Chapter 7

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As we explore the Wild Area, the predominant discovery of Pokémon from various regions leaves a tinge of disappointment since we were hoping to encounter native Galar Region Pokémon.

"Here's our plan," I propose. "If we head left, we'll traverse through the Rolling Fields, then onto Dappled Grove, West Lake Axewell, and finally reach Watchtower Ruins before East Lake Axewell, leading us to the entrance of Motostoke."

Alice adds to the plan, saying, "Alternatively, if we head right, we'll venture towards South Lake Miloch, then to Giant's Seat, North Lake Miloch, and finally, reach Watchtower Ruins."

"But regardless of the direction we choose, we have ample opportunity to explore and observe the area," Flora concludes, emphasizing the vastness of the Wild Area and the multitude of possibilities it offers for exploration and encounters.

"Let's head to Dappled Grove. I'm eager to capture some Grass-Type Pokémon," Gloria suggests.

Curious, I inquire, "Why specifically Grass Types?"

Gloria explains, "Ah, I haven't mentioned my plan yet. I want to engage in Poke Jobs."

"Poke Jobs?" Helen asks, seeking clarification. "You mean those tasks that require Pokémon to assist?"

Absolutely," Gloria affirms. "It's a fascinating aspect of Pokémon training. However, there's a slight hitch as some of the employers have preferences for specific types of Pokémon." With determination, Gloria selects the quest offered by Yoshida's Coffee.

Curiosity piqued, Flora reads aloud the quest details, "Let's see... It would be marvelous if we could decorate our merchandise shelves with lots of plants. Could we have Grass-type Pokémon come to help?"

"It's a Level 1 quest, so they're only requesting three Grass-Type Pokémon," Gloria explains, evaluating the task's requirements.

"That's intriguing," I remark, intrigued by the prospect of helping out and utilizing our Grass-Type Pokémon.

In agreement with Gloria's choice of quest, we head toward the Dappled Grove. As we traverse the path, an unexpected sensation jolts me as if something has hit my head. "Hey, who hit me?" I inquire, feeling a bit puzzled.

Turning around, our disbelief grows as we spot the same Scorbunny from before, now completely free of the dirt it had previously been covered in. "Scorbunny? You're all clean now. Did you wash off the mud?" I ask, surprised by the transformation.

"It looks much better this way," Alice remarks. "Are you trying to find us?"

The Scorbunny nods affirmatively, and it dawns on us that this persistent Scorbunny has been trailing us all the way from Wedgehurst. It seems determined to become our partner, prompting us to decide to capture this persistent and spirited Pokémon.

Recognizing its determination and unwavering pursuit to join us, we are moved by the Scorbunny's persistence and enthusiasm, ultimately deciding to welcome this tenacious little Pokémon into our team.

Scorbunny: The Rabbit Pokemon: Fire Type. A warm-up of running around gets fire energy coursing through this Pokémon's body. Once that happens, it's ready to fight at full power.

Helen takes charge of lunchtime and busies herself preparing six types of curry, expressing, "I've been working on my Curry Dex. Now that you're here, how about helping me with some taste tests?"

Curious about the varieties, Flora inquires, "What kinds of curry are there?"

"We're starting with the basic curry. However, since we've already got the basic flavor back at Sonia's house, I'll be preparing five different types," Helen explains. "From left to right, we have the Spicy Curry made from Cheri and Figy Berries, followed by the Dry Curry from Chesto and Wiki Berries. Then, there's the Sweet Curry made from Pecha and Mago Berries. The second from the right is the Bitter Curry using Rawst and Aguav Berries, and finally, the Sour Curry made from Aspear and Iapapa Berries. Feel free to try some."

With a variety of flavors and ingredients, Helen presents an array of distinct curries, each offering its unique taste profile. Excited to sample these different flavors, we eagerly dive into the taste testing, experiencing the diverse culinary delights Helen has prepared.

Alice savors the Spicy Curry, commenting, "The Galar masala's aroma enhances the straightforward spiciness in this incredibly basic curry. It's delightful."

Opting for the Sour Curry, I share, "This one's decent. The Galar masala balances the tartness in this simple curry quite well."

Flora encourages, "You must try the Sweet one. It's probably the most universally enjoyable."

Gloria adds, "Though I feel like it could use some additional elements... It's just rice and curry, nothing else..."

Helen asserts, "That's precisely why I aim to complete the Curry Dex! I'm determined to uncover rare ingredients to create some of the finest curries in the world."

"That's quite an ambition," I chuckle. "Sometimes I wonder how she and Serena are related..."

After a satisfying meal, we spot a Den emitting a red light. As I approach, some form of energy is absorbed into the Rotom Phone, displaying a message: "You now have 300 Watts," it announces.

"Watts? What exactly are these?" I inquire, seeking clarification.

"They appear to be some form of currency. Perhaps it's a good idea to collect them," Alice suggests. "But that's not the most important thing right now. What's inside the den?"

Deciding to investigate further, we venture into the den and are met with a surprise—a Dynamax Bounsweet awaits us. Gloria observes, "It seems this requires four people. Who's going to opt out?"

Flora volunteers, "I'll sit this one out."

As we select Pikachu, Blaziken, Gengar, and Combee to engage in the battle, each of us attempts to Dynamax our Pokémon. However, only Gloria's Combee successfully undergoes the transformation.

"Why aren't we able to Dynamax?" Alice queries, perplexed by the situation.

"It appears that only one Pokémon can Dynamax, and that privilege goes to Gloria," I explain. "Gloria, you're the one with the ability to use Dynamax. Try utilizing some Dynamax moves!"

"Okay," Gloria acknowledges, commanding, "Combee, use Max Flutterby!"

Combee executes the move, sending a swarm of butterflies crashing into the Bounsweet, dealing a super effective blow. Additionally, all of our Pokémon have their Special Attack stats raised due to the Max Move's added effect.

"Seems like Max Moves also come with additional effects. Good to know," I comment. Subsequently, Pikachu uses Iron Tail, Blaziken lands a Blaze Kick, and Gengar unleashes Sludge Bomb, all successfully striking the Bounsweet.

"Now's your chance, Gloria!" I exclaim.

Gloria, startled by the sudden expansion of the Poké Ball, grasps it with both hands before hurling the enlarged ball towards the Bounsweet. As it lands and shakes vigorously, the Bounsweet is absorbed within the massive Poké Ball. After three intense shakes, the ball returns to its regular size, signaling a successful capture.

"So, this is a Max Raid Battle," Alice remarks, acknowledging the unique and thrilling encounter we just experienced. The dynamics of the Max Raid Battle, including the use of Dynamax moves and the specialized Poké Ball capture process, leave us in awe of the challenge and excitement such battles bring.

"Now I have three Grass-Type Pokémon," Gloria states as she contacts Yoshida Cafe. Shortly after, a Delibird arrives and retrieves the three Pokéballs, including the newly captured Bounsweet, transporting them away.

Gloria expresses her intent to pursue more jobs related to Grass-Type Pokémon. We assist her in finding various tasks that require the expertise of Grass-Type Pokémon.

"I found a job at Turffield Orchards, seeking four Grass-Type Pokémon to assist with plants. Another job from Bookmark requires six Grass-Type Pokémon for deliveries to grassy areas," I announce.

Alice adds, "This job at Dream Diary needs seven Grass-Type Pokémon to monitor the turf quality around a ranch. And the one from Galar Fire Station requires eight Grass-Type Pokémon to create a relaxing environment."

Flora contributes, "I found a job at Galar Post Office that needs nine Grass-Type Pokémon for a flower delivery service. And another at RKS Laboratories requires ten Pokémon familiar with medicinal herbs."

Curious about Gloria's plans, Helen asks, "So, what's your plan, Gloria?"

Gloria responds, "I intend to take on all of them, but not simultaneously. I'll wait to receive payment for one set of jobs before moving on to the next. Since I recently captured about 30 Pokémon, I can probably complete those requested by Ash and Alice right away."

Gloria's strategic approach to handling multiple jobs involving Grass-Type Pokémon displays her foresight in managing tasks efficiently, ensuring she maintains a balanced workload while maximizing the benefits of her recent captures. With a plan in place, she prepares to fulfill the requests with the Grass-Type Pokémon she's acquired, eager to contribute to the various job requirements around the Galar region.

Arriving at Motostoke City, a bustling industrial metropolis boasting impressive steam-powered structures, we rendezvous with Sonia at the entrance of the Pokémon Center.

"Hey, Sonia. Great to see you again," I greet her warmly.

"Real ace of you to make it through the Wild Area. Seems like your trek ran your Pokemon ragged, though. You should pop into the Pokemon Center," Sonia advises. "Besides, there's something in there I bet you'll get a kick out of...if you're a real Trainer and all."

Curious about what she means, Alice expresses her slight confusion, saying, "I wonder what that could be."

As we step inside the Pokémon Center, we pause in front of the PC. Sonia remarks, "Oh, looks like the Rotomi's free."

"Excuse me, but what exactly is a Rotomi, and what does that machine do?" Flora asks, seeking clarification.

"Rotomi are kind of Rotom information service," Sonia explains. "It's a handy machine for Trainers. You can even use one to customize your League Card!"

"A League Card?" Alice questions. "What exactly does that involve?"

"Why don't you try playing around with your League Card a bit? Here's a sample for you!" Sonia offers, presenting Leon's League Card to us.

"Wow, this is Leon's League Card," Helen exclaims in surprise.

"Yeah, it's quite stylish... and there's text on the back of the card as well," Alice notes, examining the League Card's design and content.

"Leon is known far and wide for taking part in the Gym Challenge at the tender age of 10 years old—and even more so for claiming victory in the Champion Cup on his first attempt. Ever since that victory, he and his partner Charizard have remained unbeaten in both League and exhibition matches. He is called "the unbeatable Champion" and is a hero to many Trainers. He has but one weakness: a dismal sense of direction. But don't worry—wherever he ends up, he makes sure everyone has a champion time!"

"That's a pretty accurate description," I remark as we tuck away Leon's League Card. Feeling intrigued, we decide to craft our own League Cards using the Rotomi machine.

"But Motostoke sure is big, right? Not to worry! Sonia is here to show you around a bit!" Sonia offers. "Come find me after you heal up your Pokémon!"

Before departing, Sonia adds in a somewhat contemplative tone, "The opening ceremony, huh... I get a bit worked up when I think how exciting and moving it was to actually stand on a stadium's pitch for the first time!"

Once outside, Sonia leads us to the bustling main street. She addresses us, "So, brilliant young Trainers who have braved the Wild Area! Do you remember what your goal in Motostoke is?"

"Are you treating us like rookies? We're obviously here for the Gym Challenge's opening ceremony," Alice asserts confidently.

"By the way, the ceremony tomorrow is being held at the Motostoke Stadium, OK?" Sonia indicates a lift nearby. "Use that lift over there to get to the stadium, 'K?"

"We're well aware of how to get to the stadium," Helen responds, shaking her head slightly.

"Well, laters! I'm going to swing by the shops while I'm here, but don't forget to register at the stadium, 'K?" Sonia bids farewell, leaving us to continue our journey towards the Gym Challenge's opening ceremony.

Here is a new chapter, and now you have it. Gloria will be doing the Poke Jobs and Helen is going to fill the Curry Dex. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be more rivals approaching.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Gengar, Kingler, Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Zigzagoon (Galarian), Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Garbodor, Zoroark, Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Scorbunny, Skwovet, Rookidee, Blipbug, Nickit, Wooloo, Chewtle, Yamper, Arrokuda, Kleavor

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