Chapter 28

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When we arrive at North Petalburg, we go to the Pokemon Center and we meet fans of Norman and they all gather around May and Max. Alice says, "Wow... they're really famous..."

"It's a good thing that our family remains mysterious..." Mark sighs.

"So you guys are traveling with May and Max, huh?" We meet two trainers who don't seem to be friendly towards us. I say, "Yeah, we are."

"What you come here for?" "We came to challenge the Petalburg Gym."

"You can't just waltz into t he streets and challenge Norman's gym!" "Only specially chosen trainers can challenge his gym! And that's not you."

What is those two's big idea? Alice says, "Hold on a second, Norman already permits Ash to battle him after he gets four badges, and he does his promise."

Then they kept trying to battle us, so I decided to sweep their team with Meganium and Espeon, and much to our surprise, more and more trainers were trying to challenge me. So Alice decides to lend me the other six so that I can battle.

But even that many Pokemon is going to get me tired, Minami says, "I wonder when they're going to give up..."

"I don't think so." Then much to my surprise, the people are trying to have May battle me. And being May's teacher and travel companion, I immediately swept her Combusken with ease. But that only enrages the other people. But they decide to leave us alone when we hear that there are imposters.

We decide to check out and find out that Team Rocket is disguised as May's family as they try to scam the people. They also take Combusken, but we manage to free them and send them flying once more.

Then the folks finally decide to leave us alone so we can continue to Petalburg City. Then we decide to let May and Max get back to their home first while the four of us decide to take our Pokemon for the rest because of those north Petalburg folks.

When we get there, we are surprised to find Norman. "Norman!" We try to greet him, but we find that he is seemingly flirting with Nurse Joy? When he notices me, he says, "Hi, Ash! I'm happy that you returned!"

"Thanks, I have been too." I say. "By the way, you haven't met before, this is my brother Mark and my sister Minami."

After greeting, Norman asks, "I assume you already have 4 badges?"

"Yes, sir. That's why I'm here, and we're ready to win." I say.

Alice says, "But it seems like there is a secret, what's up?"

"Nothing, there's nothing at all." Norman says.

We are confused, and Minami says, "I smell something fishy here... and I want to check it out..."

We sweatdrop at Minami, before we decide to find May and the others. We get to the Greenhouse and I say, "This is where Norman keeps his Pokemon."

"I see." Mark says. "That looks cool."

We get inside and find May and Max with the referee Kenny, and I say, "Hey guys, we just met Norman at the Pokemon Center."

This causes them to tense up, and Alice says, "Yeah, he was talking with Nurse Joy. We think she might be helping him with one of his Pokemon."

Minami says, "Although I think there's more to go on..."

"I knew it..." Then May and Max decide to tell us about what's going on, and we're surprised. Minami says, "So there must be some sort of betrayal... good to know..."

"Minami, you're creeping us out." Mark says.

"Don't worry, I'll be on the case." Then Minami rushes away, and that also causes the others to chase after them. "Ash! Watch out!"

Alice warns me, but it's too late, a Vigoroth just falls onto me. "Oh, it's Vigoroth. Nice to see you drop by."

After getting off, Vigoroth decides to show the two of us around the area. and we find a Slakoth hanging on the trees, and we also notice a Slaking.

"There's a Slaking too..." Alice says. "If Norman uses Slakoth and Slaking, I wonder what strategy he's going to use when it comes to their Truant ability..."

"Yeah." I say, and we decide to bring out our own Vigoroth so they can hang out. But much to our dismay, Team Rocket appears in front of us.

"What are you three doing here?" Alice yells. "Why can't you guys just leave you alone."

"We just like Pikachu and we'll get it no matter what." They try to attack us with Seviper and Cacnea, Alice commands Vigoroth while I command Pikachu as we battle Team Rocket. And at the same time, we're trying to run away from them. It is then the others arrive.

"Guys! There you are!" Alice says.

"Not you three crooks again." Norman says.

"Team Rocket is here to steal all the Pokemon in the Greenhouse." I say.

"There's no way I'm going to let any of the crowns get away with my Pokemon!" Team Rocket tries to attack again, but when they destroy a device that we don't know what's for, Norman gets angry.

"Now! Slaking!" Just then, the Slaking starts to run and use Focus Punch, sending them flying. Alice says, "But you have to admit... Slaking has a high Base stat that is almost equal to you, Ash..."

"I know..." I say, "With only 50 less..."

Then it turns out that machine is a Fireworks machine, and he's doing it for the anniversary with him and his wife. Good thing that Nurse Joy can prepare another one, and that night, we find that the fireworks are Beautifly shaped.

Then Norman says, "Ash, just so you know, in my battle, I'll be using Slakoth, Vigoroth, and Slaking."

Max says, "Dad, you weren't supposed to tell him ahead of time!"

"It doesn't matter. I just want to have the best battle with a Champion like Ash." Norman says. And I also agree to it.

The next day, we decide to start the gym challenge, and the gym guide says, "Yo, how's it going, Champ-to-be Ash? The doors in this Gym open when you beat the awaiting Trainers. Whoops! The doors in this room are already open, so don't attack me! The Trainers of Petalburg Gym use all kinds of items. The door at the left leads to the Speed Room. The door at the right leads to the Accuracy Room. The room's name will be on the door, so choose carefully. Once you've chosen the door... Well, hey, go for it!"

"Items?" I ask with confusion, and Max says, "Even though we haven't seen it before, most of Dad's Gym trainers use battle items. I don't think you can beat them."

"Oh yeah?" I smirk. Then there are two rooms in front of us. So there are two rooms to choose from. I decide to go for the Speed Room. The Gym trainer there is an Ace Trainer named Randall.

"Being able to attack before an opponent... That confers a great advantage in battle, wouldn't you agree?" He uses a Delcatty, so I go with Combusken. The trainer gives Delcatty an X Speed and uses a quick Double Slap, but Combusken defeats it with ease using Double Kick. "That was a magnificent battle!"

Although I want to go to the next room, which there are two choices: The Zero Reduction Room and the Defense Room, I want to beat all the trainers, so I go back to the Accuracy Room and find the Ace Trainer Mary.

"Hee hee hee... This is the Accuracy Room. It's pretty nasty when every attack lands without fail." Then she goes for Delcatty as well, so I use my own. They use the X Accuracy to boost the Accuracy, and it is using Sing on my Delcatty, but fortunately, my Delcatty wakes up and uses Assist, it turns out to be Hariyama's Close Combat and it defeats the Delcatty. "You were cut above me..."

There are also two rooms, the Defense Room on the left and the Recovery Room on the right. I decide to go to the Recovery Room. And the Ace trainer there is George.

"Just when you think you're going to win, your opponent restores HP... It's such a terrible feeling... I think I'll let you see for yourself!" He uses Linoone to battle, and I go for Hariyama. And just before I can finish it off, he uses the Full Restore to heal up, much to my surprise. But in the end, we still defeat it with Arm Thrust. "I couldn't restore HP enough... What Attack power..."

Then the next room is the One-Hit KO Room, so I decide to head back to Defense Room and battle the Ace Trainer named Lori.

"The higher my Pokemon's Defense, the more reckless I can be with my attacks." Even with Linoone and the X Defense, I go for Shelgon and use Dragon Rage, which always deals 40 damage no matter how good the opponent's Defenses are. After her Linoone is defeated, she says, "Our defenses weren't enough..."

There is another room to pick and that's called the Strength Room. So we head back to the Zero Reduction Room to fight the Ace Trainer named Parker.

"Don't even waste your time trying to lower my Pokemon's stats!" I wonder what he means by that, and it turns out that he uses the Guard Spec. on Linoone. But that just means I can't use Feather Dance with Combusken, but I can still defeat it with Flamethrower and Fire Spin. "My Pokemon stats weren't lowered, but I still lost..."

The sixth room is the Strength Room, and the trainer there is Ace Trainer Jody. "Our Gym Leader told us to pull out all the stops to beat you. Even if you do happen to be the Champion!"

She uses a Zangoose, which I assume that the other room is going to be the same. She uses the X Attack, which is not good. But Hariyama has high defenses to take the attacks and we defeat it with Smelling Salts. "But... I went all out!"

"Yeah, but that is no use." I say and we go to the final room, which turns out to be the One-Hit KO Room. The trainer there is Berke.

"I'm not going to take it easy just because you're the Champion. I'll show you how horrible it is for a Pokemon to take a critical hit!"

So he is using a Dire Hit on his Zangoose, I go for Torkoal to battle, and with the Iron Defense, even the critical hit can't defeat my Pokemon with ease. "Your power... You're the real deal."

And now we're finally at the room where everyone is waiting, I say, "Hey, Norman. Just so you know, Pikachu and I don't plan on leaving this gym without a badge."

"Well, it makes me happier than I can really describe. Being able to have a real battle with you like this. But a battle is a battle! I will do everything within my power as a Gym Leader to win! You'd better give it your best shot, too, Ash!"

"I'm excited to see how this battle turns out." May says.

"Are you saying that Dad is going to have a chance to lose it?" Max asks.

"Relax, no one says you're Dad's going to lose." Alice says.

"Well, you seem to be forgetting that people are saying Dad's so strong he's gonna end up a member of the Elite Four! But that's not to say that Ash hasn't got stronger too. But he's still no match for Dad." Max says.

"But you have to realize that Brother is a Champion Ranked Trainer. That is even stronger than an Elite Four." Mark says.

"Okay, Ash! For my first Pokemon, I choose Slakoth!" Norman throws the ball and sends out the Pokemon. I say, "Ready, Pikachu?"

Pikachu jumps into the field and Norman says, "Time to see how much of your hard work will pay off!"

Utilizing Pikachu's Speed, I have Pikachu to use Quick Attack, Slakoth dodges, and counterattacks with Shadow Ball, much to our surprise. Jumping out of the way, Pikachu attacks with Iron Tail but misses once again as Slakoth leans out of the way. Dazed, Pikachu is unable to dodge Slakoth's Hidden Power and is blasted across the arena.

"Wow... I never knew a Hidden Power can be used like that." Max says.

"Wow... Ash's attacks have been missing the mark completely." May says.

"Of course, that's why he started with Slakoth." Mark says. "In battle, doesn't Brother usually start things out with a long string of Speed attacks?"

Minami says, "Normally that works since that's just enough to throw off a regular opponent, which is also enough to give Brother control of the battle. But it won't work with Slakoth, no matter what kind of speed or power attacks Brother tries, Slakoth manages to squirm out of the way."

Alice says, "And because of that skill, it gives Norman the unique ability to fight whenever pace he chooses. That makes Slakoth the perfect Pokemon to start things out with."

"That's exactly right, guys." Caroline says.

As Pikachu recovers from Hidden Power, I realize that I need to change his strategy. "Pikachu! Thunder attack!" I yell, but Slakoth dodges this attack as well and responds with Blizzard. The incredible cold keeps Pikachu from attacking back.

"I'm freezing..." May says.

"Who knows that Slaking is good at not only defenses but offenses as well." Mark says.

The only one who doesn't show any cold is Alice, and Max asks, "Aren't you cold?"

"I'm from Snowbelle City, it snows there every day." Alice says.

I decide to recall Pikachu and send out Torkoal. Torkoal uses a Flamethrower, which easily blasts through Slakoth's Blizzard and scores a direct hit, knocking Slakoth out.

Torkoal cries and I say, "Come on, Torkoal. Wait until I get my fifth badge and you can cry if you want."

"No way... how could Slakoth lose this one..." Max gasps.

"Max, it's going to be fine." Caroline says.

"Ash, your decision to substitute your Pokemon in battle is a wise one. I'm quite impressed with that Flamethrower. You raised your Torkoal well. Shall we continue? Vigoroth!I choose you!"

"Let's do this quick! Use Overheat!" Dodging Torkoal's Overheat, Vigoroth knocks Torkoal out with a Scratch.

"Can you believe Vigoroth beat Torkoal with just one attack?" Max asks.

"Why not? This battle is so exhausting that I believe everything." May says.

"I'm so impressed with Norman's strategy. Starting with its slow-moving Slakoth and then to his high speed Vigoroth is enough to confuse any challenger. It's a really great plan. It allows Norman to test the limits and abilities of his opponents." Minami says.

I decide go back with Pikachu. Vigoroth dodges a Thunderbolt from Pikachu and attacks with Scratch. Pikachu blocks the attack with Iron Tail, but is hit with a surprise attack when Vigoroth uses Flamethrower, hitting Pikachu.

"That's pretty cool when Dad can get Vigoroth to use Flamethrower!" Max says.

"Well, I think it's Ash's determination that got your father so fired up." Caroline explains. "He's not battling his usual game plan."

"Use your substitute, Ash!" May yells.

"No way, then he'll just have one Pokemon left." Alice says. "Now that Ash knows that Vigoroth can use Flamethrower, he's gotta use Pikachu. And Pikachu is determined to win like Ash is."

Sizing up Vigoroth, I have a plan already. "Pikachu, use Quick Attack!" Pikachu dodges a Flamethrower from Vigoroth and keeps running. As Pikachu closes the distance, Norman orders Vigoroth to use Scratch but is surprised when I tell Pikachu to take the hit. Vigoroth's Scratch attack hits home, but the powerful Pokémon is suddenly paralyzed by Pikachu's innate Static Ability.

"Now! Pikachu! Use Iron Tail!" I yell as Pikachu uses the move to knock Vigoroth out.

"You are awesome, buddy!" I say, but Pikachu also falls to the ground and faints as well, resulting in a double KO.

"They're both down?" Max asks.

"No way..." Mark says.

"Okay... what now?" I ask.

"You know, Ash. I'm very impressed with the progress you made. But like it or not, this is a last battle so it better be a good one." Norman says.

I decide to go with Combusken, while Norman goes for Slaking. "Okay, Combusken! Use Fire Spin!"

"Stop it, Slaking!" Combusken uses Fire Spin, but Slaking easily blocks the attack with its hands, sustaining no damage at all.

"Alright then, Sky Uppercut!" Combusken attacks again, but Slaking grabs it mid-attack and tosses Combusken back across the arena.

"Use Focus Punch now." Slaking starts to charge the attack, but Combusken uses a Flamethrower and it hits in the face. The attack angers Slaking, who begins to go into a rage.

"What's it doing?" I gasp. Then it goes with a powerful Earthquake, which causes Combusken to fall. "Quick! Combusken! Jump and use Slash!"

But Combusken is sent flying by Slaking, and when we use Flamethrower again, Slaking uses Hyper Beam and hits Combusken. "Combusken! Are you okay?"

"Ash, it's obvious that Slaking's Hyper Beam is taking a lot out of Combusken. There's no shame in calling it off, not when it comes to the safety of your Pokemon. In fact, it's a trainer's responsibility."

I am considering calling off the match, but Combusken gets back up and it wants to keep going. "Now let's show Norman what you really made of!"

Then Combusken is boosted with the Blaze ability. Leaping back into combat, Combusken dodges both an Earthquake and Slaking's clumsy attempts to grab it. It begins bouncing around the arena. Dodging a Hyper Beam, Combusken hits Slaking with a powerful Aerial Ace.

"Alright!" I yell.

"I'm impressed with your strategy, Ash!" Norman says. "But if you want to beat Slaking, you're going to need Strength as well!"

"I know." He orders Slaking to attack with Focus Punch while I have Combusken use Sky Uppercut. The two attack each other at the same time, and after a moment's pause, Slaking falls to the ground.

"Combusken! We did it!" I say.

"I can't believe it, Ash really beat Dad!" May says.

"In an amazing battle." Mark adds.

"You put up a great fight, Slaking." Norman says.

But Max doesn't seem to be happy at my win, and Norman says, "I haven't enjoyed a battle in a long time. Thank you. I will give you this."

Before I can take the Balance Badge, Max yells, "No way!" He suddenly grabs the badge and runs away.

"Max? What's wrong? Where are you going?" May yells, but in vain. So we chase him as we see him locked in the Greenhouse.

"Come on, Max? Why are you doing this?" Mark asks.

"Max! Open the door, please." Caroline says.

"Why, Dad? Why do you have to lose? And now you said that you have a great time battling but you lost! I don't like it! That doesn't make any sense at all!" Everyone can hear Max crying behind the door.

"You got to remember, Max! Dad's a gym leader and you know how gym leader battles work!" May says.

"Dad lost! Why aren't you upset?" Max yells at her.

"Of course, it wasn't easy to watch Dad lose a gym battle at all... but it doesn't matter. He fought as hard as he could, and that's what is important!"

"You know, Gym leaders don't work hard and hold back battles just so they can keep winning all the time." Mark says.

"That doesn't mean it's okay to lose!" Max yells.

"Yes, it is!" Norman says. "Losing is just an important part of being a gym leader. If you battle hard and do your best, then your defeat can end up being quite the wise teacher! Think about how hard Ash and Combusken grow hard together, while never once accepting defeat as an option. Max, they found strength even if they don't know they had, and that's what it's all about."

I say, "Hey, Max. If you want to keep that badge, that's okay, really. Thanks to the battle with your Dad I got a whole lot better and stronger too, and that's better than any badge."

Then Max comes out and says, "Hey, Dad. Someday when I become a trainer will you let me battle you too?"

"Sure. It will be an honor." Norman says.

"Hey, I'm sorry, Ash." Max says. "You earn this badge, congratulations."

I get the badge from Max and Norman says, "Having that Badge will ensure that Pokémon up to Lv. 60 will obey you, even if you received them in trades. Pokémon that know the HM move Surf will also be able to travel over water now."

We nod, and we are offered to stay a night at the Petalburg Gym, to which we agree.

Here is a new chapter, and the Petalburg Gym is done. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be something that I planned for a long time.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Vigoroth, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Gulpin, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Spoink, Spinda, Trapinch, Cacnea, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Baltoy, Lileep, Anorith, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Vigoroth, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Spoink, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy

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