Chapter 6

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The following day arrives, and as we gather in the kitchen with Sonia and her grandmother, Hop bursts out, "It's morning at last! And time for our adventure to truly start!"

Sonia's curiosity about the unfamiliar Pokémon we encountered in the Slumbering Weald prompts her to inquire further. "Ash, Alice, is it true you really met some Pokémon you didn't recognize? Is there anything more you can tell me about it?"

I hesitate a moment before responding, "Um, well, there was this dense, eerie fog, and suddenly, these incredibly peculiar Pokémon materialized... We attempted to engage them in battle, but then everything became a blur. It's all quite fuzzy and difficult to recall."

Sonia lets out a sigh, clearly dissatisfied with the brevity of my explanation. "A right fount of information you are," she mutters under her breath.

"Here, these are for you," announces Professor Magnolia, bringing forth a wave of delight as each of us receives a Dynamax Band. Excitedly, Alice remarks, "So, with these, we can use Dynamax?"

"Yes, Those are your Dynamax Bands. I made them by fitting the Wishing Stars you found last night into those bands," explains the professor.

"Thanks, Professor! This is brilliant! It's just like the one Lee has on him, too. Now we can Dynamax our Pokémon like he does!" exclaims Hop, brimming with enthusiasm.

Professor Magnolia interjects with a note of caution, "My word, you don't waste any time, do you? I think you'll find it's not so simple as all that. There are a number of conditions you must meet if you hope to have your Pokémon Dynamax and take on that gigantic form. Now don't be afraid to go to all sorts of places and meet all sorts of Pokémon. That will help fill out your Pokédex, too."

Hop cheers, "The legend of my reign is finally about to begin!" exclaiming with enthusiasm. "Come on, guys! I'll beat you to the station!"

Victor promptly responds, "Sure, I accept the challenge." The two boys take off in a sprint, racing towards their destination, leaving Gloria to sigh and comment, "Boys..."

Flora chimes in, observing, "Those two are lively."

As we make our way back to Wedgehurst, we opt for a pit stop at a Scones shop. Helen enlightens us, saying, "Those are a specialty of the Galar Region, they're scones."

Intrigued, we decide to purchase some to savor, and to our delight, they turn out to be delicious. My Pokémon seem to thoroughly enjoy the treat. However, Pikachu and Zoroark, in their eagerness, devour their portions a bit too hastily, resulting in a comical choking episode that amuses us all. Their overzealousness with the food brings a round of laughter, adding a lighthearted touch to our snack break.

As we continue on our way, we suddenly notice rocks whizzing past us, prompting Flora to inquire, "What was that?"

Meowth investigates and casually responds, "It's just some rocks."

Moments later, another rock hurtles into view, drawing our attention to a dirt-covered Scorbunny. I inquire tentatively, "Gloria, is that your Scorbunny?"

"No, he's right here," Gloria responds, indicating her own Scorbunny, which seems equally intrigued by the newcomer.

"Then that must mean it's a wild one," Alice deduces.

Before we can react further, Zoroark's voice startles us as we spot three mischievous Nickits attempting to snatch my bag. Swiftly, they make off with it, with the Scorbunny unexpectedly joining them in their escape. Helen ponders aloud, "Do you think they're friends?"

"They're not getting away with my backpack!" I exclaim determinedly, urging everyone to join in the chase after the Pokémon. As we follow them, we decide to hide behind a bush, observing their actions with my bag from a distance. It becomes evident that they're solely after the Pokémon Food stored inside. The Nickits appear ravenously hungry, while even the Scorbunny seems perplexed about how to manage their hunger.

Our cover is blown when they notice us, prompting us to spring into action. I make an attempt to retrieve my bag, but the Scorbunny treats it like a soccer ball, refusing to relinquish it. Then, it launches an attack with Double Kick, but thankfully, Espeon intervenes, using Psychic to suspend the Scorbunny mid-air. Absol also manages to get my backpack back. Good thing nothing's been stolen except for some cans of Pokemon Food.

"Espeon! Thanks a lot," I express my gratitude as I cautiously approach the immobilized Scorbunny. "That was quite a kick you displayed there."

The Scorbunny appears taken aback by my compliment, perhaps surprised by the unexpected praise. Just then, we realize that the other Nickits have resumed their thievery, now targeting the scones as they find themselves cornered. The Scone salesman confronts the Nickits, accusing them, "So it's you again. It's time you gave up your trickery!"

Sensing the dire situation, we hastily decide to fabricate a story, claiming that we've captured the Scorbunny. However, the salesman sees through our lie immediately, remarking, "Why would you go and tell a fib like that? Your lie got more of a reaction out of Scorbunny than I've ever seen."

Curious about the Scorbunny's appearance, Alice interjects, "So why did it cover itself with mud?"

The salesman begins to reveal the backstory, explaining, "The truth is, those Nickit have been residents of this town for as long as anyone can remember. They struggle to fend for themselves, working hard just to get by. Then, unexpectedly, that Scorbunny arrived. It was already covered in dried mud when it appeared. Perhaps it was fate that led it to form a bond with the Nickit. Over time, it became somewhat of a leader to them. As a result, the Nickit stopped being as hungry as they once had been. The thing is... I know they're just trying to live a peaceful life in this town, but their antics are a financial burden on the rest of us."

I step closer to the Scorbunny, conveying, "Do you think this is the only path you can take to keep moving forward?"

Meowth interjects, sharing his own experience, "The twerp is right. I used to feel the same as you. But giving up isn't the answer! The world's vast, and you can go anywhere! You can make friends just like the twerp!"

Alice reinforces, "Meowth is spot-on. All you need to do is try everything!"

Helen contributes, "I've heard a rumor that the soles on Scorbunny's feet bring good luck. If something isn't quite right, you can always kick it away with those lucky feet."

The Scorbunny appears visibly moved by our words, but unexpectedly, it delivers a swift kick my way, causing me to wince in pain. Despite the surprise, I chuckle slightly at the playful gesture. However, our amusement is short-lived as we realize that we're at risk of missing the train to Motostoke. We bid farewell to all of them before heading there, finding Hop and Victor waiting for us.

"What's taking you so long?" Victor sighs impatiently.

"Apologies, we ran into a bit of trouble with some Nickits," Gloria explains. "So, where exactly are we headed again?"

"Motostoke," I reply to her. "That's where the Gym Challenge is set to kick off."

With a few minutes remaining before the train's arrival, Hop's and Victor's mother suddenly appear on the scene. Hop's Mum intervenes, cautioning, "Not quite so fast, you three."

"What're you doing here, Mum?" Hop inquires, surprised by his mother's sudden appearance.

"I knew this day was coming since the moment you chose Sobble as a partner, darling." Hop's mum responds warmly to him.

"Professor Magnolia was kind enough to let us know that you three are setting out with your friends." Gloria's mother chimes in. "So here - a little last gift to see you well set on your way. All the kit you'll need for camping!"

"That's incredibly important to have," I remark, acknowledging the significance of camping equipment on our expedition.

The trio eagerly receives the Camping Kits, and Gloria's mum adds a heartfelt sentiment, "No matter what happens out there if you and your partner are together, I know you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Mum. And just think how lucky you are—mother to the first ever pair of Champion brothers! Because I'm certain to be the Champion next. You'll see!" Hop asserts confidently.

"Of course, you will be, darling. Anyway, do have fun and take care of yourselves," Hop's mum responds warmly. "You'll be welcome back home anytime!"

"Wish us luck! Not that we'll need it," Hop cheers enthusiastically. "There are loads of brilliant Trainers and all kinds of Pokémon out there waiting for us! My excitement's running ahead of me even faster than that train can go. Come on! We're off!"

As the train arrives, we witness heartwarming embraces between Hop, Gloria, and their mothers before they board. Alice then remarks, "That reminds me, Motostoke is where your father is located, right?"

Helen nods, adding, "Yes, we can also catch a glimpse of him at the stadium."

"Indeed, your father is Gym Leader Kabu," I chime in with a chuckle.

"Really?" Hop exclaims. "That's great to hear!"

Glancing outside, we're greeted by a spectacular view of numerous Pokémon dotting the landscape. Gloria eagerly shares, "Motostoke is enveloped by an expansive Wild Area! It's truly a sight to behold. Everywhere you turn, there's an array of wild Pokémon roaming about freely! And there's the opportunity to camp out, enjoy some fishing... It's an experience that seems endlessly captivating! I doubt I could ever tire of it."

As the train abruptly comes to a stop, Hop queries, "Hey, Mr. Station Master! Isn't this the Wild Area? What're we stopped here for?"

The Station Master confirms, "Yes, indeed. This is the Wild Area Station. Unfortunately, the train has been halted due to a flock of Wooloo on the tracks."

Surprisingly unfazed by the delay, I interject with enthusiasm, "What's there to be sorry about? This is brilliant. The Wild Area is massive! There are loads of Pokemon to battle here! It is the best possible place to put together the greatest team."

The unexpected pause due to the Wooloo creates an opportunity for us to immerse ourselves in the diverse and vast Wild Area, offering the chance to encounter and battle a wide array of Pokémon, much to our delight and enthusiasm.

Exiting the station, we're immediately struck by the breathtaking expanse of the Wild Area. Victor points excitedly, exclaiming, "Look at that! Motostoke is way over there!"

"And in between, there are countless new Pokémon just waiting to be discovered!" Hop adds with enthusiasm.

As we revel in the sight, Sonia approaches us. Curious, Alice asks, "Sonia? What brings you here?"

Sonia sighs, explaining, "My gran gave me a proper earful, in her own way... 'Those young Trainers are setting out on a journey, but what are you doing with your life?'"

We wince slightly at Sonia's tone, but she quickly brushes it off, saying, "Ah...Never you mind that! Nothing to worry yourselves over! Besides, I'd been quite curious about that Pokémon you two met in the forest. I'd been thinking I should look into it, so the timing works out fine! If I discover something really huge, then maybe even Gran'll admit I've got some talent!"

"Yikes... Being an adult has got its own challenges, eh?" Hop remarks.

"I said you needn't worry about it! I'm glad to be on the road. Really! It's been ages. It'll be great to fish and camp and rough it outside again," Sonia reassures us.

Without hesitation, Hop rushes off, declaring, "Well, I'm off to go stick my head in as many of those red glowing dens as I can find. I'm going to battle the snot out of a bunch of Dynamax Pokémon and fill in another page in the tale of my legend!"

Sonia remarks on his audacity, cautioning, "What cheek! Dynamax Pokémon are really on another level, you know! You'd better Dynamax your partner Pokémon, too, if you want to take on opponents that strong! You'll find spots here and there in the Wild Area that emit a red beam of light. If you think you're up to it, check them out. There'll be Dynamax Pokémon lurking inside! So with that, how about I send you off with a little treat from me?"

Sonia hands Gloria a Pokémon Box Link, prompting her to exclaim, "Wow! So with this, I can switch out Pokémon like Ash and Alice did without needing to visit Pokémon Centers!"

"Exactly! With a Pokémon Box Link, you'll be able to put Pokémon from your team into your Boxes or take Pokémon from your Boxes to add them to your team. Nice, right? So go wild catching as many Pokémon as you like, and fill in some more of your Pokédex!" Sonia beams. "The Wild Area is waiting for you! This is the start of your real adventure!"

With eager anticipation, we swiftly make our way towards the expansive Wild Area, eager to encounter Dynamax Pokémon and discover a myriad of remarkable creatures within its vast expanse.

Here is a new chapter, and we have the Scorbunny appearing in this. And if someone asks me about Goh and Chloe. They are not appearing in this part. I hope you understand and I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Zigzagoon (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Skwovet, Rookidee, Blipbug, Nickit, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Arrokuda, Kleavor

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