Chapter 68

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As the King and I arrive at the Old Cemetery, I can't help but comment, "Geez... this place looks really creepy..."

Even Pikachu seems to share my sentiment, casting nervous glances around as we search for the fields with suitable soil to plant the Carrot Seeds.

Simultaneously, Alice and Elena trek through Snowpoint Field, Elena taking notes diligently for her report. She says, "Upon hearing that we were able to find Carrot Seeds, Calyrex told me about two fields where we can grow the carrots. We need to pick the field covered in snow and the field by the graves and plant the seeds!"

Once they arrive at the chosen field, Elena instructs, "So this is the field. Let's plant those seeds."

Alice nods, her determination unwavering, as she carefully places the carrot seeds into the soil. Meanwhile, in the Old Cemetery, we also plant the seeds.

As we plant the seeds in the field by the graves, Elena provides some insight, saying, "So if we plant the seeds here, Iceroot Carrots will grow."

The Queen reflects on her memories and adds, "Yeah, it has been so long that my memory is hazy, but I believe that my loyal steed would often partake of this sort of vegetable. If Iceroot Carrots were what my steed preferred, it must have been an Ice Type."

Alice agrees, saying, "Yeah."

The Queen continues, "But it's most vexing that I can't recall, I suppose we will see."

Meanwhile, in the Old Cemetery, I remark, "Well, now that we've planted the seed, it's a good thing that you're good at working with soil, Pikachu."

Pikachu nods in agreement, and the King expresses his determination, saying, "Now it's time I did my part. Let me show you my powers!"

As the King and Queen ask Alice and me to perform the ritual dance with them, we find ourselves dancing the Snow Samba, the same dance we had seen back in the mayor's house. Their powers begin to emit, and to our surprise, only one carrot each sprouts from the fields.

Elena expresses her disappointment, saying, "We planted a lot of seeds, and this is the result?"

The Queen sighs, a hint of sadness in her voice, "Yeah... my powers could only get one to grow... to think that I have fallen so low! It truly breaks my heart."

However, the King remains determined, declaring, "But soon, it will be time to bid my sorrow farewell!" With all my might, I start to pull the Shaderoot Carrot free, while in the other field, Alice and Elena also exert their efforts to unearth their own carrot.

After successfully extracting the Shaderoot Carrot from the ground, I can't help but comment, "This sure is a weird-looking carrot."

Alice shares my sentiment, saying, "I don't think a normal carrot should look like this..."

The Queen, however, expresses her gratitude, stating, "Well done, human children. That carrot will be the key to luring my loyal steed back to me."

Elena, while hopeful, expresses her doubts, saying, "But I don't know if it will work..."

The King, focused on the next step, adds, "Now all I need is the Reins of Unity. This will amplify our power, allowing us to ride my loyal steed with ease. But I doubt I shall ever get another set from the people in the village."

As we stand there, discussing our next steps, a sudden sound draws our attention. We turn around and witness a striking sight. A purple and black horse is galloping in the distance. The King gasps and exclaims, "Spectrier?! Is that my steed?"

Surprised by this revelation, I ask, "So that's his name?"

Simultaneously, Alice and Elena also hear the powerful neigh and witness a white horse running past them. The Queen recognizes it and says with emotion, "What?! Glastrier, my loyal steed! Is it truly you?"

Elena observes, "So your steed has a name as well."

The King reminisces, "That glossy black pelt... That rough, violent gallop... it hasn't changed from the day we first met! Oh, how this brings back memories..."

The Queen adds, "That glistening white pelt... That rough, violent gallop... it hasn't changed as well."

However, Alice poses a question, asking, "But where is it going?"

The Queen surmises, "I think that my steed picked up on the scent of the carrot, but it couldn't determine where the scent was coming from..." She gazes in the direction the horse disappeared.

The King speculates, "Judging from the direction it ran off in, it must be headed to the village, in an attempt to pillage carrots there!"

Shock overtakes us as we process the potential danger to Freezington. Elena urgently declares, "If that is true, then Freezington is in danger! We must make haste!"

Without wasting a moment, we rush off on our bikes, each group heading towards Freezington in an effort to avert any potential disaster. After a frantic race, we eventually reunite in the village.

I inquire, "Alice, Elena, did you find the Queen's horse?"

Alice responds, "I do, and it ran off to Freezington. What about you?"

"I am the same," I confirm, sharing Alice's experience. Elena, ever dedicated to her research, adds, "Calyrex was able to grow an Iceroot/Shaderoot Carrot from the seeds I planted in the field covered in snow! The scent of the carrot lured Glastrier/Spectrier out, but it ran off toward Freezington."

Alice, recognizing the urgency of the situation, chides Elena gently, saying, "Elena, this is not the time to write the report, we need to go." Elena nods in agreement.

Arriving in Freezington, we witness a tense scene. The villagers have gathered, watching with concern as the two horses, Glastrier and Spectrier, engage in a fierce battle against each other.

As we watch the intense battle between Glastrier and Spectrier, I exclaim in horror, "Oh no... this is awful." The two horses collide their attacks, with Glastrier using Avalanche on Spectrier, who takes damage, and then Spectrier retaliating with a powerful Shadow Ball.

Glastrier fiercely defends its territory, shouting, "I won't let you eat my carrots!" Alice, who is nearby, discerns that the voice belongs to a male.

Spectrier counters, declaring, "Your carrots? The carrots belong to me!" I, listening closely, note that the voice is female. Both horses use Double-Edge simultaneously, but only Glastrier takes damage, as Spectrier is a Ghost Type.

Spectrier taunts Glastrier, saying, "Is that all you got? Without your master, you are just as useless as you are."

Glastrier, clearly angered, snarls at Spectrier, causing it to take a step back, and responds defiantly, "Shut up. I was just holding back, you were just as weak as you are without your master as well."

The tension between the two steeds is palpable, and it's clear that their rivalry runs deep.

As the intense battle between the two horses continues, I express our urgent need to intervene, saying, "We need to stop their fight."

Alice, just as concerned, asks, "But how?" To our surprise, the two Calyrex suddenly rush forward, shouting, "Stop the fight! Spectrier/Glastrier!"

The villagers are taken aback as they witness the sight of two Pokémon that resemble the King and Queen of Bountiful Harvests trying to intervene and put an end to the conflict. The horse Pokémon, Spectrier and Glastrier, catch sight of the King and Queen and, seemingly ashamed, quickly retreat and run away.

"They got away..." Elena observes.

I remind the group, "No, now is not the time to dwell on that." As we approach the Calyrexes, Alice makes an important discovery. "Those mane hairs..."

The two strands of mane hairs on the ground could potentially provide us with vital clues about the horses. The mayor approaches us, expressing his gratitude, "Oh, kind visitors! How could I possibly thank you enough for saving the people of this village? I had no idea such a vicious Pokémon still existed in the tundra..."

I offer a simple observation, saying, "Well, there are all kinds of Pokémon; that's what makes them mysterious."

The mayor, lost in thought, reflects, "Why, they remind me of those Pokémon in the fairy tales... The loyal steeds of the king and the queen... Ah, but no doubt I am overthinking things."

Alice, however, doesn't dismiss the idea so easily, and she says, "I don't think so..."

The mayor's attention is drawn to the two strands of mane hair in our hands. He questions, "Hmm? What's that you have here? Are those tufts of Black and White Mane Hair?"

Alice asks, "Really?"

The mayor explains further, "In fairy tales, it is said that by weaving the hair of the loyal steed together with a radiant blossom grown by the king and the queen... it is possible to create the Reins of Unity, which link the king and the queen with their steeds!"

We are surprised by this revelation, and the mayor continues, "In fact, it was my own ancestors who used to weave the Reins of Unity, following an ancient tradition passed down over many years. Of course, I myself have never seen any kind of radiant flower, and the method of making the reins has also been lost to time. In any case, we can't spend all day musing over fairy tales! I must make plans and preparations. That Pokémon could well decide to pay us another visit, after all! Thank you very much for your help, kind travelers!"

After the mayor departs, we set out to find the two Calyrexes, who have retreated to their usual spot. The King reflects on the situation, saying, "Were we in full power, we could have tamed our steeds and regained their loyalty... But weakened as we are now, the most we could do was influence their will and make them depart. If we only had the Reins of Unity, they would have allowed me to tame our steed in short order."

I offer a solution, saying, "I think we can make a set, Calyrex. All we need is the manes of the steeds' hair and a flower that you can grow."

The Queen has a moment of realization, exclaiming, "A flower... A flower... Yes, but of course! We have assumed that people stopped making the Reins of Unity because they had lost their faith in us, but it was because we lost the power to grow the material needed!"

Elena chimes in, "So you two must have spent far too long holding misguided assumptions, it seems."

The King and Queen seem a bit embarrassed but acknowledge their oversight. The King reveals, "It has been many centuries since we were able to grow a radiant flower. Doing so drains much of our powers."

The Queen adds with renewed hope, "But for whatever reason, a fraction of our power seems to have returned to us just now!"

Determined, they declare, "So there is only one thing to be done! Let the radiant flower bloom!" With their combined powers, we watch in awe as they use their abilities to make the radiant flower grow before our eyes, a vital step toward creating the Reins of Unity.

Exhausted from their efforts, the King and Queen manage to produce only two small petals, which they present to Alice and me. The King expresses his regret, saying, "Only two petals... it shames me to admit it, but a whole flower is beyond us right now..."

The Queen adds, "I do not know if that petal will be enough, but we still must ask that you use it to try to create the reins of Unity. The descendants of the family who once made the reins for me should live in the village. We put our hopes on you, human children..."

We nod, fully aware of the importance of this task, and we resolve to find the descendants of the family with the skills to create the Reins of Unity. With the King and Queen's trust and our determination, we embark on this new mission to fulfill their hopes.

As we enter the mayor's house, he greets us, saying, "Oh? Hello again. Come to do some more reading?"

I get straight to the point and reply, "No, we have a favor to ask you. We need to make two sets of Reins of Unity."

The mayor is taken aback and expresses his surprise, "I beg your pardon? You want me to make two sets of Reins of Unity?"

Alice is concerned about his response and asks, "What do you mean by that?"

The mayor explains, "If my dear granddad were still around, he'd have been able to make you a set... But unfortunately, we've no one left who knows the traditional way at this point. What's more, I doubt you have the flower you'd need to forge a set of the reins."

Elena steps in and confidently says, "We do have the materials," presenting him with the petals and mane hairs.

The mayor examines the petals from the radiant flower and seems to be in awe. He mutters, "Is... is that petals from the radiant flower? If so, would that not mean the King and the Queen of Bountiful Harvests have truly...? No, no! I dare not hope. If I recall, my ancestors made Reins of Unity by following the ways passed down in fairy tales... There were two key materials - a flower and hairs from a Pokémon. But I am afraid those old traditions have long since faded from memory."

He turns back to us and continues, "Still, how could I refuse a favor to such kind and helpful guests? The materials, if you please." We hand over the petals and mane hairs to the mayor, who takes them and says, "I can't promise this will turn out as well as the ones my great-granddad would've made, but... time to breathe life back into the traditions of my village!"

With determination, the mayor begins the process of crafting the Reins of Unity, drawing upon the long-lost traditions of his ancestors to create something extraordinary. As the mayor attempts to sew the manes with the flower petals to create the Reins of Unity, the rest of us watch with anticipation. However, when he finishes, it's clear that the reins don't look as expected, and the mayor frowns in disappointment, saying, "I'm afraid it hasn't come out well at all."

We can't hide our disappointment, but we understand that it has been many years since these reins were last made, and mistakes are bound to occur. The mayor admits, "I fancy myself a crafty enough sort, but I suppose it'd take a craftsman of truly delicate technique to make such fine reins."

We can't help but feel disheartened by the outcome, and the mayor tries to console us, saying, "Oh, please don't look so dejected. I'm very sorry. Truly I am."

As we're all discussing the unsuccessful attempt to create the Reins of Unity, the door suddenly swings open, and Peony strolls into the room with his usual enthusiasm. "Oi, Mr. Mayor! The hot water in my shower seems to have gone on holiday!"

Elena is surprised to see her uncle and exclaims, "Uncle Peony?"

Peony doesn't waste any time and asks, "Oh, you're here, too, Chief? Were you in the middle of somethin'? The four of you seem awful gloomy!"

We proceed to explain everything that happened, and Peony bursts into laughter, saying, "What? Is that all? Gahaahaha! So, all you need to do is make some nice cord! Pass me those materials for a mo."

He takes the petals and mane hairs from the desk and inquires, "All right! Got my petal, got my hair! Now what'm I supposed to do with 'em?" His carefree attitude and confident demeanor bring a glimmer of hope to our quest.

The mayor begins to sing a song that seems to be from the legends: "ahem If I may be so bold, allow me to share a song that survives from the legends... Blossom woven round and round... A royal gift in mane's hair bound..."

Before he can finish, Peony cuts him off with a jovial remark, "Steady on, old bloke! The singin's a bit much! Oh well, that'll do for an answer. Hi-yayayaaah!"

To the surprise of us, Peony starts working on the materials and, after a bit of effort, successfully crafts two sets of reins. He proudly presents the finished reins to us, and we are amazed to see that the reins look exactly as we had hoped.

"All finished! Have a look! Think this'll do?" Peony asks, and the expressions on our faces make it clear that we are more than satisfied with the result.

"You're more capable than your face lets on! These Reins of Unity are the spitting image of those in my family's tales!" the mayor compliments Peony.

"Gahaaahaha! I don't sew all my dear rebellious daughter's clothes for nothin', you know! Even the explorer's outfit I gave you was handmade by yours truly, Chief!" Peony laughs, clearly proud of his craftsmanship.

I chime in, "Wow, so these clothes are also made by you? That's cool."

"ahem In any case! It seems like you've got the Reins of Unity you need. Isn't that just smashing?" the mayor says, and we all nod in agreement, grateful for Peony's unexpected help.

After leaving the mayor's house, Elena curiously asks, "So, Uncle Peony, what were you doing here?"

Peony replies, "Would you believe it? I was chilled to the bone, so I thought I'd warm myself up with a good, hot shower at our base. But the water comin' out was ice cold! I got ultra-mega-surprised and jumped out without putting on any of my-"

Before he can finish his sentence, to our surprise, Peony is once again possessed by the King of Bountiful Harvests. I can't help but question, "Was that necessary?"

The king, speaking through Peony, asks, "Human children! Were you able to make the Reins of Unity?"

Alice quickly responds, "Well, the one that you are possessing made them for you."

"Indeed? This man has done so much to aid me... I do hope I can repay him sometime," the queen says, expressing gratitude for Peony's assistance.

The king then shares some good news, saying, "We were finally able to track down our loyal steed! Glastrier and Spectrier are making their home in the Crown Shrine! It's a place where our loyal steeds and us spent much time together!"

The queen reflects, "We have been avoiding the place, as we feared we would get trapped in our own nostalgia... Why have our loyal steeds made the shrine their home? Are they reminiscing about our time together?"

"No, it can't be," the king responds, puzzled. "The Crown Shrine stands majestically atop the mountain to the north. Bring the carrot and the Reins of Unity, and meet us there."

"We shall hasten there now, but you may come when you feel you are ready," the queen adds, and with that, Calyrex and Peony depart, leaving us with the task of preparing to meet them at the Crown Shrine.

With the Reins of Unity in hand, our next destination is the Crown Shrine, where the steed that was once the king's loyal companion now resides. Elena notes, "Using the mane hair we got by defeating the Pokémon that was once the king's loyal steed along with the Radiant Petal grown by Calyrex itself, we were able to re-create the Reins of Unity! Now we need to head to the Crown Shrine, where the steed's been living, to meet up with Calyrex!" We are ready for this next leg of our adventure.

The ascent up the mountain is challenging but invigorating, and the breathtaking view from the observation deck is a moment to savor. "Wow, look at how high we are," I remark, marveling at the vast expanse below.

Alice agrees, "Yeah, the view is quite massive. But the Crown Shrine is still higher, which means we need to climb higher as well."

With determination in our hearts, we press on, knowing that our journey to the Crown Shrine will take us even higher up the mountain. The constant hiking keeps us warm, and the anticipation of what lies ahead fuels our spirits.

Here is a new chapter, and we get the Spectrier and Glastrier now and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be the conclusion of the first Legendary Quest.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Venusaur x2, Charizard x2, Blastoise x2, Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Meowth, Machamp, Rapidash (Galarian), Slowbro (Galarian), Gengar, Kingler, Weezing (Galarian), Lapras, Eevee, Snorlax, Meganium, Typhlosion (Hisuian), Espeon, Slowking (Galarian), Mantine, Sceptile, Gardevoir (Shiny), Milotic, Absol, Infernape, Lucario, Abomasnow, Gallade, Samurott, Audino, Darmanitan (Galarian), Garbodor, Zoroark, Stunfisk (Galarian), Greninja, Meowstic x2, Aegislash, Hawlucha, Decidueye, Lycanroc (Dusk), Mimikyu (Shiny), Melmetal, Rillaboom, Cinderace, Inteleon, Greedent, Corviknight, Orbeetle, Thievul, Eldegoss, Dubwool, Drednaw, Boltund, Coalossal (Shiny), Flapple, Appletun, Sandaconda, Cramorant, Barraskewda, Toxtricity x2 (Amped, Low-Key), Centiskorch, Grapploct, Polteageist (Antique), Hatterene, Grimmsnarl, Obstagoon, Perrserker, Cursola, Sirfetch'd, Mr. Rime, Runerigus, Alcremie x9 (Each Flavor), Falinks, Pincurchin, Frosmoth, Stonjourner, Eiscue, Indeedee x2, Morpeko, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Dracovish, Arctovish, Duraludon, Dragapult, Zacian, Eternatus, Urshifu x2 (Single Strike, Rapid Strike), Zarude, Kleavor

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