Chapter 25

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As we are heading back to Route 111 to go to the desert area now that we have Go-goggles, we decide to train our Pokemon first. Our Wingull all evolve into Pelipper after hard training.

Pelipper: The Water Bird Pokemon: Water and Flying Type. Evolve from Wingull at LV:25. Pelipper searches for food while in flight by skimming the wave tops. This Pokémon dips its large bill in the sea to scoop up food, then swallows everything in one big gulp.

On the way, we find Daisy, who tells us that she's searching for a Titan Flygon in the desert area. She also tells us the rumor of a hauntingly beautiful song from inside the sandstorm seemingly hypnotizes the people.

"Alice!" When she falls into a pit, we find a Trapinch being the one who does it. I throw a Pokeball to capture the Trapinch so that Alice won't fall into the depths.

Trapinch: The Ant Pit Pokemon: Ground Type. Trapinch's nest is a sloped, bowl-like pit dug in sand. This Pokémon patiently waits for prey to tumble down the pit. Its giant jaws have enough strength to crush even boulders.

"That sure is horrible... thanks, Ash." Alice says.

As we continue forward, we find the sandstorm, and a giant Flygon comes out of it. Daisy says, "That's the Titan Flygon!"

"That sure is a huge one..." I say. "The song must be created by the desert wings hitting Flygon's wings. Flygon must have whipped up the sandstorm so that it could build its nest without being disturbed."

"That sure is some great knowledge." Max says. Then we battle the Flygon together and in the end, Flygon is defeated and recognizes our strength, before leaving. Daisy is also happy to record the new data, and she decides to give me another badge, this time the Dragonfly Badge.

After bidding farewell to Daisy, we continue moving and we find a Cacnea who saves us from a sandstorm by getting into the cave. The Cacnea also helps us defeat Team Rocket after they try to take Pikachu again and send them flying with its own Pin Missile.

Cacnea The Cactus Pokemon: Grass Type. Cacnea lives in arid locations such as deserts. It releases a strong aroma from its flower to attract prey. When prey comes near, this Pokémon shoots sharp thorns from its body to bring the victim down.

And as we continue, Alice, Pikachu, and I are separated from the others as we hear singing, we see a woman in a burgundy robe with glasses, chanting a song. Then we notice a Baltoy spinning towards a cliff, so we save the Pokemon.

The Baltoy has an owner named Calista, and the two of them are on the hunt for ancient artifacts. She explains that she wants to become an archaeologist despite her parent's wishes. She received a phone call from a strange woman who told her to come to the Desert Ruins with her Baltoy, adding that all of the articles in the book were true. Calista reveals that a song in her book holds the key to finding the ruins. As she begins singing, I recognize the song and also tell her a woman sang the same song.

We decide to work together to find the mysterious woman, and once we find her, she brings us to a large tree hollow, and after chanting her song the floor beneath their feet unexpectedly opens up. Their rapid descent leads us to ancient ruins. Calista notices the ancient glyphs on the wall, recognizing them as hallmarks of the Baltoy civilization. The woman points the pair to an ancient altar covered in rocks, where she tells them that there had been an earthquake and had knocked part of the wall down, trapping within it is a wild Baltoy. Calista tells Baltoy to use Confusion on the rocks, helping to liberate the other Baltoy together with the woman's Baltoy.

"But nobody had discover the ruins yet. I read it from the book." Calista says.

And then the lady takes out the same book, but it has a much more worn-out appearance. She tells Calista that the book was the one that convinced her that all of the ancient artifacts really existed. She also tells her that her parents didn't want her to become an archaeologist. Calista tells her she has exactly the same problem.

The strange lady tells Calista to use Baltoy's Rapid Spin in the middle of the wheel of drawings when suddenly Team Rocket barges in unannounced with a steel driller. The mecha grabs Calista and the woman's Baltoy with its extendable arm.

"Nothing can defeat steel, so it will be useless." Meowth says.

"Wait, Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" I say as Pikachu attacks the mecha, with the wild Baltoy's help, it frees two Baltoy, and then Team Rocket is defeated and they are sent flying again. The ritual continues where it left off and Baltoy spinning causes the magic wheel to erupt with yellow light.

"I am you from the future. The most valuable treasure that the Baltoy civilization gave the world was time. The reason I come is to encourage you to never give up your dream and continue your research. You only have one life, one chance to change the future." Then she steps into the light and vanishes.

Calista thanks us for our assistance before running off, and the wild Baltoy decides to join our group. Then we get out and find others who are looking for us, before we continue moving. It turns out that while finding us, Minami also captures a Baltoy in the end.

Baltoy: The Clay Doll Pokemon: Ground and Psychic Type. As soon as it spots others of its kind, Baltoy congregates with them and then begins crying noisily in unison. This Pokémon sleeps while cleverly balancing itself on its one foot.

"Guys! Look over there!" Mark says as we find two Fossils on the ground. "Fossils!"

"No way..." Alice and I pick up each of the fossils. "This one is a Claw Fossil."

Alice says, "And this is a Root Fossil. Both of them can become an Anorith or a Lileep."

Max says, "Mr. Stone says that we can go to the Devon Corp and revive them as Pokemon, right?"

"Of course, looks like we will have to go there." I say as we place the fossils into our bag and leave the desert area.

We head back to Mauville City, but when we see that there is a carnival on the roof, we go check it out, however, it turns out that it is Team Rocket's plan to steal our Pokemon, but thanks to Wattson and Watt come and rescue us, we manage to blast them off.

"Ash, it is good to see you again." Wattson says to me.

"Same here. How about we have a real battle this time?" I ask.

"I accept." Wattson says as he laughs.

The gang immediately notices that the front of the Mauville Gym looks different than it did the last time we were there. I am about to open the front door, but Watt yells at me not to open it. Wattson explains, "The front of the building isn't the only thing that's changed, I have added some new traps."

Everyone remembers the roller coaster ride that we got after entering the door the first time we were there, and we're not too keen on repeating that experience.

Inside the Gym, the first battle is between May and Watt. May uses Skitty while Watt uses Ampharos. May starts off strong with Double Slap, followed by Tackle. Watt retaliates with Thunder Shock, which Skitty dodges, but Ampharos redirects the attack and scores a hit. He follows up with Iron Tail, almost knocking Skitty out. However, it gets back up. Ampharos uses Thunder Shock again, but right before it hits, Skitty uses Assist. It gets Torchic's Quick Attack, easily dodges the Thunder Shock, and hits Ampharos. It follows up with a Double Slap and knocks Ampharos out, giving May the win.

"Now it is our turn." Wattson says.

"You are right." I say as we go to the battlefield. Wattson calls out Manectric while I send Torkoal.

Torkoal uses a Flamethrower, but Manectric dodges and hits with a Tackle. It doesn't do too much damage though, as both Pokémon are strong. Manectric uses Bite, but Torkoal uses Defense Curl and neither takes any damage. Manectric uses Ice Fang, but Torkoal uses Overheat. The attack scores a powerful hit on Manectric. Manectric didn't take too much damage and it still has plenty of energy left, and so does Torkoal. Torkoal uses Overheat again, and Manectric uses Charge. Overheat hits, but Manectric doesn't move. After Overheat, Torkoal uses Flamethrower, but Manectric still doesn't move. It finally finishes charging and lets loose an extremely powerful Thunder Wave. Ash tries to counter with Overheat, but he already used it twice so it doesn't have much power left. Thunder Wave hits, causing Torkoal to be paralyzed. But Torkoal knocks Manectric out using a Sludge Bomb.

"Hahaha. This battle really is exciting." Wattson says.

"Yeah, so this counts for my official gym battle?"

"Sure. Since you have my badge already, I don't need to give you another one." Wattson says, then we bid farewell to them as we head to Route 117.

As we continue to move, we fall into Team Rocket's pitfall trap again, but this time we manage to get ourselves out of the hole and battle them. During the ambush, May's Skitty loses her voice after breathing in too much of Torkoal's Smokescreen.

"Don't worry, Torkoal. It's not your fault, I promise." May says.

"We better get it to the Pokemon Center as soon as we can." Mark says.

Instead of a Pokemon Center, we find a Pokemon Clinic and we decide to visit the place. "Hello, everybody home?" I ask, and then the doctor greets us. "Hello, I'm Dr. Abby. What can I help you with?"

May says, "You see... my Skitty has lost its voice. I think its throat is hurt."

Then she decides to help Skitty, and after some check-ups, she decides to give some massage to Skitty, which helps stimulate the pressure points. In the end, Skitty starts to talk again.

"You are amazing, Doctor." Minami says. "Thanks."

Alice notices a picture and says, "Hey, there is Doctor Abby and she has a Skitty too!"

"You're kidding! That looks like it's from a Pokemon Contest!" Max says.

I say, "I know that cup, that's the Ribbon Cup for those who won the Grand Festival."

"I know where I heard the name Abby before!" May gasps. "She is one of the Legendary Coordinators who managed to win the Grand Festival on their first try!"

She shows a magazine that lists all the people who are considered Legendary Coordinators, and of course, there is an article about me as well. She says, "Please, it's not a big deal. But since you're interested, these are all of the Contest ribbons."

She shows us the Ribbons and the Cup, I say, "The Hoenn one looks different from the Johto one."

"I assume you're also a Top Coordinator?" Abby asks me.

"Of course, I won the Johto Grand Festival." I say.

Then she reveals to us after becoming a Top Coordinator, she went on a journey with Skitty. However, after Skitty was seriously injured in a Pokémon battle, she took it to a Pokémon clinic for treatment. Impressed with the skill of Dr. Moss, the doctor who had helped her, she decided to stay and learn how to treat Pokémon herself, and was eventually able to become a skilled doctor in her own right. As a reward for her efforts, right before she left to found her own clinic, Dr. Moss gave her a Moon Stone, which she used to turn her Skitty, nicknamed "Johnny," into a Delcatty.

"Wow... how cool." May says.

"That sure is a great story." Minami says.

Then we want to see her Delcatty, and we also see the other Pokemon around the area. Doctor Abby also reveals that she also helps with the daycare as some of the Pokemon are also here to breed. And Alice is having fun with some Wynaut and Azurill.

Azurill: The Polka Dotted Pokemon: Normal and Fairy Type. Azurill spins its tail as if it were a lasso, then hurls it far. The momentum of the throw sends its body flying, too. Using this unique action, one of these Pokémon managed to hurl itself a record 33 feet.

Wynaut: The Bright Pokemon: Psychic Type. Wynaut gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up against each other. By being squeezed, this Pokémon gains endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks.

After we stay for a night, the next day, Skitty is feeling really better, and both May and I want to try out Dr. Abby's juggling trick. Although our practice is interrupted because of Team Rocket. After we chase after them once they get Skitty and Delcatty, we manage to get them back by sending them flying once more. And May's Skitty managed to learn Blizzard.

May decides to use Skitty in the next Pokemon Contest, and before we leave, Dr. Abby decides to give me a Moon Stone so that I can evolve Skitty into a Delcatty.

Delcatty: The Prim Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Skitty with Moon Stone. Delcatty prefers to live an unfettered existence in which it can do as it pleases at its own pace. Because this Pokémon eats and sleeps whenever it decides, its daily routines are completely random.

Here is a new chapter, and now the group is heading to Verdanturf Town and I hope you like this chapter.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia x2 (One Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Vigoroth, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Electrike, Plusle, Minun, Gulpin, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Spoink, Spinda, Trapinch, Cacnea, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Corphish, Baltoy, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Kirlia, Vigoroth, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Spoink, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy

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