Chapter 58

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Alice and I are back at the Master Dojo. As we push open the door, we're met with a somber sight—many of our fellow trainers look defeated, their spirits crushed by their failed tests. Mustard spots us and breaks into a warm smile.

"Hey there, Ash, Alice. Welcome back! Looks like you nailed the trial! Congrats on finding the Max Mushrooms! Trial number two was no problem for you!"

"Yeah," I reply, "we managed to find a cave full of Max Mushrooms. I even gathered some extras for ourselves."

Mustard's expression turns more solemn. "All my other students ended up getting lost in the forest... Turns out finding Max Mushrooms was the least of their problems! It's a shame, but I guess everyone other than Ash and Alice will fail the trial." The sadness of the other trainers is palpable, but Alice and I haven't spotted Avery and Klara among them, which means they're not giving up just yet.

"Well, first things first—a proper meal! Let's have the Max Mushrooms made into a delicious Max Soup, shall we?" Mustard leads us to the kitchen, where Honey is busy cooking, a pot filled with boiling vegetables and hot water on the stove. "Mmm, mmm, mmm! I've really outdone myself this time! Now all that's left to add are those lovely Max Mushrooms you've brought us!"

Before Alice and I can add the Max Mushrooms to the pot, a loud yell echoes through the kitchen. "Gasp... Pant... Ms. Honey! Please wait..." I turn towards the sound to see Klara and Avery rushing in, desperation in their voices.

"Yeah! Ms. Honey, I beg you! Wait just one moment..." Alice and I exchange surprised glances as Klara and Avery make their plea.

Honey looks puzzled. "Why, Klara and Avery! What in the world has gotten into you two? I've never seen you two in such a flutter..."

"Pant... Pant..." Klara manages to catch her breath and stammers, "I...I've got some Max Mushrooms, too!"

Avery follows suit, stuttering, "Me too, I-I've also obtained some Max Mushrooms!" They both present their Max Mushrooms to the group.

Mustard grins, clearly impressed. "Oho! Nice work, Klara and Avery! You two must have searched hard for these. That makes you two the third and the fourth person to pass the second trial!"

Tears well up in Klara and Avery's eyes as they share their achievement. "Sniff... I did it... Y-yes, I did search rather hard..." Avery's voice quivers, and Klara can't hold back her emotions either. "Waaaaaah! I did it! I did it! Sob Sniff..."

I watch them with a sense of admiration. "Those two sure are this determined... Maybe they could be Gym Leaders in the future."

Alice nods in agreement. "I know."

Mustard, always the encourager, steps forward with a cheerful tone. "Aww, chin up, darling Klara and Avery! You did it! This is a cause for celebration!"

"Master, Ms. Honey...please, can we ask for something, just this once?" Klara's request takes Mustard and Honey by surprise.

Avery chimes in, "Would you be so kind as to use our Max Mushrooms in the Max Soup? I feel that everyone here should enjoy the taste of our efforts..."

Mustard chuckles, shaking his head. "Oh, Klara and Avery... Well! If that's all you're after...then I'm perfectly happy to oblige! Though this is hardly the first time you've asked for something, and I rather doubt it'll be the last."

"Ms. Honey..." The two of them say in unison. I can't help but admire their selflessness.

I speak up, "So what about our Mushrooms?"

"I hope you two don't feel that your thunder's being stolen, Ash, Alice..." Honey says with a warm smile. "But we are a family here, and families share! So...we'll go ahead and use both Klara and Avery's mushrooms today. It's just so rare for them to try hard at something. I really want to reward that."

Alice reassures them, "No need to worry. We can use ours on another day."

"You can hold on to the Max Mushrooms you found. I am sure you'll find a good use for them!" Honey says, and her words pique both Alice's and my curiosity.

"Oh..." Mustard interrupts his wife's talk, and he adds, "And don't you worry! You still totally passed the trial with flying colors! Think of those Max Mushrooms as an extra reward."

Once the soup is ready, everyone is already seated, eagerly waiting as Honey brings the steaming pot to the table. "All right, everybody! Soup's on! The famous Max Soup of the Master Dojo!"

"Well...I'm famished! Time to dig in!" Mustard exclaims as they all begin to savor their soup.

After enjoying the hearty meal, I remark, "You know, this soup sure is good to eat."

Alice agrees, "I know, I feel like my whole body is warm."

Mustard turns to us with a knowing grin, "Oh, I never did explain the big deal about this soup, did I? You see, when one drinks this dojo's famous Max Soup..."

"We will feel Dynamax energy welling up from inside us?" I ask, anticipating his response.

Mustard chuckles, "No, you don't... That kind of thing doesn't happen if a human has the soup. But! Things are a bit different when certain Pokémon drink the soup! You see, there are some Pokémon that have distinct potential... and when they drink the soup, their Dynamax form will change into a Gigantamax form!"

The realization hits both Alice and me. We remember how my Dad used to feed some Pokémon the soup to make them Gigantamax. This is the one.

Honey adds, "I'll keep one of our lads in the kitchen on soup duty from now on, too. So you can ask him to serve up a fresh bowl of Max Soup whenever you need!"

Alice and I nod, sharing a look. We also notice that the Pokémon we've brought with us, especially our three Starter Pokémon—Rillaboom, Cinderace, and Inteleon—seem to be acting strangely. Alice questions, "Wait, does that mean the three Starter Pokémon can Gigantamax as well?"

Mustard nods, pleased with our curiosity. "Why is this surprising to you, I assume? Indeed. Rillaboom, Cinderace, and Inteleon have the potential to Gigantamax. And their moves become different once they do. For example, Rillaboom can now use the move G-Max Drum Solo, Cinderace can use G-Max Fireball, and Inteleon can use G-Max Hydrosnipe. All three of them are moves that can ignore the abilities of the opponent's Pokémon."

"That is good to know," Alice remarks with a smile.

Mustard then addresses everyone, "Now then, let's wrap things up! You all did your best on the second trial, and I'm proud of everyone here! And last but not least... Thanks for the soup, Honey!"

In unison, we all express our gratitude, "Thanks for the soup, Ms. Honey!"

After cleaning up the dining room, we return to the training grounds. Mustard calls out to us, "By the way, Ash, Alice! Meet me in my room when you have a moment."

Ash and Alice nod in acknowledgment, and we make our way to Mustard's room, the same room where we've seen him playing the Switch and the Cram-o-matic before. "There you are, Ash, Alice. Thanks for coming!"

To our surprise, not only us but also Klara and Avery show up. Klara is curious, "Sooo...what's this all about, Master? What did you want to tell us?"

Avery adds, "Yeah. When I heard you had something to tell me, I came as soon as I could, Master."

Mustard grins mysteriously, building up the anticipation. "Right! Well, I've decided that you four... will now take the Master Dojo' trial!"

"A final...last...ultimate...third trial, you say?" Avery gasps in surprise, mirroring Klara's astonishment.

I exchange a confused glance with Alice. "Final? Last?" I question, my brow furrowing. Alice shares the same expression. "Ultimate? Third trial? What is that?"

" basically this is the last trial?" Klara asks.

Mustard chuckles and nods, his usual smile in place. "Ah, well, yes. That's the gist of it. You four are the only ones who successfully finished the second trial! You've pushed each other to greater heights and helped each other grow. So I'd say it's time to finally see who is stronger... in a Dynamax Pokémon battle!"

I seek further confirmation, "We are to battle one another? That is the last trial?"

Mustard affirms, "Yep! The rules are simple. Whoever wins will complete the trial! The two winners will be granted the secret armor of the Master Dojo!"

"This is it... Finally... But can I...?" Klara mutters, and it seems Avery is also contemplating the upcoming challenge.

Mustard suggests a plan, "Now in order to make things run smoothly, how about Ash and Alice team up against Klara and Avery? That way, it will be a Double Battle, and it will be easy to determine who gets the secret armor."

I agree with a smile, "I don't mind as long as I am with Alice."

Alice nods in agreement, "Me too."

Klara and Avery, on the other hand, seem to still be deep in thought, pondering how to take on Ash and me.

Mustard concludes, "The battle will be held in the Battle Court behind the Master Dojo! The court is a Power Spot, so you can Dynamax to your heart's content."

"I-I've gotta get going! I need to go there right away to prepare my pure heart for this! I'm going on ahead, 'K? You can laze about like a Slowpoke and take as much time as you need!" Klara rushes off in a hurry.

Avery follows her lead, saying, "Yeah...I-I must make haste! I must make for the Battle Court, posthaste! I must meditate on my upcoming victory! A good day to you, then. I'll be on my way. Feel free to take it easy like a Slowpoke, and take all the time you need to get ready!"

Ash and Alice exchange bemused looks, and Ash voices their confusion, "What is actually wrong with those two? What are they so fired up for?"

Mustard sighs, a hint of concern in his voice, and he says, "...Klara and Avery... They've got talent, that's for sure, but it's caused them to slack off. They never felt the need to try hard at anything, I guess."

"What?" I ask, and Alice also seems genuinely curious about the two of them. Mustard continues, "Even with their training here at the dojo, I can tell they've been doing just the bare minimum. But things have changed since you arrived, Ash, Alice."

"You mean...we are the reason why they are this fired up?" Alice asks.

Mustard nods, "Maybe you've helped awaken some sort of passion and drive in them, eh? Still...I only hope that motivation isn't put toward anything mischievous." He says this with a hint of concern, and Alice and I nod in agreement.

Alice looks at me, awaiting a plan. "So what are we going to do?"

I respond confidently, "We should train first, and then we will face Klara and Avery."

Alice smiles, clearly on board with the idea.

Once Alice and I arrive at the outdoor battleground, we find that Klara and Avery have already finished whatever secret plan they had been hatching. Klara greets us with a smug tone, "You're here."

Avery, on the other hand, has a determined look in his eyes as he says, "Defeating the two of you will grant me the secret armor...then I will at last have what I need to become a Psychic-type Gym Leader! No matter what it takes, I refuse to accept anything but a complete and utter victory... I'm coming at you with everything I have."

Klara joins in, her competitive spirit evident, "What he said. When I beat you, I'll get the secret armor... and then I'll become a Poison-type Gym Leader! I've got to win, no matter what... I'm gonna go all out and totally beat you."

I respond confidently, "I would like to see the two of you try. We are also prepared, and we are not going to lose."

Alice chimes in with a sense of anticipation, "You're right. Though I feel that this battle is going to be something different..."

As we get ready to head to the battlefield, Mustard arrives, acknowledging our readiness. The other students in the dojo begin to wish us good luck and cheer us on. Mustard raises his voice, commanding, "All right, you four, take your places!"

Once Alice, Klara, Avery, and I stand on the battlefield, Mustard's voice rings out again, "The Master Dojo's final trial... Ready! Aaaaaand go!"

At that moment, Klara and Avery send out their Pokémon, Skorupi and Ponyta. I quickly make my choice, saying, "Cinderace, I choose you."

Alice follows suit, "You too, Absol."

As the two Pokémon appear on the battlefield, Avery remarks, "Heh. Let us have an elegant battle worthy of being called a finale. Prepare to sink into despair...and into the weird battlefield beneath your feet!"

Suddenly, the field begins to distort, taking me by surprise. I gasp, "Psychic Terrain? When did Ponyta use it?"

Klara reveals her intentions, saying, "I'm not holding a single thing back anymore. Time to settle this—fair and square! Oh, and maybe watch your step... Looks like some Toxic Spikes somehow got on the Battle Court!"

Both Cinderace and Absol are poisoned, and Alice expresses her concern, "Hey, isn't that cheating for setting up the Toxic Spikes before the battle even starts?"

I maintain my determination, "So that is what you are planning, no matter. We are still going to defeat you here."

Skorupi launches a Poison Fang attack at Cinderace, but Cinderace swiftly retaliates with a powerful Blaze Kick, sending the scorpion Pokémon reeling. "Sorry, my dear Pokémon! I should've given better directions. But hang in there! You've got this! Use Acupressure!"

Skorupi manages to raise Ponyta's Attack Stat, and Avery seizes the moment, instructing, "Nice work, use Double Kick."

Ponyta lands the Double Kick attack on Absol, who has been kicked back to the ground, and with the poison taking its toll, Absol tries for Psycho Cut but misses the attack.

Alice encourages our Pokémon, "Absol, hang in there and use Night Slash!" Absol slashes on Ponyta, while I take advantage of the opportunity to land a powerful Pyro Ball on Skorupi. Both Pokémon are ultimately defeated in the intense battle.

Klara and Avery switch things up and send out Weezing and Swoobat as their next Pokémon. Weezing unleashes a Dazzling Gleam attack that not only knocks out Absol but also damages Cinderace. Seeing the situation, Alice sends out her Cramorant.

Swoobat's Air Slash also targets Cinderace, and with the poison taking its toll, it successfully knocks out Cinderace. In response, I sent out Corviknight.

Just as the Psychic Terrain ends, Avery expresses his frustration, "Damn it...I thought that I could wait until Pikachu appears..."

Klara adds, "And not only that, they are using Flying Type Pokémon, my Toxic Spikes aren't going to affect them..."

Weezing attempts to attack Cramorant with Strange Steam, but my Corviknight intervenes and uses Protect, causing the attack to fail. Cramorant seizes the opportunity and uses Stockpile, boosting the Defense before Spit Up on Swoobat.

I grin and encourage my Pokémon, "Now that's what we're talking about." I instruct Corviknight to use Flash Cannon, and it easily defeats the Swoobat. Avery clicks his tongue and then sends out his third Pokémon, an Alakazam.

"Misty Terrain!" Klara declares as she activates the new terrain. To everyone's surprise, she follows it up with Misty Explosion, causing all Pokémon on the field, except for Alakazam which wisely uses Protect, to be knocked out with a single hit.

Alice acknowledges the power of the new moves, saying, "So that is the power of the new moves..." She sends out Mr. Rime next, while I send out Gengar, and Klara sends out Scolipede.

Gengar swiftly hypnotizes Alakazam, and Mr. Rime uses Confuse Ray on Scolipede. The sudden turn of events leaves Klara and Avery in a state of shock.

"Gengar, Nightmare!" I yell as Gengar employs the move on Alakazam, causing it to steadily lose health. Meanwhile, Alice has Mr. Rime use Triple Axel. Eventually, both Pokémon are defeated in the end.

"How is that even possible? We keep losing to them, and they still have two more Pokémon!" Klara expresses her frustration. "There's no way I'm losing! I ain't letting go till the bitter end!"

Avery adds, determined, "We shall awaken our true psychic power here and now!"

They send out a Galarian Slowbro and a Galarian Slowking. I note, "I see the Slowpokes have evolved..."

Alice maintains her confidence, stating, "But we are still going to win this."

Klara takes charge, saying, "Avery, let me do the honors, is that fine?"

Avery agrees, "Sure. You can."

Klara confidently declares, "Watch out, audience! One dose of Klara poison and there's no turning back!"

To everyone's surprise, Klara proceeds to Dynamax the Slowbro, causing it to grow to an enormous size. I can't help but exclaim, " way..."

The giant Slowbro emerges and uses the ability Quick Draw, followed by Max Mindstorm, which successfully knocks out my Gengar. At the same time, Avery has Slowking use Power Gem, defeating Alice's Mr. Rime.

Alice and I decide to send out our final Pokémon: Pikachu and Eevee. I call out, "Pikachu, let's Gigantamax!"

Pikachu grows to a massive size and unleashes Max Steelspike, targeting Slowking and gaining a Defense boost. Simultaneously, Eevee uses Baddy Bad on Slowbro, although the attack doesn't deal much damage, and their Special Attacks are boosted due to Max Ooze.

Avery seizes the opportunity, commanding, "Now Slowking, use Eerie Spell." Slowking's move successfully erases Eevee's Last Resort, leaving us at a disadvantage. Alice expresses her frustration, "Damn it...I have no power points for my Last Resort."

I assure Alice, "Don't worry, we can use other moves." However, Pikachu is struck by Shell Side Arm, putting its health at risk.

"Alice, I think we need to finish them or else the poison will knock out our Pokémon," I suggest.

"Right," Alice agrees. We both realize the urgency of the situation and decide to go for the win.

Together, we use the new move, Rising Voltage, to target both of Klara and Avery's Pokémon. The powerful attack proves effective, defeating their remaining Pokémon. Klara and Avery are left in shock as their team falls.

Klara expresses her frustration, muttering, "But I didn't hold back! I gave it everything I've got..."

Avery joins in with a tone of dejection, "Oh, I could just Imprison myself for this!"

"The victor has been decided! The one to complete the third trial is you, Ash and Alice!" Mustard announces loudly, and the entire crowd erupts in cheers. Honey also congratulates us, saying, "Well done, you all gave it your all."

Alice and I feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness at the results. We high-five each other and then proceed to hug our Pokémon, showing our appreciation for their hard work. We quickly give them each a Pecha Berry to remove the Poison effect.

Klara and Avery approach us, and Klara admits, "Aw man... I totally lost..."

Avery, on the other hand, reflects with a hint of resignation, "Heh, how pathetic. I lost even though I resorted to such underhanded tactics. I don't think young, capable children like you can understand how I feel. I am just an average man who gave everything he possibly could..."

"Maybe it's time for me to just give up on my dream of being a Gym Leader..." Klara mutters with a sense of defeat.

Avery joins in, echoing her sentiment, "You're right, Klara... Perhaps it's time I stopped playing around and gave up my dreams of being a Gym Leader..."

They both seem resigned to their perceived failures, turning to Ash and Alice. Klara adds with a touch of bitterness, "Once they find out what we did, we'll be expelled from the dojo anyway."

Avery goes even further, saying, "Ash and Alice, you are free to tell the master about the awful things I did."

Alice and I are taken aback by their sudden despondency. I try to encourage them, " can't just give up."

Alice agrees, expressing her appreciation for the battle, "Yeah, it was a great battle, and I am glad to have it even though you did play dirty in the beginning."

"Huh? B-but why? It was supposed to be a fair battle, and I cheated just so I could win..." Klara says in horror.

Avery echoes her sentiments, "Yeah...Wh-what are you saying? But I turned to the shadows like a Dark type to try to win!"

Mustard walks towards us and offers some unexpected wisdom, "That's your strength, Ash, Alice! Kindness toward both your Pokémon and your rivals!"

Klara and Avery are shocked by Mustard's words, but he continues, "I should apologize on Klara and Avery's behalf, too, as their master."

I speak up, "There is no need. We already forgive them."

Alice adds, "Yeah. We don't like to hold grudges."

"What they did was wrong, but... they just didn't want to be beaten by their rivals—that's all. They are good, hardworking students," Mustard explains, showing understanding and leniency.

Klara starts to cry, "hic sniff Master... thank you... I'm sorry, Ash, Alice..." Avery also expresses his gratitude and remorse.

"As for your punishment, Klara and Avery, you're going to look after the Pokémon in the dojo for six months... by yourself!" Mustard announces, causing them to be initially shocked.

Both Klara and Avery respond in surprise, "What?! I mean, yeah, that's a lot of work, but... is that all?!" "What?! Is that all I have to do? And you'll forgive me?"

Mustard reassures them, saying, "Of course! Let's work on strengthening your heart!" The two students nod with smiles, expressing their willingness to make amends.

Mustard concludes, "All right, everyone! Things are settled here!" As the group gathers around, it's clear that harmony and forgiveness have prevailed.

Honey expresses her pride, saying, "I am so proud of you all. You mustered so much effort and tried so hard! I got so teared up that I couldn't even see half the battle, but what I saw was amazing!"

The other students join in with similar words of admiration. Mustard turns to us once more, acknowledging our victory, "Ash and Alice! You gave it your best and triumphed, even when faced with an unfair challenge. To you, who has completed all the trials... I grant the secret armor of the Master Dojo! It'll take some time to prepare, so I'll go ahead and get things sorted. And that's all, gang! As you were!"

As the rest of the group leaves, only Alice, Klara, Avery, and I remain behind. Klara stammers a bit before speaking, "Ash and Alice. Um! I... Well... You're... really strong! I think I should give you these."

She surprises us by handing over her League Card, and without further explanation, she runs off. Avery hesitates for a moment and then says, "So it is my turn. Pardon me. Um... Ash, Alice, I..."

We also receive Avery's League Card, and he admits with a hint of respect, "I will admit to acknowledging your strength just a little."

After both Klara and Avery run off, we decide to take a look at the information about them from their League Cards.

"Klara was originally an underground pop singer. She promoted herself as a star that had both cuteness and the virulence of poison. She energetically held live concerts and other events, even selling some Klara-themed collectables that she made herself, but in spite of everything, she only managed to sell eight copies of her debut album "Krazy for Klara." She decided becoming a Gym Leader would help her gain more popularity and has been working towards that goal since. She chose the Poison type because it matched her image and there was less competition."

"Avery comes from a long-standing family of psychics. Each Psychic-type Gym Leader of Galar has been from the same bloodline as Avery, and thus, Avery has been destined to bear the burden of Gym Leader since even before he was born. Ever since he was a child, Avery could freely move things with his mind but lacked other skills, such as teleportation or telepathy. This has caused the rest of his family to label him as a disappointment. Avery has a great deal of respect for Slowpoke, as they go about their business at their own pace, no matter what others say."

Alice shares her observations, "So Klara was an underground pop singer... but she didn't have a lot of popularity, so that is why she wants to be a Gym Leader. And Poison type sure has less competition after all."

I express my sympathy for Avery, saying, "And for Avery, I think I feel sorry for him... he didn't deserve to be labeled as a disappointment in his family just because he can't use teleportation or telepathy... Now I can see why they really want to be Gym Leaders. To be honest, they shouldn't give up on being Gym Leaders."

Alice agrees, recognizing their hard work and determination, "Yeah. They sure are hardworking, and I think it will be great to see them as Gym Leaders." With that, we decide to return to the dojo, having gained a new understanding and appreciation for our fellow trainers.

Here is a new chapter, and this concludes the final trial to get the secret armor. And even though Klara and Avery cheated, Ash and Alice still managed to win the battle. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the armor.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur x2, Charizard x2, Blastoise x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Slowbro (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Slowking (Galarian), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Zacian, Eternatus, Kleavor

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