Chapter 11

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When we decide to train with our Pokemon, we bump into a man and he asks, "Can I help you with something, bro?"

"Brawly!" Mark immediately recognizes the man and says, "You're finally here!"

"Well if it isn't Mark, how are you doing?" Brawly says.

"So you must be the Dewford Gym Leader?" We decide to introduce ourselves and I also ask for a Gym battle, but he says, "Sorry, dude, no can do. You see, right up until yesterday, the onshore sea was totally gnarling with some really wicked wages, but today, there's a radical face showing up just on shore! So come on back tomorrow."

Then we notice him leaving with the girls following him, and Alice asks, "I don't think I understand a thing he says."

"Not me." Minami says.

"That nerve of this guy... and after we got ourselves all psyched up for this battle. What kind of gym leader is he?" I mutter.

Then the others decided to just watch the surfing, so we decided to head to the beach and watch them doing surfing. We notice Brawly using Makuhita to surf around the waves, but Makuhita loses focus and falls into the water.

"Uh oh..." I say, "Are you alright?"

"Don't worry, we're just fine." But it turns out that we're not fine because Team Rocket comes with another attempt to steal Pikachu. They try to get away with the boat, and Brawly yells, "Hey! You can't just steal others' Pokemon like that! Makuhita, help Pikachu now!"

Then Makuhita tries to surf until he bumps into the boat, then Pikachu falls into the water and breaks free from the net. I also have him use Thunderbolt to send them flying once more.

"That Pikachu of yours is really amazing dude. I've never seen a Thunderbolt with so much power." Brawly says.

"Of course, my brother is the Champion of the Johto and the Winner of the Kanto Region. He just only needs to face my mom and then he'll also be a Kanto Champion as well!"

"You know, some things are really meant to happen, huh? I accept your battle challenge my little man." Brawly says.

"That's awesome, thanks!" I say.

We decided to head there as soon as possible. When we get inside, we are surprised to see that it really is a training gym other than the Pokemon gym. The guide is standing at the counter and he says, "Yo, how's it going, Champ Ash?"

"Really? You're calling me that?" I say with slight annoyance, while the others are trying to hide their laughter.

"Dewford's Gym Leader, Brawly, commands Fighting-type Pokémon. Going against him with Normal-type Pokémon is asking for trouble. Fighting-type Pokémon will lay a serious smackdown on Normal-type Pokémon, so stay on your toes! Hey, OK, go for it!"

Much to our surprise, the lights are now off, and we can now see nothing but a path with trainers. The first one is a battle girl named Laura, she says, "Don't you dare brush me off! It's not my fault if you cry!"

Geez, the girl here is quite serious. She sends out a Meditite, which is a Fighting and Psychic Type, I use Taillow to battle and defeats it with the Aerial Ace attack. "Waaah! I lost!"

Did she seriously have to cry like that? Anyway, it seems that when we try to move forward, the treadmill will push me back. Max says, "Maybe you should go around it instead of following the light?"

"But it sure is dark, I wonder if Ash can actually see where the objects are without bumping into it..." Alice says.

Good thing that there is a switch on the ground, when I step on it, the light turns back on, but when I get off, it will turn off. I can't just cheat my way by having Alice help me, so I decide to navigate and after several bumps, we finally arrive at a second trainer, a Black Belt named Hideki. "Might is right! Come on!"

He uses Machop to battle, and I go for Beautifly, with the Gust and Confusion attack, Machop is no match for my Beautifly. "Not enough power..."

There are more obstacles on the way, and there are some people who leave the dumbbells on the ground and some treadmills blocking the way. The final one is really huge, but before that, we need to battle a Battle Girl named Tessa.

"I'll crush you!" She says. She uses two Pokemon, a Meditite and a Machop, but both Pokemon are easily defeated by Mawile, who uses Play Rough to defeat them. "But... How? How could lose so easily?"

"Because you underestimated me, that's why." I say, and we finally get through the final puzzle and reach Brawly. He says, "I'm Brawly! Dewford's Gym Leader! I've been churned in the rough waves of these parts... And I've grown tough using the cave on the outskirts of this town as my training ground, as well as using the equipment in this Gym."

"That will be a great opponent for me." I say.

"However, rather than battling here, how about we battle somewhere else?" Brawly asks, and we decide to follow him, and we are heading to the secret practicing field. However, when we get there, we find Team Rocket trying to take over the secret training area by force, I try to battle, but Brawly stops us and tells us to do nothing. He tries to persuade Team Rocket to leave, but since they refuse, they get caught up by the geyser and sent flying.

"Wow..." Alice says.

"Now that our uninvited guests are gone, let me show you my sparring area." The place is similar to the gym, and when we get to the battlefield, it is surrounded by water and there are some pillars of rock.

"I've never seen anything like that..." Max says.

On the battlefield itself are several gaping holes, each a passageway for a geyser of its own; in the center, there is a painted circle to warn challengers of such occurrences. The room is lit brightly by six suspending spotlights attached at different points on the cave walls.

"Sorry, Pikachu. I need you to sit this one out today." I say. "I'm gonna try my new strategy."

Then Brawly says, "Let me see what you're made of! Machop! I choose you!"

He sends out Machop as his first Pokemon, I say, "So you're going with Machop! I choose you, Ralts!"

I send out my male Ralts which are normal colored. Minami says, "Good, a Fairy and Psychic Type is going to be a tough challenge for a Fighting Type!"

Machop begins with a speedy Karate Chop, which slices through a nearby stalagmite as Ralts teleports away from the attack, landing nearby on another rock formation.

"That Teleport is going to be tough." Brawly says. "But not good enough to beat me. Use another Karate Chop!"

Ralts keeps evading the attacks by teleporting from rock to rock easily. Machop becomes annoyed and sends three more Karate Chop attacks at Ralts, only to be easily avoided by Ralts again and again.

"Machop! Use Cross Chop!" Brawly orders, but the move fails, leaving it vulnerable.

"Now, hit it with the Disarming Voice!" I yell, and the move hits Machop.

"Machop has nothing left!" Max says.

"This is good!" May says.

"No, this is bad." Mark says, much to their surprise.

Machop is getting back up, and Brawly says, "Remember that I told you about the ebb and the tide?"

"The geyser..." Alice gasps.

"You gotta work with nature, dude. If you're not going to move I will!" Then the ground begins to rumble and Machop readies another Cross Chop, positioning itself over one of the holes. A jet of water shoots up and propels the Superpower Pokémon at Ralts, but just before the impact, I decide to recall the Pokemon.

"Good thing that brother has returned Ralts... or else that is going to take a lot of damage..." Minami says.

"You got a lucky escape, little dude. But you'll never beat me by running away." Brawly says.

"You bet, I'll attack when it's right! Corphish! I choose you!"

Then I send out Corphish, who, with a combination of Bubble Beam and two Crabhammers, takes Machop out of the battle.

"Great job, Corphish." I say.

After he recalls Machop, he says, "Well dude, I got it handed to you. You are strong, now fresh from the surf! Makuhita!"

Then he sends out his final Pokemon, a Makuhita. Immediately, it springs into action with several Arm Thrusts. I have Corphish use Harden, in hopes that Makuhita will get tired as it keeps up the onslaught.

But it turns out that I'm wrong, Makuhita is not slowing down in the slightest. Brawly says, "You see, surfing has taught Makuhita to build stamina."

"Even with Harden, those attacks are going to deal some real damage if they don't stop pretty soon." Mark says.

"Corphish! Jump into the water!" I yell.

Makuhita tries to follow Corphish, landing on a sturdy flat rock in the moat as it begins the search for its foe. I know that Makuhita might be a good surfer, but it's too big and heavy to move easily through the water like Corphish. Corphish quickly springs from the water, smacks Makuhita with a Crabhammer attack, and retreats back into the depths.

"Let's try something special, Makuhita! Arm Thrust on the water!" Then much to our surprise, Corphish is splashed out of the water. Makuhita grabs the crustacean and goes into a Seismic Toss, thrusting him into the hard rock below and knocking him out.

"Good work, Makuhita. You're one awesome fighting dude." Brawly says.

I recall Corphish and I decided to send back Ralts. Ralts is standing in front of Makuhita as he goes for Arm Thrust, but Ralts just dodges by using Teleport.

"Ralts, we need to get ready to use Confusion!"

Then she breaks some pieces of rock and slams it to Makuhita's leg. As Makuhita keeps up the offensive with several more Arm Thrusts, Ralts manages to dodge each one, landing a few more Confusion attacks on Makuhita's legs while carefully keeping its distance.

"Vital Throw, now!" But because of the leg pain, Makuhita is slowed down and the attack misses Ralts by mere inches.

At this point, both Pokémon are exhausted. I hear the sudden rumbling of water beneath us. I say, "There is it... we're going to need some serious power to win Makuhita."

"Okay, little dude, the time has come to settle the match! Ready, Makuhita!"

Both of them position themselves over separate parallel holes, awaiting the right moment. As the geysers spring forth and propel them at one another, Makuhita readies its Knock Off attack while Ralts just uses Draining Kiss. Both attacks make contact and the two pass each other, landing on opposite sides of the battlefield.

And after we wait for a while, Makuhita is the one falling to the ground, which means I win the battle.

"Alright! Good job, Ralts! You're the best." Ralts gives me a small smile, while Brawly says, "Whoa, wow! You made a much bigger splash than I expected!"

Outside, just as the sun sets on the horizon, Brawly says, "OK, you've got me. Take this Gym Badge!"

I take the Knuckle Badge and say, "Thanks a lot, Brawly."

"The Knuckle Badge makes all Pokémon up to Level 30, even those you get in trades, obey without question. I can see your talent becoming a giant wave that causes a storm of astonishment with Trainers one day! I look forward to the day when I can surf your giant wave!"

"Of course, I will." I say.

"Ash, an advice for you. If you always keeps your focus and keeps on striving with a cool head, Hoenn league won't be a problem for you." Brawly says as we nod.

Then we decide to board Mr. Briney's ship so we can leave Dewford Town to the Slateport City.

Here is a new chapter, and we're done with the second gym. I hope you like it and the next chapter is the Slateport City.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Treecko, Torchic, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Beautifly, Dustox, Lotad, Seedot, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Slakoth, Nincada, Whismur, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Wailmer, Corphish

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Wailmer, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Slakoth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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