Chapter 57

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After Alice and I step outside the Master Dojo, we spot the other members of the dojo bringing the six Slowpoke back to the dojo. "It seems like we are late..." I mutter.

"Yeah..." Alice frowns, but then a miracle happens as the Slowpoke manage to escape the trainers, and they all start running away once more. The trainers groan as they quickly chase the Slowpoke, while I say, "Let's go, Alice. We have to win this."

"Right." Alice says as we both decide to head to Soothing Wetlands. However, before we can make our way there, we are stopped by a woman who says, "Hello to you. I assume you both have Rotom Bikes, right?"

Alice and I exchange confused glances, and I respond, "Yes, but we need to hurry since we are in a competition."

"Don't worry about it. I'm here to help you customize your bike. Not only can it make it faster, but it can also make it look cooler, and you'll even leave a trail behind."

After that, I choose the Glistening Black while Alice goes for Sparkling White. Amazement washes over us as our bikes transform. We set off for the Soothing Wetlands to locate the six Slowpoke.

"Alice, let's split up; you find three, and I'll find the other three." Alice nods, and we part ways, venturing into the Wetlands. A dust cloud catches my attention, and I mutter to myself, "There's one." I swiftly send out Butterfree and command, "Sleep Powder, Butterfree!"

Butterfree obeys, causing the Slowpoke to stop in its tracks and drift off into slumber. I seize the opportunity to retrieve Avery's Dojo Jacket. "That's one down for me," I note with satisfaction.

I also manage to defeat my second Slowpoke with the assistance of Pikachu, securing the Dojo Tee and Dojo Shorts. "Now for the last one..."

I hear a roar behind me, and when I turn around, I see a Druddigon intimidating the trembling Slowpoke. "A Druddigon? Even that Pokemon is here in the Isle of Armor?" I quickly take out Salted Cream Alcremie and shout, "Dazzling Gleam, now!" The two Pokemon are struck by the dazzling attack and fall defeated. I seize the opportunity to retrieve the Gloves and the Legwear.

"Now, that's all three of them," I smile to myself. "Time to see what Alice is up to."

As I take the three Slowpoke and head towards Alice, I see her using Sandaconda's wrap to trap the Slowpoke and retrieve the remaining items. "Nice job, Sandaconda," Alice says as she recalls her Pokemon.

"Looks like you're done. Let's go back to the Dojo," I suggest, and Alice nods in agreement.

On our way back, we stumble upon 20 more Digletts and decide to give them to the Diglett enthusiast we met earlier. "Wow, you found 20 more Digletts?" The person is pleasantly surprised. "That's great; I should reward you with these two Ice Type Pokemon."

Alice's eyes light up at the mention of Ice Types, and the Pokemon he gives us are none other than a Vulpix and a Sandshrew. We express our gratitude and continue our journey, sending them back to my dad's house.

After returning to the dojo, I notice Mustard and Honey engaged in conversation. Honey spots us with the six Slowpoke and warmly says, "Welcome back, Ash and Alice. I see the Slowpoke are here as well."

Once we've recalled the Slowpoke, other trainers from the dojo, including Klara and Avery, quickly gather around us. Klara exclaims, "You... Don't tell me you got my uniform back all on your own!"

" were able to reclaim my uniform all by yourself?" Avery asks, equally surprised.

"Well, here you go, these are yours," I say, handing them back their uniforms.

"Oh... Well, uh, thanks," Klara mumbles, her tone somewhat begrudging.

"Hmph! You have my thanks," Avery adds, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Well mustered, Ash, Alice," Mustard says as he walks towards the group. "You cleared the first trial like it was nothing! Why, I think this is the first time since Leon that someone was able to handle three fast Slowpoke on their own."

Ash feels somewhat sorry for the others as they caught the Slowpoke first, but they escaped, and he and Alice took the glory from them. He exchanges a sheepish look with Alice.

Mustard continues, "The rest of you tried very hard, too! You were able to catch up to the Slowpoke, but I guess you couldn't defeat them."

The students look disappointed, and Klara and Avery express their frustration with angry noises. Mustard offers some consolation, "Tell you what. Anyone who was able to catch up to a Slowpoke at least once gets a pass! Ash and Alice outdid themselves, so it's only fair everyone else gets another chance. Try to make a comeback, everybody!"

Some of the students respond with mixed feelings, like, "Oh, how generous..." and "Either way, I'm still out..."

Mustard turns to Honey and asks, "Oh, that reminds me. Honey, where are those little ones?"

"Oh, that's right, darling! I had nearly forgotten..." She turns to the door and shouts, "Come on in, sweeties."

Suddenly, a Bulbasaur and a Squirtle rush in front of Alice and I, much to our surprise. I exclaim, "A Squirtle and a Bulbasaur!"

Alice adds, "With Charmander, they are the three starters from the Kanto Region."

Mustard smiles and explains, "Indeed. We've all been taking care of them together. And I'd say they are more than a little curious about your strength as a Trainer." Honey chimes in, "Why don't you each pick one for yourselves? You two did succeed in the trials after all."

I decide to send my Venusaur and Blastoise out, and the Bulbasaur is excited to play with my strong Pokémon, while Squirtle hides behind my leg, a bit shy around Blastoise.

"And just so you know," Honey says, "these two have been raised in a very special way. When they evolve, they'll be able to Gigantamax."

I say, "Since this Squirtle is with me, how about I take her."

Alice agrees, "Sure, I can take a Bulbasaur, especially since it seems to be getting along well with Venusaur."

The two new Pokémon cheer as they are assigned to us. Honey offers some advice, "Sounds like these two are really taking a liking to you. Remember that your new Pokémon will be able to Gigantamax once they have fully evolved. So be sure to raise them well."

Mustard explains, "Dynamaxing... A mysterious phenomenon unique to Pokémon of Galar. And there is Gigantamaxing, a very special way of Dynamaxing for very special Pokémon... Their moves change, of course, but their appearances change, too."

I chime in, "Yeah, almost every one of our Pokémon can do that, except for Rillaboom, Cinderace, and Inteleon..."

Mustard adds, "If that's the case, there's that secret recipe of the Master Dojo! Drinking it makes you gigantic and strong! I call it Max Soup!"

Suddenly, we hear a loud tummy growl from Mustard, and he laughs, "I'd love to have a bowl of Max Soup full of Max Mushrooms right about now. It sure has been a while..."

Then, his expression turns serious as he declares, "And that's why your second trial shall be mushroom picking!"

"Mushroom picking?" Everyone exclaims in surprise.

Mustard clarifies, "Max Mushrooms are the key to Gigantamaxing, and I am tasking you with finding three! Max Mushrooms are red with a spiral pattern. I'm pretty sure they grow in dark, humid places! And with that, your next trial begins! I'm counting on you!"

After the students rush off to start their mushroom-picking adventure, Honey approaches us. "By the way, Ash, Alice."

"Yes, Ms. Honey?" we ask in confusion.

"Just so you know," Honey explains, "that lovely lad over there is always so kind. Give him a bit of Armorite Ore, and he'll teach your darling new Pokémon a new move. You should give it a try."

"New moves?" I ask, although I'm quite familiar with Armorite Ore from my experiences finding them in the Max Raid Battles on the Isle of Armor.

The person explains, "I am completely obsessed with new moves. Under the supervision of my master, I've been developing new Pokémon moves day and night. I've spent a lot of time developing many moves. I'll teach your Pokémon a move for a small token of gratitude."

As I peruse the moves available, I'm astonished to find a wide range of options, including moves like Terrain Pulse, Coaching, and even Scale Shot, each representing a different type. It's quite an exciting discovery, and the fact that we've met the developer of these moves adds a unique dimension to our journey.

After carefully reading each move's description, we decide to teach our Pokémon these new techniques. Pikachu, in particular, learns Rising Voltage, which seems like a powerful addition to its moveset. With our newly acquired knowledge and improved skills, we leave the Dojo, ready to embark on the mushroom-picking adventure. Once we step outside the Master Dojo, Mustard's voice stops us in our tracks. He says, "Hey, Ash! Alice! My bad, my bad!"

Alice and I turn around to see Mustard. I ask, "Master Mustard? What's the matter?"

"It just dawned on me that you're brand-new to the Isle of Armor! I bet you have no idea where to even begin looking for Max Mushrooms!" Mustard says.

"Come to think of it, you are right. The only places we have been to are the Fields of Honor and the Soothing Wetlands," Alice replies.

"C'mon - let's go for a walk, and I'll show you some mushroom hot spots," Mustard says with a smile. Alice and I can only follow our master from the Dojo as we eagerly accept his guidance.

As we stand at the entrance of a dense forest, Mustard explains, "Now, usually, the Forest of Focus is chock-full of Max Mushrooms. But the thing is, a swarm of Greedent came through and ate every last one here! So I'm thinking that maybe you'll have more luck finding Max Mushrooms if you go check Warm-Up Tunnel. It's out on the other side of the forest!"

"So we just need to get through the forest and go to the Warm-Up Tunnel..." I say.

"Indeed, just watch where you're going in the forest, 'K? It's easy to get lost! Anyhoo... Good luck with the hunt for Max Mushrooms! Catch you back at the Dojo," Mustard says as he leaves us to navigate the forest on our own.

Alice and I venture deeper into the Forest of Focus, determined to find the elusive Max Mushrooms. As we search, we come across some of our fellow trainers from the dojo, all on the same mission to find these special mushrooms. It appears that nobody has had any luck so far.

While exploring the forest, we also encounter Max Raid Battles, which prove to be challenging but rewarding. We earn some Exp. Candies along the way, and to our delight, we use them to evolve Bulbasaur and Squirtle into their final forms. Now, we have not just one but two Venusaurs and two Blastoises, and it's amusing to see how they seem to be quite fond of each other, forming an unexpected bond in our Pokémon team.

After a while of searching together, Alice and I decide to split up in our quest to find the elusive Max Mushrooms. I head in one direction, eventually discovering a hidden cave within the Forest of Focus. Meanwhile, Alice makes her way to the Warm-Up Tunnel.

Inside the tunnel, Alice spots three clusters of mushrooms. "That must be the Max Mushrooms," Alice says with a smile. However, before she can pick them, she hears a voice calling out, "Hold up a sec!"

Alice turns around and is surprised to see Klara rushing towards her. "wheeze... wheeze..."

"Klara?" Alice exclaims, taken aback by her unexpected presence in the same cave.

"Hellooo, what's this?! Three Max Mushrooms in one spot? Here I thought I'd need to go find them one by one! I saw those mushrooms first! I swear!" Klara exclaims, her voice dripping with annoyance.

"Really? 'cause I saw them first if you know," Alice rolls her eyes, refusing to back down.

"I've been at the dojo longer and all. Sooo... it's only fair that you let me have 'em. Riiight?" Klara argues, attempting to assert her seniority.

"There is no way," Alice says sternly, holding her ground.

"Tsk! Yeah, I figured that's what you'd say... Gosh, you're a pain in the neck... You just show up outta nowhere and happen to be young and talented... If you're looking to get in my way, well, I think some vile poisons will take care of that!" Klara threatens, her frustration evident in her words.

Klara sends out her Koffing, and Alice responds confidently, "You want a battle, huh?" She sends out her Rapidash.

"Let's set the record straight right here. I'll show you once and for all that I'm the better Trainer!" Klara challenges.

"I don't think so, Psycho Cut," Alice says as the attack lands, causing Koffing to faint. Alice counters Klara's remark with a smirk, "Oh, fine, hit us with our weakness! What're you, a super-effective move machine?!"

"You can say so," Alice replies as Klara sends out her Whirlipede. It attempts to use Fell Stinger, but Rapidash withstands it and retaliates with Psychic to finish the battle.

Klara, frustrated and defeated, exclaims, "Am I really gonna lose again? Is there just... something wrong with me?" She sends out her Slowpoke, but even though Alice doesn't use a Psychic move, it is still defeated by Rapidash's Megahorn. Alice stands victorious, proving her skills as a Trainer.

Klara, clearly frustrated by her defeat, grumbles, "Just what have you got that I don't?" She shoots an angry glare at Alice and continues, "Aaagh! Why can't I win?! I'm trying as hard as I can! What am I missing?! Fine, you can have those silly mushrooms! I'm going to find better ones, anyway! So there! Nyah!"

Alice watches Klara storm off in annoyance and then picks up the Max Mushrooms. She can't help but mutter, "What is she now? A Skitty?"

As I search through the forest, I come across six clusters of Max Mushrooms and promptly pick them up. While continuing my hunt, I spot another three clusters when Avery suddenly appears, calling out, "Wait just one moment!"

I turn to face Avery and ask, "Are you okay?" concerned by his sudden appearance.

Avery, still panting heavily, boasts, "pant... pant... Hah! Just as I expected! Multiple Max Mushrooms growing in a bunch! My psychic powers picked up on these Max Mushrooms eons before you found them. I believe I should be the first one to get those Max Mushrooms. First come, first served, and all!"

To Avery's surprise, I respond calmly, "Well, sure, you can have them."

Avery seems taken aback by my willingness to let him have the mushrooms. "What's this? Are you trying to show you're stronger than me? How distasteful!"

I'm confused by his reaction and ask, "Excuse me?"

Avery continues, "I find your presence most disturbing! You show up at the dojo unannounced and go on to show such talent, even though you're still so young... You dare get in my way? I warned you about my psychic powers, and now you'll experience them firsthand!"

Avery sends out his Woobat, and I question, "What's wrong with you?" bewildered by his sudden change in demeanor.

"I think it's about time we found out... which one of us is truly superior!" Avery declares with determination.

I decide to have my Zoroark battle him, and Zoroark's Dark Pulse proves to be a powerful move, knocking out Avery's Woobat.

"H-how cheeky. Let's agree that move is banned from now on, yes?" Avery suggests, clearly frustrated.

I shake my head, refusing to comply. "Nope, but I can do other moves if you want to."

Avery sends out Kadabra, and the Dazzling Gleam it uses manages to deal some damage to Zoroark. I ask, concerned, "Are you okay, Zoroark?"

Zoroark nods, ready to continue the battle. Avery boasts, "Before my psychic powers, all your weaknesses are laid bare!"

I roll my eyes at his arrogance and command Zoroark to use Night Daze, which successfully knocks out Kadabra.

Avery, unwilling to admit defeat, yells, "I am not weak! I cannot lose!" He sends out Slowpoke, but I remain unfazed and instruct Zoroark to finish the battle with Dark Pulse, securing our victory.

"What a Psystrike to my poor pride..." Avery yells in frustration as the Poké Balls around his head fall to the ground. I pick them up and return them to Avery, who glares at me, clearly upset. "Blast it. Victory still eludes me... What is it that I lack? What do I need? Very well, you can have those ones. I'll go and find myself some Max Mushrooms that are far more elegant! Avery, teleport!"

I sigh, thinking, "And I just wanted to tell him that I already had enough of the mushrooms..."

Just then, both Alice and I receive a call from Honey. "Hello, hello. Ash and Alice, how's the trial coming along, love?" she asks.

I respond, "We are doing great, right? Alice?"

"You bet," Alice replies, sounding positive about our progress in the trial.

"Wait, does that mean you've already managed to find three Max Mushrooms?" Honey asks.

I reply, "I found a secret cave and actually stumbled upon a lot of Max Mushrooms, to be honest."

"That's cool," Alice adds, "Well, in the Warm-Up Tunnel, I found only three."

Honey congratulates us, saying, "I've been checking in on everyone's progress, but it seems like you're in the first place once again. You really are our new rising stars, aren't you? I suppose I'd better go put the pot on the stove, but you be careful on your way back! Ciao!"

After Honey ends the call, Alice and I decide to meet back at the dojo. I suggest, "Well, Pikachu, how about we also find some Digletts before we head back to the dojo?"

Pikachu nods in agreement, and we start searching for Digletts in the Forest of Focus. We manage to find eight of them. Later, we come across Alice on the road, and the two of us decide to walk together, sharing our progress and recounting how we defeated Klara and Avery in battle.

Here is a new chapter, Ash defeats Avery once again while Alice defeats Klara. In the next chapter will be the battle against the two once more as the final trial. I hope you like it.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Slowbro (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Slowking (Galarian), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Zacian, Eternatus, Kleavor

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