Chapter 5

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With Flora and Helen now part of our group, we make our way through Route 2 after departing from Wedgehurst. As we walk, I find myself focusing intently on the grass, capturing the attention of the others.

"Ash? What's going on?" Gloria asks, puzzled by my behavior.

"I think that Zigzagoon looks a bit different," I remark, pointing toward the Pokémon. Its distinctive black and white stripes and playful antics draw my attention. Alice speculates, "Maybe there are Galarian Forms in this region, similar to Alola and Hisui?"

Helen offers some insight, "That's a Galarian Zigzagoon. It's a Dark Type and known for causing mischief and havoc in its surroundings."

Without hesitation, I decide to capture the Galarian Zigzagoon, tossing a Poké Ball and successfully adding it to my team.

Zigzagoon (Galarian Form): The Tiny Racoon Pokemon: Dark and Normal Type. Its restlessness has it constantly running around. If it sees another Pokémon, it will purposely run into them in order to start a fight.

"So, you caught a Zigzagoon," Flora observes, acknowledging the new addition to the team.

"Yeah, I already have a Hoenn Linoone. I wonder how Linoone is different in Galar," I ponder aloud, curious about the regional variations. Alice nods in agreement.

As we stroll toward the bay, we spot a Chewtle relaxing along the shore. "Look, it's a Chewtle," I remark, noticing the Pokémon.

Suddenly, the Chewtle wakes up and aggressively bites onto Gloria's hand, causing her discomfort. Reacting swiftly, Zoroark intervenes using Night Slash, sending the Chewtle flying into the water.

"Zoroark, thank you," Gloria expresses her gratitude. However, the Chewtle resurfaces, using Water Gun as Zoroark skillfully dodges the attack with Agility.

"Zoroark, Feint Attack!" I command, seizing the opportunity created by Zoroark's agility. Zoroark swiftly strikes, catching the Chewtle off guard, allowing me to capture it during the distraction.

Chewtle: The Snapping Pokemon: Water Type. Apparently, the itch of its teething impels it to snap its jaws at anything in front of it.

Just then, Yamper bounds into view, instantly capturing everyone's attention. Pikachu's excitement spikes as it approaches the canine Pokémon, and within moments, they become fast friends, exchanging playful gestures and affectionate licks.

"Looks like this Pokémon really adores you, Pikachu," I remark with a chuckle, observing the heartwarming interaction between the two Pokémon. The Yamper's enthusiasm isn't restricted to Pikachu alone; it darts towards me, prompting me to lift it into the air. "Do you want to join us on our journey?"

In response, the playful pup showers me with a series of exuberant licks, eliciting laughter from those around us. Feeling a strong connection, I decide to capture the Yamper, solidifying the budding bond between us.

Yamper: The Puppy Pokemon: Electric Type. This Pokémon is very popular as a herding dog in the Galar region. As it runs, it generates electricity from the base of its tail.

"It's incredibly adorable," Alice remarks, hugging the puppy Pokémon affectionately, who responds with more affectionate licks.

"It seems to have taken quite a liking to both of you," Flora observes, noticing the strong bond forming between us.

As we near a lake, we notice several fish-like Pokémon swimming in the water. "Those are Arrokudas," Helen identifies the aquatic Pokémon.

"It's great to add another Water-type Pokémon to the team," I comment, intrigued by the presence of the Arrokudas. I decide to use my Super Rod, casting the line and successfully hooking an Arrokuda. Following that, I swiftly toss a Dive Ball, capturing the Pokémon and adding it to my team.

As we approach Professor Magnolia's house, we're greeted by Victor and Hop eagerly waiting for us.

"Hey, there's the professor!" Victor points out, noticing her arrival.

Hop seems puzzled and asks, "Wait, when did you pick up two more girls?"

Flora and Helen take the opportunity to introduce themselves warmly, and we all head to the front yard together, ready for our meeting with Professor Magnolia.

Leon initiates the conversation, inquiring, "So have you unraveled all the secrets of the Dynamax phenomenon yet?"

Professor Magnolia responds, "Oh, goodness no. The entire phenomenon still holds many unanswered questions. I had hoped that my granddaughter would continue my research, but..."

Interrupted by our entrance, Professor Magnolia apologizes, "Dear me, I'm sorry. I didn't even notice my guests." She introduces herself, "My name is Magnolia. Welcome, young trainers. Now, please, let's head indoors."

We follow Professor Magnolia into her house, where she kindly offers us some tea. "Why, Hop dear. I see Wooloo has made some new friends. And you must be Ash, Alice, Victor, and Gloria. I trust you received the Pokédex from Sonia. I'm sure you'll have it complete in no time!"

Leon jumps into the conversation, inquiring, "You must already know about Dynamaxing, right? Ash? Everyone?"

"Of course, we're quite familiar with Dynamaxing," I respond confidently, affirming our knowledge of the phenomenon.

"Professor Magnolia's been doing research into the Dynamax phenomenon for years and years. And it takes a proper understanding of the thing if you plan to use Dynamaxing to the fullest!" Leon comments enthusiastically about the professor's work.

Magnolia responds with a gentle sigh, "There you go again, Leon, always talking about Pokemon. There are other things that are worth knowing about, too, you know. Like how many different types of tea there are!"

Hop asks, "Hey, Professor, could you do us a favor? Help me convince Lee to endorse us for the Gym Challenge!"

Professor Magnolia seems surprised by the request and turns to Leon, inquiring, "Oh, Leon, why wouldn't you endorse them?"

Leon responds, "Other than Gloria, who has no interest in gym challenges, Hop and Victor only just started out as Pokémon Trainers... There's still loads they don't know yet!"

"Dearie, I thought your dream was to have everyone in the Galar region become strong Trainers. Isn't that right?" Professor Magnolia asks, inquiring about the aspirations to become strong trainers.

"Well yeah, you're not wrong. That goal's precisely the reason I gave them Pokémon, in fact. Right then. In that about this? Let's see if the two of you can show me such a brilliant battle that I'm left with no choice but to endorse you. And don't worry. I'll make sure both your teams are in good shape before the battle starts," Leon suggests.

I suggest, "How about making it even more exciting? Both Alice and I are also pursuing the Gym Challenge, and we already have our endorsements. Why don't we have a double battle?"

"Right! I'll be waiting outside!" Hop enthusiastically announces as he rushes out of the house, excited for the impending battle.

Outside of Professor Magnolia's house, the tension mounts as Victor sends out Chewtle and Hop releases Wooloo onto the battlefield. I deploy Nickit, and Alice calls forth Zigzagoon. Professor Magnolia steps outside, intrigued by the unfolding battle.

"I'm going to become the greatest Pokémon Trainer there is! And to do that, I need that endorsement to take part in the Gym Challenge! Come at me with everything you have so we can prove to Lee that we've got what it takes!" Hop's determination echoes through his words.

"We won't be holding back," Alice affirms, ready for the challenge ahead.

Leon interjects, offering advice, "Listen, you four. The reason I'm unbeatable is because I learn from every battle I see or take part in. That's how I've gotten to where I am today. So show me something good in this battle!"

Hop nods confidently, "It's time for my legend to begin!"

The battle begins with Galarian Zigzagoon using a powerful Headbutt, but Wooloo manages to use Cotton Guard to protect itself. Meanwhile, Nickit utilizes its Quick Attack against Chewtle, causing considerable damage, although Chewtle retaliates with a Bite attack.

As Wooloo and Chewtle faint from the intense battle, Victor sends out Grookey, while Hop brings forth Sobble. I decide to deploy Rookidee, and Alice switches to Yamper. This time, Rookidee and Yamper prove to be formidable opponents, overpowering Grookey and Scorbunny, causing them to faint.

"Oof! Gutted that I lost..." Hop expresses, disappointed by the outcome.

"But I'd expect nothing less from Ash and Alice together," Victor sighs in acknowledgment.

"Thank you, Ash. We did it!" Alice beams, giving me a high five, which I reciprocate with equal enthusiasm.

"And I even got my Poké Ball throw perfect, too!" Hop sighs, clearly disappointed. "The sting of defeat and joy of victory... I guess going through both is the key to the two of us getting stronger, right?"

Leon claps his hands together, acknowledging the battle, "Victor! Hop! Well, after seeing a match like that one... I suppose I've little choice but to give you both an endorsement as Champion!" Leon hands two letters to Victor and Hop.

"Yes! Thanks, Lee! I swear I'm going to win my way through the Gym Challenge to reach you!" Hop beams with determination.

"You may both be young still, and plenty rough around the edges, but it was a proper battle," Leon remarks, impressed by the effort.

"I could feel the excitement in every cell of my body, along with my Pokémon," I express.

Alice chuckles, "That sounds exactly like Ash, but I enjoy it too."

"Hop, you've always focused on the details like how you throw your Poké Ball, which don't always relate to real strength. But it seems you've grown a bit, Little Brother! I'm looking forward to thrilling Pokémon battles from all of you—Ash, Alice, and Victor," Leon remarks.

"All right, Ash, Alice, Victor. You and I are going to train up against one another to aim for that Champion's title. That's the way of it when you've got a great rival! Just like you've got me, and I've got you." Hop declares with determination.

"Absolutely, Hop! Rivals always push each other to greater heights. Let's train hard and aim for that Champion's title together," I reply enthusiastically.

"Count me in too! This journey's going to be amazing with all of us striving to become the best," Alice chimes in.

"Sure thing! It's a promise, Hop. We'll all work hard to reach that goal," Victor adds with determination.

Much to their surprise, a series of shooting stars streak across the sky, catching everyone's attention.

"Huh? What's that?" Helen asks, her gaze fixed on the spectacle.

As the stars descend and illuminate the ground with a soft glow, Alice exclaims, "Ash, guys, would you look at this? They're Wishing Stars!"

"Wow! And there's one for each of us," I remark, excited. "Let's each take one."

We pick up the Wishing Stars, and Hop expresses his excitement, "With one of those, my Pokémon can Dynamax! They're gonna be massive! YES!"

Chuckling, Leon responds, "Trust you to pull something like this! They say Wishing Stars fall down for those who have a true wish in their heart, you know."

"I will be the greatest Trainer ever! I WILL be the greatest Trainer ever! I WILL BE THE GREATEST TRAINER EVER! There! I've said it three times, so surely my wish will come true now, right?" Hop declares.

"Don't be silly, Hop." Professor Magnolia steps in, "Those Wishing Stars are composed of a curious sort of rock containing unknown power... They are one of the most precious resources we have here in the Galar region. But they won't do a thing for you in that state. Give them to me now, and I'll have you sorted."

"Ah, right. You've done heaps of research on the Dynamax phenomenon, haven't you, Professor? Then please! Give us the power to Dynamax our Pokémon!" Hop eagerly asks.

Alice reflects, "First, our encounter with that mysterious Pokémon in the Slumbering Weald, and now this... It feels like we're being swept into the adventure of a lifetime!"

"I do understand your excitement, but don't get carried away. You want to save your energy for tomorrow's journey!" Professor Magnolia advises.

Just then, Sonia arrives and suggests, "Seems I came back home right in time for all the excitement! Hey, you lot, why not have some dinner. You must be hungry, right? I've been totally obsessed with making the latest trendy curries."

Helen's culinary curiosity piques, "Curries! I'm definitely trying those out!"

With the promise of a delicious meal, we eagerly opt for Sonia's enticing curry dinner, enjoying the delightful flavors and each other's company as the evening winds down.

Here is a new chapter, and now Victor and Hop have their endorsements, what are we going to do with the other companions? You'll have to wait and see. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Zigzagoon (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Skwovet, Rookidee, Blipbug, Nickit, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Arrokuda, Kleavor

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