Chapter 24

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After taking a rest, we head to the Jagged Pass. We train up our Pokemon and Makuhita evolves into a Hariyama.

Hariyama: The Arm Thrust Pokemon: Fighting Type. Evolved from Makuhita at LV:24. Makuhita is tenacious - it will keep getting up and attacking its foe however many times it is knocked down. Every time it gets back up, this Pokémon stores more energy in its body for evolving.

Then we find a Spoink thanks to Skitty, Max says, "Something looks different..."

"Yeah, it doesn't have a pearl on the head." Minami says.

"And it seems to be very upset about it, too." I say.

The Spoink has been searching for the pearl, and we decided to help it out. We learn that Spoink was resting until it accidentally dropped the pearl off the cliff. We search down the cliff and we manage to find Igglybuff, Voltorb, and an Electrode instead.

"Just great... whenever it sees round things, it will try to put it on its head..." Mark says.

"Hey! I think that's it!" I notice the pearl and grab it, then Spoink is going to put it on its head, but much to our dismay, we fall into a trap. "Not another one of these holes..."

And we don't need to know who's the one who does the hole. Even though we manage to send them flying, we notice that the pearl is also sent flying along with Team Rocket.

"Get back the pearl!" I yell as we manage to find Team Rocket, who tries to get away with the pearl. After we lose them, Spoink decides to use Psychic to find other replacements, and we have to stop it and return the objects back to the owners.

When we find Team Rocket again, we demand the pearl back, and Jessie says, "You're a day late and a dollar short!"

"That pearl has turned into a Magikarp." James says.

Then I realized that it must be the same Magikarp salesman that I met back in Kanto, so he was still trying to cheat his way... Minami says, "You know this guy?"

"I know, I still remember I paid three times the money to buy a Shiny Magikarp from him." I say. "And I use a little threatening because he just likes to cheat others."

Everyone looks at me with surprise, and I decide to hit Feebas with a Water Gun without him noticing. He tries to get away, but I say, "Not so fast. Great to see you again, huh?"

The salesman recognizes me and gasps, "Wh-what do you want?"

"Is it true that you traded a Feebas for a pearl from a Spoink? We need it back now." I say.

"I don't know what you mean." He tries to struggle, so we decide to break the bag, but the pearl falls into Team Rocket's hands. In the end, I have Numel use Lava Plume, hitting Team Rocket and causing them to drop the pearl.

Spoink is happy to get the pearl back, and it uses Psychic to send them flying. We also notice the Magikarp Salesman is nowhere in sight. Then we decide to capture the Spoink.

Spoink: The Bounce Pokemon: Psychic Type. Spoink bounces around on its tail. The shock of its bouncing makes its heart pump. As a result, this Pokémon cannot afford to stop bouncing - if it stops, its heart will stop.

On the way, Minami also captures a Swablu and a Spoink, and that's when we decide to get to Lavaridge Town for my next gym badge.

We arrive at Lavaridge Town, which is said to be famous for its hot springs. Max observes around and says, "Look! There's a bunch of people over there all buried in the sand."

"That's a sand bath. This town is famous for those as well." Mark says.

"Yeah, I heard that the heat of the sand was supposed to take away the tiredness." May says.

"I'm ready for a sandbath." Max says.

"Sounds good to me too." Alice says.

"Wait a minute. We aren't here just to play in the sand, you know. My gym battle comes first." I say.

"But can't we wait until after the sandbath?" Minami asks.

"Then we do that after my gym battle." I say.

Then the others agree as we all head to the Lavaridge Gym. When we arrive at the gym, we see a red-haired girl running around in panic as she has caught on fire.

"Quick! Wailmer! Use Water Gun!" I yell as Wailmer stops the fire. The girl sighs, "What a relief. Thank you."

We notice that the girl is wearing a slightly revealing, and I ask, "How did your clothes get on fire anyway?"

"I was training my Slugma and Nueml." The girl says as the two Pokemon appear. "I was trying to train them so they can evolve. But what are you all guys doing here?"

"I came here for a gym battle." I say.

"A gym battle? Finally! I have a challenger!" She says. "I've been waiting so long for a challenge. Howdy, my name's Flannery."

After introducing ourselves, Mark asks, "Hold on, I thought the Lavaridge Gym was run by an older man named Mr. Moore..."

She also sends out her Torkoal and gives it coal to eat, and I ask, "Wait, but I don't think that's how the gym battle starts... I mean where are the gym trainers and the gym challenge?"

"Yeah, you're right. All gym battles have to do that, right?" Flannery chuckles. "And there's a slight problem."

She takes us to the guest room and she brings some drinks to us. When we find the gym guide, he tell us about the gym. "Yo, how's it going, Champ Ash? Lavaridge's Gym Leader Flannery uses Fire-type Pokémon. Her passion for Pokémon burns stronger and hotter than a volcano. Don't get too close to her or you might get burned. Hose her down with water and then go for it!"

"I see..." After the gym guide leaves, Flannery says, "I just become a Gym leader for three old days. The gym used to be from my grandfather Moore, and he has a very strong Typhlosion. They were absolutely amazing until one day he started to get into Pokemon poetry. And he decides to travel around Hoenn and Johto for a whole year because of it."

"Well that explains how you become the gym leader without knowing a lot about it..." Max says.

"In that case, how about we help you clean up the battlefield? And then we can have a battle." I say.

We help her clean the field and even find the badges. Max says, "So you do have the judge for the gym battle, don't you?"

"Oh no... one of my grandpa's students did it... except that he's on vacation since Grandpa's on his trip." Flannery frowns.

Just then, we hear a doorbell and we find a man in front of us, he claims to be from the CPPGJ, or the Committee for Popularizing Pokémon Gym Judging. We are suspicious, but he says that he was sent by Mr. Moore to judge the match. So we decide to continue to finish the field, but much to our dismay, Team Rocket disguises as construction workers and they are trying to clean the field and find a chance to steal the Torkoal.

Flannery of course doesn't know about Team Rocket, but after they reveal themselves, they try to make a run with the Torkoal. We chase after them, and the new judge sends out a Wingull to punch a hole in the trio's balloon.

"Hey, my grandfather has a Wingull just like that judge." Flannery says.

Wingull bursts Team Rocket's balloon and they fall down, and the judge sends out a Typhlosion, and then Flannery gasps, "Typhlosion..."

Team Rocket is trying to attack the Typhlosion, but they are easily outmatched. May and Max use the chance to sneak around and rescue Torkoal, they are found by Meowth, but Flannery has Numel stop him.

"Nice work, Flannery." The judge says.

"Thank you, Grandpa!" Flannery says, and we are surprised, so that's Mr. Moore. Then we use the chance to have Pikachu send them flying with Thunderbolt.

"So grandpa, why did you come back?" Flannery asks.

"Well, I guessed I was just worried about you." Mr. Moore says.

"If you get her prepared, then you shouldn't be worried so much." Mark says.

Then after the battlefield is cleaned, we decide to save the gym battle tomorrow, and we decide to try out the sandbath.

The next day, we arrive at the gym and start the gym challenge. But as we move forward, the floor opens and we all fall down. "Really? How many traps are we going to drop?"

"I don't know..." I mutter. We notice besides the panel that we drop onto, there are two more besides us. When we step on one, the geyser is getting us back to the top floor.

"So this is the gym puzzle... it somehow reminds me of Dewford Gym..." Mark says.

The first trainer is a Kindler named Cole. "Owowowowow! Yikes, it's hot!" He uses Numel and Slugma, and I use Corphish to sweet through his team. "I'm blinded by sweat in my eyes..."

The second trainer is found after we drop from the second row of the floor, and it is a ninja boy named Hiromichi hiding beside the middle and the left panels. "I feel like my brain is melting... Let's hurry up and battle..." He uses a Koffing, which is not a Poison Type, but Spoink proves to be useful and it defeats the Pokemon with a Psychic move. "I'm so dizzy..."

We ignore the trainer and head to the left panel, there is a Kindler named Axel, who says, "I'm trying to relieve my stress. Don't come along and stress me out!" He uses a Slugma and I use Numel to defeat it with ease. "I hope Flannery burns you good."

The fourth trainer is just in front of us, a Battle Girl named Sadie. "Um... OK, I'll battle with you." She uses a Meditite, I assume that it is just like the one in Mauville Gym, she probably has a Fire Punch on the Pokemon. So I use Wingull and defeat it. "Oh, but you're too strong."

We fall through the next row of the pit, which actually takes us to the far northern part. Then a ninja boy named Shoji is waiting for us. "Hohoho! You've left yourself open! With ninjutsu, I will conceal myself in steam!" He uses a Koffing as well, so Spoink deals with the Pokemon easily. "This steam stings my eyes!"

The puzzle is a little complicated, after we get back up, we battle an Ace Trainer named Zane. "Can your Pokemon withstand the heat from my Pokemon?!" He uses Slugma and Kecleon, so I use Hariyama and use Brine to defeat them. "It didn't burn hotly enough..."

And before we reach Flannery, the final trainer is Andy. He says, "You must be getting tired by now. You'd like to rest in a hot bath, eh? But you should know that maintaining your willpower is an important ability for all Trainers."

"I guess so." I say back, and he uses Numel, which is defeated by Wingull. "Play with fire, get burned..."

We finally reach Flannery, and she says, "Welcome! No, wait. I mean... Puny Trainer, you've done well to make it this far! Let's see. I'm, uh, honored to be serving as the Gym Leader of... No, I mean... I'm Flannery, and I'm in charge here! Uh... You'd better not underestimate me just 'cause I've only been Leader a short time! With the skills inherited from my grandfather, I'm gonna, uh, demonstrate the hot moves we've honed in this land!"

She really is not ready with the gym speech, huh... but I guess it's fine. "Well Ash, it's showtime! Numel, time to go!"

As she sends out her first Pokemon, I say, "So Numel, huh? I got just the answer! Corphish! I choose you!"

After the Corphish comes out, I have Corphish use Bubble Beam, but Numel dodges the attack.

"Use Flamethrower!" Flannery yells, but then Corphish uses Harden to minimize the damage taken.

"Now let's keep it up!" I yell. Then I decide to have it use Vise Grip, but Flannery yells, "Use Protect!"

After the attack is blocked, Flannery asks, "Getting frustrated, Ash? You're not hitting Numel."

"Just continue to hit! Protect can't be used twice!" I yell, Corphish uses Crabhammer to hit Numel, getting a direct hit.

"Finish with Bubble Beam!" I yell, but Numel uses Amnesia, blocking the attack. Then it goes for Earth Power, but Corphish manages to hang on. Then Corphish continues to use Crabhammer, and the attack knocks out Numel.

"Alright! That Crabhammer is great, Corphish!" I yell.

Flannery returns Numel and says, "Wow. I sure didn't see that coming. You're turn, Slugma!"

I decided to return Corphish and go for Masquerain. Minami asks, "Masquerain against a Fire Pokemon? That's strange."

"You might see that we're at a disadvantage, but we got teamwork on my side." I say.

"Let's go! Flamethrower!" Masquerain dodges Slugma's attacks and tries with the Quick Attack, but the Reflect bounces it right back.

"Let's keep this going! Use Flamethrower!" Flannery commands and I have Masquerain dodge the attack and go for Air Slash, hitting Slugma. Then it goes for Smog, which makes us hard to see. I yell, "Use Rain Dance!"

I try to set up the rain to stop the smoke, and much to my surprise, Slugma goes for a Body Slam, knocking Masquerain on the ground. "I guess that should stop you from escaping."

"Don't be so sure! Masquerain! Bug Buzz!" I yell, and the attack hits Slugma. Slugma tries a Flamethrower again, but Masquerain gets hit by the wing. I decided to return Masquerain for now.

"I guess you're better than I thought." I say. "Come on, Corphish!"

I send back Corphish, Corphish attempts a Vise Grip, but is sent straight to sleep by a Yawn.

"Not Yawn..." I gasp.

"That's my surprise attack against the Water Pokemon." Flannery says.

I have to return Corphish, and I go with Nosepass. Nosepass appears and starts off with a Rock Tomb, Slugma tries to block it with the Smog. Then Nosepass uses Thunder Wave to make Slugma paralyzed. Flannery tries to use Yawn, but due to being paralyzed, she can't tell Slugma to use it. In the end, Slugma is defeated by Stone Edge.

"Nice job, Nosepass." I say.

"Now, it's your turn, Torkoal!" The final Pokemon appears, and I have Nosepass use Stone Edge, but Torkoal uses Iron Defense to block the attack. "Now use Sludge Bomb!"

Sludge Bomb then poisons the Nosepass even though it isn't effective. "Hang in there, Pikachu! Use Rock Tomb!" I yell.

"Torkoal, now! Overheat!" I widen my eyes as the fire attack manages to defeat Nosepass.

"That's the way." Flannery says. All that's left is an injured Masquerain and a sleeping Corphish. I go with Masquerain, but it is hard to fly because of the injuries, and because of Overheat, Masquerain is defeated.

"All Ash has left now is a sleeping Corphish..." Max says.

I send back Corphish and he's still sleeping, Torkoal is going for Overheat again, but Corphish is still not waking up as it gets hit. Good thing that Overheat lowers the Special Attack after each time it is used.

After Corphish finally wakes up, I yell, "Now's your chance! Let's hit it hard! Vice Grip!"

Torkoal tries the Iron Defense, and then it goes for Sludge Bomb. Corphish takes some hits before dealing with Crabhammer. Then I know there's one thing to get Torkoal out. I have Corphish uses Crabhammer, and we strike the shell on the side, causing it to spin and get Torkoal out in a dizzy state.

"Here we go, Corphish! Now Bubble Beam!" I yell, and the attack finally knocks out Torkoal. "Oh... I guess I was trying too hard..."

"That was an incredible comeback." Mark says.

"You're awesome, Corphish." I say.

Flannery says, "I...I've only recently become a Gym Leader. I guess I was trying too hard to be someone I'm not. When I don't act like myself, no wonder Pokémon that battle at my side gets confused. Thank you for teaching me that. You deserve this."

She gives me the Heat Badge, and I take it. "If you have a Heat Badge, all Pokémon up to Level 50, even those you get in trades from other people, will obey you completely. And it lets Pokémon use the HM move Strength outside of battle."

Then we bid farewell to Flannery, and we all decide to spend our time in the hot springs, but Alice and I have something else to do, so we decide to excuse ourselves while the others enjoy their hotspring.

"So you are going to get the third ribbon without them noticing?" Alice asks.

"I want to be a surprise." I say.

I use Sableye to do the Shadow trick and pass the first round, then in the second round, I beat my opponents easily and get the 3rd ribbon.

When we are back at the Pokemon Center, we also join in the hotspring with others. Once we get out, May asks, "So Ash and Alice, where were you guys?"

"We're just calling our Mother for some things." I say.

After they buy the lie, we get out and meet Brendan again. "Guys, hey! So you were all right, huh? Oh, well, you know... The last time I saw you, you were mixed up with those "Team Whatsit" people... So I just wondered if you'd gotten back on the road after that. It was, like, I don't know... I guess I was a bit...worried?"

"Yeah, we battled them after that in Mt. Chimeny, and we defeated them with ease." I say.

"What? You battled them AGAIN after that? And you even managed to beat them? You really are something else, Ash... You and your Pokémon. Your team. And that...that sparkle there... Is that the Meteorite you got back from them? ...Oh, right! I forgot to give you these before."

He gives us each a pair of Go-Googles, and Max asks, "What are those for?"

"Keep those with you if you're planning on going into that desert near Route 111. There should be some Pokémon that only make their habitat in the desert, you know. You might check 'em out—if you're up to it. And... Huh? You got the Lavaridge Badge! So you even beat Flannery, huh? Looks like you've been taking proper care of your Pokémon."

"Yeah, and that's our fourth badge." I say.

"Guess that means...that you'll be headed to Petalburg City next, huh?" As he says it, May says, "Oh yeah! You got four badges and that means you can battle Dad!"

"I know. But first, we will need to go somewhere so May can have her Contest. I guess the recent one is holding at Verdanturf." I say.

"I see." Then we bid farewell to Brendan and we're heading to Mauville so that we can head to Verdanturf.

Here is a new chapter, and Ash gets his fourth badge and I hope you like it. The next chapter will be the Desert at Route 111.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Wingull, Kirlia x2 (One Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Vigoroth, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Hariyama, Nosepass, Skitty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Spoink, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Corphish, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Kirlia, Vigoroth, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Spoink, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock.

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