Chapter 17

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When we continued to walk on Route 11, we heard about the festival of the Millennium Comet, which will happen tomorrow night. We should have seen some tents and festivals in front of us, but in the end, we found an empty spot.

"Is this really where the festival is located?" Mark asks.

"Maybe we should search for it tomorrow." I frown as we decide to have some dinner and set up tents at the spot where we're standing.

During the night, Pikachu wakes up when he hears trucks from a distance. Then we also wake up, as the workers are starting to erect tents for the festival. A yellow pickup then parks on the side and a purple-haired man then comes out with a briefcase. He then takes a magician's stick and opens the briefcase. Pink balloons then magically come out of his briefcase, as he hit them with his stick. A woman then comes out with two fans and hits the balloons with them. Once all the balloons form a circle, they pop up, and a huge tent is slowly created by the magician.

We watch them doing this as the sun rises, and Mark says, "No way..."

"Yeah... the festival really is here..." Minami gasps.

As the opening ceremony was over, we decided to check out the various rides and attractions of the festival. As we move forward, we find a poster on the ground.

"So what is it?" Max asks.

"Hey, that's the magician we saw last night!" Mark says.

"If that's how 'The Great Butler' builds his tent, then we can't wait to see his show!" Alice says.

Then we decide to watch the show and it turns out to be even better than expected. Butler is the purple-haired magician and he puts his white hat on an empty table. After creating a flock of Swablu out of thin air he then slaps the hat with his stick, and when he takes off the hat, a Kirlia suddenly appears! Butler then calls on his Mightyena for another trick. Butler seals back Kirlia, puts a red cloth over it, then burns it off. Out of the smoke comes Diane, Butler's assistant, carrying a crystal.

"Wow... what a trick!" Mark says.

"Yeah, that was cool." Alice says.

Just then, glowing rays come out of the crystal, and then I hear a voice, "The stars are calling for me..."

Minami asks, "Brother, are you alright?"

"I... I guess I'm fine." I say, wondering whose voice is that.

"You are all too kind. For me, the real magic is when I hear your applause. Thank you very much! I am known as the Great Butler! And this is my assistant, Diane. I couldn't do the show without Mightyena and Kirlia!"

"I wish you were here... with me..." I hear that voice again, and it seems that it is coming from the crystal.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Now we will be picking some volunteers to help us with our next trick!" And just then, the spotlights are now on me and Max. "Now what about you two come to the stage and help us?"

Really? We are called, I can hear Alice saying, "Ash, you're so lucky."

"Yeah. That sure is a great chance." Minami adds.

When we get to the stage, the two clowns lead us to a box and then they tell us to go inside. "Now they are our fellow magicians, and they will escape the box before my Dusclops destroys it with Hyper Beam."

Butler summons Dusclops, which slowly approaches the box. I don't know what is going on outside since there aren't any holes for us to watch. And just when the countdown is about to end, both of us are fall through the floor and it turns out that we're on a moving platform and are transported to the other side of the tent.

"It seems not only did they vanish from the box, but they also teleported to the entrance of the dome!" Then the flashlights show us, and I can hear some people cheering after s.

"I wonder how he did that." Mark says.

As we're waving to the crowd, Team Rocket suddenly appears and grabs Pikachu. They have been the clowns who were working with Butler? No, seeing how they also captured Mightyena and Kirlia in a net, I think Butler knows nothing about those idiots.

"Behold! We have one final performance as our encore! Now Dusclops! Will-o-Wisp!" Butler says as the attack hits Team Rocket, causing them to drop the cage holding Pikachu. Pikachu jumps back on me and I'm glad that he's fine.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" I yell as Pikachu also frees two of Butler's Pokemon. Butler has Dusclops finish things off with Night Shade which sends Team Rocket blasting off again.

The audience applauds loudly, and May says, "Everyone was thinking that Team Rocket was a part of the show."

"Yeah, but they won't be back for a curtain call." Mark chuckles.

After the show is over, we decide to ask Butler and Diane about the crystal, and he reveals it to be Jirachi.

"According to the legend, Jirachi is a special Pokemon that awakens just once every thousand years. I think... it's sleeping right inside here." Butler says.

"It's like a cocoon..." Minami says.

"So the voice I heard..." I say.

"Yes, it is said that in order to awaken from its slumber, Jirachi needs 2 things to happen: The millennium comet must be visible in the night sky, and Jirachi must find itself... the Chosen one." Butler explains.

"Chosen one? Brother is the Chosen one..." Minami gasps.

"Yeah, so is that why it was talking to Brother?" Mark asks.

"So now we just need the Millennium Comet." Alice says. "And that's tonight!"

Then Butler decides to hand me the crystal and also explains that Jirachi, being the Wish Pokemon, can grant any wishes. But it can't do anything without first having a friend.

At twilight, May buys a Wish Maker, a sacred item that can grant one wish when its panels are closed while facing the comet. The stallholder tells May that she has to close a flap on the Wish Maker every night the comet is in the sky to make her wish come true. Soon fireworks are going off to celebrate the arrival of the comet, with many of the fireworks taking the forms of Pokémon. Afterward, the fair closes down for the night.

The clouds then go off, revealing the comet glowing magnificently in the night sky. And then, the crystal glows, goes off my hands, and then floats in the air. Mysterious light surrounds it, and Jirachi appears.

"Huh..." Jirachi looks around.

"Jirachi, you are awake." I gasp.

"Father?" Jirachi sees me and he tilts his head. I guess since I am an Arceus he treats us as one... Then we introduce ourselves to Jirachi, and then Diane rushes to us.

"I'll go tell Butler the good news. Meanwhile, you guys can camp out on our bus tonight." Diane says.

When we're inside the bus, Alice asks, "So can Jirachi really grant wishes?"

"Wishes?" Jirachi is confused, and Max says, "Let's test it out. I got to figure out what to wish for."

"Do you think I can try, too?" May asks.

"Of course, all of you can." I say. "However, Max said it first.

Max thinks before saying, "I wish for a lot of snacks!"

"That is a dumb wish..." May mutters.

But then, Jirachi floats in the air and the three ribbons are glowing. "So where are the snacks?" Mark asks.

"There's no such thing as someone being able to grant your wishes." Max sighs.

"Then how come your mouth was watering?" May asks.

Just then, a bag of potato chips appears on Max's legs. Then, more and more snacks appear, filling the whole bus.

"Did he just use Teleport to get snacks into the bus?" Alice gasps.

"Woah! Jirachi, thanks for all the snacks!" Max cheers, but I say, "But that is kinda stealing..."

Then we fall off the bus when Diane and Butler arrive. "Where's Jirachi?" Butler asks.

"He's right here." I say while holding him. Diane asks, "What happened?"

"I wished that I had lots and lots of snacks, and then Jirachi granted my wish for me!" Max says.

"Those are from the snack bar in the park." Diane says after looking at the snacks.

"That's because Jirachi has the power to teleport things." Bulter sighs.

"We also have the same thought as well." I say.

"I knew something was funny. Max, this is all your fault for your stupid wish!" May yells at her brother.

"So what am I supposed to do now?" Max says with a frown.

"I guess we can try to put the snacks back where they came from." I say as we use Teleport to get those snacks back to the store. Jirachi is feeling tired as he falls asleep in our hands after the snacks are gone.

The next day, Minami and the others are going to help Butler and Diane while Alice, Max, and I are going to take Jirachi on some rides and have some fun. We played a lot of games, although I did see Team Rocket's hot air balloon outside of the Ferris Wheel, but we decided to ignore them unless they tried anything.

When we go backstage in Butler's place, we decide to help the others, but Jirachi still wants to play and he tries to take my hat away, so Alice and I chase after him. Just when we catch him, the mirror breaks and reveals an Absol.

"An Absol!" I gasp. He tries to use Razor Wind on us, and we are dodging. It is when the others come. "That's Absol, the disaster Pokemon who are here to warn approaching disasters!"

"Approaching disasters?" I ask, and I hear her growling, "You're not going to get Jirachi in danger."

Jirachi says, "Absol is here... for me..."

Then she decides to charge at Mark and the others, before falling into a booby trap. The trap then releases a cage with Absol in it. Kirlia then uses Hypnosis to send it to sleep.

"So why was Absol attacking us?" Minami asks.

"Jirachi said that Absol came for him, and Absol thinks we're putting Jirachi in danger." I say.

And since Jiachi is sleepy again, so we don't know what his relation with Absol is.

"So what are you going to do with Absol?" I ask Butler, and he says, "We're going to send it back to the wild."

Since it is time for us to go to sleep, but when I wake up, I notice Jirachi is gone. I get other guys up and we decide to look for Jirachi. When we notice a giant light shoot out from the tent, we rush in and find Jirachi damaged on the ground.

"Jirachi!" I rush to him and grab him up.

"What energy..." We turn to notice Butler. "Now I just have to harness it."

"What have you done to Jirachi?" I demand.

"I'll take care of it." Butler tries to offer, but we're not going to trust the guy. Diane rushes to him and says, "Butler, it's not too late to stop."

"Why would I stop now that I've gotten so close?" Butler asks, "Just have faith in me, Diane! I'm doing it for you!"

"It's not for me! I've never wanted this!" We try to escape with Jirachi, but Butler tries to use Dusclops to stop me. Thanks to Absol, we manage to learn that Jirachi comes from a place called Forina and Diane gets us into the bus so we can drive away.

"Jirachi said it wanted to go back to Forina?" Diane asks.

"So I have to assume that's where you find them?" I ask.

"Butler was once a scientist for Team Magma. He was working on the Groudon project." Diane says as we gasp.

"I've met the leader Maxie once, that confirms it... Team Magma really wants Groudon to expand the land." I say.

"His experiment failed, so in order to power his machine, Butler needed an energy source that's available once every thousand years." Diane continues to explain.

"The Millennium Comet..." May mutters.

"Jirachi can absorb the comet's power. Butler would use this energy to make a Groudon by draining all of the comet's power from Jirachi's body." I am getting mad at wat Butler is thinking.

"Why is he doing this?" Alice asks.

"He wants revenge against Team Magma." Diane says.

"Let him get revenge some other way, we can't let him hurt Jirachi." Max says.

"Revenge is not the right thing to do." I say. "I just hope that there is something we can do to change his heart."

On the third day of the comet, we are on a bumpy road through the whole day, and then the next day, the bus is stuck in the mud and we help get it out. Another day passed, and I started to wonder what would happen after two days.

"Ash." Jirachi is not calling me father anymore since we have become best friends, and he asks, "What's wrong?"

"Jirachi, you have only two days left, right?" I ask. Jirachi says, "Well, I can be awake if you want me to."

"Are you sure about that?" I ask with confusion.

"Don't worry. I also want to be your Pokemon." Jirachi says. And I am delighted. I managed to find a Cherish Ball so that Jirachi could be captured in the end.

Jirachi: The Wish Pokemon: Steel and Psychic Type. A legend states that Jirachi will make true any wish that is written on the notes attached to its head when it awakens. If this Pokémon senses danger, it will fight without awakening.

Then Alice also comes and says, "So you captured Jirachi?"

"Yeah. Jirachi wants to stay with us." I say.

"Since I call Ash my father, does that mean I can call you Mother?" Jirachi asks innocently.

Both Alice and I blush after hearing what he says, and I ask, "Are you sure, Alice?"

"I don't see why not?" Alice says with a shy tone.

On the sixth day, we finally arrive at Forina, Jirachi's homeland. Many other Pokémon live there, such as Nuzleaf, Breloom, Tropius, Linoone, Flygon, and Altaria. And we continue to travel by foot until the final day, Absol leads the gang to a cave, the same cave where Jirachi absorbs the comet's power and falls asleep for years. As Jirachi is going to open his Millennium Eye, spikes come out of the walls and purple energy beams capture Jirachi.

"I, like other great magicians, have saved my best trick for last!" Butler appears on top of a platform and says, "For their finale, most magicians would probably end their show with something very obvious, like making a Pokemon disappear. But since I'm not like most magicians, for tonight's show, I'll be making a Pokemon appear!"

"You're crazy!" Diane gasps.

"Not crazy, just a little angry and maybe a wee bit impatient to get on with the show." Then the beams are trapping us, and he says, "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it's the moment you've all been waiting for!"

He starts the machine and we try to break through the beams, but they are so durable. Just then, Absol destroys one of them and she roars, calling a Flygon to help them out.

Flygon takes me, Alice, and Max for a ride, and we manage to get Jirachi back, while Butler sends his Salamence to fight against us. Groudon is slowly rising, but instead of a real Groudon, what we see is a slimy monster that resembles it and it looks horrifying. The life beside them is slowly dying. Absol tries to use Razor Wind on the Groudon, but it doesn't seem to do anything. Then its left claws become slimy blue-green tentacles and engulf Absol away.

"Absol!" I yell in horror, and the spikes are turning into tentacles and chasing every Pokemon, devouring them. Diane rushes to Butler and demands, "Butler! Please tell me! You have a plan to stop this!"

"No... I don't..." Butler says. "I have nothing up my sleeve. No tricks left..."

We also notice Team Rocket being hit by the tentacles and they're also devoured. Butler yells, "This wasn't supposed to happen. That's not Groudon. It's evil. It's pure evil."

Having the taste not only for Pokémon energy, but also human energy, Groudon was going to eat Butler, but Diane blocks the tentacle and gets sucked in instead.

"Diane!" Butler tries to help her get free, but Diane says, "My darling, if this is the end, then I'm glad the last thing I see is you." Then Diane is sucked away as Butler screams her name in pain.

"It is coming for us!" Mark says as we all try to flee, but then the tentacles also capture us. We manage to use Teleport to get ourselves out of there, and that's when the monster starts to notice us.

"Good thing we have four of us who can use Teleport." Minami says.

"But we can't keep hiding." Mark says.

Butler approaches us and says, "Watch out! It's after Jirachi's energy!" He has Salamence continue to attack the slimy tentacles, Flygon decides to carry the six of us as we fly into the air and dodge the slimy tentacles.

"It's too fast! They're catching up to us!" We decided to continue using Teleport. Butler arrives beside us and says, "Listen to me. I'm going to need your help. We have to stop this creature, and there's only one way to do it."

"How are we going to do it?" I yell.

"Jirachi should be able to absorb energy out of that monster if we put him back on my machine!" Butler says. "We just have to reverse the polarity and it should work!"

"I'm not sure I trust any plan of yours." Alice says.

"You've got to! Uhh! I just want to save Diane!" When the tentacles are chasing after us, it captures Salamence and Butler is falling. Thanks to Jirachi, it uses Teleport to get Salamence out of the tentacle and saves Butler.

We decide to trust him and go to the machine. Unfortunately, Butler makes an ill movement and drops the shard with Groudon's data. I catch it in time to bring it back to Butler.

"Guys, you better hurry, it is coming." Mark says.

"We know." I say back.

As soon as the machine is started, Groudon approaches and launches its tentacles on Jirachi, but Butler shields Jirachi and gets sucked instead.

"Butler!" The six of us yell, but Butler just says, "This way... I'll be with Diane..." Then he is sucked into the body of the monster as well.

Groudon, angry, pours its gooey substance over the machine, but Jirachi starts glowing. Groudon is slowly dragged by a white meteor made by Jirachi to the Millennium Comet and then explodes, releasing all Pokémon and humans alike it ate.

"We did it." Minami says.

"Yeah." Alice sighs in relief.

Jirachi then descends to the sky and he says, "Will you grant me a wish before I go to sleep?"

I ask, "Sure, what is it?"

"Can you sing a lullaby for me?" Jirachi asks, "Please?"

I remember the song that our Mom used to sing to us, I turn to Alice, who understands the song that I'm talking about. As I play the song from the phone, Alice starts to sing one of the songs from our second album. It's called A Small Things.

I was just quietly watching
The face of the small one sleeping
There are wrinkles between the eyebrows
If you're having a bad dream, wake up

I remember the summer
When I was hesitating, afraid of the water
With a push on the back, I was finally able to swim
It seems like just yesterday

I can hear the voices
They point to the road which I must go
In the wind that flows like a river
I sing alone

The small one is me
We are each other
Looking in the mirror with just this helpless feeling
A tomorrow will come where I won't lose to anyone

Like that, I return to my childhood
Little by little
To the days where you praised me for singing
The love songs which I didn't know the meaning to

When I look up at the sky
My voice becomes full
In the wind that flows like a river
You should fly up

I can hear the voices
They point to the road which I must go
In the wind that flows like a river
I sing alone

The important things are already right beside you, that is what I realized

When I look up at the sky
My voice becomes full
In the wind that flows like a river
You should fly up too

I can hear the voices
They point to the road which I must go
In the wind that flows like a river
I sing alone

Everyone who hears the song is having tears in their eyes, and Jirachi smiles, "Thank you...everyone." Then he turns into a Crystal and then flies into my hands.

"Jirachi." I hold the crystal for a second. "Take a good rest."

Then I recall the Pokemon into my Cherish Ball. The next morning, Butler and Diane announce that they have decided to stay in the nature of Forina, having realized that the only important thing is that they are together. They offer the group a ride back to town.

Alice asks, "May, what about your Wish Maker?"

May gasps as she takes it out, and then she finds that she didn't fold the Day 7 flap. May then says, "It doesn't matter. We all have to make our own dreams come true."

"Yeah, if we really wished for that, then we will lose the fun that comes with pursuing the dream." I say.

Then before we leave, I can hear Jirachi's voice again. "We will always be best friends forever."

I smile as we all get into Diane's Car and leave, but unknown to us, the Absol decides to secretly follow us.

The sixth movie is here. I personally like this movie because of the song and the plot. Since Ash is going to catch all legendaries, I change Ash and Max's place. Hope you like it.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Zigzagoon, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Vigoroth, Nincada, Whismur, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Corphish, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Wailmer, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Vigoroth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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