Chapter 21

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"Hey guys!" The next day, we find Lisia at the Pokemon Center. She's not wearing her idol outfit, but she greets us.

"Lisia!" We greet her and she says, "May! Wow! Gratz! I watched it all yesterday! You were great!"

"Thanks." May says.

"I Really Did It! A Star Is Born!" That's what I'm calling it! May! You've got to keep up this pace and just go as far as you can go! Become a real contest star! If you could have as much fun with Contest Spectaculars as I do, I'd be as happy as Slugma on a sunny day! You could become a massive star! I've got a good feeling about you!"

Max says, "So Lisia, why do you do contests?"

"I started in contests because I wanted to show people that there's this whole other amazing side to Pokémon, more than what you see in battles or whatever. Pokémon are about more than strength. You can raise 'em to be beautiful, or you can raise 'em to be tough as nails. They grow and change, trying as hard as they can to live up to their Trainer's feelings."

"That might be true." Alice says.

"I want the whole world to get it about all the other cool aspects of raising Pokémon! That's why Ali and I set out to become stars! When you're a star, and everyone starts following you, then they naturally start wanting to know more about contests, too. Am I right?"

"Of course, that's why my Mom formed the Contests." I say.

"See, that's why I started thinking that a Trainer shouldn't just depend on Pokémon. The Trainer's gotta be just as cute, or just as cool, to stand alongside their awesome Pokémon! Oopsies! Sorry again! I probably went on too much... Now that you're here, Ash. Can you help me with a new outfit this time?"

She takes out the small Pikachu costume that is just the same as May's Contest outfit. "I want to make a Cute one, so this time we need some Cute moves."

"Sure." I say as we decide to train for some Cute moves. The Cute moves include:

1. Pretty Shining Road (Normal): By using Attract and Follow me, the other Pokemon are dazed as they want to follow the Pokemon on the pretty shining road.

2. Charming Onslaught (Fighting): By using Coaching and Submission, the other Pokemon are feeling dizzy and charmed.

3. Pleasant Skies (Flying): By using Bounce and Pluck, the pleasant energy is affecting the opponent.

4. Poison Orbit CN (Poison): By using Sludge Wave and Poison Gas, the Pokemon made a great orbit.

5. Shaky Ground (Ground): By using Mud Bomb and Sand Attack, it makes the opponent shaky like the ground is shaking.

6. Echo Ridge (Rock): By using Rollout and Wide Guard, the Pokemon creates echos that shock the opponent.

7. Sweet Unfurling (Bug): By using Infestation and Struggle Bug, the sweet scent caused by the moves lowers the spirits of the opponent Pokemon.

8. Midnight Revels (Ghost): By using Lick and Astonish, the Pokemon are just like having a midnight party.

9. Amor Vincit Omnia (Steel): By using Steel Beam and Smart Strike, the Pokemon doesn't hesitate to show its cuteness.

10. Scintillating Inferno (Fire): By using Burning Jealousy and Ember, the Pokemon create some sparkles with fire moves.

11. Pattering Blessed Rain (Water): By using Bubble and Water Sport, the Pokemon create a pattering blessed rain.

12. Enchanting Flower Garden (Grass): By using Cotton Guard and Grass Knot, the flower garden is looking enchanting.

13. Glittering Rhapsody (Electric): By using Nuzzle and Shock Wave, it creates a glittering rhapsody that is music to the ears of other Pokemon.

14. Lullaby (Psychic): I know why, but we combined Rest and Amnesia to make ourselves fall asleep, but the move also attracts a lot of Pokemon.

15. Twinkling Diamonds (Ice): Combining Ice Shard and Snowscape, we create the air with twinkling diamonds.

16. Passionate Archetype (Dragon): Combining Scale Shot and Breaking Swipe, we make the Pokemon really passionate.

17. Moonrise Beckoning (Dark): By using Fake Tears and Hone Claws, the opponents are attracted by the cuteness.

18. Delightful Wandering (Fairy): By using Sweet Kiss and Draining Kiss, the opponents fall into a delightful state.

After using all 18 of them, May says, "Their names are different... how did you come up with those names?"

"We didn't, they are from our mother. Maybe one day we'll ask her about it." I say.

After wearing the Cute outfit, my female Pikachu learns Disarming Voice, which is really cool. Lisia says, "That's awesome. How about I give you this as a present!"

She gives me another badge, and this time it is shaped like a mouth and is called Kiss Badge. I thank her as she decides to leave and look forward to May and my Contests. And then we also meet another woman. She says, "Oh hello, you are?"

After introducing ourselves, she says, "I can see that you're trainers. So that means you use the Pokemon Storage System I developed."

"Well, maybe May is, but we're from another region so the Storage System are from another one." I say.

"I see. How I arrived at that conclusion is a simple deductive process. You spoke to me because you wanted to access something on this PC. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Lanette. Honestly, I'm glad to meet you. It's great you're using the Storage System. If you could, please visit me at home. My house is on Route 114."

After she leaves, I say, "So she's like Bill or Celio in this region."

"I guess so." Minami says.

And after we leave the Pokemon Center, we find Brendan, he yells, "Guys! C'mere! Everything's a mess!"

"What's going on, Brendan?" Alice asks.

When we rush into Professor Cozmo's house, we find nothing about the Professor. "It's ridiculous... Professor Cozmo... They say that he was just up and kidnapped by some nuts calling themselves Team Something or Other..."

"Are you kidding me?" Mark says.

"Those shady characters... They called themselves Team Magma." The woman there says. "It seems as though they plan to do something with the Meteorite that the professor has been researching. The professor is just too gullible. If you show the least bit of interest in his research, he would happily go with you anywhere, without question."

"I know it's a lot to ask, but we've gotta help Cozmo! I can't just stand by here and watch them use his life's work for their own corrupt reasons! I'm going to head to Meteor Falls right away. Come catch up to me as soon as you can. I'm counting on you!"

So we have to go to the Meteor Falls, which is over Route 114. While we decide to leave Brendan to save Professor Cozmo, we decide to explore Route 114 first, knowing that Professor Cozmo hasn't really been kidnapped yet.

On Route 114, we find a house that belongs to the Fossil Maniac. He says, "I'm the Fossil Maniac... I'm a nice guy who loves Fossils... Do you want a Fossil? But the Fossils around here all belong to me... None for you... If you can't go without a Fossil, try the desert on Route 111... From what I've heard, the Fossils buried in the sand sometimes rise to the surface due to sandstorms..."

Then we decided to leave and continue moving to Meteor Falls. But soon we find ourselves lost in a forest. May cries, "We're good at being lost!"

"So what if we just turn around and retrace our steps." Max asks.

"Then we'll be lost again." Mark says as we are depressed.

"Only one thing to do. We take a break for lunch." I say as we decide to make some food for the others.

However, some of our Pokemon seem to notice something, we follow them and we find the singed remnants of a tree and a heavily injured Swablu lying on the ground.

"It's a Swablu, but look at its wings!" Alice says as she approaches the Swablu. "We're here to help you."

It tries to use Sing on us, but only Alice, May, and Max fall asleep, and we wake them up and Alice says, "We won't hurt you, Swablu. You gotta believe us."

Alice notices Swablu's injured wing so she gives it a spritz of Super Potion. It is then a person comes to us and asks, "Who are you?"

The Swablu hides behind Alice, and the person turns out to be a Pokemon Ranger in this reserve. His name is Morita. We ask to go to his cabin, and we are giving the Swablu some treatment. I also gave her a spoonful of medicine to help with her recovery.

"Anyone thirsty? How about a nice cup of hot chocolate? That terrible storm last night caused a lot of mess, and they were also forced to separate a lot of young Pokemon from their parents. I imagine that this Swablu is also separated from her flock too." Morita says.

"Flock?" Minami asks. "Really?"

Mr. Morita explains that flocks of Swablu and Altaria migrate through this preserve every year, and Alice frowns, "Poor thing, that might be why you're so scared..."

"I just wish there's something more we can do to help out, you know." I say.

"Since you're all traveling, you don't need to worry about this little guy. I'll take good care of it." Morita says. He offers us the way to go to the Meteor Falls, but Alice wants to stay together with the Swablu until it gets better, so we all agree to stay.

After Swablu's wings are cured, she wants to fly but fails. Mark says, "That's weird. It looks to me that its wings are healed completely."

"You don't think Swablu forgets how to fly, do you?" Minami asks.

Then we decide to have Swellow show her how to fly, but Swablu just hides behind Alice's leg. Alice says, "Maybe it's afraid to fly?"

"This sort of fear can happen after a traumatic event." Morita says. "And this Swablu has been through a lot. It's fear of flying make sense to me. But I think this kind of problem takes time to sort out."

"So that means Swablu may not be able to fly for a long time..." I frown.

Alice encourages the Swablu by saying that we will take whatever time they need to help her fly. Everyone happily agrees and Morita says he will locate the flock in the meantime.

We try everything, and even bring Swablu into the skies using our aura, and after failing a lot of times, Mr Mortia appears and declares that he has located the flock. We ride in his van and go to the lakeside, but our journey is interrupted when some mysterious projectiles shoot down the vehicle's front tire.

"We're pretty close to the lake now, we can make it on foot." Morita says.

And that's when Team Rocket appears and snatches the Swablu. "Not you guys again!" Alice yells.

After their annoying motto, I know that if I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt it will hurt Swablu as well. Alice says, "Swablu! Use Sing!"

Team Rocket then falls asleep after she sings. But, James manages to tell Cacnea to use Pin Missile before falling asleep. That causes Cacnea to use the move while asleep and not have a proper aim, which causes disastrous effects such as the air balloon's burner catching on fire and waking Team Rocket up with a Pin Missile in their bottoms. The balloon then loses control and starts to go down.

"Get out of the balloon! Or you might hurt again!" Alice yells.

Swablu, however, is too afraid to follow through. The fire quickly spreads to the whole balloon, increasing the speed of the descent. I yell, "You got to fly, Swablu! Do it for us!"

Following a loud explosion, Swablu emerges in full flight and it soars directly into Alice's waiting arms. The burning balloon hits the ground with Team Rocket still aboard, so I have Corphish and Wailmer use Water Gun to destroy the fire, and then Pikachu uses Thunderbolt to send them flying.

When we rush to the lake, we find that the lake is empty without any Pokemon. I frown, "Looks like the Swablu and Altaria are gone..."

Just then, they suddenly appear, Minami says, "Your friends are here, fly towards them."

Swablu says, "No, I want to go with you."

"What?" We exclaimed. Alice says, "Sure. Welcome to the team."

Alice captures the Swablu and happily hugs her.

Swablu: The Cotton Bird Pokemon: Music and Flying Type. Swablu loves to make things clean. If it spots something dirty, it will wipe and polish it with its cottony wings. If its wings become dirty, this Pokémon finds a stream and showers itself.

As we continue on the road, we encounter a battle between the Zangoose and the Seviper. Max says, "This is really an amazing sight, since Zangoose and Seviper are enemies, they will be fighting but I have never seen it close."

"Yeah, it is Pokemon nature after all. We should get out of their way." I say as they nod. But as we move forward, we see a Zangoose and a Seviper hiding in the cave, by asking what's wrong, the two of them say that they don't want to battle against each other.

"Seriously? This is the first time I have heard that the Zangoose doesn't want to fight with a Seviper and also the Seviper feels the same way..." Max says in shock.

"Yeah." Alice says. And then the two Pokemon said that they were hiding from their families since they had been fighting for centuries. We feel pity for them, but we alone can't stop the fight that lasts for centuries. It is until Team Rocket appears, with their Seviper joining the other Seviper to battle the Zangoose, but once Team Rocket captures all of them, the ones who stayed by Ash's side help them free the families and also they send Team Rocket flying. The Zangoose and the Sevipers want to make the two the commanders for their fight, but the two Pokemon refuse as they want to join Ash's team. So the Zangoose group and the Seviper group then agree to let them join him while they continue their fight.

Zangoose: The Cat Ferret Pokemon: Normal Type. Zangoose usually stays on all fours, but when angered, it gets up on its hind legs and extends its claws. This Pokémon shares a bitter rivalry with Seviper that dates back over generations.

Seviper: The Fang Snake Pokemon: Poison Type. Seviper's swordlike tail serves two purposes - it slashes foes and douses them with secreted poison. This Pokémon will not give up its long-running blood feud with Zangoose.

Minami also captures her own Zangoose, but she knows that she can't always let it out when Seviper is nearby. And while battling the Zangoose, her Taillow also evolves into a Swellow.

And then we train our Pokemon and both our Shroomish evolve into Breloom.

Breloom: The Mushroom Pokemon: Grass and Fighting Type. Evolved from Shroomish at LV:23. The seeds ringing Breloom's tail are made of hardened toxic spores. It is horrible to eat the seeds. Just taking a bite of this Pokémon's seed will cause your stomach to rumble.

But then, Team Rocket appears and they anger more Breloom, causing themselves to get separated. But in the end, May's Torchic evolves into Combusken and they manage to calm the angry Breloom, before sending Team Rocket blasting off again.

And we arrived at Lanette's house, and it seemed to be really messy. Lanette says, "Oh! Guys! I'm sorry everything is so cluttered. When I get engrossed in research, things end up this way. This is embarrassing—please keep this a secret in exchange for this."

She gives us the Lotad and Seedot dolls for the Secret Bases for us to keep a secret, and then she shows us the data before we leave the house.

"You guys are— Where are you taking the professor?! H-hey! Stop right there!" We notice Brendan and the Magma grunts that are taking the Professor, so we decide to chase them as we are really close to Meteor Falls.

Here is a new chapter, and as you can see, another Pikachu's outfit is done and with the new badge for Ash, and there are new captures in Route 114 and I hope you like it.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Wingull, Kirlia x2 (One Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Vigoroth, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Corphish, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Kirlia, Vigoroth, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Zangoose, Lunatone

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