Chapter 12

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We're riding on Mr. Briney's boat as we arrive at Route 109, which leads to Slateport City. Before we even found him, he said to us, "Oho! It looks as though you have delivered your chit well and properly. Ah, but that reminds me! I've had a message from President Stone, saying he has another favor to ask."

"What kind of favor?" Alice asked.

"It's about them Devon Parts that you recovered for him before. Seems as though they should go to some fellow called Stern at Slateport's shipyard. This old seadog will see you there safely! Weigh anchors! We're for Slateport!"

And that's how we're now at Route 109. Mr. Briney says, "Ahoy! We've made land in Slateport! I suppose you're off to visit Captain Stern and deliver those Devon Parts?"

"Yeah, but we should explore the Slateport City first." I say.

And it turns out that there is a Contest holding in Slateport City, so everyone is psyched up in the Pokemon Center, that also includes May.

"There are still two more weeks before the Pokemon Contest opens." Alice says after looking at the schedule.

"I guess everyone comes here early to have some Contest practice." Mark says. "And two weeks actually is a long time."

Then we decided to do some practice, and we decided to go to the beach. May tries to practice with Beautifly's Silver Wind. I say, "Wow, that's pretty good!"

But May spins too much as she falls to the ground, and then we decide to use frisbees to practice Beautifly's Gust, but the attack causes a giant sand wave that covers all of us. In the end, we decided to find another secluded place.

After failing another Silver Wind, we decided to continue with the frisbees, May managed to get two of them but failed to get the third one, which was caught by a green-haired boy.

"I'm sorry!" May says.

"Please don't tell me you're entering the Pokemon Contest with a cheesy act like that." The boy says while throwing back the frisbee.

May gets mad as the Frisbee is thrown at her feet. The boy jumps down and May angrily introduces herself. "My name is Drew, a Pokemon Coordinator."

"Really? That's just like us." I say, and Drew walks towards me. "Ash Ketchum, the winner of the Johto Grand Festival last year, right? It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Same here." I say as we shake hands, "Compared to your Pokemon, that girl's Pokemon has no style."

"Hey! You can make fun of me all you want but don't you dare making fun of my Pokemon!" May yells.

"Just calm down, little girl." Drew says.

"So Drew, right? Why don't you show what you got?" I ask.

"Why should I do it now? I know that you're also participating in the Hoenn Contest, too. How about I show you then?" Drew says to me, and I sigh, and it seems that Drew and May have a great rivalry against each other.

And since we realize we're trespassing on a private beach, so we decide to leave for another place. But just as we are looking around, we notice some people running and saying, "Hey! That's Lisia and Ali doing a shoot over there!"

"Are you serious?! Lisia! Let's go!"

The four of us perk up the names and Minami says, "Are they serious? Lisia is here?"

"Let's go check it out." I say.

As we rush to the Contest Hall, we see that Lisia is there with Ali the Altaria. She says, "Hiiiiii, ev-er-y-bo-dy! Lisia here! Me and my Altaria, Ali, have come to Slateport City's Contest Spectacular Hall for a bit of FUN!"

As the people are cheering, she continues, "Well then, watch me as I dive right in again today!"

We see Lisia performing her contest moves, and then she presses her Key Stone to Mega Evolve her Altaria.

Max says, "What was that..."

"It's Mega Evolution." We turn around and much to our surprise, East is standing beside us. "Long time no see."

"East? It's so great to see you again!" I say.

"Yeah, it sure has been a while since the last time we traveled together in Johto." East says. "I see you're traveling with Mark, Minami, and Alice this time."

"Hey, East." Mark says.

After introducing East to May and Max, May asks, "So are you a coordinator too?"

"Oh no, I'm here because of my Dad, he wants me to look out Lisia now that she has become famous as a Top Coordinator like you, Ash." East says.

"Now! It's time for Lisia's... Miraculous... Contest Scouting!" Lisia says. "All righty! I'm going to bring another fantastic Trainer into the wild world of contesting!"

She didn't notice us because of the whole crowd, but she managed to spot May and she dragged her to the stage. "Wait, what?" May is surprised.

"You there, watching me with that baffled expression on your face! Hi!" Lisia says. "Have you never joined in a contest?"

"I... I planned to..." May says.

"That's just what I want to hear! Then let's get this show on the road! This is the Trainer I'm gonna scout today!" Lisia says. "And her name is..."

"My name is May..." May says, starting to be a little nervous because of how the crowd is looking at her. Max says, "Looks like we get to see the shy side of May this time."

"When I take a good look, I could easily see that May is a powerful Trainer! May! You can enjoy Contests at the Pokemon Contest Hall right here. Now listen up, because I don't just want to see you making your Pokemon strong. I want to see you bringing out a whole new brilliant side of them to show off! So here you go! Take these! This is a Contest Pass, which is the first thing that anyone needs to take part in a Contest!"

May gets the Contest Pass, and she is delighted. Lisia says, "And this one is a Pokeblock Kit, which will let you make Pokeblocks for your Pokemon out of Berries!"

After she gets the other item, Lisia says, "May's story begins today! Yep! And this chapter should be titled... "A Sudden Encounter! Miraculous Contest Scouting!" That's what I'd call it! Now, everybody out there watching... You'd better expect great things from May because I do! That's it for today's Lisia's Miraculous Contest Scouting! See you all next time!"

After the show is over, May decides to get to us, and when Lisia notices us, she gasps before hugging me like some sort of teddy bear. "Oh my gosh! Ash! You're here!"

"It's great to see you again, Lisia... but can you stop doing this to me every time we meet?"

Alice also coughs before dragging Lisia, and she says, "Alice, Mark, Minami! You're here as well! How are you guys doing?"

"We're doing great, Brother and May are entering the same Contest that was held two weeks before now." Mark says.

"Really? You already won the Johto Grand Festival and now you want to rob other Coordinators' dreams?" Lisia teases me, and I say, "I want to be a Pokemon Master, and winning every Grand Festival is also great."

"I was just teasing you, don't be nervous." Lisia says. "So you're going to do some Contest practices? Can I watch as well?"

"That will be great." May says.

Mark says, "That reminds me, East, congrats on your Dad being the new Hoenn Champion."

East says, "Thanks, I was also surprised myself as well."

I turn to May, "So you also get a Pokeblock kit, how about we show you how to use them?"

"It is simple, remember that we picked a lot of berries during our journey?" I say. "Like these Oran Berries, if we put four of them inside."

I put four of the Oran Berries, and then there are four Pokeblocks. "These are Blue Pokeblocks, which increase the Beauty moves."

"Beauty moves?" Max asks.

Minami says, "Allow me to explain. Each Pokemon has their unique way of showing their conditions in the Contest. There are Coolness, Cuteness, Toughness, Beauty, and Cleverness. Each move falls into one of the five categories, and that's how judges like Mr. Contesta and Mr. Sukizo evaluate the appeal rounds."

"Blue Pokeblocks are for Beautiful Moves." I say while feeding Pikachu the Pokeblock, and I say, "Now use Electro Web!"

Pikachu jumps into the air and creates a beautiful Electro Web, and the others are watching in awe. "Wow... so that's how it is..."

"So you're scouted by the famous Coordinator Lisia." We turn to see Drew again, and May asks, "Oh yeah? Is there are problem?"

"Nothing, how about a battle? Or are you afraid to embarrass yourself again?" Drew asks.

"Fine! I accept!" May says.

"Good, smart move." Drew says as we decide to watch the mock Contest match. And both Lisia and I be the judges because we are both Top Coordinators, and Drew is using a Pokemon called Roselia.

"Ladies first, now show me what you got." Drew says.

May orders a Tackle from Beautifly. Roselia uses Petal Dance, which hits Beautifly and stops its flight path. Roselia follows up with a Stun Spore which knocks Beautifly to the ground.

"That was easy, I expected a lot more than that." Drew says.

May begs for Beautifly to get up, and it slowly opens its eyes. Drew orders Roselia to finish it off with Magical Leaf. It charges the attack up, and Alice says, "May, remember to keep your cool and stay calm."

Beautifly flies back up as May orders a Silver Wind. It launches the attack, deflecting the leaves and sending Roselia tumbling.

"It seems that really scores a lot of points." I say.

"I agree." Lisia adds.

Drew says, "Looks like Lisia is right. We'll battle in a real contest, that is assuming you can pass through the preliminary rounds first."

Drew recalls Roselia before signing off with a finger salute before walking off. May is quietly confident as she happily watches Drew walk away.

The next day, Lisia and East join us as Lisia says, "So you're doing an errand for Uncle Steven as well?"

"Yeah, we're going to see Captain Stern and deliver the Devon Parts." I say.

But just when we arrive at the Oceanic Museum, we notice the whole museum is surrounded by Team Aqua. "Really? Team Aqua is here?" Mark asks.

"Don't tell me they're going to steal the Devon Parts again..." Minami frowns.

East says, "So it seems that other than Team Rocket, you do have some Team Aqua problems to take care of, huh..."

We fight our way through and find Captain Stern on the second floor, and he doesn't seem to realize the first floor is taken over by Team Aqua.

"Yes? If you're looking for Stern, that would be me." He says.

"We have the Devon Parts that Mr. Stone wants to deliver to you." I say while handing over the parts.

"Ah! Thank you for bringing the case all this way. Now we can prepare for our expedition at last!" Before he can take the parts, Team Aqua has come to the second floor.

"Hold up a moment! We'll be taking those!"

"What was that? Who are you people?" Stern is surprised.

"We're Team Aqua! Our boss wants the parts in that case, so shut your yap and fork it over!"

"We'll see you try." I say as we battle the grunts, who use Carvanha and are defeated by us.

"N-now what? If we don't get that case, we're in for it!" The grunts are starting to panic. "Arrgh! I never thought we'd be stopped by some meddling kid!"

Just then, much to our shock, a man walks towards us and he looks like a pirate with the mega stone chain around his neck and the symbol on his bandana.

"What do we have here? I came to see what was taking so long just to steal a few parts, and I find you simps getting beat by this kid?"

We stare at the man, before he smirks, "Heh! That's quite a fierce expression for such wee little scamps. Those faces tell me you're not just another mindless Trainer brats. The name is Archie. The rough-looking lot you see here are members of my team―Team Aqua."

Great... we meet the boss of Team Magma at Dewford Town, and now the boss of Team Aqua in this museum?

"So tell me, boyos and girlies... Do you know that Pokémon, people, and all life in this world depend on the sea for life? That's right. The sea is an irreplaceable treasure for every living thing on this planet. But with our selfish extravagance, humanity dirties the great ocean, destroying this source of all life... Day by day, we're all destroying our most precious resource! If we humans suffer from our actions, well, maybe we'll end up getting what we deserve. But what about the Pokémon in our world? The Pokémon that no longer have a place to live because we stole and soiled their seas? The Pokémon that won't have a place to raise their young and watch them grow? We are creating a world in which innocent Pokémon suffer as a result of our actions... And that is something that I can't forgive! That's why I came to a decision, see? The foolish actions of my fellow humans, the seas we have blighted, nature itself... I will return everything to its unspoiled beginnings!"

So Team Magma wants to expand the land, while Team Aqua wants to expand the ocean. I say, "It somehow makes sense but not at the same time..."

"... Heh! It's not like me to talk so much. Never mind, little scamp... I'll withdraw for now and leave you be. But understand this... Get in my way again, and you won't walk away unscathed next time. Remember that, at least! We're moving out, lads!"

After they leave, Captain Stern says, "Young trainers... That was quite a tense situation! Thank you for helping me out. And I almost forgot that you brought the parts from Devon!"

After he opens the case, he gasps, "This is it! I can't be standing around here! It's finally time for us to set out on our ocean-floor expedition! Thanks for this, and excuse me!"

Then he leaves, and May says, "That was slightly terrifying..."

"This is not the first time that we get into trouble with the evil teams, right?" East says.

"At least those three idiots are not here to annoy us." I sigh before we leave the museum.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, Team Aqua leader Archie and Lisia also make their appearance in this chapter. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Contest.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Treecko, Torchic, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Beautifly, Dustox, Lotad, Seedot, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Slakoth, Nincada, Whismur, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Wailmer, Corphish

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Wailmer, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Slakoth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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