Chapter 23

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We finally get to Professor Cozmo's house, and Professor Cozmo says, "Thank you for saving me, but that meteorite, I need to get it back."

Brendan says, "Those crazy jerks... What do you think they wanted with the professor's Meteorite anyway? I've got to say, they sure didn't look like the good guys...but... I guess we'd both better be careful from here on out. Not that I'm really worried about you, guys. You and your team'd be fine for sure."

"Yeah. They say they're heading to Mt. Chimney, right? We should all head there." I say.

When we rush to Mt. Chimney, we find that the Cable Car is now empty, so we ride on the cable car. Much to our annoyance, Team Rocket disguises themselves as tour guides as they try to find a chance to take our Pikachu, but somehow the cable car stops.

"Hey? Why are we stopped halfway up?" Alice asks.

"I bet it's either Team Magma or Team Aqua." Mark says. "That means they might have taken over the cable car station."

"What are we going to do? Are we going to be stuck here?" Minami gasps, and we can see that the Team Rocket trio is panicking. They decide to reveal their true identities, but we ignore them and we find some ropes. We try to climb our way through, but with those three idiots, the rope has been shaking a lot. In the end, the rope breaks, and fortunately, Mark, Minami, and I just use our Psychic to get to float to the other side, while we decide to leave Team Rocket alone at the cable car.

"Serves them right for breaking the rope." May says.

As we arrive at the top of the mountain, we find Team Magma and Team Aqua fighting each other. Archie is now facing three Magma grunts in front of him, and he says, "Get out of my blasted way, ye scurvy Team Magma knaves! Or face a keelhauling!"

"It seems that Archie himself is trying to stop those Team Magma people as well..." Mark says.

"And there are more that are getting to us!" Max yells.

We all send out our Pokemon to battle, and when I notice Minami using Solrock, I ask, "When did you get that?"

"I got it at the Meteor Falls when we're dealing with Team Magma there." Minami says.

As they keep letting us through, we find Tabitha in front of us. ""Hyahyahya?! It's you! You're the one who tried to interrupt me, Tabitha, at Meteor Falls! D-d-do you intend to get in my way once more? Unngh! You're really... really, really, really, really, really, really... really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really... reeeallllyyyy... an obnoxious child, aren't you?! Ahh... Ah... I will...crush you. So that you..never get in my way...again."

"See if you can do it." I say as we defeat his Koffing and Numel with Marshtomp and Aron.

"I knew you would be strong. What a shame, though! The Meteorite we got from Professor Whoever is already in our Boss's hands! Where's the Boss, you ask? Ah, yes, yes, right this way! Oh, I do hope that you can be shown Team Magma's true power! Ahya! Ahyahyahyahya!"

We ignore him and rush to where Maxie is, and he's already placing the meteorite into the machine.

"The power contained in the Meteorite... If we merge the explosive energy contained within the planet's core with the Meteorite's power..." Then he notices us, and he says, "I remember those eyes. And the indomitable will that seems to burn behind them. Ahhh. Now I recall. You are the one who defied us at Dewford Island. And, your presence here tells me that you have defeated Tabitha. Yes, I see now that the stirring of interest I felt was not misplaced. Hmph. You show true promise. Fine. I will attempt to educate you."

We stare at him with surprise, and he says, "Thousands of years ago, there lived a most powerful being that was said to be capable of creating new lands on the planet. The power that we in Team Magma seek— This power, which can expand the available landmass, belongs to a legendary and super-ancient Pokémon. Though now it slumbers, having lost the source of its power and been trapped in a deep sleep. So what is it that we must do to awaken this slumbering giant? Our research has led us here, to Mt. Chimney. Yes, this very Meteorite. If we create the right conditions, we should find ourselves able to alter this Meteorite's qualities. Yes, even into a Mega Stone. Even into a Key Stone. And here, at Mt. Chimney— Hmph... I should not say too much. That is the end of today's lesson."

Then he throws out three Pokemon, a Mightyena, a Golbat, and a Camerupt. "Now then. I believe it is time we begin. The time for the purge has come. I do believe that I made myself quite clear when we were last in Slateport. I warned you that any fool standing in our way would be met without mercy! I will bury you by my own hand. I hope you appreciate this honor!"

Great, we're going to battle the Team Magma leader Maxie, Alice and I go for Masquerain, Pikachu, and Wailmer to battle. All three of them have been tough Pokemon to battle, but in the end, we manage to emerge victorious by having Masquerain defeat Mightyena with Struggle Bug, Pikachu defeats Golbat with Thunderbolt, and Camerupt is defeated by Wailmer's Dive attack.

Maxie gasps after his defeat, but he quickly composes himself and says, "Ugh! You are...quite capable... I fell behind, but only by an inch..."

He recalls three Pokemon and says, "Oh? So you repulsed the great Maxie in battle. Haha... You never fail to entertain me! An excellent start! This time, permit me to unleash my full strength! Once you've tasted my Pokémon's Mega Evolved power, you will say good-bye to your last shred of hope!"

So he was holding back this whole time, and just then, Maxie gets a call and says, "Hm? Yes, it's me. ...Oh? Then it is Mt. Pyre. I understand. I will come at once."

Then he turns to us, "I am sorry to cut our battle short, but I'm afraid I must excuse myself. Such rudeness demands reparation. Take this Meteorite as my apologies. You may do with it what you like."

Then he gives us back the Meteorite, much to our surprise. "And I will not again forget the face of the Trainers who managed to thwart me in battle!"

When they are gone, this time Team Aqua are the ones surrounding us. Archie says, "Huh? If it ain't that little scamps! But blast that Maxie! He just escaped us! And he just left behind the Meteorite that he's been crazy about finding?"

"What do you know about this meteorite?" Minami demands.

"Heheh. Well, since you are the real deal, I s'pose I could let you in on just what's going on. See, this Meteorite that Team Magma just got from good ol Professor High-an'-Mighty back there... With the right bit of work, it seems we could turn it into a real nice, valuable bit. Like maybe a Mega Stone. Or maybe...even a Key Stone. And as long as we're here at Mt. Chimney..."

Then he starts to laugh, "Hyup! Bwahahahahah! Look what I nearly went an' did! If I give away all my secrets, all the thrill'd be gone from our relationship! I think I'll just leave you hanging here. Well... It's not the details that matter any old how. We've got a thing we gotta do, ya see. From our point of view, scamp, you're a dirty villain who's gotten in our way one time too many. I'm still leader of Team Aqua, so I'm afraid it's the rope's end for you and your Pokémon. Now come!"

Great, we just finished battling Maxie and now we're facing Archie as well? He uses Mightyena, Golbat, and Sharpedo. It was just the same Pokemon except for Sharpedo... and we decide to switch things and Makuhita defeats the Mightyena with Arm Thrust, Nosepass uses Rock Tomb to defeat Golbat, and Sharpedo is defeated by Breloom.

"Oh! You went and did it, didn't you?" Archie says after recalling his Pokemon. "Heheheh. Ya little scamp! I knew you were the real deal! Brilliant! Then my team won't hold back this time! Mega Evolution, how I've missed you! It's been ages since we got to let loose!"

Just then, he also gets the same call, and he mutters, "Tch. Scamp, I'm gonna have to ask you to hold that thought. I've gotta use my time-out."

He picks up the phone and says, "Huh? That you, Matt? You have the worst timing—What? Hoh! So Mt. Pyre's the real—Got it. Guess that orb's not just some fairy tale after all! All right! I'm on my way!"

After finishing the call, he mutters, "Could he have found out where the real orbs are hidden?! That sneaky little scientific so-and-so! I'm always left watching his bony backside run two steps ahead of me!"

He turns back to us, "Sorry, scamp. When you're a grown-up, y'see, sometimes things crop up. Gotta put our battle on hold till next time. Let's meet again somewhere. I'll be sure to remember that face."

Then both teams are gone, May says, "That was one tough battle we had there..."

"I know." I say. "After the battle against two leaders, I really need to take a rest..."

Max says, "If that's the case, it's a good thing that we found a house over there. Maybe the owner will let us rest there?"

Minami says, "And you're lucky because the owner is us. That is our Fire Manor."

After we get into the rooms and lie on the bed, Alice manages to bring my Dad here. He says, "I heard from Alice, is it true that both of you fight Team Magma and Team Aqua's leaders just out here?"

I say, "Yes, Dad. They were after the Meteorite, which is over here."

As we place the meteorite on the table, and Mark asks, "So Dad, do you know what this is about? Both Maxie and Archie say that this can be turned into a Key Stone or a Mega Stone..."

"I don't know about that... but to me, it just looks like a normal piece of a meteorite. We have a lot of them at our Psychic Manor." My Dad says, "But you all should rest up."

We nod as we take a break, and then after we're done, we decide to greet our Fire Type Pokemon, and both Max and May are happy to see some Pokemon like Magcargo, Typhlosion, and even Rapidash.

"Hey, where's your Charizards? Aren't they here at the manor as well?" Max asks.

"Sorry, but they are training at the Charisific Valley in the Johto Region." I say. "And now that I've rested up for sure, how about I cook a great meal for you guys?"

Minami says, "This Fire Manor has the biggest kitchen compared to the other manors, and there is also a lot of food we can use."

This only causes May's mouth to water, and Mark says, "Not to mention that all the equipment and food here are sponsored by Helen's Kitchen."

"You mean that Helen's Kitchen? The famous restaurant that the child chef Helen opens?" May asks. "They only open in Kalos, Galar, and Sevestar, so I really want to try out their food..."

"Helen is our childhood friend after all." I say. "And we make the food together."

After we finished our meal, we decided to inform our Dad about the situation of Team Magma and Team Aqua, then he told us that the Team Alpha members would keep an eye on them to see what they were going to do in Mt. Pyre.

This Chapter is full of game plots rather than Anime plots. I want to know, which is your favorite, Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire? I hope you like this chapter and the next chapter is the Lavaridge Gym.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Wingull, Kirlia x2 (One Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Vigoroth, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Makuhita, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Corphish, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Kirlia, Vigoroth, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock.

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