Chapter 22

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When we rush into the Meteor Falls, we find Brendan in front of Team Magma, and they're facing Professor Cozmo. "Hey! You jerks! Let Professor Cozmo go!"

The man that is in front of the professor is the same fat guy that we saw in Dewford Island. He says, "Hyuh? What have we here? Why has this child suddenly appeared?"

Brendan notices us and says, "Guys! You finally made it, huh? We've gotta protect the professor from these lunatics or else!"

"And it seems like we have the number advantage." I say.

The man says, "Ahyahyahya! Isn't this amusing?! Is it really your intention to oppose me, a Team Magma Admin? Mmm... Very well then! I'll show you how terrifying adults can be! Ahyahyahya! I'm going to give you some very thorough coaching!"

Then we battle Tabitha, the Team Magma Admin, and his goons. Tabitha uses Mightyena and Numel, and both of them are defeated by our Breloom and Lombre.

"Hyuhn?! An unexpected development?!" Tabitha gasps after he's defeated.

"All right! We beat 'em!" Brendan says.

"You children! I would like you to stay out of my way! Team Magma's scientific prowess, Mt. Chimney's energy... And the hidden power of the Meteorite! If we combine them all, a super-ancient Pokémon..."

"Bwahahahahahaha! You lost to this scamp? What a pathetic bunch! You lazy stooges will be the downfall of Team Magma!" And much to our surprise, Team Aqua's boss, Archie, has made an appearance.

"Hyahya! Even Team Aqua is making an appearance! The odds do not appear to be in my favor..." Tabitha says. "You there! I'll have the Meteorite now!"

The Magma grunt then takes the Meteorite from Professor Cozmo, Brendan tries to help him, but it's too late, they get the meteorite.

"Ahyahya! The Meteorite is in the palm of my hand! Well, well, well... Adios to each and every one of you! At long last I'm off to Mt. Chimney!" Then all of Team Magma are gone from the Meteor Falls.

An Aqua Grunt says, "Archie! We will go after those monsters!"

"That's right! We're not letting them get away!" Archie says as he notices me. "Didn't I see you before? At Slateport's Museum?"

"It's Ash, you know." I say to him.

"At the time, I thought you were one of Team Magma's goons. Humph... You're one odd kid. Looks like you were getting into it with Team Magma there, 'less my eyes deceive me. It's not like I'm in a position to argue if that's what you're up to, hey? But I'll tell you this much. So remember. If you next get in the way of Team Aqua, you won't get off so lightly. So steer clear and keep your nose clean, scamp! I imagine I'll be seeing you! Waha! Bwahahahahah!"

After Team Aqua leaves, Brendan says, "Oh man... What's with those lunatics? Forget those guys! Professor! Hey! Professor Cozmo! Hang in there, OK?"

We rush to the Professor, and he mutters, "B-but... they... I... only..."

"I think he's still pretty out of it... Guys... Never mind what's happened! I've got to get the professor back to his lab in Fallarbor! OK, Professor... Easy now..." Then Brendan takes Professor Cozmo out of the cave, and we decide to explore this place before catching up to them.

After leaving Meteor Falls, we are back to Route 114 and we are heading back to Fallabor Town. Although we have no water anymore, Alice says, "I think there is a world-famous freshwater spring nearby. We can go there."

When we get into the dense forest, May and Max are spooked by a Zubat, but then we notice a Pokemon floating by. I say, "That's a Solrock!"

We try to chase after it, only to fall into the trap and Team Rocket is the one who does it. "The trap again?" I mutter.

They try to take Pikachu, but the Solrock uses Flamethrower to save us and then uses Solar Beam to blast them off, but Solrock is also gone as well.

"I wonder where Solrock has gone..." I frown. We find the spring, but much to our horror, it is empty. We notice a village nearby, and it is actually empty. I think with the river gone, the town is like a ghost town.

Max says, "I think Water Pokemon can locate water."

"You're right!" I choose Lombre as we search for the water, and we find a well that is also dried up. It is then we hear a voice, "Oh! It's the Great Water Lord!"

We are surprised to see an old lady rush to my Lombre, and she kneels and prays for my Lombre, she reveals that whenever hardship falls on their town, the "Great Water Lord" Lombre shows himself. She is also convinced that the Solrock and the bad luck it brings are to blame.

She calls the other villagers to come, and there is the girl named Mary, who seems to be the granddaughter of this crazy old lady. Her name is Mary and she says, "Are you still going on about that? Grandma?"

"We're only telling what it is." Her grandmother replies.

"If you say so." Mary says. "Well, I supposed I should try to explain what's going on."

But first, we ask for some water and after we drink a cup, she explains that there is a water shortage because the source of their water, the spring that we found earlier, is no longer running. The spring is believed to be where the Great Lombre Water Lord lives. The villagers think the shortage has something to do with a meteorite they saw crash near the Great Lombre's shrine, and since a Solrock has been wandering around the area, no rain has fallen, all of which makes people think it is Solrock's fault.

"So what do you think, Mary?" Mark asks.

"It doesn't make sense. How can a Solrock do this? There has to be a logical reason. A rational explanation to left just a little bit more science." Mary says.

Outside, the villagers have begun doing a rain dance in hopes of driving away what they believe to be an evil Solrock and ending the drought. We try to defend Solrock, but they won't listen as they believe it will anger the Water Lord.

We decide to let Lombre dance with them and he seems to enjoy it as well. More Pokemon are also joining the dance, which also includes Pikachu. I know that the dance is not going to make the rain, but we know that we can try to lure Solrock here. But then Skitty pops out of the Pokeball again. May says, "What are you two doing?"

Then the two Skitty run to the forest, so they go chase them, and they find the reason for the water shortage, which is Team Rocket again.

"You guys again?" Alice is annoyed, and they are here to steal the Lombre and Solrock. "They are the ones who stole all the water from the village!"

I have Lombre use Razor Leaf to break free of the net, and I use Pikachu to attack the machine, but they decide to go with the giant hydro pump and it is about to attack the villagers, Solrock rushes forward and blocks the attack.

"Oh no! Solrock should be weak against Water since it's a Rock Type!" Then Solrock manages to overpower the hydro pump and send Team Rocket flying.

Unfortunately, Solrock is giving off so much power that it can't control itself to the point where it turns into a floating fireball and starts heading straight for the village. To stop it, Lombre uses a Water Gun, and all the steam being given off by the two attacks creates clouds in the sky. Soon the rain clouds are thick and it begins to rain, with the spring quickly filling up again. Now that the villagers' lives are back to normal, they begin to give thanks to Lombre.

After that, Solrock is regarded as the new Sacred Guardian of their spring, and Solrock decides to join us for the gratitude.

Solrock: The Meteorite Pokemon: Rock and Psychic Type. Solrock is a new species of Pokémon that is said to have fallen from space. It floats in the air and moves silently. In battle, this Pokémon releases intensely bright light.

As we continue, we find the whole of Fallarbor Town empty and quiet. When we get into the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy is also not there. Just as we think, Nurse Joy comes and she refuses to help us out, much to our surprise.

"I think something is wrong with that Nurse Joy..." Minami says.

"Yeah..." I say, and since it is dinner time, we decide to eat, until we find Lombre missing. Just then, much to my surprise, two people arrived with my Lombre.

"This is an extra-terastal Pokemon that we found!" The man says.

"That's not true! It's a regular Lombre!" Max says. I quickly recall Lombre, and those two take off their masks, and I say, "I remember you guys! You're Ken and Mary from the PMC! Weren't you after Cleffa and the spaceship?"

"You know them, Ash?" Alice asks.

"They're two people who are chasing after mysterious Pokemon. What are you chasing after this time?"

"Pokemon from outer space, what do you think? The PMC believes that Pokemon come from outer space from a meteor crash! We're recently researching the meteorite that landed." Ken says.

"But now something has altered our memories and we didn't know what was going on." Mary says as we are confused.

They believe that a space Pokemon is able to rewrite their memories and that's also why there isn't anyone in Fallarbor Town right now. Then they run away to find that Pokemon.

"I was more concerned about the townspeople. That might be the reason why Nurse Joy was acting strange." I say.

We all head back to the Pokemon Center and sneak inside, but we hear a large thud, we open the door to find that it is Team Rocket again. "What are you doing here?"

"I bet you twerps are after that meteorite, right?" Meowth demands.

"What? What meteorite?" Max asks.

It is then Nurse Joy arrives and Team Rocket tries to run for it. We are not going to get them away so we chase after them, when we are in the storage room, we find the meteorite Pokemon Lunatone.

"Lunatone!" I gasp.

Then Lunatone controls Jessie and yells, "All of you, get out now!"

"Hold on, Lunatone!" I gasp, Alice says, "Maybe he can help."

She sends out Solrock, the one we just captured this afternoon, and the two of them start to converse, it turns out that Lunatone is scared. And that's when Nurse Joy comes in. Team Rocket tries to take Lunatone, but Lunatone uses Psychic to send them flying. But Lunatone is now weak and falls to the floor.

"Lunatone!" Alice rushes to her, and Nurse Joy is also returned to normal. I say, "Lunatone doesn't have that much energy left, I think it was attacked by the PMC and it was pretty bad. I think if we get some moonlight for her, maybe she will be better."

"Then we might need to get it to the full moon. Do you know where the full moon might be?" Alice asks.

"It's a full moon tonight." Nurse Joy explains. "But there is a problem, we can't really see the moon here because this town is surrounded by Mt. Chimney and other valleys.

"Is there another place we can do it?" May asks.

"We can try to get to the Camerupt Point." Nurse Joy says.

We decided to take Lunatone to the Camerupt Point, and we also need to be careful not to get into the PMC. We decided to bring Lunatone with us in a big cardboard box on wheels, along with some other aid equipment. Pikachu and Solrock are in there too, to keep an eye on Lunatone and make sure it's okay, and that it doesn't go crazy.

Suddenly, we run into the PMC once again, who asks if we've seen the meteor or the mysterious Moon-shaped Pokémon. We lead Ken and Mary on a wild goose chase, giving random directions, and then passing by, glad to get them out of their way. When we nearly reach the top of the mountain, Max sees something and he says, "Hey, that formation in the rocks looks just like the back of a Camerupt."

"Yeah." Nurse Joy says, "That is the Camerupt Point, we only have 15 minutes before the full moon."

Just then, Team Rocket appears with their balloon and they still not giving up on Lunatone, but as they stretch out their mechanical claw to grab Lunatone, Alice leaps to intervene, but the PMC in their own mecha come in between in-between Team Rocket and Lunatone first. After a bit of verbal arguing, Ken and Mary's vehicle shakes Team Rocket's balloon up a bit and proceeds to send Team Rocket off.

"We'll stop them! Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Pikachu tries to use Iron Tail, but it is knocked back by the machine's arm.

"Solrock! Use Rock Blast!" Alice yells, but the attack doesn't seem to work. May goes for Beautifly and uses Silver Wind to deal some damage. And we finally shut down their machine.

"Look guys! The Full Moon!" Nurse Joy says as we see the moon, Lunatone uses Moonlight to recover itself, and then she nods to Solrock, who also nods to Alice and me.

"Okay, Solrock, Lunatone, use Hidden Power!" Alice says as the two Pokemon work together to destroy the machine, although we seem to send them flying.

"Wow, Lunatone, that Hidden Power is awesome..." I say. Lunatone blushes after hearing the words.

Lunatone tries to go back to the moon, but suddenly she turns back. "I decided! I want to come with you."

"Really? Are you sure?"

"Besides, I want to know more about Solrock here." Lunatone says as Solrock nods, and then they start flying around.

Lunatone: The Meteorite Pokemon: Rock and Psychic Type. Lunatone becomes active around the time of the full moon. Instead of walking, it moves by floating in midair using telekinesis. The Pokémon's intimidating red eyes cause all those who see it to become transfixed with fear.

Here is a new chapter, and Ash and Alice get a Lunatone and a Solrock. I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter will be the way to Mt. Chimney.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Wingull, Kirlia x2 (One Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Vigoroth, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Corphish, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Kirlia, Vigoroth, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Zangoose, Lunatone

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