Chapter 29

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When we get out of the gym, we find Wally and his dad. "Ash! May! Mr. Norman! Guys!"

"Hey, Wally." I say as he comes to us. "I haven't seen you guys in some time. What a coincidence!"

May asks, "So what are you doing here?"

"I just came back to my parent's house to grab something I'd forgotten."

Norman says, "You look like you've been working hard, Wally. It's clear even without a battle."

"R-really? You really think so? Hehe... Thank you! That's so nice of you to say!" Wally says with a blush.

"As you can see, Wally's health has thoroughly improved." Wally's father says. "It's all thanks to you guys. You guys helped Wally catch his first Pokemon that day. It's because of you that he has a partner of his own now. That partner is why he's grown so long. That's my firm belief. So, I thank you."

Then he takes out an HM and says, "Yes, that's it! Sometimes words aren't enough. It would delight me if you'd take this." And since I already have the HM for Surf, that is going to be May's.

"If you're cleared to use Surf outside of battle, you'll be able to cross seas with your Pokemon."

Norman says, "Considering how much you and Wally have grown, you should be able to handle what lies beyond the sea on Route 118 now. There are far stronger Pokémon and Trainers waiting for you on Hoenn's east coast. Continue your journey and your adventures there. I know you'll do your best!"

"Yes, sir! I will do my best to become as strong as Ash, sir!" Wally says. "I guess I had better start out, then. I'm off for now, Dad! See you next time!"

Then Norman says, "Wally... I look forward to seeing you and your Pokémon grow stronger together. And all of you take care of yourself out there."

We then bid farewell to Norman and Caroline as we decide to go to Route 118. Although that's the plan, we get a call from Professor Birch that Professor Oak and Eve are heading to Littleroot Town, so we go there and meet them.

"I can't believe I met Professor Oak in person, can I have your autograph?" Max says after seeing him in person.

"Why, yes. Max." Professor Oak says as he signs his name.

Eve says, "So how are you doing, little sis. I hope you're not having too much fun with Ash."

"Eve!" Alice yells in embarrassment. And May says, "So you're Eve's sister, but you two don't really look the same."

"Yeah, a lot of people said that. Flora and I have Mom's black hair while Alice get Dad's white hair." Eve says. "So how's the progress, Ash?"

"I have 5 badges and 3 ribbons, while May has two ribbons." I say.

"Hold on, when did you get your third ribbon?" Mark asks.

"The Lavaridge Contest. When you guys are having a hot spring there." Alice says.

"You should have told me!" May says. "I could have taken part of it."

"But then I'll beat you, and you will fall into despair again." I say as she sulks down. "True..."

Team Rocket tries to take over their Pokemon with a new mecha, but we stop them and send them flying.

"They are gone again..." Eve says.

"Swifty moving, Fly high, a Starmie shines in a darkening sky." Oak says.

"Wow, it is an honor to hear a poem from Professor Oak." Max says as they laugh.

Before they go, Oak asks, "So where are you heading next?"

"I think it is time to go to Fortree City." I say. "It is time for a battle against Aunt Winona."

Then we bid farewell to the Professors and head to Route 118.

When we go to Route 118, we find a Fisherman and he says, "Hmm! A Good Rod is really good! Wouldn't you agree?"

"Yeah." I say. The fisherman adds, "Hmm! We're of identical minds! Take this Good Rod."

Since we already have one, May is the one getting the Good Rod. And just then, we also meet Steven Stone on the way.

"Hello to all of you again." Steven says. "It's good to see that your journey is going well."

"Yeah, so what are you doing here, Steven?" I ask, and Steven says, "I'm on our way to Alto Mare, which is a place south of here."

"Alto Mare? You mean the City of Water? I always want to check out the place!" May says.

"So I assume you're waiting for the boat?" Max asks.

"Of course, that reminds me, how about you guys come along as well?" Steven asks.

We are delighted to come with Steven, so we head on the boat as we sail to Altomare.

On the boat, Steven and I are chatting and he says, "You know, Ash... In this vast world, there are many kinds of Pokémon. They come in many types. Should you raise different types? Or will you only raise Pokémon of a certain type you like? I wonder what you think, as a Pokémon Trainer?"

"I think I would like to become type specialists with my disguises, but I also like to use multiple types as well." I say.

"Thanks for your opinions, although it is not something I should be concerning myself with... But somehow I find myself wanting to know what you think." Steven says.

When we arrived at Alto Mare, we decided to look around the place and we noticed that there was a water chariot race. Mark and I decided to enter with our Water Pokemon. I choose Crawdaunt while Mark goes for Pelipper.

As the race started, Pikachu suddenly fell into my head and I asked, "Pikachu, you want to come along as well?"

Pikachu nods as he is grabbing tight on my shoulder as we race. Right now Mark and I are now on par with each other, along with last year's winner. Just then, Crawdaunt is too late to turn around and I almost get slammed into a wall, but something invisible helps me get back on the chariot, I have been trying to catch up with Mark again, but somehow Crawdaunt is getting a lot of speed and I am now in the lead again. But this time, Crawdaunt goes in another way and I yell, "Crawdaunt! Where are you going? That's not the right course!"

Then I notice that there is something pulling the line and that causes Crawdaunt to go on shore and we're forced to go on shore as well. I sigh and hear that Mark is the winner, I say, "Don't worry, Crawdaunt, everyone makes mistakes."

After I find everyone, Alice asks, "Ash, where have you been?"

"Sorry, but it seems that Crawdaunt gets me into a different route..." I sigh.

Then Steven offers us a boat ride and we notice the two statues in front of us. Max asks, "What are those on the pillars?"

"The one on the right is Latias and the one on the left is Latios." Steven says. "According to legend, they saved this city from a disaster many years ago."

"So they're like the guardian gods of Alto Mare, then." May says.

"That's right." Steven says. "Even today, everyone in Alto Mare believes they're protecting them."

After getting on shore, we notice two siblings who are walking on the road, and Alice asks, "Ash? Something wrong?"

"Yeah... those two... I don't know why, but I think they're Pokemon like us..." I say.

"You mean Pokemon disguised as trainers?" Max asks. "Here?"

Alice and I decide to chase after the siblings, and we find them being attacked by two women. They are using Espeon and Ariados, I yell, "Hey! What are you two doing?"

"We're only giving these siblings fashion advice." One of the women says.

"They clearly don't want them." Alice says as we try to free the two siblings, with me helping the girl and Alice helping the boy.

Then they try to attack us with Psychic, and I yell, "Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

After attacking them, we grab the siblings' hands and yell, "This way!"

We try to run away from the Espeon and the Ariados, and we manage to outrun them. "I guess they're not here anymore." Alice says.

"Yeah, but where are we?" I ask. Just then, the girl says, "Follow us."

"We know here more than you do." Then they grab our hands and leave, and then we are back at the fountain. We manage to find others and May asks, "Where were you two? We were looking for you."

"Yeah, Steven is going to take us to the Museum." Max says.

"But who were those guys?" When we turn around, we find the siblings gone again. After we get to the museum, Steven introduces us to Mr. Lorenzo, who is going to be our guide.

"Wow. Is that a fossilized Aerodactyl made from Old Ambers?" Max asks.

"That's right. Inside this building, there are a lot of fossils you can find here." Steven says.

And then Lorenzo shows us around the museum, and we notice a girl who looks familiar to the sister of the siblings. Alice and I decide to rush to find the girl, but much to my surprise, she isn't a Pokemon like us. I ask, "Hey, you! Why did you and your brother run away from us?"

"What are you talking about? I don't have a brother." Then she starts to leave.

What's going on, she was talking human as well. Then we start to chase after the girl as well. "This place is just like a maze..."

"I know." I say. And then the siblings are now in front of us. "We found you!"

"Follow us." Just then, they start to run once more, so we chase them until we find them going inside a black wall. We also follow until we find ourselves in a secret garden.

"What is this place?" Alice asks.

"I don't know..." I say. "But it seems to be a secret garden..."

"I still don't get why you want to bring those two here." We see the two siblings arguing. "Nobody can enter this place."

"But you didn't stop me as well, you are also interested in them because they are just like us!"

"Hey, you! How did you get here?" We turn to see another girl coming, and she looks like the sister in front of us. "Are you thieves?"

"No, I'm Alice and this is Ash. We followed these two siblings here." Alice says.

"Sounds suspicious." She says.

"Bianca, those children aren't lying." Just then, Lorenzo and Steven come to us and I ask, "Steven? Lorenzo?"

"Grandpa? And who is this?" The girl named Bianca asks.

"This is the former Hoenn Champion Steven Stone, he's an acquaintance of mine." Lorenzo says. "Latias, Latios, you wanted to play with those two, isn't that right?"

"Latios?" "Latias?" We are surprised, and then they grab us to play the swings together. And then they finally reveal their Pokemon forms, they really are Latias and Latios.

Steven says, "I once heard an odd fable. It was said that the two Pokémon that live on this island guard some secret about that great form of Evolution: Mega Evolution. And to think we can see Latias and Latios... They're beautiful... If I were to describe such beauty in terms of a stone, it would be a Water Stone for Latios and a Sun Stone for Latias... No... It goes beyond that... Isn't its brilliance like that of a Dawn Stone? It is as fantastic as a Steel-type Pokémon..."

Then as Pikachu is playing with the two Legendary Pokemon, Bianca says, "Sorry about what happened back there."

Lorenzo says, "Our family, for many generations, has protected the secret garden as a sanctuary for Latias and Latios when they come to visit the island."

"Those two are siblings. Latios is the elder brother, Latias is his little sister." Bianca explains.

Then Latias takes my hat and I try to get it back. And then Latias and Latios decide to do something as we notice that our surroundings have changed. I ask, "What's going on?"

"Latias and Latios are showing us the underwater world... it's called the Sight-Sharing." Bianca says.

"It's a skill they have to show others what they are seeing. It's their way of showing you guys that they like you."

Afterward, Lorenzo explains that he has taken care of Latias and Latios ever since they were babies. The pair were left orphaned by their father, Latios, who sacrificed his life to protect Alto Mare from the evil Trainer. A collage of stone tiles tells the story in more detail while Lorenzo shows us the precious Soul Dew, said to contain Latios's soul and the power to destroy Alto Mare, housed in a pool of pure water.

"As much as we want to play some more, but it is time for us to head back." I say. "We can come back and play later."

Both Latios and Latias frown, but the two of them give us a Latiasite and a Latiosite as gifts, much to our surprise. We bid them farewell and go through the shortcut in his workshop, and we're going to the Pokemon Center. Then Steven says, "... I don't know what it is... Not quite unease, not quite fear... But there is something...unsettling... It is an odd feeling, as though I am walking in a dream— or an illusion."

"What do you mean, Steven?" I ask.

Just then, we find Team Magma and Team Aqua on two different sides looking for something, and I say, "Team Magma and Team Aqua!"

"What are they doing here?" Alice gasps.

"Don't tell me they're here for Latias and Latios... if that's the case, we have to stop them." Steven says.

After reuniting with the others, we introduce Bianca to them and also explain how Team Magma and Team Aqua are here. So we decide to stop them as we do it one at a time.

We start with Team Aqua, and instead of the female leader named Shelly, this time a shirtless man is the one who leads the grunts. "Huhn?! What's this?! You?!"

A grunt notices us and says, "Huh?! Mr. Matt, sir! Those pipsqueaks over there are the kids that I heard keep getting in our way! B-but that rather alluring gentleman with them... Oh, I feel like I should know him from somewhere... Maybe he's a contest star?"

"Oh ho! I have no time to worry about that! The name's Matt! That's Team Aqua Admin Matt to you! What I want from you is that Latiasite held by the Latias. We of Team Aqua are definitely gonna need the transcendent power of Mega Evolution to achieve our ambitions. How 'bout it? If you get out of our way, we won't rough you up."

"If you can get it that is." I say as I am the one who has the Latiasite. And then Matt says, "Oh ho! If you're really that stupid, then I have no choice but to squash you!"

Then we battle him and the grunts, Matt only uses a Sharpedo, and it is defeated by Pikachu's Thunderbolt with ease.

"Oh ho! Strong, ain'tcha? You're an interesting punk, too, I'll give you that!" Matt says. "I love interesting, strong dudes! That's why I love my bro, Archie! And that's why I'm gonna start loving you from now on, too! Next time I see you, I'll smash you up real good, OK? Let's get outta here, you dull Grunts!"

Then Team Aqua decides to retreat with their submarine, and I say, "Now we have one down, there is one more."

We then find Team Magma, and instead of Tabitha, the one leading is a girl with purple hair and she seems to be a quiet type. ".. Who are you?"

"Hah?! M-Mistress Courtney! That pipsqueaks over there are the kids that I heard keep getting in our way! B-but that enviably unruffled-looking fellow there with them... Hm. I feel like I should know him from somewhere... Maybe he's a contest star?"

Really? The grunt's words are similar to the Aqua grunts... Courtney says, "Yes. For the time being...get away from me. The Pokémon in the legend... its Mega Stone... No less. That is what... That's what we of Team Magma seek. How about it? Will you get away from me... or not?"

Then like Matt, we also refuse to give anything to Courtney. ".. Well then... Deleting..."

Team Magma is battling us just like Team Aqua, and she uses a Camerupt. So we defeat it with Crawdaunt.

"As anticipated. Unanticipated. You. Target lock...completed. Commencing...experiment. You. Forever. Aha... Returning home."

Now Team Magma is also gone, Mark says, "Looks like the crisis have averted..."

"You performed spectacularly. We were able to protect the Mega Stones, thanks to you." Steven says.

Then he turns to May, "That reminds me, May. You should take this from me."

May gasps as she can't believe what is happening, she is receiving the Mega Bracelet from Steven. "Is that a bracelet..."

"With the Mega Bracelet that I just gave you and the Mega Stones that a Pokémon may hold, your Pokémon will be able to achieve a powerful boost, quite unlike any usual form of Evolution... but only if you are bound by great affection. You will be able to achieve Mega Evolution. I know that Ash and the others already have them from their parents."

"Yeah, we do." I say.

"Mega Evolution is a phenomenon that has long been shrouded in mystery. What is a Mega Stone? What is a Key Stone? The process by which bonds between Pokémon and people manifest in tangible power... How do we explain that? I hope that the Mega Bracelet I just gave you might bring us one step closer to finding the answer to these questions."

Then we decide to take a rest at night, but right before we can sleep, we hear the window opening and Latias is now standing in front of us.

"Bianca?" I ask, but she just cries in my shoulder, and I gasp, "Wait, are you Latias?"

"Brother? What's going on?" When the others wake up, I say, "Oh, Mark and Minami are my siblings and May and Max are our friends. You can trust them."

"So you're saying that this girl is a Latias?" Max asks.

Then she reveals her true form, and everyone is shocked. Mark says, "Wow... she is just like us... she can turn into a human of her free will!"

"Unbelievable..." May says.

Much to our surprise, Latias decides to do the Sight-sharing, and we find ourselves in the tower. Max asks, "What's going on here?"

"It's Sight Sharing. We're seeing through Latios' eyes." Alice says.

"Mr. Lorenzo! Bianca!" I gasp in shock as we see them tied up by Ariados' webs. We turn around and notice the Soul Dew. "The Soul Dew..."

"Those two! They were after Latias and Latios!" Alice gasps.

The two thieves start to control the machine and we see them reviving Aerodactyl and Kabutops to capture Latias. It is then the vision ends, and Latias falls to the floor.

"Latias, are you okay?" I ask.

"What is exactly going on, Brother?" Minami asks.

"I don't know, but it's something bad." I explain. We notice the fence is closing off, and I say, "Latias!"

Latias brings me and Alice before the fence closes, and Mark yells, "Brother!"

"We're going to the museum! We're going to rescue everyone!" Alice yells as we leave.

We soon find a gondola and Latias helps us get to the museum. We are soon ambushed by the resurrected Aerodactyl, who grabs Latias with its feet. Alice leaps onto it before ordering Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, which works in freeing Latias and herself. Aerodactyl fires off a Hyper Beam, destroying the gondola and nearly drowning us, until Latias's interventions.

"That Aerodactyl is still after us." Alice says.

I notice the water chariot, and I say, "I have an idea."

Then Alice and Pikachu are holding me tight as we use the Water Chariot to get away, Latias is the one who does the pulley, and we manage to lose Aerodactyl after making a turn down a narrow waterway.

Then there is also the Kabutops, who has been trying to attack us with its scythes, we jump off the chariot and we find Beautifly, Wailmer, and Swablu the ones who saved us.

"Thanks, guys!" We know they're Mark, Minami, and May's Pokemon, so we continue to move forward. But much to our surprise, as we are about to arrive at the museum, a giant water wall appears in front of us and we are about to get drowned, but thanks to Latias, who uses Safeguard to save us.

"Latias!" We rush to her, and she seems to be fine. Then we rush into the museum and Alice notices the thieves, "Use Thunderbolt!"

Pikachu unleashes the Thunderbolt at them while I try to free Bianca and Mr. Lorenzo. Latias is trying to save Latios, but the machine is going haywire. I yell. "Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

After trying to charge at the spherical cage holding Latios several times, Latias is eventually able to overpower it while we pull Latios free. The DMA stops swinging around wildly, and we all rush to Latios.

"Latios!" Alice yells, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine..." Latios mutters weakly. It is also then Steven brings Mark, May, Minami, and Max to the museum. "You guys okay?" Steven asks.

"We're fine!" We yell back.

But just then, we hear Lorenzo yell, "No! You mustn't touch it!"

We notice that the thief touches the Soul Dew and it shatters into pieces, "The Soul Dew!" Bianca gasps.

"When an evil trainer makes use of the Soul Dew... the soul will be soiled, and the dew will vanish along with this very city." Lorenzo says.

We rush outside to find that the water is gone, much to our surprise. Latios is still wincing in pain with Latias showing worry. Lorenzo says, "The city is going to sink..."

We notice a giant tsunami is approaching, the impact will break the whole city into pieces.

Bianca asks, "Is there a way we can save the town?"

Latios says, "There is. I must sacrifice myself to become the new Soul Dew."

Latias is shocked, "Brother, you can't do it! I don't want to lose you!"

"I am sorry, it has to be done." He says as he prepares to go.

"Wait, Latios!" Alice calls out to him, and he says, "What is it? We don't have time."

Alice says, "I have a way, you can create a Soul Dew without dying."

Everyone is confused. Lorenzo asks, "How?"

Alice says, "Soul Dew is made of energies of the Eon Pokemon. Since Latios was used to control the DMA, he had lost most of his energy. But what I wanted to do would cause a lot of energy, but Latios won't die. First, Latios, take me with you."

I say, "Alice, you're not going alone. I'm coming too."

We hop on the two eon Pokemon, and then we put the Mega Stone that they give us as gifts on their wings.

"Mega Evolve!" We yell at the same time, and both Latias and Latios become purple colored and they start to stop the tsunami. Latios is starting to drain his energy to make a soul dew.

After it's done, I try to use Psychic to catch Latios before it falls into the ocean. After we are back, everyone is waiting for us, and Latias asks, "Is he alright?"

"Yes. He is. He needed to rest." Alice then places the new Soul Dew back to where it belongs, she then turns to others, "Now the town is safe." Everyone sighs in relief.

After it's time for us to leave, Steven manages to contact my Mom to arrest the two thieves, and we also decide to leave Alto Mare and head back to Route 118. Much to our surprise, we see both Latias and Latios approaching, and they show their true forms on the boat.

I ask, "Latias, Latios? What are you doing here?"

Latias then kisses me on the cheek, everyone is surprised and Alice is a little shaking. Latias says, "I wanted to go with you."

"Well, sure, you two can come in the team." I say as I capture the two Pokemon.

Minami says, "Looks like somebody is jealous."

"I am not." Alice pouts, causing them to laugh.

Latias: The Eon Pokemon. Dragon and Psychic Type. Latias is highly intelligent and capable of understanding human speech. It is covered with a glass-like down. The Pokémon enfolds its body with its down and refracts light to alter its appearance.

Latios: The Eon Pokemon. Dragon and Psychic Type. Latios will only open its heart to a Trainer with a compassionate spirit. This Pokémon can fly faster than a jet plane by folding its forelegs to minimize air resistance.

Now here is the new chapter, and the Latias and Latios movie as well. I really like this movie to be honest. Since Latias and Latios are cool Pokemon.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Grovyle, Combusken, Marshtomp, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Vigoroth, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aron, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Gulpin, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Spoink, Spinda, Trapinch, Cacnea, Swablu, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Baltoy, Lileep, Anorith, Latias, Latios, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Marshtomp, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Wailmer, Numel, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Vigoroth, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Spoink, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Baltoy

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