Chapter 41

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As we prepare to depart from Spikemuth and revert from our Team Yell-inspired Dark Type uniform, a sudden commotion disrupts the tranquility. A man's voice pierces through the noise, exclaiming, "Hey! There's some trouble over on Route 9! It's so bad, even the Champion's come to sort things out! Oh hey! You gave Piers a thrashing, didn't you? You should head over there to help. C'mon, then! I'll show you the way."

Intrigued by the commotion and guided by the man's urgency, we step outside and unexpectedly encounter Leon, the esteemed Champion of the Galar region, actively engaged in handling the ongoing situation at Route 9. He addresses our presence, acknowledging the situation at hand, "Thanks for coming, but I've got a handle on this! Whatever's making that noise, I'll see to it!"

Curious about assisting, I inquire, "Are you sure you don't need our help?"

"I already told you, didn't I? Keep your eye on the goal! And for you, that's winning the Gym Challenge! The only Gym Badge left is the one you'll get from the Dragon Gym's Leader, Raihan. Right? Raihan is the only Trainer out there I consider a real rival. He's that good, you know!" Leon responds with his characteristic confidence. "And there I go again! Sorry, but I suppose this is no time for me to be stopping for a chat. There's a bit of trouble here with my name on it. But don't you worry about a thing! The unbeatable champion is here to look after things and keep you all safe!"

Suddenly, the ground begins to tremble once more, prompting Leon to exclaim, "That came from the tunnel, wouldn't you say? Seems I'm about to have a champion time!" With those words, he swiftly dashes off to handle the emerging situation.

"Bit cocky, isn't he?" Alice remarks.

"Well, if he can handle it, then perhaps we should let him," I agree, acknowledging Leon's confidence and determination to manage the situation on his own.

Entering the tunnel, we encounter a crowd of people observing the spectacle, all seemingly cheering for Leon's intervention. Rumors circulate about wild Dynamax Pokémon emerging outside of the typical Wild Area, a highly unusual occurrence.

Upon reaching Route 7, we encounter Hop, who appears agitated. "Guys! This is mad... You know what I mean?"

"Where's Leon?" Flora queries.

"That's what I'd like to know! That noise—it was like some massive explosion! There was this huge surge of red light, and then wild Pokémon just started Dynamaxing around me, brazen as you like!" Hop reveals, showing us the Rotom Phone's news feed. "Take a look at the news!"

We view the news coverage, witnessing Leon and his Charizard swiftly defeating a Dynamax Perrserker. "See! There's Lee! He really is the greatest, right? Lee and his Charizard took down that Dynamax Pokémon in the blink of an eye!" Hop excitedly points out.

After stowing away the phone, Hop continues, "I knew Lee was strong, but this! Really makes you appreciate how great he is, eh? Let's go meet up with him! He should be at Hammerlocke Stadium!" With a sense of urgency, Hop suggests regrouping with Leon at Hammerlocke Stadium, indicating that we should head there promptly.

Upon reaching Hammerlocke Stadium, we encounter Sonia and Leon gathered there. Sonia remarks, "Well, if it isn't you guys." Addressing Leon, she adds, "I'd expect nothing less from you and your Charizard, Leon! You took down that Dynamax Pokémon in no time at all!"

"Well, I am the unbeatable Champion, after all! But what all is going on here?" Leon queries.

"An overflowing red light... Pokémon Dynamaxing without a Power Spot?" Sonia murmurs.

"Yeah, but why?" Hop inquires.

"I'm not sure... What's going on? That red light could suddenly appear again at any time and we'd have no way of knowing," Sonia replies, puzzled.

"But being able to predict such things is part of a scientist's work." Just then, Professor Magnolia arrives, prompting Sonia to gasp, "Gran?!"

"The chairman called for me. He wanted to know all about the red light's relationship to the Dynamax phenomenon," Professor Magnolia explains.

"Did Dad have any insights?" Elena asks, expressing concern.

"Nothing worth my time. The chairman's all wrapped up in fretting over the future of our energy, apparently. He's left everything to that executive lady. We just don't have enough data. That's why I wanted to ask you to start looking into things, too, Sonia. You know more than anyone about the Darkest Day, after all," Professor Magnolia explains.

"Are you saying that red light and the Darkest Day are connected?!" Sonia gasps in astonishment.

"Hey, do you reckon there's anything we could do to help out?" Hop inquires.

"Absolutely, count us in," I interject.

"Thanks! I appreciate the thought. But all I could ever ask of you would be that you join me in the greatest final match ever. I'll do my part to make that happen by keeping everybody's future safe. So you just keep on doing your part by winning your way through the Gym Challenge!" Leon asserts, seemingly wanting to shoulder the burden himself.

"Right. Course! You're the unbeatable Champion, after all, eh?" Hop remarks.

"Gran, there's something I want to look into. You'll help me, right?" Sonia requests, to which Professor Magnolia responds, "Naturally."

As Sonia and Professor Magnolia depart, Leon chimes in, "Looks like we all know what we need to do. So, you three—clear the Gym Challenge so we can meet again at the Champion Cup!" With that, Leon hurries away as well.

"I know what I need to do, all right! You're off to Hammerlocke Stadium, yeah, Ash and Alice? Raihan's a tough nut to crack!" Hop acknowledges as he allows us to go ahead first.

Though the day is drawing to a close, we opt to take a break at the Pokémon Center and plan to tackle the gym challenge fresh the following day. As we settle in, Gloria introduces us to the Dragon-type Poke Jobs, shedding light on this aspect of Pokémon training and development.

1. Bob's Your Uncle: We need Dragon-type Pokémon to help us prepare our food before we cook it. We're not sure why! (4 Pokemon)

2. Macro Cosmos Television: We want to make movies that really have a sense of impact—of scale. Could we hire Dragon-type Pokémon to help out? (6 Pokemon)

3. MCA Cargo: We would like to hire Dragon-type Pokémon capable of flying through even the roughest weather conditions. (6 Pokemon)

4. Macro Cosmos Air: I would like Dragon-type Pokémon! These sacred creatures of legend are the most fitting to watch over my air travels! (6 Pokemon)

5. Daily Discovery: I want to make a cloth that will inspire legends! I need the help of Dragon-type Pokémon to achieve my goal! (8 Pokemon)

6. Galar Fire Station: Pokémon that can push through areas that are on fire or dripping water, please come help us! (9 Pokemon)

7. Galar Post Office: We're looking for rugged Pokémon that can handle rain, lightning, and even raging fires! (10 Pokemon)

8. Galar Police Station: In order to ensure we are prepared for any kind of case, we are searching for Pokémon resistant to the Fire, Water, Grass, and Electric types. (30 Pokemon)

9. Macro Cosmos Bank: We'd like to see Pokémon that look strong enough to deter even the most determined criminals. Please send us Dragon types! (30 Pokemon)

"With that, the Poke Job Service is finished!" Gloria exclaims cheerfully. "Even though we didn't venture into the Wild Area for Dragon-type Pokémon, we've managed to gather over 30 in our storage. I believe they'll serve us well."

Later on, Helen prepares dinner, presenting us with Salad Curry. "The abundance of vegetables in this curry roux lends it a gentle sweetness. It's a remarkably healthy dish," Helen remarks. As we savor the Salad Curry prepared by Helen, each of us shares our impressions of the dish.

"I find that adding the spicy flavor has brought out the umami in the vegetables, resulting in a profound taste," I remark.

Alice chimes in, "The sweetness and richness of the vegetables work wonders in softening the dryness of the curry roux, making this dish surprisingly easy for many to enjoy."

Elena adds her thoughts, saying, "The essence of the vegetables seems to have melded into the sweet seasoning of the curry roux, delivering a profound umami flavor."

Gloria reflects, "The distinct and slightly bitter seasonings blend excellently with the sweet flavor of the vegetables, creating a delightful balance."

Finally, Flora observes, "The robust acidic notes of the curry roux, coupled with the vegetables' sweetness, create a harmonious equilibrium within this dish."

Listening to our remarks, Helen nods in agreement, affirming, "You're all absolutely right."

The following day, we make our way to the stadium, anticipating the final challenge of the Gym Challenge. A staff member greets us, acknowledging, "The long Gym Challenge is nearing its end, I see. Are you ready to face Hammerlocke Gym and its leader, the dragon user Raihan?"

"You bet I am," I assert confidently. Alice nods in agreement, adding, "Me too."

"In that case, please use the changing room to change into your uniform, the staff instructs. Both of us change into our Dragon-type Gym uniforms. Observing our attire, the staff remarks, "The uniforms you wear are a symbol of all of your victories. I feel your determination. Now, head to where all the Gym Trainers await... No, not the stadium, but the vault."

Somewhat puzzled, we follow the guidance and head to the vault. As we enter, the crowd's cheers grow louder upon seeing us in our distinctive gym uniforms. Inside the vault, we find Raihan accompanied by three other Gym Trainers, setting the stage for our ultimate challenge.

"Let's see, how many Gym Challengers are left? Huh... Not even ten, eh?" Raihan remarks. "All right then. Ash and Alice! Time to explain the great Raihan's Gym mission!"

"Wait, both of us together? Not one after the other?" I question, seeking clarification.

"The rules are simple! All you've got to do is defeat three Gym Trainers that I personally trained—in Double Battles! Since both of you share Pokémon, it shouldn't pose any issue," Raihan explains, setting the stage for our challenge. "The Gym Challenge is meant to be, well... challenging, wouldn't you say? Naturally there aren't too many Gym Challengers who can make it this far. And that's why I provide a format where you can really show off the brilliant combinations you and your Pokémon should be capable of!"

"I see," Alice responds with a nod. "Looks like it's a tag-team battle for us now, Ash."

"Well, that's fantastic news for us," I remark, feeling confident.

Raihan takes a step back, gesturing towards the first Gym Trainer. "That's probably more than enough out of me. Time for someone else to take the spotlight! Come on, Sebastian! You'll be first!" Raihan declares.

Sebastian, the first Gym Trainer, steps up confidently. "Yeah, that's me. Sebastian. Leader Raihan has taught me two things! First, that Dragon types are ferociously powerful! Second, I need to create an advantage on the battlefield to fully utilize that power!"

Sebastian sends out a Pelipper and a Sliggoo to begin the battle. Despite Pelipper not being a Dragon type, I quickly realized its role in setting up the rain. In response, I choose Pikachu, while Alice selects Abomasnow to face these two Pokémon.

We coordinate our moves, utilizing Thunderbolt from Pikachu and Ice Punch from Abomasnow. With this combination, both opposing Pokémon are swiftly taken down. Impressed, Sebastian remarks, "Doubles... There's a lot to think about with them. It makes them difficult, but fun, too! I can see why you've managed to make it this far!"

Raihan announces, "Time to face the second Trainer! Come on, Camilla!"

Stepping into the fray, Camilla shares her insights, "In Double Battles, it's important to figure out what role each of your opponent's Pokemon play." She commands a Ninetales and Turtonator. Although Ninetales isn't a Dragon type, its Drought ability swiftly initiates sunny weather, evidently boosting Turtonator's abilities.

In response, I choose Drednaw, while Alice selects Dreepy to join the battle. During the intense match, Dreepy evolves into Drakloak, which plays a pivotal role in securing our victory. Witnessing the turn of events, Camilla reflects, "The weather is fickle! Victory and defeat are even more fickle!"

Drakloak: The Caretaker Pokemon: Dragon and Ghost Type. Evolve from Dreepy at LV:50. Without a Dreepy to place on its head and care for, it gets so uneasy it'll try to substitute any Pokémon it finds for the missing Dreepy.

"Fantastic! I can see those seven Badges you have were well-earned!" Camilla compliments before stepping back. Raihan then announces, "You've made it to the third and last Trainer! Your moment to shine, Aria!"

The trainer named Aria poses a question, "Do you combine the strength of two Pokemon to push through, or do you have one of them support the other? Let me see what your strategy is."

Aria selects Abomasnow and Hakamo-o, initiating the Hail combination. In response, we deploy Frosmoth and Infernape, utilizing their moves Icy Wind and Flamethrower, respectively, to take down both opposing Pokémon. Impressed by our cooperation, Aria acknowledges, "Cooperation between Trainers and their Pokemon just brings out their strength even more! Well done! I'm honored to have battled against such talented trainers."

"Nice one, Ash and Alice! You've completed my Gym mission!" Raihan praises with a smile. "Come on. Time to head to the Gym Stadium. You've earned the right to face me yourself!"

Filled with anticipation and determination, we follow Raihan to the Gym Stadium, fully prepared for the ultimate showdown to earn the final gym badge against Raihan.

In the packed stadium, the fervent cheers of the audience echo around us. Raihan addresses us, "Finally, two challengers made it! I've been waiting for someone to battle... Though I've got to admit I didn't think it'd be you! But I guess I should've expected no less from Pokémon Trainers that Leon saw promise in. And you aim to defeat Leon... Do you have any idea just how high a hurdle that is? As his greatest rival, I guess that I—Raihan—will have to show you!"

"We'll see how it goes," I respond confidently.

"Gym Leader Raihan doesn't simply control the weather. He also seeks two-on-two battles! You must be prepared for any situation against a foe like him!" Raihan declares as our battle commences, setting the stage for an intense showdown.

Raihan's initial Pokémon choices, Gigalith and Flygon, signal his intention to employ a Sandstorm team. Raihan shouts, "Let the winds blow! Stream forward, Sandstorm!"

With the arena now shrouded in a swirling Sandstorm, I decide to deploy Frosmoth, while Alice opts for Drednaw as our choice for the battle.

Gigalith initiates the assault with Rock Blast, targeting Frosmoth. I swiftly direct Frosmoth to evade the attack, commanding, "Frosmoth, strike back with Ice Beam against Flygon!"

Frosmoth's Ice Beam connects with Flygon, but the resilient Pokémon shrugs off the hit and retaliates with Thunder Punch, targeting Drednaw. "Drednaw, brace yourself and activate Protect!" Alice orders.

Meanwhile, Gigalith moves to execute a Body Press, landing a hit on Drednaw. This opening prompts me to seize the opportunity and instruct Frosmoth to unleash Stun Spore, causing paralysis to affect Gigalith. Capitalizing on the moment, Drednaw strikes back with Razor Shell, overwhelming Gigalith and securing the defeat of the rocky Pokémon.

"Not bad, Sandaconda, let's go!" Raihan introduces another non-Dragon Type Pokémon, and it immediately employs Glare to paralyze Drednaw. Flygon's Thunder Punch lands a powerful blow, causing Drednaw to be knocked out of the battle.

"Rapidash, I need your help!" Alice calls out, sending her Rapidash into the fray. Rapidash swiftly executes a Dazzling Gleam, while my Frosmoth synchronizes with an Icy Wind simultaneously. The coordinated attacks chip away at Sandaconda's HP, and in the process, take down Flygon as well.

Raihan declares as he sends out his final Pokémon, the Steel-type Duraludon.

"A Steel-type, huh... This could be challenging," Alice murmurs apprehensively. Duraludon swiftly launches an Iron Head attack, knocking Frosmoth out of the battle. "Lucario, let's go!" I decide, sending out my Lucario to replace Frosmoth in the battle.

"Bring the storm! My partner will send everyone in the stadium flying!" Raihan proclaims. Unexpectedly, he recalls Duraludon and Gigantamaxes it, transforming it into a colossal skyscraper-like form.

"Duraludon Gigantamaxed...!" Alice gasps in surprise at the sight.

"Alice, it's your turn for Dynamaxing. Go for it!" I prompt, encouraging Alice to Dynamax her Rapidash. "Lucario, Close Combat!"

As Lucario goes for the attack, aiming for Sandaconda, its Sand Spit ability triggers, summoning the Sandstorm once again. Raihan seizes the opportunity, commanding, "The winds rise again! Stream forward, Sandstorm! Let's do it... Time for our G-Max Depletion! The dragon's roar will cut right through you!"

To our astonishment, G-Max Depletion targets Lucario instead of Rapidash, causing significant damage and reducing Lucario's Power Points due to its Close Combat move.

"Max Starfall!" Alice commands, directing Rapidash to launch the attack. The move not only defeats Sandaconda but also sets up a Misty Terrain. Meanwhile, I instruct Lucario to hurl an Aura Sphere at Duraludon. Finally, combining the Aura Sphere with Rapidash's Max Knuckle, we manage to take down the formidable Duraludon.

"I might have lost, but I still look good. Maybe I should snap a quick selfie..." Raihan quips, surprising us all as he snaps a picture.

"In the aftermath of the furious battle... I feel as pure and refreshed as when the sky clears after a storm. What can I possibly say? Calling myself Leon's rival? Seems I'd grown quite conceited for someone who can't even claim the title of Champion! Overconfident in both myself and my team! I'll give you what you want, then. The proof of your victory—the Dragon Badge!"

With a sense of humility, he presents each of us with our final badge, remarking, "You've collected all of the Gym Badges from the Galar region! Now, win your way through the Semifinals and Finals for your chance to challenge Leon! You must! You owe us that much at least, for beating us in battle here today!"

Amidst the jubilant cheers celebrating our victory, a staff member congratulates us, stating, "You've collected all of the Gym Badges... At last it's time for the Champion Cup! I look forward to seeing how you all do in battle!"

Expressing our gratitude to the staff, Raihan approaches us and apologizes, "Hey! Ash and Alice! Sorry to hold you up, but there was something I forgot. Here's the Dragon-type Gym uniform, the mark of true strength!"

Accepting the final uniform from Raihan, we now possess all the Gym uniforms. Raihan acknowledges us with enthusiasm, "Number 038 and 151, Challengers Ash and Alice! You've completed the Gym Challenge! Good on you, kid. Now, prove your strength to the whole region at the Champion Cup!"

"Raihan! I'm here to see just how good you are!" Hop and Victor arrive simultaneously, causing Gloria to gasp, "Brother! You made it too!"

"Yeah, been doing some training," Victor responds.

"There you are, Leon's little brother, and Victor, the one Leon endorsed! Don't worry—I'll give you a battle that'll make you want to quit the Gym Challenge altogether!" Raihan declares confidently.

"I've tried out lots of different strategies, and I've made up my mind about how I want to battle. I'm not gonna lose! I'm gonna beat you, Ash, Alice, Victor, and even Lee!" Hop asserts with determination.

"I'll be seeing you, Ash and Alice! Let's have another epic battle someday! If you're feeling up to it, you might want to go train hard in the Wild Area!" Raihan suggests as we nod, allowing Victor and Hop to embark on their Gym challenges.

Here is a new chapter, and we have the final gym battle done. The next chapter will be more Pokemon capturing and also some training. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Drakloak, Kleavor

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