Chapter 40

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Upon returning to Circhester Bay, Gloria outlines the positions she's seeking to fulfill alongside Dark-type Pokémon:

1. DENSOKU: We need some Pokémon to try on our shoes. To make sure the shoes can handle rough use, Dark-type Pokémon would be ideal. (3 Pokemon)

2. Galar Taxi: We would like to hire Dark-type Pokémon. People reveal their true natures when gripped by fear, after all... (3 Pokemon)

3. Good Fit: We've made some really wild, hardcore shoes. We'd like to get Dark-type Pokémon to wear them, since they'll fit the image perfectly! (5 Pokemon)

4. MC Brokerage: I'd like to do my rounds with Dark-type Pokémon to give my offers a bit more...gravitas. (7 Pokemon)

5. HIJKI OKA: We want to develop durable cloth that can stand up to even the harshest treatment. We request Dark-type Pokémon to help out with this! (9 Pokemon)

6. Macro Cosmos Construction: There's a dangerous area we need to keep folks out of. I need fierce-looking Pokémon. No need for them to do anything. I just need them around. (10 Pokemon)

7. Spikemuth Chamber of Commence: We've had some problems with people falling asleep on the job. We'd like to have intimidating Pokémon around to keep an eye on things. (10 Pokemon)

8. Macro Cosmos Bank: Transporting money can be dangerous. We'd like to hire Pokémon that have a dark aura about them, to scare away any bad guys. (30 Pokemon)

"Considering that most Dark-type Pokémon are known for their roughness and menacing demeanor," Flora remarks, "it's no surprise Eve is fond of them."

As we reach Outer Spikemuth, a jolt of surprise struck us—the town gate was firmly shut, barring entry for several individuals. Disheartened voices echoed around us:

"I can't enter Spikemuth, so I've just been hanging around here this whole time..." "No one can challenge the Dark-type Leader like this..." "What's with the gate being shut? How am I supposed to get the Gym Badge now?!"

Amidst the disarray, Marnie's voice rings out, calling to us, "Hey, guys!"

Marnie stands amidst the crowd, and I approach her, eager to understand the situation. "Marnie, what's going on here?"

"I was born 'ere so I know another way in. If you wanna get into the town, how 'bout I show you the way?'re my rival. So you'll have to beat me in a battle first, got it?" Marnie proposes.

I nod in agreement, readying myself for the battle ahead. As we prepare, Team Yell grunts emerge from the town, rallying to cheer for Marnie.

"You've had a pretty good win streak in the Gym Challenge, just like me! I respect you as my rival and all that, but I got too much at stake to go around losin' now!" Marnie declares, releasing her Liepard as her first Pokémon. I opt for Grapploct, my choice for this challenge.

"I've powered up a whole lot! I'm gonna beat you lot into the ground, got it?" Marnie announces confidently.

In the intense face-off, Marnie's Liepard executes a swift Fake Out, aiming to catch me off guard and cause a flinch. Reacting quickly, Liepard then attempts to set up with Nasty Plot to enhance its offensive power. Not willing to let Marnie's strategy unfold, I opt for Taunt, disrupting Liepard's plans and causing it frustration.

Despite the disruption, Liepard persists with its assault, repeatedly striking with Sucker Punches, attempting to land hits before my moves. Amidst the flurry of attacks, I seize the opportunity and command Grapploct to retaliate with Rock Smash.

Grapploct's Rock Smash connects, dealing a decisive blow that overcomes Liepard's defenses, leading to its defeat in the midst of the heated battle.

As Marnie sends out her formidable Toxicroak, Grapploct's Superpower takes a toll, significantly reducing its Attack and Defense stats. Despite its weakened state, Grapploct valiantly battles, but Toxicroak's Poison Jab proves too overwhelming, leading to Grapploct's defeat.

Opting for a strategic change, I summon Aegislash into the fray. Aegislash's unique ability renders Toxicroak's moves, except for Sucker Punch, ineffective against it. Knowing Sucker Punch has limited power points and observing Toxicroak's struggle due to the lack of effective moves, I leverage Aegislash's advantages.

Marnie's Toxicroak, unable to effectively damage Aegislash except with the super effective Sucker Punch, eventually runs out of usable moves. Seizing the opportunity, I capitalize on this moment and guide Aegislash to secure victory by striking with a powerful Shadow Ball, ultimately overcoming Toxicroak's remaining strength and securing the win in this intense showdown.

In a tactical shift, Marnie brings out her Scrafty as her third Pokémon. Aegislash steps up to the challenge, employing Swagger to confuse Scrafty. Unfortunately, before it could make a move, Aegislash falls victim to Scrafty's Crunch, leading to its defeat.

To counter Marnie's Scrafty, I opt for Hatterene as my next Pokémon. Taking advantage of Hatterene's strengths, I initiate the battle with a powerful Dazzling Gleam, dealing substantial damage to Scrafty. Despite Scrafty's attempt to slow Hatterene's speed with Scary Face, I make a strategic move by commanding Hatterene to retaliate with Draining Kiss.

Hatterene's Draining Kiss lands successfully, draining Scrafty's energy and delivering a decisive blow, ultimately knocking it out of the battle.

Impressed by the heated battle, Marnie acknowledges, "As expected of my rival! You really know how to get me riled up!"

Marnie's dynamic Morpeko takes the field as her fourth Pokémon, showcasing its ability to change forms during the battle. In an electrifying move, Morpeko unleashes its Aura Wheel, overpowering Hatterene and securing a win against it.

To counter Morpeko's swift moves, I opt for Stunfisk as my next choice. Utilizing Stunfisk's capabilities, I command it to execute Mud Bomb against the constantly shifting Morpeko.

Stunfisk's Mud Bomb proves to be effective, hitting Morpeko accurately despite its changing forms, and gradually wearing it down. With a strategic advantage, Stunfisk's relentless attacks overpower Morpeko, leading to its defeat in the intense battle.

"What's with that?! My Pokémon didn't get a chance to really do their thing at all. Ugh!" Marnie mutters in frustration, clearly disappointed by the outcome. "My partner Morpeko has been interested in you and your strength, and I think I get it now. But I've got everyone in Spikemuth supporting me! I'm definitely gonna get all eight Gym Badges just so I can have a rematch with you. Don'tcha forget it! I'll get my revenge in the Champion Cup! Anyway, I promised I'd show you a way in, so follow me!"

As Marnie leads us into Spikemuth Town, a sense of shock washes over me as I notice the stark resemblance to Po Town from the Alola Region. The similarities suggest that this might be Team Yell's base of operations.

Marnie, noticing my surprise, remarks, "With the shutter closed, nobody's gonna be able to challenge the Gym... I gotta look into this. I just happened to have too many of these, so I'll give you one, got it? You can handle yourself, right?"

She hands us the League Card of Piers, the Gym Leader. While I initially knew him as a famous singer, the revelation that he serves as the Gym Leader and potentially leads Team Yell comes as a shocking revelation.

Spikemuth lacks a Power Spot that would allow Pokémon to Dynamax, and thus not many fans come to visit the town. Piers feels responsible for allowing his town to fall into obscurity and dilapidation. Once in battle, Piers tends to get riled up and will often reveal his strategy early on, but he has the strength and skill to triumph regardless. However, his true passions are singing and song writing, and his talents in these fields are well-known. As such, he currently hopes that his younger sister will take over as Gym Leader.

"Seems like Dynamaxing is off the table..." Alice expresses with a frown.

"I'm alright with that; a standard battle suits me just fine," I respond confidently, opting to embrace the challenge of a regular Pokémon match without the use of Dynamaxing.

As we proceed towards the Gym, a Team Yell grunt intercepts us with an urgent instruction. "Hold on, mate. If you're gonna take on the Gym mission, you'd better change into yer uniform!"

To our surprise, the grunt hands me the Dark Type uniform, identical to the one worn by Team Yell members. Realization dawns upon us that the Team Yell grunts themselves serve as Gym Trainers in Spikemuth. After changing into the uniform, I emerge, prompting a concern from Gloria, "Oh my... if you have face paint, people will mistake you as a member of Team Yell..."

Undeterred, the grunt offers guidance, "If you're lookin' for the Gym leader, he's straight ahead from here!"

As we continue forward, our path is obstructed by two Team Yell grunts, one of whom challenges us with determination. "Gym Challenger. You wanna get past me, but I don't want that. Basically, it's a battle between our desires."

The male grunt releases a Linoone to engage in the battle. I command Grapploct to counter with Superpower, swiftly defeating the Linoone. Defeated, the male grunt begrudgingly acknowledges our victory, "You and your Pokémon broke through! I don't wanna let you through! That's why I was waitin' all squeezed in this crack. But since I lost, it was really all for nothin'! Whatever. You won, so I guess I'll step aside."

With their defeat, the grunts hastily retreat, allowing us to progress. Elena expresses her dismay, "So this gym really is messed up..."

"Yeah, grunts trying to stop us from getting close to Piers, those are normal. But those words are not..." I remark, puzzled by the unexpected statements made by the Team Yell grunts.

As we progress, we unexpectedly encounter an invisible barrier, only to be startled by the appearance of a Kantonian Mr. Mime standing in our path. Gloria voices her surprise, "A Kantonian Mr. Mime?"

"Kantonian? So, there's a Galarian Mr. Mime?" I inquire, puzzled by this revelation.

"They're Ice Types," Elena enlightens us, prompting Alice to gasp in realization. "No way... another Ice Type Pokémon I haven't captured yet?"

Flora's concern about the invisible barriers created by Mr. Mime resonates as the two Team Yell grunts reappear. The female grunt, noticing our progress, confronts us once more, determined to impede our advance. "What's this? A Gym Challenger made it through? All us Team Yell members have blocked the way. Don't think we'll just let you waltz through!"

She sends out her Thievul to battle, prompting me to respond with Centiskorch. Using a combination of Lunge and Bug Buzz, Centiskorch manages to overpower and defeat Thievul.

"I wasn't able... to properly greet you. That was... totally unbelievable. Even my Pokémon are in awe of you and your team. Here, go on through. Check out our neon signs while you're at it," the grunt concedes, impressed by our strength.

With their admission of defeat, the grunts hastily rush forward, while Mr. Mime also departs, causing the invisible barrier to dissipate, granting us passage through the previously blocked path.

As we proceed, we encounter two eccentric Team Yell grunts on the second floor, shouting, "I'm yellin' for no reason!" Their unexpected behavior catches us off guard as they leap out of the window, landing on the ground below, much to our astonishment.

"Did I surprise you? I'm a little surprised how much my legs hurt from that landin'! If I stand still like this for too long, it'll hurt so bad I might cry... So I'll shake it off with a battle!" one of the grunts exclaims, seemingly unfazed by the discomfort.

"Then you shouldn't have done this in the first place..." I mutter under my breath, bemused by their antics. The Team Yell grunt engages in a battle, deploying a Scrafty. I respond by sending out Grimmsnarl, directing it to use Spirit Break, easily overpowering and defeating Scrafty.

"I lost! My leg pain's back, so it's a double shock! Well, it's true that I lost, but I pushed through the pain, so you should praise me for that!" the grunt declares, displaying a mix of defeat and pride despite the outcome.

After a brief moment, the grunt decides, "All right! Now the pain's gone, I guess I'd better get outta here," and swiftly departs.

As we advance, another Mr. Mime appears, obstructing our path. When we turn around, we witness two female grunts executing backhandsprings for their dramatic entrance.

"The HP of your Pokémon not lookin' so good? I practiced that back handspring so much, even a pop star would be jealous of those moves. Were you surprised?" one of the grunts exclaims.

"Nope?" Helen responds nonchalantly.

"Oi, be surprised, you! While you're in utter shock, I'm gonna sneakily win this battle!" the grunt declares, initiating the battle with her Weavile. Reacting swiftly, I switch back to Grapploct, instructing it to utilize Brick Break, which proves effective in swiftly defeating the Weavile.

"Huh? Seriously? You've gotta be kiddin'... It's over already? Wha-?! I shoulda been practicin' my battle skills, not my backflip skills... Thanks for showin' me that. Guess I'll cheer for you from now on," the defeated grunt concedes, acknowledging the error in her focus and deciding to redirect her efforts in support of our endeavor.

They conclude their acrobatic display with backflips before departing with Mr. Mime, leaving us to proceed further. As we press on, we're suddenly ambushed once again by Team Yell grunts determined to defend their turf within the Gym.

"Team Yell takes the field! This might be the Gym Challenge, but I won't let you ruin our cool secret hangout!" one of the grunts asserts confidently. "All right, time for a pincer attack! We'll do whatever it takes to win!"

Surprisingly, the other grunt appears without the customary face paint. "Ah! I didn't have enough time to get my disguise ready! That's right! Team Yell is actually made up of Spikemuth Gym Trainers!" he admits.

"We already know that..." Alice mutters, feeling less than impressed by the revelation.

The grunts deploy their Liepard and Drapion in battle, prompting my choice of Stunfisk and Hawlucha. Employing Stunfisk's Earthquake and Hawlucha's High Jump Kick, we manage to overcome the opposing Pokémon, securing victory in the face-off.

"It would've been better if you'd just lost to us..." one of the grunts laments. "Did I lose as a member of Team Yell? Or was I beaten as a Gym Trainer?" the other questions.

"I guess both of them make sense..." I remark, acknowledging the duality of their roles.

"Ugh, whatever! Our Gym Leader's up next, but he's really strong. Got that?" one of the grunts warns before both of them hastily retreat. "I mean, everybody already knew the true identity of Team Yell, right? That means I won't get in trouble for not gettin' my disguise on, right? I sure hope so..."

"Seriously..." Elena sighs, clearly unimpressed by the failed attempts at secrecy as they depart, allowing us to proceed towards the Gym Leader unimpeded by further confrontations with the Team Yell/Gym Trainers.

As we make our way forward, an unexpected sight greets us—Marnie, dressed in the female Team Yell grunt's attire, which is more revealing than her usual style. Her presence in such attire catches us off guard.

Marnie's voice cuts through the air, reprimanding the grunts, "Shut your gob!" Her authoritative tone causes the grunts to lower their heads in response.

Spotting us, Marnie's expression shifts, showing a hint of remorse. "Oh, Ash! Uh... I'm really sorry! The lot from Spikemuth's tellin' me they locked down the city for my sake..."

As Marnie expresses her regret, the grunts reveal their misguided attempts to support her by sabotaging other Gym Challengers.

"Spikemuth just keeps gettin' worse and worse. And all Piers says is 'Don't worry'," the first grunt admits.

"So... So we decided to disguise ourselves as Team Yell and sabotage the other challengers," the second grunt adds.

"We thought, if we could stop the other Gym Challengers from reachin' the Gym, then Ms. Marnie would be the only one to win and make it to the Champion Cup!" the grunts explain, aiming to increase Marnie's chances of becoming the new Champion.

"That's no way to help someone at all!" Marnie scolds them once more, causing the grunts to flinch under her stern gaze. She then turns to us, offering reassurance. "Ash, no need to bother with all the preparations, or whatever. Go on in and face the Gym Leader!"

We express our gratitude to Marnie and proceed to the battlefield, leaving behind the tense situation as we head towards the Gym Leader's challenge, grateful for Marnie's intervention and guidance.

As we enter the Gym, an unexpected scene unfolds before us—Piers, the Gym Leader, is in the midst of a concert with Team Yell as his audience, cheering for him enthusiastically. Piers is passionately singing one of his famous songs, captivating the crowd. As the song concludes, Piers notices our arrival and sighs, acknowledging our presence.

"... So you're finally here, huh?" Piers remarks, his tone carrying a hint of resignation.

The attention of everyone in the room turns towards us, and Piers steps forward, revealing his inner thoughts. "See, I'm...I'm really not a great Gym Leader. Figured that's why nobody was comin' to challenge me. I have good ears, so I overheard the whole thing about the city bein' shut up. When I was alone, it was like my soul was weepin'. This is a simple Gym Stadium. We can't even Dynamax our Pokémon, but well... I still hope you enjoy the battle."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if we Dynamax or not. I mean, most of the regions outside don't have Dynamax but they can still give out good battles," I respond, reassuring Piers that the absence of Dynamaxing won't hinder the excitement of the battle ahead.

Piers initially appears surprised by the acknowledgment of the absence of Dynamaxing in the battle. As the others from Team Yell are escorted to the audience seats, Piers gathers his resolve.

"Now then..." Piers declares, taking out a microphone stand and raising his voice, commanding attention. "I'm the Gym Leader of Spikemuth, Piers, the Dark-type user! You wanna challenge me, even though you know you'll lose? Then this song's for you, foolish Trainer! Get ready for a mosh pit with me and my party! Spikemuth, it's time to rock!"

Piers initiates the battle by sending out his Scrafty, prompting me to choose Grimmsnarl as my Pokémon for the match. Piers rallies the support of the crowd, urging them to cheer on his Pokémon.

"Everyone, cheer on my Pokémon! Let's do it, Scrafty! Intimidate the opponent!" Piers commands, causing Grimmsnarl's Attack stat to decrease due to Scrafty's Intimidate ability.

I decide to start the battle with a strategic move. "Fake Out!" Grimmsnarl swiftly executes the move, causing Scrafty to flinch momentarily, delaying its action. Following up, I command Grimmsnarl to use Hammer Arm, aiming to strike Scrafty. However, Scrafty effectively defends itself by utilizing its tough skin as a barrier.

"Brick Break!" Piers commands Scrafty to attack. The forceful move connects with Grimmsnarl, but Grimmsnarl withstands the blow and retaliates with False Surrender, slamming Scrafty to the ground. Seizing the advantage, Grimmsnarl concludes the bout with a final Spirit Break, overpowering Scrafty and securing victory in this intense exchange.

Piers confidently announces, "Malamar's gonna mess you all up with its Contrary Ability!" as he sends out Malamar as his second Pokémon. Grimmsnarl faces Malamar's Night Slash and is swiftly defeated in the intense exchange.

I decide to switch strategies and bring out Centiskorch to counter Malamar's presence, hoping its Bug-type moves will be effective. However, this decision turns out to be a miscalculation.

"With the Contrary Ability, Lunge now raises Malamar's Attack stat," Elena observes, highlighting the unintended consequence of Malamar's unique ability.

Realizing the risk of further empowering Malamar by increasing its Special Defense with Bug Buzz, I hesitate. Nonetheless, with no better options, I take the chance. As Centiskorch executes Bug Buzz, the move does indeed bolster Malamar's Special Defense, creating an unfavorable situation for me.

Malamar retaliates with a powerful Psycho Cut, dealing significant damage to Centiskorch, bringing it close to being knocked out. Despite the risky situation, I decide to take a calculated chance. Banking on the low probability, Bug Buzz successfully triggers its 10% chance to raise its own Special Defense, allowing Centiskorch to withstand Malamar's onslaught and emerge victorious, effectively eliminating Malamar from the battle.

Piers reveals his third Pokémon, Skuntank, with a declaration, "Everyone's gonna stink, but who cares! Go, Skuntank! Use your Sucker Punch and Toxic!"

To our surprise, Skuntank swiftly executes a Sucker Punch, intercepting Centiskorch's attempted Flame Wheel and causing damage. Additionally, Skuntank effectively inflicts Centiskorch with Toxic, poisoning it and leading to its eventual fainting due to the poison's effects.

"That is a good move," I murmur, acknowledging the effectiveness of Skuntank's strategy before deciding to send out Stunfisk. "Now you can't poison now," I remark, recognizing Stunfisk's immunity to poisoning due to its Ground typing.

However, Skuntank takes advantage of its movepool and utilizes Flamethrower, dealing significant damage to Stunfisk. Undeterred, Stunfisk retaliates with Earthquake, causing the field to tremble and ultimately defeating Skuntank despite enduring Flamethrower's assault.

Piers confidently declares, "I don't do encores, get it? Not songs... Not moves... Not Pokémon! Time to meet another member of my crew! Face the proud, high roar of my Obstagoon!"

Anticipating an advantageous move, I opt to have Stunfisk utilize Bounce. However, Obstagoon unexpectedly counters with its Counter move, effectively overpowering Stunfisk and defeating it in a calculated response.

"You did well," I commend Stunfisk, acknowledging its efforts. "Grapploct, I choose you!" I swiftly make my choice for the next Pokémon to enter the battle, calling upon Grapploct to take the stage.

Piers seizes the moment, rallying the audience, "Here's a number I had saved just for this! You lot in the stands better cheer me on! Throat Chop!" Obstagoon executes its attack, dealing damage to Grapploct, but it proves ineffective as Grapploct isn't reliant on sound-based moves.

Considering the threat of Obstagoon's Counter ability, I opt for a decisive strategy. "Use Superpower!" I command Grapploct, directing it to launch a powerful attack. The calculated move proves successful as Grapploct's Superpower overwhelms Obstagoon, swiftly ending the battle in a single strike and securing victory to my delight.

Piers, catching his breath after the intense battle, speaks with sincerity. "Me an' my team gave it our best. Let's meet up again for a battle sometime..." He expresses his appreciation for the battle and notes, "I'm glad we were able to battle. Seems like my Pokémon feel the same way."

Approaching us, Piers presents the Dark Badge, a symbol of our victory in the battle, and we exchange a handshake, signifying a moment of mutual respect. With this gesture, he grants us the seventh badge of our journey. "Here's a uniform, too... I've actually been thinkin' about just sellin' them at my concerts," he mentions, referring to the same uniform I'm currently wearing.

Observing Team Yell's disappointment following Piers' loss, Piers sighs, acknowledging their reaction. "My little sis Marnie's gonna challenge me next, I bet," he muses, foreseeing the challenge that awaits him in a future battle with his younger sibling.

"That was actually kinda sweet," Marnie remarks as she approaches the conversation.

"So you were watchin', Sis... You won't learn anythin' from seein' me lose," Piers responds with a hint of disappointment.

"I was watchin' YOUR battle, Bro. It's how I learned to battle an' all that," Marnie retorts, defending her observation.

"That right? That reminds me. Marnie, there's somethin' I wanted to tell you," Piers begins to express his thoughts. "I want you to take over the Gym here in Spikemuth as its Gym Leader."

The revelation that Piers might be considering retirement startles us. Marnie quickly responds, "Yeah, I know. You'd planned to retire after the Champion Cup, right? I think you've really become a great Gym Leader, even if you don't Dynamax your Pokémon. I love you, but my answer is a big, fat 'NO'! I mean, when I end up becomin' Champion, I won't be able to be a Gym Leader!"

"Good point. In that case, let your big bro see if you have the skill to be a Champion!" Piers challenges, acknowledging Marnie's determination.

"Hey, Ash, thanks for havin' an amazin' Pokémon battle with my brother. It's my turn next! So clear off for a bit, 'K?" Marnie addresses us with gratitude before bidding us farewell, indicating it's her turn to challenge Piers. We nod in acknowledgment and step aside, allowing Marnie and Piers to engage in their anticipated Gym battle.

Here is a new chapter, and now that the Dark Gym is also done, there is only one left and I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Dreepy, Kleavor

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