any Pokémon that can make the floors here chillingly easy to slip on! (8 Pokemon)

6. Northern Delights: I want to make a deliciously chilled ice cream. Please send Ice-type Pokémon! (9 Pokemon)

7. Macro Cosmos Living: In order to transport frozen foods in the perfect environment, we need some chilly Pokémon. (30 Pokemon)

"Icy seas and cold food... that's what one would expect from Ice-type Pokémon," I remark.

While strolling along the road, we engage in some training and battles, working on evolving our Hattrem and Morgrem. Eventually, they both evolve into their final forms.

"Now we've got a Hatterene and a Grimmsnarl! They both look absolutely fantastic!"

Hatterene: The Silent Pokemon: Psychic and Fairy type. Evolve from Hattrem at LV:42. If you're too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokémon is also known as the Forest Witch.

Grimmsnarl: The Bulk Up Pokemon: Dark and Fairy type. Evolve from Morgrem at LV:42. With the hair wrapped around its body helping to enhance its muscles, this Pokémon can overwhelm even Machamp.

"Hatterene can use Magic Powder to transform a Pokémon into a Psychic type, while Grimmsnarl wields Spirit Break, one of the rare Physical Fairy moves that reduces the opponent's Special Attack," explains Alice.

"Indeed," Flora chimes in. "And it appears that all of them have the capability of Gigantamaxing too!"

Then, we set out to capture some Pokémon and come across a cluster of small bugs on the ground. "Those are Snoms," Helen identifies.

"Awesome, I want to add one to my team," Alice declares as she captures the Snom by tossing a Pokéball. "So, this little one evolves into Frosmoth... how does that happen?" I inquire.

"It's quite straightforward; Snom evolves through happiness during the night, much like Umbreon," Elena explains.

"I don't find that straightforward at all..." I remark. "But I'm intrigued and willing to give it a shot."

Snom: The Worm Pokemon: Bug and Ice Type. It eats snow that piles up on the ground. The more snow it eats, the bigger and more impressive the spikes on its back grow.

Suddenly, we hear rustling from the bushes, prompting Helen to inquire, "What's that?"

To our astonishment, a Pokémon leaps out from the bush, prompting Helen to gasp, "That's a Darumaka! But why is it pure white?"

"An Ice-type Darumaka? Incredible..." I murmur.

Suddenly, Darumaka jumps into my backpack, prompting me to question, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Much to everyone's surprise, Darumaka retrieves an Ice Stone from my backpack, and it begins to emit a radiant glow. "It evolves using an Ice Stone?" Alice exclaims.

Before our eyes, the Darumaka transforms into a Darmanitan with a colossal snowball atop its head. "Is that a Darmanitan?" I ask in amazement.

Alice decides to scan the Pokémon and remarks, "Interesting. This Darmanitan has the ability Zen Mode. However, I'm curious to witness a Gorilla Tactics one."

"So we'll witness its transformation into another form. But what exactly are Gorilla Tactics?" I inquire.

"It boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat by one stage but restricts the Pokémon to using the first attack it employs after being sent out," Alice explains.

"That doesn't sound very practical to use," I comment. "Although I'm curious to see what happens if it shifts into Zen Mode..."

After deliberation, we agree to capture this Pokémon.

Darumaka (Galarian Form: The Zen Charm Pokemon: Ice Type. The colder they get, the more energetic they are. They freeze their breath to make snowballs, using them as ammo for playful snowball fights.

Darmanitan (Galarian Form): The Zen Charm Pokemon: Ice Type. Evolve from Darumaka with Ice Stone. On days when blizzards blow through, it comes down to where people live. It stashes food in the snowball on its head, taking it home for later.

"We've arrived! Circhester!" I exclaim, marveling at the cityscape before us. The place exudes history, and right in front, we can see the legendary Hero's Bath," I point out.

"Ah, that's the renowned Hero's Bath hot spring!" Flora remarks, taking in the sight.

"Over there is Bob's Your Uncle, the famous restaurant, and Hotel Ionia. I'm looking forward to spending the night there," Elena adds excitedly.

"Well, I believe it's high time we took a breather," I suggest. With unanimous agreement, we opt to indulge in some relaxing time at the hot spring.

Being the lone male among the group, the idea of soaking in the same bath as the girls, even though it's a mixed-gender bathing area, fills me with a sense of awkwardness. As we all enjoy the relaxing hot spring, Alice notices the evident redness in my face and asks, "What's wrong, Ash? Your face seems a little flushed."

"Well, it's probably because the hot spring is, you know, quite hot..." I stammer, trying to mask my discomfort.

"But considering the chilly, snowy weather outside..." Helen begins, realization dawning upon her. "Ah, I see what's happening..."

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, I decide it's time to make a hasty exit. However, before I can slip away, Alice catches me and firmly insists that I remain in the hot spring longer, much to my dismay. I squirm uncomfortably, hoping for a swift release from the somewhat embarrassing situation.

After what felt like an eternity, Helen comments, "The Hot Spring in Fiero City of the Sevestar Region is fantastic, but this one here is on a whole different level."

"Absolutely... I'm feeling incredibly relaxed. How about you, Ash?" Gloria inquires, sensing my unease.

"Don't even ask," I mutter, my discomfort palpable as I try to downplay the awkwardness of the situation.

We head towards Hotel Ionia, where, owing to my status as the 7-region Champion and Gloria's role in offering Poke Jobs, we're graciously provided with the finest rooms at the regular price. As we check-in, it's agreed that Alice and I will share one room, while the other girls will occupy two separate rooms.

With gratitude for the accommodations, we settle into our respective rooms, anticipating a comfortable and restful stay at Hotel Ionia. While we enjoy our dinner at the restaurant, a doctor nearby notices us and remarks, "Ah, I see you're on a quest to complete the Pokédex, aren't you? Thank you for your efforts! Keep seeking out new Pokémon to catch!"

With a friendly gesture, he presents us with the Catching Charm, a gift we graciously accept with thanks. We express our gratitude for the kind gesture and continue our meal, feeling encouraged and motivated to further our Pokémon-catching endeavors.

The following day, after a pleasant morning at the hotel, it's time for us to make our way to Circhester Stadium. Alice is geared up to claim her sixth badge from the Ice Gym. Upon arrival, we encounter Hop, who appears quite flustered, muttering, "Arghhh! I lost! It all went to pot!"

"You lost the gym battle? That's unexpected," Alice responds, clearly surprised.

"There must've been something wrong with my strategy, but I did just what I've seen Lee do in battles! Here! Take it! It's the Ice Leader's League Card. You should check out the Gym Leader you'll have to face, too," Hop says, handing us Melony's League Card.

"And me... I've gotta figure out what to put on my team once and for all, and no more of this doubting!" Hop declares before taking his leave, determined to reassess his strategies and team choices.

Melony has been a Gym Leader since she was in her twenties. She is also known as a very effective coach, but her coaching style is incredibly strict. Her battle style is fittingly severe and stoic, as well. Any Gym Trainers who manage to remain under Melony are sure to be powerful opponents. Thus many see Circhester Stadium as a major roadblock for Gym Challengers. Many quietly speculate that Melony's harsh battle style is due to a fight she had with her son.

After meeting the staff, he warmly greets us, saying, "Welcome, Gym Challenger! Are you ready to take on the Gym Mission?"

"Absolutely," Alice responds with enthusiasm.

"Fantastic! Please make your way to the changing room to put on your uniform and proceed to start the mission," the staff instructs.

Alice swiftly changes into her gym outfit, now adorned in a white long-sleeved shirt featuring the Ice Type Logo, paired with shorts and grey long socks. Then, the staff directs her, saying, "Now, please enter and collect the Trap Detector. It's essential for the Gym Mission!"

As Alice obtains the Trap Detector, a concern arises among us: will Alice encounter the same gym mission as the one in Gordie's gym?

As we settle into our seats within the audience, we notice the platforms arranged similarly to the Gym Mission in Steamdrift. Alice arrives and encounters Dan, who offers, "Would you like to know more about the Gym mission here in Circhester? Let me explain about the Trap Detector you're holding! It's quite straightforward. There are concealed panels scattered all around! Stepping on one triggers snowballs that'll chase you back to the last platform you reached. The detector will vibrate when there's a panel ahead. The intensity of the vibration indicates how close you are to the panel!"

Alice's surprise triggers five snowballs that swiftly appear, menacingly pursuing her back to the starting point. Startled, she gasps, "Wow... that's quite frightening..."

Navigating cautiously, Alice encounters the first trainer, Lewis, who confidently declares, "As long as I've got Ice-type Pokemon with me, I can stay totally chill."

Lewis sends out a Snom, prompting Alice to respond with Coalossal, utilizing Heat Crash to easily overpower the Snom. "What? I can't possibly lose!" Lewis protests in disbelief as Alice secures the victory.

As Alice progresses to the second phase of the Gym Mission, the surroundings transform with snowfall, revealing hidden panels slightly elevated from the initial ones. There, she encounters two trainers, starting with Liana, who warns, "Gym Challenger, I'll freeze you and your Pokémon solid, shattering you into tiny pieces!"

Liana's Pokémon, Cloyster, faces off against Alice's Pikachu. With a strategic Thunderbolt, Alice defeats the Cloyster. Deflated, Liana remarks, "I was shattered into tiny pieces... along with my pride..." after her defeat.

In the midst of the gym's second phase, Alice faces the second trainer, Alexander, who asks, "Gym Challenger, are you aiming to battle Melony, too?"

Alexander's Beartic engages in battle against Alice's Copperajah, with Copperajah employing Heavy Slam to defeat the Beartic. Regretfully, Alexander remarks, "Oh no! She might get cross at me if she hears I lost to a challenger." His defeat leaves him concerned about facing the Gym Leader after losing to Alice.

Navigating through the final phase amidst the dense mist and blizzard, Alice finds it challenging to see, yet her familiarity with Pokémon Village in Kalos serves her well, enabling her to push forward undeterred. As she progresses, she encounters the last trainer, Micah, who encourages her, saying, "Keep moving onward, even if the path ahead is unclear. That's the essence of Circhester Stadium's Gym Mission!"

Micah's Avalugg confronts Alice's Falinks, and employing a strategic combination of No Retreat followed by Brick Break, Alice emerges victorious. "Just as you triumphed by believing in your Pokémon, have faith in yourself and forge ahead," Micah advises encouragingly.

Finally, Alice reaches the end of the Gym Mission, marked by Dan's enthusiastic shout, "Goal! Gym Mission Cleared!" Taking a moment to catch her breath, she navigates toward the exit, poised to step onto the battlefield for the Gym Leader challenge.

As Alice steps onto the battlefield, Melony introduces herself confidently, "I am Melony. As you can clearly see, I've assembled a team of all Ice-type Pokémon. You! You aren't sore all over from stepping on some panels, are you? Even if you are, I'm not going to hold back!"

"I'm ready," Alice responds assuredly.

"All righty, I suppose we should get started. You won't be able to escape when I freeze you solid. And after that... Well, you'll see. I think you'll find my battle style is quite severe. " Melony remarks determinedly before summoning her first Pokémon, Frosmoth. Without hesitation, Alice chooses to send out Infernape to face the challenge.

As the battle intensifies, Frosmoth initiates the confrontation with an Icy Wind, attempting to slow Infernape's movements with a chilling gust. However, Infernape swiftly evades the icy attack, countering with a searing Flamethrower that crackles and surges toward Frosmoth. Reacting quickly, Frosmoth manages to evade the flames, dodging the fiery assault.

"Time for Bug Buzz!" Melony commands. Frosmoth complies, unleashing the Bug-type attack toward Infernape. Despite the hit, Infernape remains resilient and poised. "Fire Punch!" Alice commands without hesitation.

The powerful Fire Punch lands solidly, sending Frosmoth staggering backward, visibly weakened from the impact. Harnessing its inner strength, Infernape channels its fiery energy, culminating in a final Flare Blitz. The intense inferno engulfs Frosmoth, overpowering its defenses and securing a resounding victory for Alice's Infernape.

Melony's second Pokémon, Galarian Darmanitan, initiates the battle with a Headbutt, causing Infernape to momentarily flinch. Unexpectedly, it follows up with an Icicle Crash, surprising Alice with its Zen Mode transformation.

"It's a Zen Mode Darmanitan," Alice mutters in realization. She commands Infernape to unleash Flare Blitz in response. The attack hits Galarian Darmanitan, triggering its Zen Mode transformation. To everyone's astonishment, the Pokémon's appearance shifts to a striking combination of orange and white, now emitting flames.

"So, Zen Mode Galarian Darmanitan gains Fire-type..." I gasp, taken aback by the unexpected transformation. Before anyone can react, the Fire Fang attack from the transformed Darmanitan overwhelms Infernape, resulting in its defeat. The surprise shift in type and the formidable Fire Fang attack catch everyone off guard.

"Infernape... you did well," Alice expresses with a sigh as she recalls her Pokémon. "Let's go! Sirfetch'd!"

As Sirfetch'd enters the field, it swiftly executes a Brick Break, inflicting some damage upon Darmanitan. However, Darmanitan retaliates with another Fire Fang, causing injury to Sirfetch'd.

"Apologies, Sirfetch'd! Deploy Final Gambit!" Alice decides to employ the risky move, which ultimately results in both Pokémon fainting simultaneously, the move being a suicidal attack that ends the battle in a draw, a testament to the fierce determination of both Pokémon.

"Risky moves seem to be the theme today," Melony remarks in surprise. "Eiscue, it's your turn."

Alice groans as she doesn't have an Eiscue in her current lineup, but she decides to call upon her Shiny Mimikyu for this showdown. Flora observes, "Now this is interesting. Both Pokémon won't take any damage from the first hit..."

Mimikyu initiates the confrontation with Wood Hammer, shattering Eiscue's Ice Head. However, the hail on the battlefield prompts the Ice Head to regrow, while Eiscue retaliates with an Icy Wind attack, causing Mimikyu's disguise to falter.

"Mimikyu! Use Play Rough!" Alice commands. Mimikyu engages, attacking Eiscue relentlessly, but Eiscue counters with Freeze Dry. The battle results in Mimikyu falling in defeat.

"Darn it, Mimikyu! Deploy Destiny Bond!" Alice commands, opting for the move that brings Eiscue down with it as Mimikyu faints. Both Pokémon succumb to the Destiny Bond, concluding the intense showdown in a tie as they go down simultaneously.

"Even if it cracks, ice is still ice! I'll show you what I mean!" Melony exclaims as she reveals her final Pokémon, Lapras. In response, Alice chooses Machamp for the matchup.

"Come now—go on and Gigantamax. I'll let you freeze everything solid." Melony Gigantamaxes her Lapras, enlarging it significantly. Alice follows suit, Gigantamaxing her Machamp.

"My partner's signature move invites you to a subzero world! G-Max Resonance!" Lapras unleashes the move, striking Machamp while summoning an Aurora Veil for protection.

"This is a challenge, but I'm up for it. G-Max Chi Strike!" Alice commands, prompting Machamp to counter with the move, landing several critical hits.

The battle intensifies with rounds of G-Max Resonance and G-Max Chi Strike exchanging blows between the colossal Pokémon. Eventually, both return to their normal forms, and Machamp seizes the opportunity, landing a direct hit with Dynamic Punch, and concluding the battle with a decisive victory.

Melony, echoing similar sentiments as Gordie, mentions, "I just want to climb into a hole... Well, I guess it'd be more like falling from here, right?" Their shared choice of words hints at their familial connection as mother and son. Approaching Alice, Melony acknowledges her skills, saying, "You... You're pretty good, huh? Of course seeing my Pokémon lose is sad, but to meet someone so young with such ability is quite grand. Here, take this sparkling Ice Badge!"

Alice and Melony shake hands as Alice receives her sixth badge, the Ice Badge, with gratitude. Melony adds with a touch of humor, "For some reason, I can't help but imagine my son challenging you after you become the Champion. If that time comes...give him a right thrashing, would you?"

"Well..." Alice sweatdrops before making her exit from the arena, rejoining us at the entrance. The staff offers his congratulations to Alice on her triumph over Gym Leader Melony. Handing over the uniform, he mentions, "Here's the uniform for you, too. It's the same as what Melony wears, so it's a quite popular replica!"

"Thank you," Alice acknowledges as she accepts the uniform. "That Ice Badge looks great on you! Keep at it, Challenger Alice!"

With six badges now obtained by both Alice and myself, our journey progresses, leaving just two more badges to be acquired before reaching our ultimate goal. The quest for the final badges continues as we strive to complete our collection and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that Alice wins her sixth badge against Melony and I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Dreepy, Kleavor

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