Chapter 4

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As we arrive at the Pokémon Research Lab, we find Leon already waiting for us. "Well done! You reached the goal and managed to find the Pokémon Research Lab! You did a far sight better than I did my first time. I'm hopeless with directions," Leon admits with a chuckle.

"Yeah, we heard it from Hop," Gloria remarks.

"See how your world has already grown, all thanks to having Pokémon with you? I know I'm sure glad I've got Charizard with keep me from getting lost all the time. Now, in we go!" Leon says as we make our way into the Lab.

Once inside, we're greeted by a vast array of books and equipment. "Wow... this place is bigger than Professor Oak's Lab," Alice remarks in amazement.

"I know. I've got to give it to Professor Magnolia. Everything in here looks fascinating..." Gloria adds, admiring the lab's contents.

Just then, a cute dog dashes towards us, catching our attention. Gloria expresses, "What a cute puppy."

"Yeah," Alice agrees, petting the dog fondly.

"What is it today, Leon?" A girl approaches, addressing Leon. "Looking for info on another never-before-seen, super-strong Pokémon? I wish you'd stop with these outlandish requests."

"Good to see you too, Yamper," Leon responds warmly to the trio. "Yamper here is a real champ when it comes to helping you find your way around. He came to my rescue plenty of times back in the day when I got lost on the road. Oh yeah, and that's his trainer, Sonia. What can I say about Sonia? Well, I like the way she cooks. She makes the food you can gobble down in a flash."

"Tsk," Sonia looks visibly annoyed. "What kind of an introduction is that? Did you forget we were rivals during our Gym Challenge? It wasn't just Yamper helping you out. I did, too."

Sonia turns to acknowledge us, introducing herself, "Anyway, nice to meet you! Name's Sonia. I'm the professor's assistant. And I know you, the Champion of 7 regions, Ash Ketchum. It is an honor to meet you."

"Likewise," I respond respectfully with a hand shake.

Leon intervenes, "And they are Alice and Gloria, they are new Pokémon Trainers. Set them on the right path, would you?" Then he departs the lab.

Sonia sighs in exasperation, "What does he think I am? He's always got his head in the clouds. It's no wonder he gets lost all the time."

Sonia notices Gloria's Rotom Phone and acknowledges it, "Oh. Looks like you've got a Rotom Phone. Hey there, Rotom!"

Gloria's Rotom Phone emerges, and Sonia comments, "Rotom Phones are handy little things, aren't they? They've got a map and a navigation tool. That said, Leon still gets lost, so... Oh, sorry. So tell me, Gloria, do you know a lot about Pokémon?"

Gloria responds enthusiastically, "Of course, I like all of them and I even watch all of Ash's matches on screen."

I sigh quietly at Gloria's enthusiastic admiration for me, while Sonia continues, "Well said! In that case, I'll make it so that you can use the Pokédex on your Rotom Phone!"

Sonia helps Gloria download the Pokédex application onto her Rotom Phone. Once the download is complete, Sonia adds, "Just so you know, that Pokédex is a gift from my gran! Could you let Gran know that you received the Pokédex? She lives in the house down along Route 2."

We collectively agree to head towards Professor Magnolia's house, but before that, we decide to show Gloria the Pokémon Center. I take the initiative to explain, "Since you received the Pokédex from Sonia, you can encounter many different Pokémon and start building a strong team. But battling powerful Pokémon in the wild or engaging with other Trainers can take a toll on your team. That's where Pokémon Centers come in handy!"

Alice interjects, "So now you're introducing the Pokémon Centers, Ash? Are you sure they're the same as in other regions?"

"Don't worry, I'll manage," I reassure her, while Gloria chuckles lightly.

After entering the Pokémon Center, I take the lead, explaining, "First things first—speak to Nurse Joy at the counter if you want your Pokémon healed up. Pokémon you catch are stored in computers, like the one here. Remember, you can only have six Pokémon in your party on the road, unlike us, because we have special permission."

"Really..." Gloria responds, taking in the information.

"It appears that Indeedee are the assistants working with Nurse Joy in Galar, both male and female," Alice adds.

Pointing towards the Poke Mart, I continue, "Here's the Poke Mart where you can purchase items like Poké Balls and Potions." Then, noticing another counter, I remark, "And this one seems to be where move tutors are located. They can help you forget or remember moves for your Pokémon."

At that moment, Hop arrives and asks, "Got your Pokédex from Sonia?"

"You bet, and you?" Gloria queries.

"Cheers! I'm all set. I'm heading to Route 2! Come find me later if you're done here!" Hop says, quickly healing up his Pokémon.

After stepping outside, Hop initiates a conversation, "Listen, Ash. I've been thinking... You must want to try your hand at the Gym Challenge, right?"

"Of course. So, what's different about this compared to other Leagues?" I inquire.

"The trick is that you've got to be endorsed to take part. And Lee doesn't seem to think I'm up to snuff... So I'm thinking I ought to talk to the professor and see if she could help! You've got to take part, too! A proper rival is just the thing every Trainer needs to keep growing stronger, after all. Keeps you motivated, right? The professor's house is way down at the end of Route 2, so let's head there...and give our teams the chance to train up a bit along the way!" Hop suggests enthusiastically.

"You go ahead first, we'll catch up soon," I reply, allowing Hop to rush off on his own for the time being. Gloria asks, "So what are you going to do here, Ash?"

"Take a look over there," I say, noticing a poster showcasing a Pokémon Contest taking place.

"Oh yeah! You have seven Ribbon Cups, and you probably want to get your eighth one," Gloria remarks, aware of my goal to acquire another Ribbon Cup.

As we arrive at the Contest Hall and register for the event, I realize I'm unfamiliar with most of the participants, leaving little opportunity for conversation. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation and focus as everyone prepares for the contest.

In the appeal rounds, I am the third one to perform. When my turn has come, with a confident smile, I address the audience, "Alright, Wooloo, time to shine! Let's show them what you've got!"

Wooloo, brimming with enthusiasm, begins its performance. It starts by using its captivating moves, rolling gracefully across the stage, leaving a trail of spun wool behind. The audience watches in awe as Wooloo displays its agility and poise, twirling and spinning with finesse.

As the performance continues, I encourage Wooloo, "Great job, Wooloo! Keep it up!"

Wooloo responds, delighting the audience by creating a mesmerizing spectacle. It begins to incorporate its charming nature into the routine, using its adorable appearance to win over the hearts of the spectators. The wool it sheds forms beautiful patterns, enhancing the visual appeal of its performance.

The audience cheers and applauds as Wooloo executes its routine flawlessly. Its unique blend of gracefulness and charm captivates everyone in the Contest Hall.

"A splendid performance indeed! Wooloo's graceful moves combined with its charming demeanor created an enchanting spectacle that truly resonated with the audience." Mr. Contesta comments.

"Absolutely delightful!" Mr. Sukizo adds.

"Wooloo's performance was not just visually stunning but heartwarming too. Its adorable nature and captivating routine filled the room with joy. A wonderful display of coordination and charm." Nurse Joy adds.

I beam with pride, patting Wooloo affectionately, "You were amazing out there, Wooloo! You really gave it your all."

To my delight, I find myself among the eight contestants advancing to the battle rounds. With Butterfree by my side, we face each opponent, triumphing in every round. Our teamwork, strategy, and Butterfree's impressive moves lead us to victory each time, culminating in my first-ever Galar Contest Ribbon.

"Congratulations, Ash! That was amazing! I had no idea Contests were this thrilling. You and Butterfree were fantastic!" Gloria exclaims with genuine excitement.

"Don't forget that Wooloo's performance was also great," Alice adds, acknowledging the efforts of Ash's other Pokémon.

"Thanks, guys," I smile, appreciating their support and recognition. With our victorious spirits, we decide to celebrate with a feast at a nearby restaurant. However, while waiting for our meal, our attention is drawn by the unexpected arrival of familiar faces.

"Flora and Helen?" Alice gasps in surprise as the two familiar faces catch our attention, seated at the table next to ours.

"Alice! Ash! Nice to see you here in the Galar Region," Flora greets us warmly, a smile lighting up her face.

"Indeed. The last time we met was two years ago in Kalos. How have you guys been?" Helen adds, recalling our previous encounter.

"Great," I respond, acknowledging their presence with a friendly smile.

Understanding Gloria's confusion, I take the initiative to introduce the newcomers, "Gloria, this is Flora, Alice's older sister, and Helen, Serena's older sister."

Gloria offers a polite greeting, "I'm Gloria. It's nice to meet you."

Flora responds warmly, "Hello to you, a friend of Ash and Alice's is a friend of mine."

Helen's question brings a pause. "Speaking of Serena, she's not here, right?" she inquires, looking around, possibly expecting Serena to be with us.

"No, she's in the Hoenn Region. Lisia invited her to become idols together, spreading the wonder of Pokémon Contests," I explain, providing insight into Serena's whereabouts.

"That reminds me, congratulations on your first ribbon, Ash. We saw the performances on TV. Are you aiming for the next Ribbon Cup?" Helen inquires, acknowledging our recent Contest victory.

"I'm here not only for that, I'm also here for the Gym Challenge," I clarify. "Alice and I actually have endorsements from Chairman Rose to enter the League."

Flora expresses surprise, "Wow, you're going to enter this one as well?"

Alice chimes in, "I think I want to try it out. It seems really interesting."

"I'm sure you can do it, after all, our parents are gym leaders," Flora chuckles, recalling our family connections. "And that also reminds me, how does your relationship go now?"

Feeling a slight blush, I respond, "Right now, it's stable, along with Lillie and Serena. We just had some fun in Alola before coming here."

"Not in a dirty way, but in a natural, fun way," Alice interjects quickly, clarifying to Flora and Helen, wanting to avoid any misunderstandings.

After finishing our meal, Flora and Helen express their decision to travel alongside us. While I don't mind their company, I'm taken aback by the realization that this time, there are no other male companions traveling with me in the Galar Region. This realization leaves me feeling slightly worried about the journey ahead.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the Wedgehurst Chapter and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be going to Professor Magnolia's house.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Skwovet, Rookidee, Blipbug, Nickit, Wooloo, Kleavor

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