Chapter 13

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While we were waiting for the Contest to happen, we decided to do some Contest practice. Lisia says, "Ash, is it possible for you to help me with something?"

"What is it?" I ask as she starts to drag me away. Although East and Alice follow us because they don't want funny business here.

"Okay, so what's the deal?" After we stop while leaving May and the others at the Pokemon Center, Lisia says, "It is simple. I want to try something out with Pikachu."

Pikachu tilts his head with confusion, but when Lisia notices the tail, she says, "Not this Pikachu, you have a female Pikachu, right?"

"Pikachu has a sister who was staying with their mother at Mauville City." I say. "Should I bring her here?"

"Definitely." Then I call my Dad to give me the female Pikachu, and after she is sent out, Lisia takes out some sort of Rockstar Costume and puts on Pikachu.

"It's so cool!" Lisia says, and East asks, "So what are you actually doing, Lisia?"

"Isn't it obvious? This is a special costume that I made for Pikachu Cosplays." Lisia says.

"Cosplays? You want to make female Pikachu a Cosplayer?" Alice asks.

Lisia says, "So Pikachu, have you felt something happening to you?" When my female Pikachu shakes her head, she frowns, "I guess something is missing..."

"Is something supposed to happen?" I ask, and Lisia says, "Of course! The outfit is supposed to max out Pikachu's Coolness. I guess maybe we should give the outfit some energy."

Then we thought that it might be related to aura, and I also remember the moves that our mother taught me when we were little. So we decided to do some moves to give the outfit some power.

The Cool moves include:

1. Incredible Shining Road (Normal), a move in which I combined Quick Attack and Double Team to make a shining road.

2. Grand Advance (Fighting), a move in which I combined Double Kick and Brick Break to create a lot of cool punch and kick poses.

3. Glorious Skies (Flying), a move in which I combined Air Slash and Wing Attack to make the sky sparkle with glory.

4. Toxiquad CL (Poison), a move in which I combined Cross Poison and Corrosive Gas to attack four sides with poison.

5. Planet Burst (Ground), a move in which I combined Scorching Sands and High Horsepower to make the ground burst.

6. Rising Above (Rock), a move in which I combined Stealth Rock and Rock Slide to crash rocks from above.

7. Cool Chrysalis (Bug), a move in which I combined Pin Missile and X-Scissor to form chrysalis shapes and slashes through them.

8. Accursed House (Ghost), a move in which I combined Shadow Claw and Phantom Force to make the whole field spooky.

9. Clarior E Tenebris (Steel), a move in which I combined Magnet Bomb and Gyro Ball to make some sparkles.

10. Splendid Inferno (Fire), a move in which I combined Flame Charge and Flare Blitz to do some splendid tricks.

11. Amazing Blessed Rain (Water), a move in which I combined Liquidation and Aqua Jet to create the special rain.

12. Fresh Flower Garden (Grass), a move in which I combined Bullet Seed and Leaf Blade to grow a great garden.

13. Striking Chronicles (Electric), a move in which I combined Thunderbolt and Spark to do some amazing strikes.

14. Techno (Psychic), a move in which I combined Agility and Extrasensory to create a special Psychic energy dance.

15. Sublime Iceberg (Ice), a move in which I combined Ice Fang with Triple Axel to create some special ice moves.

16. Doom Incarnate Regal Courtesy (Dragon), a move in which I combined Dragon Dance and Twister to create a dooming scene.

17. Moonlit Pledge (Dark), a move in which I combined Dark Pulse and Night Slash to create something like those pledge moves.

18. Awesome Adventure (Fairy), a move in which I combined Dazzling Gleam and Play Rough to create a special adventure.

After using all 18 of them, everyone can only look in amazement. May, Max, Mark, and Minami also notice us and May asks, "What are those moves?"

"They are just moves that our mom used to train us with." I say. "We're trying to put those energies into Pikachu's Cosplay outfit."

"So you have two Pikachu? One female and one male?" Max says. "That's cool."

"This is Pikachu's twin sister." I say as the female Pikachu greets them. Then after putting on the Rockstar Outfit, Pikachu starts to glow a little before raising her fist, punching through the rocks.

"That's Meteor Mash!" Mark says. "I never knew Pikachu could use that."

"A Special Cosplay Pikachu can do that. Thanks for your help, Ash." Lisia says, and much to my surprise, she gives me a Badge. I ask, "What is it?"

"It is something that Yellow gave to me." Wait, since when Yellow and Lisia are friends? "And she gives me five badges so that I can give it to you whenever I want. I have one with me right now, and she calls it the Goo Badge because it looks like a goo."

"Thanks..." I say while taking the badge, and we're back to training contest moves.

The day the Contest arrives, we all enter the Contest and both May and I are now backstage. Lisia comes to us and says, "Ohhh! May! Could it be? Oh, could it, could it? Are you really going to try a contest for me?! Oooh! I'm happier than a Gloom with a Sun Stone! Ah! I know! This chapter of your story should definitely be called... "My Big Beginning! A Heart-Pounding Contest Debut!" That's what I'm calling it! Ohhh, but if you're gonna take the stage, you've gotta come here with me first!"

We follow Lisia to the dressing room, Lisia says, "So! If you're taking on a Contest Spectacular, there's something you hafta have from me! Tee hee... I know it's sudden. Sorry! Truth is... You're actually the 100th Trainer that I've scouted, May! That's a really big deal, you know!"

"It is?" May asks.

"It's gotta be fate! Right? Tee hee! I think you're just the Trainer I've been looking for! Oopsies! So-o-o-orry! Got a little carried away! But, um, the point was... Would you like to...? Well, do you think...? Um, wanna wear this for your contest debut?"

Then Lisia drags her into the changing room, which I can't enter because I'm a boy. And when she comes out, she's wearing a pink outfit that is slightly revealing. "S-s-s-so... So COOOOOOL! Oh, wow! It's PERFECT for you! Eeeee! I just can't wait! Your first time on a live contest stage, May! It's gonna be so so so AWESOME! I'm not gonna blink for even a second!"

She sighs, "Phew! You look so fantastic in that outfit that I'm about to lose it here! You have to wear this Contest Costume! It'll be perfect for the contest. Promise! I'll be cheering for you!"

"But don't forget you'll have to beat me first." I say as May is slightly nervous about it.

When the others arrive, they are also in awe at May's Contest outfit, and then it is time for the Contest Appeal round, one after another, Pokémon Coordinators take the stage to showcase their Pokémon in such a way that their appearances and skills are highlighted. Soon it is Drew's turn and he tells Roselia to use Petal Dance and then Stun Spore as Vivian comments on how beautiful it is. Drew earns a 29.4.

After he gets back, Drew comes to us and he says, "Yo! I see you made it. I trust that you caught up with my performance, that was one of a kind."

"What do you want? Are you here to brag?" May yells.

"No, as a great coordinator, I came here to cheer you on. See, I want you to make it through the preliminary round." Drew says.

"Well then just watch me oh great one!" May says.

Well, I don't care about them since it's now my turn to shine. I of course go for Treecko to do the performance.

"Let's try the Fresh Flower Garden!" I say with a smirk as Treecko uses the moves to create a beautiful garden, and it earns me a perfect 30.0 score.

"That was awe-inspiring." "It's truly remarkable." "I'm very impressed."

I'm happy to hear the judges' comments, and then it is time for May, who is the last one. Although she's a bit nervous, she manages to release Beautifly. May throws the Frisbee and Beautifly uses String Shot and hits it back. They go really well until the last one where May almost drops it after Beautifly uses Gust. May then tells Beautifly to spin and use Silver Wind creating a Silver Wind tornado. Drew is impressed and May earns a 24.9 much to her disappointment.

When she goes back to the stage, I say, "Don't worry, you've already done a great job as a beginner."

May says, "I just hope I can get into the second round..."

Drew suddenly comes and brings a rose to her, he says, "A good performance, May."

"Is the rose for me?" May asks.

"Not for you, it's for your Beautifly. It's obvious that the coordinator still has a lot of training to do." Drew says.

"Well, I guess we all can be as good as you." May says as I decide to ignore their arguing. The results are in and I'm happy to see that I'm the first place, and both Drew and May are also in it.

As the matchups are in, we are shocked to see that May and Drew are already paired up with each other in the first round. "Me against you, that'll be fun." Drew says.

"I just can't lose to him..." May mutters.

May sends out Beautifly and Drew sends out Roselia as the battle begins. Drew has Roselia use Magical Leaf and Beautifly counters with Gust. The attack hits Beautifly, injuring it. Roselia uses Stun Spore but it doesn't affect Beautifly. Beautifly sends out String Shot but it is reflected by Roselia's Magical Leaf. May orders Silver Wind but it is reflected by Petal Dance. Drew then orders Solar Beam and May desperately tries to reflect it with String Shot, but it hits Beautifly, severely injuring it. With only half the time up, the judges call the battle off. Drew is the winner and moves on to the next stage, much to the disappointment of May and us.

"May, you did a good job. Please don't cry." Alice says as she is trying to comfort May.

"Yeah, my sister Reisa, despite being Wallace's daughter, also lost her first round as well." East says.

In the end, it was my contest battle against Drew, and despite type disadvantages, Treecko and I managed to pull through my win as I had Treecko use Fury Cutter and Double Team to earn more points.

"I lost. I am glad that I have battled someone like you," Drew offers his hand, and I also shake it. I'm also happy that I got the second ribbon.

Before leaving, May calls out to Drew, and she says, "Next time, I won't be the loser."

"We'll just see, although I'll just be stronger as well." Drew says as he leaves.

"May!" Lisia rushes to her and May is surprised, she says, "Lisia?"

"...Aww... That's a real shame about today... Oh! That's it! Your story today is... "I Won't Give Up! The First Tears Fall..."

May sighs and says, "I already made up my mind, I'm not going to cry again after a loss."

"Tee hee. Don't feel too bad. This is an important step everyone has to take to become a star! Hmm, lemme think... It'd probably be easier for you to win if you gave your Pokémon more Pokéblocks! Pokéblocks are pretty important since they let you raise your Pokémon's conditions! Even if your moves aren't quite up to snuff, you might still be able to squeak through in a contest with good enough conditions! Here, try making a Pokéblock from this, and give it to your Pokémon for me, OK?"

Then she gives her some Lum Berries. Then she says, "But it is May we're talking about. I'm sure you can win next time! Don't give up!"

She turns to me and says, "And congratulations on your second Ribbon, Ash! I know you can do it!"

"Thanks, Treecko and I really work hard on this one." I say.

Then East says, "Well, I guess it is time for us to head back to Sootopolis City. We'll see you later." Then we all bid farewell to East and Lisia as we all head to Route 110.

And here is the Contest Chapter, it is really hard to write since I want to add some Contest moves. The moves are not original, but I decided to use the names because why not? I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the exploration of Route 110.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Treecko, Torchic, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Beautifly, Dustox, Lotad, Seedot, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Slakoth, Nincada, Whismur, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Wailmer, Corphish

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Wailmer, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Slakoth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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