Chapter 16

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Since we're not done with Mauville City, we decided to explore the top floor because the second floor is restricted to residents only. After exploring the beautiful garden and the scenery, Max asks, "So where are we going next?"

"Since we're here, I think we should go to our Electric Manor." I say. "It has been years since I went there, I'm sure that it is still at the same spot?"

"Of course." Mark says.

"What is an Electric Manor?" May asks.

"It's one of our houses where some of our Pokemon are living and they can also be our private training grounds." Minami says. "Electric Type means that usually, our Electric Type Pokemon live there."

"And Pikachu will be happy to see his mother again." I say as we head down to the New Mauville. Once we arrive at a door, we open it and both Max and May are in awe.

"I can't believe there is a place like this..." Max says. "This looks so cool!"

"Indeed, it seems that my parents have a deal with Wattson so that this area is now ours." I say.

"Well look what we have here?" We see my Mom coming out of the kitchen, and we all hug her. "Mom, it's nice to see you again."

"No way! It really is the Kanto Champion Aurora Ketchum!" Max gasps.

"Mom, I thought you were in Kanto this whole time. What are you actually doing in Hoenn?" Minami asks.

"I'm here because of International Police business. We have been investigating two teams known as Team Magma and Team Aqua." My Mom says. "I had a call from Mr. Stone that Team Aqua has been trying to steal the Devon parts, while Steven told me that Team Magma was searching for something at Dewford Island."

"You're right about that... that reminds me, Mom. We also met the leaders of both teams. The leader of Team Magma is Maxie, and the leader of Team Aqua is Archie. We haven't seen them battle yet, but I think they have Key Stones that enable them to use Mega Evolution."

"If they have access to Mega Evolution, then they are not going to be underestimated." My Mom sighs. "And what about those three that keep stalking you?"

"We just sent them flying after they tried to steal the Electric Pokemon living around here." Mark says. "How many times was it, Brother?"

"649 times." I sigh. "We still have the deal, after 1000 times, no matter what, we're going to kill them."

"I can't believe you still keep count of that." My Mom shakes her head. "But I guess it will be fine."

After going to the training grounds, both Pikachu are happy to find their mother. May notices another room and asks, "What are those rooms?"

"Oh, they are our filming studio." Minami says. "The Kalos Champion Diantha is our aunt, and she has a lot of connections with the famous Pokestar Studios so that we can actually film movies here."

"Just how many Champions have you guys known?" Max asks. "I'm really jealous."

"Most of them are Team Alpha members after all." I say. "And since we Ketchums might be the most influential family in the world, it is possible that we have to learn a lot of things."

"But movie filming?" May asks. "Is that even possible?"

Alice says, "Ash and Serena have been great stars. You should see this movie, it's the Dragon Slayer."

"Dragon Slayer? You mean the famous movie with the Golden Award for Best Actor and Best Actress? And you're saying that the prince is you, Ash?" Max gasps.

"Yeah." I say as we watch the movie.

(Movie Scene)

"I already slaughtered all of your dragons, now give back the princess!" Prince Ash demanded while standing in front of the witch, Princess Giselle was tied up behind the witch, and under her was the lava pit.

"Why should I? I am not losing yet! I still have another wild card!" The witch started to cast a spell, and then she turned into a Mega Salamence.

"No way!" Ash stepped back one foot.

"Hahaha! Do you think you can defeat me? You are foolish." The witch mocked while blasting a Flamethrower at the Prince. The Prince quickly took out the shield to protect himself.

"Eevee! Use Swift!" His partner Eevee shot a lot of stars at the Dragon, but the move didn't seem to do anything as the Dragon was still roaring. "That is your full power? It tickles."

Ash said, "Damn it, she is different from the dragons before."

"I'll show you my true power!" Salamence uses Dragon Rage, and it hits Eevee, causing him to fall.

"Eevee! Stay strong!" Salamence started to use Dragon Rush, Ash quickly jumped in front of Eevee and used his sword to block the attack, but due to being overpowered, his sword flew off his hand and landed a few centimeters away.

"Even the most powerful sword of yours, Dragon Slayer can't do anything. Now fall to your demise!"

"Prince Ash!" Princess yelled when the Dragon Rage struck again. Ash wasn't able to run as he just watched helplessly when the blue fire came. Just then, Eevee came in and started to evolve. It became a Sylveon and endured the attack. Ash gasped, "Sylveon! You evolved!"

Then she nodded and fired a Moonblast, causing the dragon to step back. "What? How did you manage to..."

Ash yelled, "Sylveon, you keep attacking the dragon, I will get my sword back!"

Eevee continued to attack by using a bunch of Fairy moves, and the Dragon was starting to fall to the ground.

"There is no way I will lose! I am supposed to win!" She tried to do an Outrage, and Ash quickly yelled, "I won't give up until it is over!" He slashed through the dragon, causing it to scream in pain, and burnt it into ashes.

(Movie Scene End)

"I can't believe that you also have a great movie theater in your manor. That was amazing!" Max says.

"Yeah, it feels different compared to watching online." May says. "But who is Serena?"

"Serena is our childhood friend." Alice says. "Ash met her in the Summer Camp and since then she started to get along with us. She traveled with Ash through the Kanto Region until she wanted to travel alone to learn more about performing arts."

"She was the one who played the Princess, as for the witch, that's our cousin Elline. She wanted to be a great actress like her mother." Minami says.

"If only we have some popcorn, it'll be awesome." Mark says.

"I'll get some." Just when I am going to get some popcorn, I notice that my Mom is feeding food with an Electrike. I ask, "Mom, is that your new Pokemon?"

My Mom notices me and says, "Ah, Ash. This Electrike is a wild one and he was lying in front of our manor. He was hungry so I fed him. I assume you haven't got yourself an Electrike yet?"

"Not yet." I say. "I mean, I definitely wanted one."

Then I try to get close to Electrike by feeding him instead, and then I decide to let him join in the movie fun. After another movie is over, Electrike decides to join my team.

Electrike: The Lightning Pokemon: Electric Type. Electrike stores electricity in its long body hair. This Pokémon stimulates its leg muscles with electric charges. These jolts of power give its legs explosive acceleration performance.

And when we're done, we decide to take a walk at the park since we're staying a night there. And when we're having dinner, we notice a round green Pokemon slide by, inhaling it with a gulp, and do the same to everyone else. It turns around and swallows hard before burping up Pikachu's bowl.

"It's a Gulpin." Mark says.

Gulpin slides away as an emergency siren sounds, with Officer Jenny providing the voiceover for an evacuation of the area. When we get back to the first floor, we find that the streets are deserted, and in a bakery, a woman is cowering as a horde of Gulpin chow down on her loaves of bread.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt to stop them!" I say. But the Gulpin quickly smothered Pikachu in a dogpile. As we finally recover Pikachu, more Gulpin pours into the room through the ceiling air vents. The group, along with the woman, are soon nearly smothered by the horde of Gulpin.

"Charizard! Flamethrower!" My Mom comes to help the officers as she tries to stop the Gulpin, but they slide out as one mass into the street, leaving the bakery behind for a new food source.

"It is too dangerous to remain in the city, you should leave now." My Mom says as the bakery owner leaves. I ask, "So what are we going to do with the Gulpin?"

"Maybe Nurse Joy has some ideas?" My Mom says as we head to the Pokemon Center. We see that Nurse Joy is managing a control panel that is monitoring the city, confirming that the evacuation was complete and that measures to remove the Gulpin from the city are about to be launched.

When Wattson comes to help out, he tells us that Gulpin has been trying to attack his city around this time every year, devouring all of the food in the city, and that this year, the defense center's goal is to rid the town of Gulpin for good. So we decided to use food to lure them.

Things are going as planned until Team Rocket comes and ruins it. Gulpin uses Sludge to crash their balloon and then uses Stockpile and Spit up to send them flying again. Once we manage to lure them away, they are seen to be coming back through the sewers.

Wattson tries to use one of his inventions to stop the Gulpin, but because of the battle with Grovyle, the machine explodes and both Gulpin and Grovyle become oversized. Their battle has been a disaster throughout the city, and my Mom and the other Police officers are trying to evacuate the citizens on the second floor.

I"So what should we do now?" Mark asks.

"There is only one way." I say as I take out the Pokeball. "Go! Pokeball!"

Just then, the Gulpin is sucked inside the Pokeball, but it gets burst out. Wattson says, "I have a Heavy Ball, how about you try to use it."

I take the ball and then use it on the Gulpin, and in the end, the Gulpin is captured successfully. At the same time, Grovyle also returns back to its normal size. "So the battle had brought him down to the size..." Joy says.

"You deserve a good rest." I recall Grovyle after his hard work.

With Wattson and his assistant working to reverse the machine, they manage to make the Gulpin back to normal. Gulpin also joins our team so that he can be stronger than Grovyle, and I am happy to have another Pokemon.

Gulpin: The Stomach Pokemon: Poison Type. Most of Gulpin's body is made up of its stomach - its heart and brain are very small in comparison. This Pokémon's stomach contains special enzymes that dissolve anything.

Here is a new chapter, and this is the other Mauville City chapter. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be Route 111 and 112

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Zigzagoon, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Vigoroth, Nincada, Whismur, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Corphish

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Wailmer, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Vigoroth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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