Chapter 10

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When we decide to train our Pokemon since Professor Birch wants to see our training and much to our delight, Silcoon evolves into Beautifly.

Beautifly: The Butterfly Pokemon: Bug and Flying Type. Evolved from Silcoon at LV:10. Beautifly's favorite food is the sweet pollen of flowers. If you want to see this Pokémon, just leave a potted flower by an open window. Beautifly is sure to come looking for pollen.

Then we decide to look around until we spot some Makuhita training by punching the trees. Minami says, "They're Makuhitas! And it seems that they're training."

When we see some Makuhita being thrown down, Mark says, "When Makuhita falls down to the ground, they will never give up and stand back up."

"They sure have a strong will." I say. Then Professor Birch wants to try battling the Makuhita with his own fists, until a Haze attack spills into the area, and Team Rocket appears from their hiding place, they also capture a Nincada in a net.

"Not you guys again..." I groan as I have Cascoon to battle. Cascoon subdues Seviper with a String Shot attack.

"I don't care if your Silcoon is strong, I'll show you mine!" Jessie yells as she sends out her Cascoon.

"That is not a Silcoon, you know, it's a Cascoon!" Professor Birch says.

"You're hurting her feelings! This is a Silcoon so stop calling her anything else!" Jessie yells.

"It is definitely a Cascoon because it looks the same as ours here." Alice says.

"Yeah, let me show you a real Silcoon!" Then May also sends out her own, and Jessie, being the stupid and stubborn one, says, "Yeah, they look just alike."

"Yeah, they have a slight resemblance, but look at their eyes! A Cascoon has bright clear eyes!"

"Yes, my Silcoon has bright clear eyes!" Jessie taunts. "I'm anxious for it to become a Beautifly."

Jessie and May battle, both using their cocoon Pokémon. As the two clash in a fierce, head-on Tackle attack, Silcoon evolves into Beautifly. The battle ends when our Cascoon evolves into a Dustox, and it intervenes with a Silver Wind, sending their foes flying into the woods.

"Awesome, my Cascoon evolved." I say.

Dustox: The Poison Moth Pokemon: Bug and Poison Type. Evolved from Cascoon at LV:10. When Dustox flaps its wings, fine dust is scattered all over. This dust is actually a powerful poison that will even make a pro wrestler sick. This Pokémon searches for food using its antennae-like radar.

"And your Silcoon evolved as well." Alice says as our Dustox goes to play with May's.

"Yeah. I can't wait to see how to use the contest." May says with delight.

"How about you use the Frisbee? I will show you." I toss the Frisbee and my Beautifly uses Gust to let it spin in the air.

Minami says, "That is a cool move."

"Let me try it." May says as I hand her the Frisbee. Then we decided to continue training with the Butterfly Pokemon, and we also had Butterfree helping out. Then the Makuhita notice our Pokemon and wants to battle, so I have pink Butterfree to battle and after Makuhita is defeated, we capture the Pokemon.

Makuhita: The Guts Pokemon: Fighting Type. Makuhita is tenacious - it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving.

Not long after, Team Rocket appears and Jessie challenges us to a battle. May accepts and leads the attack with her Beautifly, sending Cascoon flying backward with Gust. James sends out his Cacnea to help, while I call out Dustox. Cacnea makes the first move, sending Pin Missiles to attack Dustox, which it skillfully dodges. Dustox returns the favor with a Tackle attack, narrowly missing Cacnea. During the battle between Jessie and May, Cascoon starts to evolve. Fearful of Jessie's wrath, Meowth dresses up as a Beautifly and hides Dustox. This was seen through easily, however, and Jessie uncovers it, only to find not a Beautifly, but a Dustox instead.

"I didn't get a Beautifly... I got a Dustox..." Jessie says in a depressed tone.

Alice says, "Yours is a Cascoon, the only Pokemon that it will evolve into is Dustox just like ours."

Much to everyone's surprise, however, Jessie adores it. She becomes overconfident in her new Poison Moth Pokémon and challenges May's Beautifly. The battle begins with a Tackle from Dustox, which hits Beautifly head-on, but the Butterfly Pokémon quickly regains its composure and returns the favor with a Tackle of its own. Jessie becomes enraged and commands Dustox to use Poison Sting, but it's easily blown away by Beautifly's Gust.

James decides to join in and has Cacnea use Pin Missile while Dustox shoots a Psybeam, but Dustox jumps in front of Beautifly and takes both attacks.

"Dustox! Return!" I yell as I recall my Pokemon, and I go with Beautifly, we dodge the attacks and then we send them flying once more.

Then we decide to bid farewell to Professor Birch because he's leaving for Littleroot Town, and we decide to continue with our training so we can battle the Dewford Gym.

The next day, we decide to find another place to train, until we find an abandoned gold mine. May asks, "So you say that this place used to be a gold mine?"

"I'm pretty sure, but the Rotom Phone doesn't have any information at all." Max says.

"Looks to me like this mine has been abandoned for a really long time." Alice says.

"That's why it couldn't be more perfect." I say as I open the lights, and it is still working. "This is a great place to test our courage. I think I also want to see if I can find a Ghost Type Pokemon."

"Ghost Type?" May asks with a little scared tone.

Then we decide to go into the mines, and both May and Max ride the cart and move forward, other than finding Ghost Types, I also want to train Corphish so that it will calm down after the mess he made during breakfast.

Alice and I are walking on another path as we send out Corphish, I say, "Corphish, we're not battling this time. Today we're going to test your courage."

Alice says, "Yeah, let's see how you'll do in this cave."

Corphish just mutters some lame words as we decide to scare him with ghosts, and we can see that Corphish is starting to panic a little.

"What are you going to do, Corphish?" I ask.

Corphish is so scared that he uses Tackle on the ghost who turns out to be May and Max. He starts to get angry for being tricked, and I yell, "Hold on Corphish! We just want to test your courage, that's all."

But much to our horror, Corphish tackles the cart and causes it to go forward with May and Max still in it. Corphish chases after them and Alice yell, "Corphish! That's not the way out of there! Come back!"

When we get Corphish and out of the cave, Mark and Minami are waiting for us. Mark says, "So Corphish finds out that it is May and Max? I guess your plan of testing Corphish's courage failed."

"Yeah, but May and Max haven't come out yet..." Alice says.

"I hope they're okay, we'd better go inside and look." Then we decide to enter the cave once more and we try to find May and Max. Corphish is still muttering some angry words, and Alice sighs, "Come on, Corphish, how long are you going to stay mad? You have to remember that it's partly your fault that May and Max got lost."

Then we find a trolly approaching, and when it stops in front of us, we find that it is empty until something touches my neck.

"Was that you, Pikachu?" I ask.

"It's not me." Pikachu replies.

We turn around and we find nothing. Minami says, "I have a feeling that there is something watching us."

Then Mark also feels that he's touched on the neck as well. Alice says, "Do you think it is really the Ghost Type Pokemon that you want to find?"

Then Corphish is yelling at us for slamming him and he tries to attack us, I yell, "Corphish, what was that for? We didn't hit you!"

Pikachu then tries to calm Corphish down as they start a fight. Mark says, "We really need to find the culprit!"

Much to our surprise, a net just appears and traps both Pikachu and Corphish, hearing the laughter, I groan as I know that it's Team Rocket's Meowth. But he is alone ane he's accompanied by a Sableye.

"Why is a Sableye hanging out with Meowth?" Minami asks.

"We're best friends and friends until the end!" Meowth says.

"Liar!" It is then May and Max arrive. "Don't believe everything Meowth said!"

We are happy to see May and Max again, and Alice says, "Sableye, Meowth is trying to trick you! He's using you to steal our Pokemon!"

Sableye starts to look at Meowth, who tries to make excuses, "No, that's not true! I just want to hang out with you so that we can play together."

I say, "Sableye, don't trust Meowth no matter what. I bet Jessie and James are somewhere around here and plotting to trap you just like Pikachu and Corphish."

And much to our annoyance, just when we say the names, the two show up and start their usual motto. They try to take the net with Pikachu and Corphish, I send out Taillow to stop those guys, and they try to throw the bomb to destroy the place, much to our horror.

Sableye realizes the errors and yells at us to get in the cart, so we all ride on the cart and get out of the mine before it collapses on us. Then we find Team Rocket and this time Sableye is teaming up with us.

"You're the ones who destroyed my favorite place! You're now in big trouble now!" Sableye angrily demands.

"Sableye, I need you to use Shadow Claw to help Pikachu and Corphish." I say as Sableye then slashes the net, freeing the two Pokemon.

"Corphish! Crabhammer! Pikachu! Iron Tail! Sableye! Dark Pulse!" Then the three of them use their attacks to send Team Rocket flying.

But with the mine being destroyed, Sableye frowns as he has no home to go back to, he has been feeling lonely and we decide to take him on the team. Sableye of course agrees and we capture the Pokemon in the end.

Sableye: The Darkness Pokemon: Dark and Ghost Type. Sableye leads quiet lives deep inside caverns. They are feared, however, because these Pokémon are thought to steal the spirits of people when their eyes burn with a sinister glow in the darkness.

Sableye might be a good Pokemon against a Fighting Gym, so I can't wait to use it.

Here is a new chapter, and this chapter is the same as anime except that I changed the Seedot part to Makuhita because the Seedot part is already in the previous part. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the gym battle that you're waiting for.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Treecko, Torchic, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Beautifly, Dustox, Lotad, Seedot, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Slakoth, Nincada, Whismur, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Wailmer, Corphish

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Wailmer, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Slakoth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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