Chapter 18

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When we arrive at the river, we see a familiar orange-haired girl rushing to us. "Hey, Ash!"

"Hi, Misty!" I greet her and also the Togepi in her arms.

"How have you been, Pikachu?" Misty asks Pikachu, who replies with a thumbs up. "How about you, Ash?"

"Great, how's the gym leader's life?" I ask.

"Busy. My big sisters are now so generous, they want to get me off the work." Misty says.

After the others introduce themselves, Mark asks, "So what brings you here?"

"It's thanks to Togepi that I'm able to meet up with you here." Misty says as she shows us the invitation to the Togepi festival.

Then, two mysterious people dressed in Togepi-patterned clothes approach Misty and promptly carry her into the hotel before closing the doors on us. We are confused before the hotel turns out to be a fake, and there is a blimp coming out of it.

"Misty!" We manage to find the rope and hang on to it, the other five also grab on like us. After we climb to the deck, we sneak into the blimp.

"That was close..." Max sighs.

Then we look outside the window and notice there is a sandstorm approaching, and we all have to hang on tight, and once the sandstorm is over, we notice a town in front of us.

"There's a town and we're heading right toward it." Alice says.

As the blimp lands, we find Misty and she is safe. "Misty!" We call out, and she is delighted, "Ash! You guys!"

"Are you okay?" We ask, and she says, "We're fine."

"What's the big idea bringing Misty here?" May asks.

"You better tell us what's going on." Minami says.

"I have a feeling I know..." I say.

"Now you better tell us who you are this instant." The two people take off their disguises, revealing themselves to be Team Rocket.

"Team Rocket! You guys never changed! Still after Pikachu, I see." Misty groans.

"Believe me, this is probably the 658th time since that day in Viridian City." I say, and Misty just looks at me with surprise. "Seriously? 658?"

"Not this time, this time our eyes are on Togepi." James says.

Then they try to grab Togepi, before a man arrives and stops them. "Colonel Hanson!" Jessie says.

"Behold, this Togepi is for you." James says.

So they are asked by someone to take the Togepi? He says, "I'm the Mirage Kingdom leader Colonel Hanson, and I need a Togepi. You will hand over your Togepi and leave my kingdom at once."

Mirage Kingdom! I know about this kingdom because we met Princess Sara a lot of years ago and she comes from the Mirage Kingdom of Hoenn!

"Togepi? Not in ten million years!" Misty yells back.

"In that case." Then he sends out a Shedinja, and it uses Shadow Ball to destroy the path in front of us, and there are also two more Ninjask. Misty is shaking in fear, and May asks, "Misty, what's wrong?"

"She has never been a big fan of Bug Pokemon, and that's also why she has been arguing with Insey a lot during our journey in Kanto." I say.

"Bugs really bug me!" Misty yells.

Minami says, "I wonder how Insey manages to put up with her in the first place..."

"Guys, just leave this to Alice and I." I say.

"But Ash..." Misty says.

"We'll take care of these two. You guys leave!" I say as we send out both Ralts to battle. Ninjask are trying to use Shadow Ball on us, but we have them use Psychic to knock them back.

When the others are getting away, the Colonel has Shedinja chase after Mark and the others. "Ralts! Hidden Power!" "You use Magical Leaf!"

But then much to our surprise, they have been using the smoke as cover and also using Double Team to trick us. And it turns out that the Colonel and his goons are already escaped through a hole on the ground. So we chase after them, and it is also then that both our Ralts are evolving.

Kirlia: The Emotion Pokemon: Psychic and Fairy Type. Kirlia uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power. When the Pokémon uses its power, the air around it becomes distorted, creating mirages of nonexistent scenery.

We rush towards the castle and find Mark and the others meeting up with the king and Princess Sara. The King says, "So even Ash is here."

"Your Highness, it is a pleasure to meet you. I'm sure that Mark and Minami have explained everything?" I ask.

"Not really, we just arrived." Mark says.

After Misty introduces herself, Max asks, "So you know Princess Sara and the King?"

"Of course, we met once at a ball in the Rota Kingdom." I say.

Then the king apologizes to us about Hansen's doings, and they realize Hansen is trying to take Togepi for his evil deeds. They have never tried to steal other Togepi and they promise to leave us alone by preparing a ship for us.

Misty says, "But wait, your highness. Can you tell us what this is about?"

Outside the coronation temple, the maid Miranda explains that Togepi has been a symbol for the Mirage Kingdom for centuries, adding that the Pokémon is needed to determine the next ruler. Sara admits that her quest to find a Togepi has not been successful, and suggests Colonel Hansen was hoping to take the throne himself and Miranda second this.

"So what kind of power does Togepi have?" Max asks.

I say, "During our Johto journey, Lillie and I also own a Togepi who eventually evolved into a Togetic and staying at our Fairy Manor in the Galar Region with other Fairy Pokemon. But I'm not sure what kind of powers Togepi have in this kingdom..."

"Please, Princess Sara, there's got to be something we can do." Misty says.

"No, you have been all exposed into danger already. You must leave the Mirage Kingdom at once." Sara says.

"But without Togepi, what will you do?" Misty asks.

"Don't worry, it will all work out."

But then we notice a reflection of the temple appears in the sky, Togepi seems to be reaching for it and then it begins to float away. Suddenly Hansen's Shedinja appears, though Misty manages to rescue Togepi before the Bug-type launches its Solar Beam. Hansen and Team Rocket appear, demanding Togepi once again. At Misty's refusal, Shedinja charges another Solar Beam at them and Pikachu counters it with his Thunderbolt. Just then, Togepi uses Safeguard to block the attack, and then we are teleported away, much to the Colonel's dismay.

"Where are we?" Princess Sara asks.

Miranda says, "Perhaps we're in the Togepi Paradise that's deep within the mirage."

We gasp in surprise. Miranda explains that the Mirage Kingdom and Togepi Paradise help to protect each other, but she is sad to say that a lot has changed since the last time she was here. Misty's Togepi leads everyone to some injured Togepi.

"Look at those Togepi!" Alice says.

"They're all so weak..." Mark says.

"But why? I thought this was their paradise!" Misty says.

Minami says, "As a future Fairy Type Pokemon Master, I should explain that Togepi has the ability to sense people's hearts, but its power will be weakened if it senses impurity in a Trainer. And I think Hansen might be the one who caused this."

Hansen and his Pokémon manage to break into the Togepi Paradise, a feat which does not go unnoticed by us. We follow the Togepi and find Hansen and the others outside. Togepi then floats towards Hansen, we try to chase after it, but the door is blocked. When we see Togepi being attacked and falling to the ground, Hansen picks it up and leaves, much to our shock.

Misty is left fuming and attempts to break through the time-space barrier to the Mirage Kingdom. The weakened Togepi use their power to assist us in returning.

"We're back out!" Misty says.

When we head to the town, we start talking about the Pokemon. I say, "Shedinja has only 1 HP, but its ability Wonder Guard causes it to block any attacks that aren't super-effective."

Max says, "So we can attack with Fire, Rock, Dark, Flying, and Ghost moves!"

Suddenly Jessie appears on a broadcast screen to announce that Colonel Hansen is now the Mirage Kingdom's regent. Miranda and the townspeople are aghast, and Princess Sara is now deeply concerned for her parents.

We have Taillow and Beautifly to conduct an aerial search, but report back without any news. Miranda advises the group that the King and Queen are likely being kept in the tower, so Mark suggests they break into the palace.

Alice, May, Misty, Princess Sara and I will rescue Togepi while the others are searching for Sara's parents. When we finally arrived, we find Hansen trying to open the portal to the Togepi Paradise.

"Well, well, we meet again." Hansen says.

"Give me back my Togepi!" Misty says.

"You're not going away this time." May adds.

Then he tries to attack us with Shedinja and Ninjask, while May goes for Torchic, I decide to send Nincada out.

"Nincada! Use Aerial Ace!" I have the Pokemon attack Shedinja, but May's Torchic is defeated easily. Just then, much to our delight, Nincada is starting to evolve and it becomes a Ninjask.

Ninjask: The Ninja Pokemon: Bug and Flying Type. Evolve from Nincada at LV:20. If Ninjask is not trained properly, it will refuse to obey the Trainer and cry loudly continuously. Because of this quality, this Pokémon is said to be one that puts the Trainer's abilities to the test.

"Awesome!" I say. "Ninjask! Acrobatics!"

The Ninjask then attacks the other Ninjask and knocking it out, Alice says, "Thanks to the evolution, I now have this as well! Shedinja!"

She sends out a Shedinja, and May asks, "What? How?"

Shedinja: The Shed Pokemon: Bug and Ghost Type. Evolved from Nincada when evolving into Ninjask with a Pokeball in your pocket as well as an empty space. Shedinja's hard body doesn't move - not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed that this Pokémon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back.

"Use Shadow Ball!" Alice yells as Shedinja defeats another Ninjask.

As Shedinja charges up a Solar Beam, a Safeguard intervenes, with the source of the defense revealed to be the Togepi from Paradise. The Paradise Togepi performs a Metronome and bestows a mysterious blue light on Misty's Togepi. Next, Togepi bursts with blue energy before evolving into Togetic.

"It's now a Togetic!" I gasp.

Togetic flies up to the Paradise Togepi and protects them from an oncoming Solar Beam, which irritates Colonel Hansen. Togetic causes the area to flare with bright white light.

"Togetic, leave the rest to me, okay?" Misty says as she sends out a Pokemon that I'm surprised to see. A Gyarados.

"A Gyarados? When did you manage to train a Gyarados?" I gasp.

Misty has Gyarados uses Flamethrower, a move that goes through the Wonder Guard ability, and the Shedinja is defeated. It also burns off part of Hansen's mustache.

"It's so cool..." May says.

The King and Queen, with their guards, Mark, Minami, Max, and Miranda all behind them, arrive at that moment and confront Hansen, and he is sent to the dungeon for his treachery.

Later, the Togepi appear cheerier than before and return to Paradise. Togetic informs Misty that it wishes to stay behind in Paradise and become its protector to prevent people like Hansen from causing harm.

"You really want to stay?" Misty says, and Togetic nods. Misty says, "I don't want to see their paradise being ruined again, and you know, there's another place that needs protection as well. Don't forget about Sara and her family, and the kingdom."

Then they share a tearful farewell. As Togetic enters the Togepi Paradise, the sky mirage fades. It sure is sad to release a Pokemon like that...

"Well, that's that." Misty frowns.

"Misty, I'll give you my word. I will do my best to protect their paradise even without the crown." Sara says.

Something is tugging at the Princess's dress, and Sara is surprised to see a Togepi, likely one that didn't return to Paradise with the others. She is happy, because not only does she get a Togepi, but she is also eligible to become the new ruler.

When we are back to the route, Misty is preparing to leave for Cerulean City, and she also wishes everyone the best of luck with their endeavors and invites them to visit her sometime. Then we all bid farewell to her.

As we continue our way, we are tired and we all pass out from the heat. When we wake up, we are brought into an isolated farmhouse.

"Thanks for rescuing us." I say as we thank the family for helping us. It turns out that they are the Winstrate family, the names are Victor, Victoria, Vivi, and Vicky. Max is blushing when meeting Vivi.

They tell us that it is rare to find visitors around the area, Victor says, "So you guys are travelers that are challenging the Hoenn League, right?"

"I am." I say.

After thanking them, I ask, "If there's something we can do to repay you?"

"We're all right, it's enough for you to visit us." Vicky says.

And just then, Vicky, the grandmother, says, "If you insist, what do you say to take on our family of four in a series of Pokémon battles?"

We all gasp in surprise, and I say, "We'd be happy to battle you."

"That's the spirit! I like you!" Victor says.

Vivi also adds that because there is no one else around, they get bored battling each other. "So how do we battle?"

"We go one by one, you pick four people against the four of us." Vicky says.

With that sorted, the Winstrate escorted us over to their purpose-built battlefield, complete with stadium seating and lights. The first round is Victor and he will be using two Pokemon, a Taillow and a Zigzagoon. Mark is the one battling as he goes for Marshtomp and Corphish. We are surprised that Zigzagoon can use Thunderbolt, but even if Corphish is defeated, Marshtomp defeats both Zigzagoon and Taillow using Rock Slide.

"A-ha! You're stronger than I thought!" Victor says.

Victoria says, "My goodness! You must be quite the Trainer to beat my husband, though. Now I suppose it's my turn to battle!"

May says, "I'll battle you."

As the second round begins, she goes for Roselia, and May gets fired up. Beautifly whips up a Gust quickly followed by Silver Wind, both of which hit their target and Roselia goes down, ending the battle.

"Uwah! Just how strong are you?!" Victoria gasps after recalling her Roselia.

"I told you not to use that Pokemon, Victoria never learns..." Vicky mutters.

Vivi goes the third, and Minami is the one who battles. Vivi is using three Pokemon, a Goldeen, a Shroomish, and a Numel, but Minami goes for Delcatty and its Assist defeats all three of her Pokemon.

"Shroomish! Goldeen! Numel! Did I really lose?" Vivi starts to cry after her loss, Max wants to cheer her and says, "I hope they're okay."

"Like you care after what your companions did! Go away! I hate you!" Max feels heartbroken after that, and Minami frowns, "Sorry, Max..."

"Looks like I'm up next." I say while facing Vicky. She says, "Prepare to feel the sting of defeat!"

Then she goes for Camerupt while I go with Pikachu. I have Pikachu go for Quick Attack, which knocks Camerupt to the ground. Vicky has it use Sandstorm, followed by a Take Down, but Pikachu lands an Iron Tail to the face first.

Then the family pulls out hard hats and warns us to find cover, and Vicky reveals that Camerupt has a nasty habit of getting uncontrollably angry after being hit in the face and using Eruption. Sure enough, that's what happens leaving us to run in fear of the flaming rocks from Eruption.

Camerupt continues to chase Pikachu around the field with its Eruption going off, but Pikachu trips on a ledge and narrowly evades being trampled. Camerupt, however, continues to rampage straight toward the family's crops, it suddenly starts to rain and Camerupt is calmed down, just before it hits the crops.

"Where did that rain come from?" Alice asks.

"That was really lucky and close." I say.

Vicky says, "Even though the match wasn't finished, I concede the battle to you."

And then Team Rocket appears in their balloon and they are trying to take Pikachu. A Swellow then appears and use Wing Attack on the balloon, sending them flying and saving my Pikachu.

"That was close... where did that Swellow come from?"

"I have a pretty good idea." Vicky says.

Then Victor says, "You're the first Trainer I've seen deploy Pokémon with such mastery. But I should warn you—my son is stronger than you. He even challenged the Pokémon League, I'll have you know!"

"Mom is stronger than Dad. I'm stronger than Mom. And Grandma's stronger than me! But my big brother is even stronger than Grandma is!"

"There's no question that you're strong. But if you ever battle my grandson, you'll end up crying in frustration. He's stronger than any other Trainer we know! My grandson must be challenging the Pokémon League Champion by now. Knowing my grandson Vito, he could be the Champion already! Ee-hee-hee-hee-hee!"

So I have to guess that the Pokemon are sent by this Vito person, and before we leave, Victoria says, "Our family uses this Macho Brace to strengthen our Pokémon more effectively during their training. You may not need it, considering that you beat the whole lot of us, but I hope you'll accept it anyway!"

Then he gives us the Macho Braces, then she adds, "When it comes to Pokémon battles, we're pretty passionate!"

We thank them and bid them farewell, then we continue our journey.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see that I add the Misty part and also the Winstrate Family. The next chapter will be Route 112 and Fiery Path.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Zigzagoon, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Vigoroth, Nincada, Whismur, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Corphish, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Wailmer, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Vigoroth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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