Chapter 51

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Three days have passed since the dramatic incident involving the Darkest Day and Chairman Rose's resignation, and the news has rippled across the entire Galar region. Amidst the buzz and celebrations, Dia and Elena's wedding has been a grand affair, filled with joy and festivities that have left me and the others, who were part of the wedding party, feeling quite exhausted.

Now, the day of my much-anticipated Champion battle against Leon has finally arrived. Hop, Gloria, Victor, Flora, Helen, Serena, and Alice join me as we prepare for the challenge ahead. Dawn and Lisia have returned to their respective regions, Sinnoh and Hoenn, while Elena and Dia are off enjoying their honeymoon.

Hop, in his usual enthusiastic manner, begins the conversation, "I don't know about you, but I slept like the dead! Everyone's still talking about what happened, but at least things are back to normal now."

I nod, sharing his sentiment, "Yeah, we really did defeat Eternatus together with Zamazenta and Zacian!"

The conversation naturally shifts to Leon, and Hop raises a concern, "And still Lee's... well, he's being Lee. Insisting on having a Championship Match with you today. It's a bit much, isn't it? You sure you're up for it?"

Victor chimes in, reflecting on the recent events, "We heard about what happened, though we heard that he was out cold and hurt pretty badly himself during all that mess."

Gloria adds her thoughts, saying, "Well, let's just hope that everything goes well. We're all here for a serious match that we're going to watch."

As we gather to support me in this momentous battle, there's a mixture of anticipation, excitement, and hope in the air, as we look forward to witnessing the outcome of the Championship match against Leon.

Upon arriving at the stadium, we gather with everyone, including my Mom and Dad, who are in possession of Eternatus' Poke Ball to ensure it remains inactive.

Now Leon and I stand face to face, ready for a serious battle. Leon remarks, "My matches are always sold out, but this... I've never seen a crowd this wild! Everyone knows what you did for us this week, Ash... They know you're the one who caught Eternatus and saved the future of the Galar region."

"Yeah, and I don't particularly enjoy all this attention," I mutter.

"A true hero, who fought alongside the Legendary Pokémon, Zacian and Zamazenta... I couldn't have asked for a better challenger to help extend my winning streak! Now that I've witnessed the strength you possess as the greatest of challengers... defeating you will demonstrate just how powerful our Champion truly is!"

"And I won't back down from this battle," I reply firmly. "As you're the undefeated champion, I'm going to showcase everything I've learned, including Mega Evolution and Z-Moves."

"That's the spirit, Ash! Let's make this final match one for the history books in Galar! No, let's make it a match that will change Galar forever! We're going to have an absolutely champion time!"

With our Pokémon choices made, we both send out our first Pokémon: my Pikachu and Leon's Cinderace. I assume that Cinderace is the Starter Pokémon Leon received.

"It's one of the Champion's duties to get the crowd fired up!" Leon cheers as we prepare to launch our first moves. Cinderace's Scorching Sands strikes faster than Pikachu's Thunderbolt and deals super-effective damage, although Pikachu's attack still lands and scores a hit.

To my surprise, Cinderace shakes off the hit without showing any sign of damage. I gasp, "Wait, it has Libero?"

"Of course, this one's got it. Now it's a Ground Type," Leon smirks.

In response to the change in type advantage, I decide to recall Pikachu and send out my second Pokémon. To my surprise, Leon also makes the decision to switch out his Cinderace.

"Come out, Aegislash!" I call out. "Gengar, it's your turn!"

Our Pokémon are ready for battle. I take the initiative and command Gengar to use Shadow Ball. Aegislash promptly raises its King's Shield, blocking the attack. Aegislash retaliates with its own Shadow Ball, but Gengar manages to evade it by hiding within its own shadow.

"That won't work! Flash Cannon!" Leon surprises me by having Aegislash spin while using Flash Cannon simultaneously. I gasp, "That's Counter Shield..."

"I've been studying your battles over the past few days, so I thought I'd try that move myself," Leon explains.

"Impressive," I reply. I'm getting nervous as Gengar finds itself in a tough spot, but it eventually breaks free and uses Will-O-Wisp, causing Aegislash to be both burned and breaking the Flash Cannon attack.

"Now, Gigantamax, Gengar!" I decided to Gigantamax my Ghost-type Pokémon. What unfolds is a clash between Gengar's G-Max Terror and Aegislash's barrage of Shadow Balls. Both sides manage to land hits. Thanks to the effect of G-Max Terror, Aegislash becomes unable to switch out.

The next exchange of attacks features a Max Starfall from Gengar and a Flash Cannon from Aegislash. While Aegislash does its best to dodge the Max Move, it lands a critical hit with Shadow Ball right in the middle of Gengar's mouth. However, despite the critical hit, Gengar still manages to hit Aegislash with Max Ooze. As a result of the critical hit, Gengar returns to its normal size, but Aegislash is unable to continue the battle.

With my first victory under my belt, the crowd erupts in cheers, and I turn to Gengar, asking, "You okay, Gengar?"

Gengar nods, showing its determination. Leon responds, "I'll catch up to you, Ash!" and sends out Haxorus as his third Pokémon. I decide to stick with Gengar and command it to use Sludge Bomb.

However, Leon chooses an Iron Tail attack, breaking through the Sludge Bomb and landing a hit on Gengar. Gengar suddenly shivers, and Haxorus exhibits the same reaction, making me smirk.

"Haxorus! Use Iron Tail again!" Leon commands. To his surprise, Iron Tail can't be used. "I see... the ability Cursed Body?"

"Yeah, you won't be using Iron Tail for a while!" I respond. However, Leon notes that the Iron Tail attack has lowered Gengar's Defense stat. He decides to have Haxorus go for an Earthquake, which knocks out Gengar and evens the playing field.

"I dedicate this victory to Aegislash. His hard work made it possible," Leon says. "As I suppose you know, in a full battle, you use your Pokémon to build up damage on the opponent, achieving each victory as a team."

With my third Pokémon revealed as Galarian Darmanitan, Leon remarks, "So you're aiming for type advantages?"

I command Darmanitan to use Ice Punch, and although Haxorus initially defends itself with Poison Jab, Darmanitan finds an opening and lands a super effective blow on the Dragon Pokémon.

"Use Work Up!" Darmanitan boosts its attack and defense stats, and Leon comments, "I see... not a Gorilla Tactics Darmanitan. Iron Tail!"

To my surprise, Gengar's Cursed Body effect wears off, and the Iron Tail attack lands a direct hit on Darmanitan, causing it to transform into its Zen Mode. Leon decides to have Haxorus use Earthquake, but I smirk and say, "Use Psychic to lift yourself in the air!"

To everyone's surprise, Darmanitan levitates in the air using Psychic. Seizing this opportunity, I decide to switch Darmanitan out for Lucario.

"Haxorus, be cautious! We don't know what he's planning!" Leon warns.

"Let's do it, Lucario!" I declare as I show my Mega Glove and press the Key Stone, causing Lucario to Mega Evolve. Lucario expresses its determination by releasing a powerful burst of Aura that is felt by everyone in Wyndon Stadium.

Mega Lucario charges in with a Bullet Punch, but Haxorus manages to dodge the attack and retaliates with Outrage, hitting Lucario repeatedly.

"Still going strong? Mega Evolution is not to be underestimated," Leon comments.

"Lucario, harness your aura!" Lucario concentrates its aura and readies a Dragon Pulse. Haxorus is about to strike with Outrage for the final time, but Lucario senses the incoming attack and swiftly avoids it. Lucario then releases the Dragon Pulse, defeating Haxorus in a spectacular display of power.

"You're quite something, Ash. Now, this one is next. Come out, Dragapult!" Leon calls out his Dragapult.

I have Lucario use Double Team, followed by Bullet Punch, managing to land a direct hit. However, Dragapult retaliates with a Flamethrower, prompting me to recall Lucario.

"You're up next, Dracovish!" I summon Dracovish to the field and order it to charge in with Dragon Rush. However, Dragapult disrupts the attack with its Dragon Darts. As the second Dragon Dart, Dreepy, is about to hit, I have Dracovish intercept it by biting down, causing an unexpected shiver in Dracovish. The shiver is cut short by another hit from Dragon Darts, causing both Dreepy to return to Dragapult. Dracovish stands back up, and the spikes along its body begin to glow red and are covered in red energy, causing general confusion.

"Dragapult, use Thunderbolt!" Leon commands. The attack lands on Dracovish. Leon then has Dragapult charge in for a finishing blow, which turns out to be a mistake. Dracovish's energy-covered spikes clamp down on Dragapult, pinning it down and allowing Dracovish to land an easy Fishious Rend.

Dragapult is not immobilized, though, as Leon demonstrates by ordering a Dragon Tail. Dracovish attempts to stop it by using Ice Fang to freeze Dragapult, but it can't freeze it completely. Dragon Tail makes contact and simultaneously frees Dragapult from the ice. Due to Dragon Tail's effect, Dracovish is sent back into its Poké Ball, and my Galarian Rapidash is forcibly sent out.

"Dragapult! You're facing a Fairy Type! Use Shadow Ball!" Leon commands.

I quickly respond, "Dodge with Agility, Rapidash!" My Galarian Rapidash gracefully avoids the Shadow Ball. "Now, Rapidash, Dazzling Gleam!"

The attack hits Dragapult, dealing damage. However, Dragapult counters with another Shadow Ball, striking Rapidash. Seeing Rapidash's health significantly reduced, I decide to use Baton Pass, switching back to Lucario for the next phase of the battle.

I take a deep breath to calm myself as I prepare to give my final command. "Lucario! I'll finish this with you! Bullet Punch!" Lucario launches the attack, and it makes contact with Dragapult.

After successfully blocking a Thunderbolt with Reversal, Lucario attempts to use Bullet Punch once more, but it suddenly freezes in place. It becomes clear that Thunderbolt had succeeded in paralyzing Lucario. With Lucario immobilized, Dragapult seizes the opportunity and lands another Flamethrower on it. Lucario reverts to its usual form and collapses, ruled unable to battle.

"Good work, Dragapult." Leon says. I recall Lucario and mutter, "Leon really is strong. He's quick to close any gap..."

With Rapidash back in the battle, I instruct it to use Psychic, lifting Dragapult into the air with its psychic powers. However, Leon remains unfazed and has Dragapult release a Thunderbolt in every direction, not only dispersing the Psychic attack but also hitting Rapidash.

"Rapidash, use Psychic Terrain!" I command, setting up the field, and then go for Fairy Wind. Unfortunately, Dragapult manages to dodge the wind attacks and counters with Shadow Ball.

As Dragapult prepares to use Thunderbolt, I yell, "Jump into the air and use Megahorn!" Rapidash complies, leaping into the air with its horn glowing, and it slams the airborne Dragapult before delivering a spinning strike.

"Is that even possible?" Leon gasps in shock. The collision creates a massive explosion, and when the dust clears, Rapidash stands victorious, while Dragapult has finally been defeated, eliciting loud cheers from the onlookers.

Leon acknowledges, "Ash, you truly are the best! But have you noticed? All your remaining Pokémon are already worn out."

He's correct; Pikachu, Rapidash, Darmanitan, and Dracovish are the only ones left, and they are visibly exhausted. Leon decides to send out Rillaboom as his fifth Pokémon.

Rapidash attempts to counter Rillaboom's Drum Beating with Fairy Wind, dealing some damage. However, Rillaboom responds by beating its drum even harder, causing its roots to block most of the Fairy Wind attack and pummel Rapidash to the ground. As a result of Drum Beating's effect, the Agility boost Rapidash had is now lowered.

I quickly command, "Megahorn!" but Leon is ready and uses Drum Beating once more. A root extends from Rillaboom, grabbing Rapidash's horn like a Vine Whip and slamming it to the ground.

"Too bad, I knew you'd try that," Leon remarks. I then instruct Rapidash to use Psycho Cut, but Rillaboom meets it with Acrobatics. Rillaboom nimbly moves around the flurry of Psycho Cuts before delivering the finishing blow with an open-palm thrust.

"No! Rapidash!" I gasp in horror as I lose my third Pokémon in the battle. I decide to send Galarian Darmanitan back into battle, still in its Zen mode. The two physically oriented Pokémon clash with Giga Impact and High Horsepower, putting raw power against raw power. Ultimately, Darmanitan wins the clash of brute force, sending Rillaboom flying backward.

However, Rillaboom is not defeated yet and manages to stand back up while leaning on its drum. With Darmanitan momentarily immobilized due to using Giga Impact, Rillaboom takes advantage and strikes Darmanitan with High Horsepower before following up with Drum Beating.

"Darmanitan, use Psychic again!" I command. Darmanitan uses Psychic to approach Rillaboom, which dodges the Drum Beating and prepares to use Flare Blitz. Rillaboom leaps towards Darmanitan with Acrobatics. However, to our surprise, Rillaboom manages to gain the upper hand and defeats Darmanitan. In just two rounds, Leon has turned the tide in his favor, having more Pokémon remaining in his usable arsenal.

"Ash! You've given me and my Pokémon a chance to show off our full potential. However, I'm sad. You have two Pokémon left. This incredibly exciting battle is almost over," Leon says.

"It's not over until it's over, Leon! Come out, Dracovish!" Dracovish still utilizes the glowing spikes it awakened earlier. A clash between Drum Beating and Ice Fang ensues, and while Dracovish is momentarily thrown back, it quickly pins the roots down by sticking its spikes into them and then biting down on them. The ice-covered roots shatter within seconds, much to Rillaboom's frustration.

Dracovish continues its assault with Dragon Rush, and Rillaboom meets the attack head-on with High Horsepower. The two powerful moves clash as Rillaboom attempts to push back, but its stamina finally runs out, and it collapses, evening the odds once more.

"Dracovish, don't let your guard down," I caution as I see Leon sending out Cinderace. Knowing that both of Leon's final Pokémon are Fire types, Dracovish has the advantage being a Water type.

Cinderace wastes no time and deals a big hit with High Jump Kick, its Libero Ability changing it into a Fighting type in the process. A collision between Water Gun and Pyro Ball follows, canceling out both moves. Dracovish then tries to land a Fishious Rend, but it's countered and sent flying back by an Iron Head.

"We'll land the next hit! Dragon Rush!" I command. Cinderace charges in with High Jump Kick and jumps over Dracovish's attack at the last second before landing its own attack from above, bringing an end to the Fossil Pokémon's time in the battle.

Now, with only Pikachu remaining on my side and Leon having two Pokémon, Cinderace and Charizard, Leon decides to switch in Charizard to battle Pikachu. Leon mentions, "Charizard and I have been together for a long time, and he's my first catch and first evolution," providing some insight into his strong bond with his Pokémon.

I respond, "Well, Pikachu is also my first catch, and that's why I want to win with Pikachu!"

Leon declares, "That's why I'm going to win with Charizard! It's Gigantamax time!" Leon brings out the Gigantamax form of Charizard. Unfaltering, I call for a Thunderbolt, but Charizard counters with Max Rockfall. While Pikachu manages to leap over the move, the brief sandstorm created by the Max Move disrupts the Thunderbolt before it can go off.

However, the jump Pikachu made to avoid the attack puts him on an even level with Charizard's head, allowing him to land an Iron Tail on it. Gigantamax Charizard doesn't even flinch from this hit. As Pikachu lands back on the ground, Charizard surrounds him in a vortex of Max Wyrmwind. Although Pikachu manages to endure the attack, I can't help but be impressed by the power of Gigantamax.

"This is the only way I can stand up to it," I say while tossing my hat to Pikachu and activating my Z Power Ring with the Pikashium-Z on it.

"I've been waiting for this," Leon replies.

"Far greater than Thunderbolt! 100,000,000 volts Thunderbolt!" I yell as Pikachu executes the signature Z-Move.

"It's a champion time to turn up the heat! Charizard, time for our G-Max Wildfire!" Leon commands. The two attacks clash in a display of power that shakes the entire Wyndon Stadium, creating a giant vortex of fire and electricity.

"This is perfect! I've always wanted to try this... Gigantamax versus Z-Move!" I exclaim.

"Same here!" Leon responds.

The two devastating attacks continue their struggle for dominance, ultimately ending with a burst of energy. However, despite Charizard's Gigantamax state ending following its third attack, the dark clouds over Wyndon Stadium do not disappear as they usually do.

"What's going on here?" I gasp in surprise when I turn around, noticing the Poké Ball containing Eternatus that my Dad is holding has broken open, releasing Eternatus into the battlefield.

"Eternatus? What are you doing?" I ask, bewildered. Eternatus fires the Dynamax Cannon into the sky, causing the dark clouds above the stadium to part. Then, it returns to my Poké Ball, and Leon says, "See? Eternatus gives us a little gift!"

We realize that our Dynamax Bands have been recharged. Leon recalls his Charizard and uses his rejuvenated Dynamax Band on Cinderace's Poké Ball, performing his second Gigantamax in this Full Battle.

"Pikachu! Why don't we try it as well!" I take my hat back and Gigantamax my Pikachu.

Both Pokémon launch their respective G-Max Moves, G-Max Fireball and G-Max Volt Crash. Despite attempts to hold them back, both attacks land, creating a pair of massive explosions. When the smoke clears, it becomes evident that the extreme power exerted by the two Pokémon has caused them to revert to their normal forms prematurely. Moments later, Cinderace collapses, ending the Gigantamax showdown in Pikachu's victory and leaving both Trainers with their last Pokémon.

Leon declares, "I'm not finished having a champion time here! And I won't let anyone finish it for me!"

"You bet. Let's continue!" I respond.

Leon sends Charizard back into the battle, preparing for the final clash between our two partner Pokémon.

"You've done well pushing me this far, and you've made me grow even stronger. Let's burn brighter and brighter, until our very last blow!"

"We've kept growing stronger because of you and your team," I say. "This battle... Everything since Pikachu and I met... All our adventures come together in this battle! Which is why... We're gonna win!"

Pikachu initiates the confrontation with Quick Attack, expertly avoiding an Ancient Power before landing a hit and attempting to follow up with Iron Tail. Charizard pushes Pikachu back with its own tail and uses Air Slash to bombard both Pikachu and the battlefield around him. A Fire Blast follows, which Pikachu manages to halt with Electroweb, giving him enough time to get out of the blast radius.

The battle continues with a clash between Fire Blast and Thunderbolt, pushing both Pokémon back. When Pikachu attempts to use Iron Tail again, Leon has Charizard take the hit, leaving Pikachu open for a close-range Dragon Pulse that sends him flying back. Pikachu narrowly escapes the full force of the attack by blasting it apart with a Thunderbolt.

"We're not done. We're just getting started!" I declare.

"This is the best, Ash! Pikachu! Let's raise our higher power!"

Both Pokémon display their Electric and Fire powers as Pikachu strikes Charizard with a blindingly fast Quick Attack. Once more, Charizard uses Ancient Power, but Pikachu evades it by skillfully leaping from floating rock to another, even running upside down along the arc suspended over the stadium. Charizard pursues Pikachu while using Air Slash, and Pikachu counters with a series of Iron Tails as he drops back down. Dodging Pikachu's last Iron Tail swing, Charizard releases another Fire Blast.

"Thunderbolt!" I command, but Pikachu fails to react in time, allowing Charizard's devastating Fire move to finally make contact. When the smoke clears, it becomes clear that Pikachu has taken heavy damage from the hit.

We all gasp in horror as Pikachu struggles to get up. I step forward, smiling, and say, "Pikachu, everyone's at our side! Don't give up until it's over!"

Pikachu stands back up and releases a massive eruption of electricity. Flipping my hat backward, I declare, "Good job, Pikachu! We're going to bet everything on this attack!"

"Charizard! It's Champion time!" Leon exclaims, tossing his own hat aside to show he's putting everything into his next move as well.

"Thunderbolt!" "Fire Blast!" Both attacks clash with each other in a literal head-to-head collision, each Pokémon putting everything they have into the battle to overpower the other. Following the fierce clash, both Pokémon are pushed back. Charizard lets out a determined roar, but then slowly keels over and falls down.

The battle has come to an end, and Pikachu and I emerge as the victors. Leon graciously acknowledges the defeat, saying, "My time as Champion is over... But what a champion time it's been! Thank you for the greatest battle I've ever had!"

Then Pikachu collapses, having given its all in the electrifying battle. Leon continues, "Congratulations, Ash! You've beaten even the unbeatable Champion—making you the new Champion of the region! You've become a first-rate Trainer, all right. I offer you my heartfelt congratulations!"

"Thanks, Leon," I reply with a smile.

Leon reflects on the future and says, "And now that you've grown so strong, perhaps it's time I started looking ahead myself. It's time we adults started working on improving the here and now, for the sake of all that's to come! And you, Ash! What you ought to do now is... believe in yourself and your partner Pokémon, and keep on blasting ahead! In order to create that bright future we all hope to see!"

We share a handshake before getting into a heartfelt hug. Leon then addresses the cheering crowd, "People of Galar! Here you have it! A new legend born right before your eyes! Your Champion, Ash! Bet you can't wait to see what kind of future a kid with this kind of strength might bring about! I sure can't! Let's watch and see what he can do!"

The crowd erupts into cheers and applause as I savor the moment, still feeling the surrealness of winning against Leon and becoming the eighth-region Champion.

Here is a new chapter, and this marks the battle with Leon from the anime. I only change Sirfetch'd and Dragonite into the version exclusives, but I hope you like the battle with Leon. The next chapter will begin the post game.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Eternatus, Kleavor

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