Chapter 39

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As they return to the Wild Area, Gloria expresses her interest in gathering Poison-type Pokémon. Elena, curious, inquires, "Are there actually Poison-type Poke Jobs?"

"Absolutely," Gloria affirms. "Let me demonstrate."

1. Porcini: We want to use poison to dye our clothes in wonderful colors! Please send us your Poison-type Pokémon! (3 Pokemon)

2. No. 1 Pharmacy: One man's poison is another man's tonic. We would like Poison-type Pokémon to help us prepare prescriptions. (6 Pokemon)

3. RKS Laboratories: We would like to enlist the help of Poison-type Pokémon, as they are no doubt resistant to toxins. (6 Pokemon)

4. Macro Cosmos Tech: We are running some experiments involving chemical reactions. We'd like to receive Pokémon that can withstand hazardous chemicals! (6 Pokemon)

5. Rondo Floral: I want to go to the forest to pick flowers, but it's full of dangers! Could I have some Poison-type Pokémon, since they're good against plants? (8 Pokemon)

6. Macro Cosmos Bank: The sole purpose of this job is to demonstrate the dangers of poison—nothing more. Show us your best moves! (10 Pokemon)

7. Macro Cosmos Television: We're doing a special on sewer systems! Could we get Poison-type Pokémon? They can handle the smell. (30 Pokemon)

8. Galar Police Station: In order to prepare for cases in natural areas, we are searching for Pokémon resistant to the Grass, Bug, and Fairy types. (30 Pokemon)

"Okay... they really are related to toxins and poisons," I say.

Helen also prepares more curry for us, and this time she adds some green ingredients to the curry. Flora inquires, "What's in it this time?"

"Pungent Roots," Helen responds. "The spice from these roots gives the simple curry roux a delightful accent—and can clear out your sinuses!"

"It certainly has a lovely aroma," Alice remarks as she tastes the curry. "The refreshing spice of the root and the deep, spicy heat of the curry roux—it's a must-try for spicy food enthusiasts."

"I find the flavor of the root invigorating, which complements the somewhat heavy dryness of the curry roux," I comment. "Truly an easily enjoyed dish."

Elena chimes in, saying, "The root's refreshing spiciness and aroma are enhanced by the sweet seasoning."

Gloria adds, "The striking aroma of the root pairs well with the bitter curry roux, creating a taste profile that's somewhat more suited for adults."

Flora concludes, "The distinctive aroma of the curry is irresistible when combined with the sour curry roux. A curry perfect for self-proclaimed curry aficionados."

We finish the curry and make our way back to Route 9. While traveling, we come to the decision to head towards Acidome City to witness Hop's battle and my fifth Contest Ribbon.

Starting from Circhester, we decide to engage in some training, only to discover that Pikachu is missing. Concerned, I inquire, "Does anyone know where Pikachu might be?"

Our five Pokémon shake their heads in confusion, but suddenly, we hear Pikachu's distressed cries for help. A Cramorant is seen with Pikachu clutched in its mouth. Alice acts swiftly, commanding, "Eldegoss! Use Leaf Tornado!"

Eldegoss executes the attack, compelling Cramorant to release Pikachu, yet in the process, the Cramorant retaliates, causing Eldegoss to become paralyzed.

"That's likely the Gulp Missile ability," I remark, recognizing the situation as an opportunity to capture the Cramorant. Evading its Gulp Missiles, we persist until finally managing to capture it.

Cramorant: The Gulp Pokemon: Flying and Water Type. This hungry Pokémon swallows Arrokuda whole. Occasionally, it makes a mistake and tries to swallow a Pokémon other than its preferred prey.

While traversing the area, we stumble upon a nearby Pincurchin and decide to capture it as well. Little did we know that this capture would significantly impact our Snom. The addition of Pincurchin to our team brought joy and camaraderie, boosting Snom's happiness levels. As a result of this newfound happiness, Snom evolves into Frosmoth, showcasing its growth and bond within our team.

Pincurchin: The Sea Urchin Pokemon: Electric Type. It stores electricity in each spine. Even if one gets broken off, it still continues to emit electricity for at least three hours.

Frosmoth: The Frost Moth Pokemon: Ice and Bug Type. Evolve from Snom with high friendship during nighttime. It shows no mercy to any who desecrate fields and mountains. It will fly around on its icy wings, causing a blizzard to chase offenders away.

Arriving at Circhester Bay, we encounter the same doctor who had previously provided us with the Rotom Bikes, being harassed once again by Team Yell, this time accompanied by a Drednaw.

"There's no way we're lettin' you anywhere near Spikemuth! And that means we can't let you go on to Route 9!" the female grunt asserts firmly.

"It's Team Yell's duty to cheer on these lovely Drednaw!" the male grunt chimes in. "And we also get to stop people from headin' out over the water!"

The doctor interjects, "Yes, I understand... All I'm saying is that I can make it so that Rotom Bikes can ride on water..." Spotting us, the doctor recognizes our group and exclaims, "Why, we meet again, my young Gym Challenger friends! Remember me?"

"Of course, you were the one who provided us with the Rotom Bikes," I reply.

"So, do you think you could do me another favor and teach these ruffians a lesson or two?" the doctor requests.

"It's our duty to protect Drednaw!" the female grunt persists. "And that means yer gonna need to give up on the Gym Challenge! You look like you need convincin', so how about a Pokemon battle?! I'll send you packin'! For the sake of Drednaw, of course."

With the Team Yell grunts sending out their Linoone and Pangoro, both Dark-type Pokémon, we engage in a battle, leveraging the newly evolved Frosmoth's array of newly learned moves to defeat them.

"I really want to return to Spikemuth," the female grunt grumbles. "Ugh! They're going to ride the Drednaw!"

"Hey! I've got an idea! Let's hop on Drednaw first and take off!" the male grunt shouts.

"Okay! Hurry up, Drednaw! Catch you later, Gym Challenger!" they yell before hastily departing on the back of the Drednaw.

We watch as the Team Yell grunts hastily ride away on the Drednaw, leaving us with a bemused expression and a sweatdrop.

"Seems like you've come to my aid once more," the doctor remarks. "How's the cycling life treating you? Are you having fun? Wouldn't it be amazing if you could ride your Rotom Bike on the water, too?"

Instead of relying on HMs for Surf or specific riding Pokémon such as Basculegion and Lapras, the doctor proposes an innovative solution: modifying our bikes to enable water traversal. "That's why I'm going to add these special parts, allowing it to travel along the water's surface... just for you!"

After installing the special parts on our bikes, the doctor proceeds to explain their functionality. "Alright, with the Rotom Bike's 'Water Mode,' you'll glide across the water akin to a Pokémon with Swift Swim! Additionally, when you're riding on land, we'll refer to it as 'Land Mode'."

As we surf on the water, we stumble upon various intriguing Water-type Pokémon in the area. Among them, we spot an octopus-like Pokémon that isn't of the Water type, prompting us to try capturing it. Flora identifies it, saying, "That's a Clobbopus."

"Indeed, a Fighting-type Pokémon," Alice remarks as we initiate a battle using Corviknight. However, during the battle, the Clobbopus evolves and employs a move called Octolock, preventing Corviknight from escaping.

"It's evolved into a Grapploct now," Elena observes.

However, while Grapploct is executing Octolock, it inadvertently gives us the opportunity to capture it using a Dive Ball. We seize the chance, successfully capturing Grapploct, making it the newest addition to our team.

Clobbopus: The Tantrum Pokemon: Fighting Type. It's very curious, but its means of investigating things is to try to punch them with its tentacles. The search for food is what brings it onto land.

Grapploct: The Jujitsu Pokemon: Fighting Type. Evolve from Clobbopus by learning Taunt. A body made up of nothing but muscle makes the grappling moves this Pokémon performs with its tentacles tremendously powerful.

Arriving at Acidome Town, I'm filled with excitement as I participate in the final Contest. The atmosphere is electrifying, and I'm ready to showcase my Pokémon's appeal and battle skills.

During the appeal round, I decide to feature Rillaboom and Toxtricity. Rillaboom, with its rhythmic drumming and powerful Grass-type moves, captivates the audience. Toxtricity electrifies the stage with its vibrant performance and thrilling Electric-type moves, earning praise and admiration from the judges.

Moving on to the battle round, I strategically choose Frosmoth and Meganium to compete. Frosmoth's graceful movements and dazzling Ice-type moves leave a lasting impression, while Meganium's serene yet commanding presence, combined with its powerful Grass-type attacks, captivates the audience and judges alike.

The intense battles showcase my Pokémon's strengths and coordination, securing the final Contest ribbon for our team. The victory fills me with a sense of accomplishment and pride as the crowd cheers in awe at the fantastic display of skill and grace exhibited by my Pokémon.

Encountering Hop, we notice his Inteleon in a distressed state, badly poisoned. Acting swiftly, we rush him to the doctor, who surprisingly turns out to be none other than the Gym Leader Gabe. With his expertise, Gabe skillfully tends to Inteleon, swiftly restoring it to full health.

"I assume you're all here for the Gym Challenge? Besides my medical duties, I'm also a Gym Leader," Gabe mentions, offering us his League Card for reference.

Accepting the League Card, we observe it as Hop expresses his determination, "I'm aiming to battle you to catch up to Lee."

Acknowledging Hop's resolve, Gabe nods and replies, "Understood. I'll be waiting for our battle at the stadium."

Dr. Gabe, a dedicated researcher and a compassionate healer, seamlessly blends his medical expertise with his passion for Pokémon. As a Gym Leader, Gabe values strategy and intelligence in battles. His nurturing demeanor masks a fierce competitive spirit, focusing on developing robust bonds with his Poison-type Pokémon.

Hop proceeds to the stadium for his Gym Challenge, while we secure seats in the audience, eager to support him during the contest. As we observe, we notice that the gym mission field resembles a laboratory, with five gym trainers stationed within it.

Dan warmly welcomes Hop, initiating an explanation of the Gym Mission of Acidome. "Greetings! Are you interested in learning about the Gym Mission of Acidome? Within these toxic trials lies a journey of discovery. Embrace the secrets of poison, for knowledge acts as your antidote against the challenges that lie ahead. Let your strategic wit illuminate your path through the lab, akin to an antidote neutralizing venom."

There are four distinct trials within the gym, each presenting its own unique challenge for Hop:

The first trial, named the Poisonous Gas Puzzle, involves navigating chambers filled with shifting toxic gases that obscure pathways. Trainers must strategically activate switches or solve puzzles to clear the air and proceed.

Following that is the Pokémon Healer's Trial. In this trial, trainers encounter a room where they must diagnose and heal a Salandit suffering from various ailments caused by toxins. The correct remedies or antidotes need to be administered to nurse the Pokémon back to health and progress.

The third trial is the Maze of Poisonous Plants. This challenge comprises a maze teeming with poisonous flora obstructing the way forward. Trainers must leverage their knowledge of Poison-type plants, carefully navigating the maze to avoid exposure to harmful toxins and find the correct path.

Lastly, the Puzzle Lock Mechanisms trial involves chambers locked with Poison-type puzzles. Trainers must solve riddles or answer questions related to Poison-type Pokémon to unlock these chambers.

After Hop successfully defeats the gym trainers in each trial, Dan jubilantly declares, "Goal! Gym Mission cleared!"

Hop stands at the Battlefield, ready for the Gym Leader challenge, while Dr. Gabe, the Gym Leader, makes his presence known. "Ah, another seeker eager to unravel the mysteries veiled within the poison's embrace. I am Dr. Gabe, where battles transcend mere displays of strength, evolving into symphonies orchestrated by strategy."

Unfazed by the philosophical approach, Hop retorts confidently, "I might not get your drift, but I'll emerge victorious in this battle."

"Prepare yourself," Dr. Gabe responds, his demeanor focused and determined. "In this arena, I shall examine not only your Pokémon's strength but also your tactical prowess. Let us engage in this strategic dance, where every move signifies a calculated step toward enlightenment." With an air of anticipation, the battle between Hop and Dr. Gabe is about to unfold.

The battle commences with Gabe sending out his Drapion to face Hop's Sandaconda.

"Sandaconda, let's kick off with Sandstorm!" Hop commands, initiating the swirling sandstorm on the battlefield. Simultaneously, Gabe's Drapion strategically scatters Toxic Spikes across the field.

Responding to the Sandstorm, Sandaconda unleashes Earthquake, causing damage to Drapion. However, Drapion retaliates swiftly with Knock Off, striking Sandaconda. Attempting to change tactics, Sandaconda employs Bulldoze to reduce Drapion's speed. Yet, Drapion counters with Cross Poison, inflicting poisoning on Sandaconda.

As Sandaconda succumbs to the poison, it attempts Venoshock, but its Shed Skin ability triggers, cleansing itself of the poisoning and gaining strength. Seizing the opportunity, Sandaconda unleashes another powerful Earthquake, overpowering Drapion and securing victory in the battle.

"I see... then let's see how you face this Pokémon," declares Gym Leader Gabe as he introduces his second Pokémon, Salazzle.

Salazzle swiftly launches a Dragon Tail attack, overpowering Sandaconda, which succumbs to the assault. Recognizing the need for a change in strategy, Hop sends out Dubwool to confront Salazzle.

Salazzle initiates the confrontation with a fierce Flamethrower aimed at Dubwool. However, Dubwool's resilience and determination shine through as it endures the attack without faltering.

"Show them what you're made of, Dubwool! Use Cotton Guard to fortify your defenses!" Hop commands.

Dubwool's woolly coat thickens, significantly boosting its defensive capabilities, preparing it to withstand Salazzle's onslaught. Undeterred, Salazzle attempts a Sludge Bomb, targeting Dubwool's vulnerabilities. Yet, Dubwool's agility and nimble movements enable it to dodge the attack skillfully.

Taking advantage of the opening, Hop urges Dubwool to counter with a powerful Double-Edge strike, landing a forceful blow on Salazzle. Then, without hesitation, Dubwool executes a Giga Impact, overwhelming Salazzle with sheer force, ultimately leading to Salazzle's defeat.

"So far, so good," I remark, observing the intense battle as Hop manages to defeat two of Gym Leader Gabe's Pokémon.

As the battle progresses, Gym Leader Gabe reveals his third Pokémon, Toxapex. The resilient Toxapex demonstrates its defensive prowess by utilizing Baneful Bunker, blocking Dubwool's attack while also inflicting poison upon it.

Dubwool attempts an Electro Ball, managing to cause damage to Toxapex despite the challenging situation. However, Toxapex retaliates fiercely, unleashing a powerful Venoshock attack that proves too much for Dubwool to handle. Dubwool succumbs to the assault and is defeated by Toxapex's strategic maneuvers.

After witnessing Dubwool's defeat, the situation in the battle grows tense. Hop quickly strategizes and sends out Trevenant to face Gym Leader Gabe's Toxapex.

"Trevenant, Shadow Claw!" Hop directs, as Trevenant delivers a critical hit on Toxapex, weakening it significantly.

Toxapex retaliates with a Liquidation attack, attempting to strike Trevenant, but Trevenant endures the hit, fueled by its determination to win. Hop seizes the opportunity, shouting, "Now, Wood Hammer!" Trevenant harnesses its energy, delivering a powerful blow with the Wood Hammer attack, overcoming Toxapex's defenses.

With a final effort, Toxapex aims a Venoshock at Trevenant, trying to turn the tide of battle. However, Trevenant, bolstered by its unwavering resolve, counters fiercely. "Trevenant, finish it with a Shadow Ball!" Hop commands. Trevenant gathers dark energy and unleashes a devastating Shadow Ball, overpowering Toxapex and securing victory for Hop in the intense battle.

"Ah, it appears we've reached the crescendo. This final act shall test both our resolve and strategy. Let the poison's symphony play on until the very end!" As Gym Leader Gabe unveils his final Pokémon, a Garbodor, a murmur of surprise ripples through the spectators.

"A Doctor employing a Garbodor as the last Pokémon?" Gloria remarks with a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

"I'm not sure about this choice..." Alice adds, echoing the sentiment.

The battle unfolds as Garbodor faces off against Hop's Trevenant. However, Garbodor swiftly gains the upper hand, striking Trevenant with a potent Gunk Shot, overwhelming it and leading to Trevenant's defeat.

Realizing the need to turn the tide, Hop makes a quick decision. "Inteleon, it's your turn!" he calls out, sending out his Inteleon to confront Garbodor and attempt to change the course of the battle.

"Behold the culmination of my research and the toxic power I've harnessed! Garbodor, Gigantamax! Let the toxic aura envelop the battlefield!" Dr. Gabe proclaims, commanding Garbodor to Gigantamax. The Garbodor grows in size, its form expanding as various objects ooze out from its body, creating a unique and intimidating sight.

In response, Hop doesn't hold back. "Inteleon, it's our turn to Dynamax!" Hop commands, causing Inteleon to undergo a transformation, growing to a colossal size. Inteleon prepares to strike, aiming to make a significant impact.

Hop seizes the moment, instructing Inteleon to unleash the power of Max Geyser. The attack hits Garbodor, not only dealing damage but also summoning rain to cascade across the battlefield, altering the weather conditions.

"Garbodor, release the potent fumes of G-Max Malodor! Witness its noxious might and let it suffuse the arena with a toxic haze!" Dr. Gabe commands Garbodor. The Garbodor emits a wave of green sludge toward Inteleon, poisoning it and shrouding the battlefield in a toxic haze.

Despite the challenging conditions, Inteleon perseveres, engaging in a series of intense attacks with Garbodor. Inteleon, empowered by its Dynamax form, culminates the battle by unleashing the devastating Max Mindstorm, ultimately overcoming Garbodor and securing victory for Hop.

"Impressive! Your strategy and strength have triumphed over my toxic tactics," acknowledges Dr. Gabe as he recalls Garbodor and approaches Hop. "Your victory is well deserved. Take this badge as recognition of your mastery over poison, and may our paths cross again in the pursuit of knowledge and strength."

Hop receives the seventh badge and shares a handshake with Dr. Gabe. "Just one more badge, and you'll be ready for the League. Best of luck," Dr. Gabe offers his encouragement.

Upon exiting the gym, Hop remarks, "With one more badge to go, victory feels closer. You've got to win your badge quickly too, Ash."

"Absolutely," I respond as we bid our farewells and make our way back to Circhester Bay, looking forward to the next challenge on our journey towards the League.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, the Poison Gym is also done. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Spikemuth.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Snom, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Dreepy, Kleavor

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