Chapter 33

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After bidding farewell to Mom, East, and Winona, we are now at Route 120. On our way, we find Team Rocket again and this time they try to brainwash Pikachu into joining Team Rocket because of the amnesia from the fall. In the end, we manage to recover his memories and Pikachu sends Team Rocket blasting off again.

Just then, we arrive at Riyado Town, but before we can get there, there's a wooden bridge. "Look out!" We hear a voice, and I'm trying to look for the source. Pikachu eagerly crosses when the bridge gives way because of the oddly powerful river current, sending him into the water below. However, with a feat of acrobatics, Pikachu manages to leap from the dangerous bridge onto my head.

"So who's the one who tells us to watch out?" Alice asks. And we look forward to seeing the Absol.

"An Absol?" I ask.

"You really are hard to catch up." The Absol says, and I widen my eyes, this Absol must be the same Absol from Fiorna. But before we can ask him about it, we hear some villagers rushing and they are blaming Absol for the broken bridge.

"I wonder what is that about..." Mark says.

We go to the village and we find that ever since Absol comes to the village, bad things have been happening. They say that they hire expert Absol hunters, but there is a boy named Nicky who explains that Absol will never be caught by their likes. Then the villagers start to blame him for his brother running away after chasing the Absol.

"I think there's more to it." I say as we rush towards Nicky.

"What are those people mean that your brother runs away from town?"

"He didn't run away! I know my Big Brother, and he won't have disappear!" Nicky says.

Then he reveals that when Absol appears, his brother wants to prove that Absol isn't the one that caused the disasters, but he went missing and he says that he has the evidence.

"I know that Absol personally, and he saves us personally. So I know that he's innocent." I say.

Then the others agree with me, and we decide to follow Nicky as we go to the highest peak, the Square Top. Absol is waiting for us there, and Nicky yells, "Absol! You have to listen to me! I don't believe you're the one who causes the disasters, but the people in Riyado Town do! You have to help me to convince them so that they don't mean any harm."

Just then, Absol says nothing but yells, "Get away from here!"

"What do you mean?" I ask, and then a flood of water erupts from the rocks behind us. Alice, Max, Nicky, Pikachu, Absol, and I are swept away by the flood, we drop onto a branch and Nicky loses his grip. Absol is the one who saves him.

And when we're falling, a Heracross saves us, and it turns out to be Gordon's Pokemon. Gordon explains that he's been tracking groups of Absol in other mountains to better understand them after saving the life of the wild Absol in his village's mountain. From his research, Gordon made a startling find, Absol only approaches human settlements with good reason, that they don't actually cause disasters but often take the blame, and don't attack unless provoked.

Then we realize that the water pressure in the mountain's spring is building, and Absol has been trying to warn everyone that the village will soon be flooded, while the increased water flow destroyed the bridges. Just then, a geyser of water erupts out of the side of the mountain, threatening to destroy Gordon's village.

"Here comes the flooding! Just like you predicted!" Max says.

"What should we do about it?" I ask.

"Ash! Guys! Help me out!" Then Absol is using Hyper Beam to knock over a giant boulder. We know as we decide to help him out, but the boulder doesn't budge. Absol moves into point-blank range with its Hyper Beam and successfully diverts the boulder and the water flow, and we find out that Absol hunters are Team Rocket in disguises.

Absol recognizes them and sends them flying with a Razor Wind before they can even make an attempt to capture Pikachu. Afterward, the villagers are left with the realization that Absol has the power to predict disasters, not cause them, and that Absol is, in fact, a good Pokémon.

"Thanks a lot, Absol." I say, and Absol says that he has been waiting for us and wants us to capture him. So we capture him, and he's just like Pikachu, not wanting to go into the Pokeball, so we bring him along with us.

Absol: The Disaster Pokemon: Dark Type. Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pokémon very rarely ventures down from the mountains.

As we head to Route 121, we are now rushing through a pouring rain and we come across the mansion. I try to knock the front door, and we get no response.

"Well, it seems like this place might be haunted." Max says as it frightens May.

"Guys, it is so creepy here." May says that she wants to leave this place as soon as possible.

"But it is still raining outside, we can't go out unless the rain stops." I frown.

The doors suddenly screech open, and we reluctantly rush inside as the stormy conditions get worse. The doors again shut behind them, and on closer inspection, we notice the scratch marks on the door.

"Guys, there is something over there." I say, and both Alice and Max see what I see. "You're right, let's check it out." We decide to chase after the shadow, until we get into a room.

"He is inside." Max says. Alice says, "Yeah, let's open and see what it is."

And as we open the door, we are surprised to see the girl playing with a Shuppet. "Ash, Alice? Is that you?"

"Gina?" Alice and I exclaim in surprise, it's my big sister Gina. "What are you doing here?"

Gina says, "I was just looking around and I saw this mansion with nobody inside it. I came and found this Shuppet. She seems to be lonely so I often come and play with her."

Max says, "Wait, what's going on?"

Then we introduce Max to her, and then Gina asks, "By the way, where is Pikachu?"

"I think they're still downstairs." I say as we decide to bring everyone to the room. Max is staying with Gina as we find the others.

"Ash, where were you? And where is Max?" May asks.

"You wouldn't believe who I found in this place, follow me." I say as we go to the room, and Mark and Minami are shocked to see our big sister there.

"Big sis Gina?" Minami tackles Gina for a hug, while Mark just looks at them. "What are you doing here?"

After explaining the truth, we decide to play with the Shuppet. Gina notices the Absol and she asks, "This one is your new capture?"

"Yeah, he doesn't like Pokeballs as well." I say.

Just then, Team Rocket appears and they are going to capture the Pokemon again.

"Man, they are annoying..." I say.

"Yeah... Gina, can you take them to the Reverse World?" Minami asks.

"I won't like my world to be stained by a bunch of idiots."

"How many times do we tell you that we aren't idiots?" James asks.

"I don't know? Maybe we will stop when you guys don't follow us." Mark says.

"Never." Meowth says.

They take out Seviper and Cacnea to attack us, but Shuppet wants to battle them, she uses Hypnosis and Dream Eater to defeat them and Pikachu blasts them off using Thunderbolt.

"They are gone for now..." May says.

"Yeah. But what do you mean Reverse World? Isn't that the place where Giratina lives?" Max asks.

"So you know about Giratina?" Alice asks.

"Well, some legend says that since it angers Arceus, and Arceus imprisoned it there." Max says.

"My father doesn't imprison me there, I actually liked that place in fact." Gina says.

"Huh?" Max asks in confusion. Gina turns into her Pokemon form, causing the two siblings to be shocked.

"A Giratina?" Max and May exclaim.

Gina turns back to her form and says, "Yes. I am Giratina. As you know, Ash, Mark, and Minami are Arceus."

May says, "This is crazy... we are traveling with 3 Arceus..."

Max says, "What can be crazier? Dialga and Palkia are also your siblings?"

They all nod, Max says, "Man, I wish I could see your family whole."

"Maybe one day." I say.

Before they leave the mansion, Gina asks me if I want to take Shuppet, and I decide to bring this guy along with us.

Shuppet: The Puppet Pokemon: Ghost Type. Shuppet is attracted by feelings of jealousy and vindictiveness. If someone develops strong feelings of vengeance, this Pokémon will appear in a swarm and line up beneath the eaves of that person's home.

As we move forward, we notice the Safari Zone, and I say, "There is a Safari Zone here as well?"

"That sure is something interesting." Alice says.

It turns out that this place doesn't seem to have any Safari Balls, so we can just go there and explore with the two bikes we have. But after getting out, we find some Aqua members.

"OK! We're moving out to Mt. Pyre! We're getting our hands on that orb before Team Magma does!"

After hearing what they say, I say, "This is not good... they're heading to Mt. Pyre..."

"Let's go as well." We rush to Route 122 and surf to Mt. Pyre, and just when we get inside, Max says, "This place is sure looking like a graveyard..."

"It is a graveyard." I say. And May jumps when a Duskull appears and scares her. I say, "Oh, it's just a Duskull."

Alice and I decide to capture the Duskull, and thanks to Shuppet we manage to capture it.

Duskull: The Requiem Pokemon: Ghost Type. Duskull wanders lost among the deep darkness of midnight. There is an oft-told admonishment given to misbehaving children that this Pokémon will spirit away bad children who earn scoldings from their mothers.

Daisy is also there and she greets us, when she notices our Absol, she gasps, "Wow... that is an Absol! Where did you find it?"

"It has been following us and we finally capture it in Riyado Town." I say. "But what are you doing here?"

"I'm finding a Titan Dusclops, and to tell the truth, I just found it and I got away as quickly as possible." Daisy says. "What about you guys?"

"We are trying to search for Team Magma and Team Aqua, they're up to no good." I say.

"I see, well, I'm not going to stop you, so you can just take those two." She gives me two more badges, one is the Skull Badge, and the other is a Disaster Badge. So we thank her as we climb the mountain.

Once we get outside, me and my siblings all capture a Meditite of our own since it is going to be very useful if we try to stop Team Magma or Team Aqua.

Meditite: The Meditate Pokemon: Fighting and Psychic Type. Meditite undertakes rigorous mental training deep in the mountains. However, whenever it meditates, this Pokémon always loses its concentration and focus. As a result, its training never ends.

When we get to the top, we battle some Team Magma grunts and Team Aqua Grunts. We arrive at the top where they see Maxie and Archie, along with two people that they haven't met before.

"Humph. So it was you... I'm sorry that I had to postpone my defeat of you at Mt. Chimney. And now, I am sorry that I have to postpone it once more. I cannot afford to waste even a single second now. For the Red Orb which has been enshrined here at Mt. Pyre... Now belongs to me, the great Maxie!" Maxie says.

"I thought something was a bit noisy, and who is it but the usual scamp! Sorry, scampo, but I'm afraid I just don't have time to play with you right now. The Blue Orb that's long been enshrined here at Mt. Pyre... It belongs to Team Aqua now!" Archie says.

They both talk at the same time, but we know that they have their hands on the Red Orb and the Blue Orb, which is not good.

"Blaise, you must see to it that our dear visitors are not neglected due to my inability to battle now... Do be so kind as to battle them with the full measure of your strength...and crush them so that they will never again for a single moment dream of defying our team!"

"Amber, we can't let Maxie take all the credit. How about you do a favor for our lively little visitor, and keep him entertained? You'd better use your full strength, too, so you don't offend our honored guest!"

Just then, both leaders are leaving, and they are also commanding the other grunts, "Fufufu... With this Red Orb in my possession, I have no need for the power of the Meteorite to awaken the beast from the deep! All that I need now is a way to reach the place where it sleeps... The only task remaining is obtaining the submarine being constructed in Slateport! We move out at once, team! Our next destination...Slateport City!"

"Bwahahahah! With this Blue Orb in my hands, I won't even need the power of the Meteorite to awaken the beast from the deep! All I need now is a way to get to the place where it sleeps... All I have to do is get that submarine they're making in Slateport! Come on, boys! We're for Slateport City!"

Then the two leaders leave the area as we try to chase them, but then I see that Maxie becomes three and I'm confused.

"What's wrong, brother?" Minami asks in worry.

Blaise says, "Do you think I will let you capture our boss?" Then a Slugma appears on his shoulder and he says, "Too bad that I have already made some illusions in your head."

"You..." Alice says, but then she is hit by the Hydro Pump and then it is sent to the wall. "Where did that attack come from?" Max asks in shock.

Amber says, "Simple, I did it, I won't let you interfere with our boss."

Alice struggles to get up and says, "The Shadow of Fire...and the Drop of Terror...we shouldn't underestimate you..."

We battle them along with the grunts that are left, and our Pokemon have evolve into their second forms.

Medicham: The Meditate Pokemon: Fighting and Psychic Type. Evolve from Meditite at LV:37. Through the power of meditation, Medicham developed a sixth sense. It gained the ability to use psychokinetic powers. This Pokémon is known to meditate for a whole month without eating.

Banette: The Marionette Pokemon: Ghost Type. Evolve from Shuppet at LV:37. A cursed energy permeated the stuffing of a discarded and forgotten plush doll, giving it new life as Banette. The Pokémon's energy would escape if it were to ever open its mouth.

Dusclops: The Beckon Pokemon: Ghost Type. Evolve from Duskull at LV:37. Dusclops absorbs anything, however large the object may be. This Pokémon hypnotizes its foe by waving its hands in a macabre manner and by bringing its single eye to bear. The hypnotized foe is made to do Dusclops's bidding.

We manage to defeat all the grunts, but just before we can call Mom here, they already use illusions to escape the place.

"Damn... they get away with the Red Orb and the Blue Orb..." Mark says.

"The last thing we want are Kyogre and Groudon to battle." Minami says.

"What should we do?" Max asks.

"We will stop them, the two Legendaries can create extreme weather, we will know where they are if the weather changes." They all nod at my words. And then the two Chimecho appear in front of us, and I gasp, "A Chimecho?"

"Obviously we're going to capture them." Minami says as we capture the two Pokemon.

Chimecho: The Wind Chime Pokemon: Psychic Type. Chimecho makes its cries echo inside its hollow body. When this Pokémon becomes enraged, its cries result in ultrasonic waves that have the power to knock foes flying.

And then there are two people who come to us, and the old lady says, "The Blue Orb and the Red Orb must never be separated. They belong together..."

She turns to us and says, "I beg you... Chase after those thieves and take back the orbs! Those wretched leaders of theirs... I'm sure they said they were headed for Slateport City next..."

Then we decide to head to Slateport City so that we can stop Maxie and Archie.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Team Magma and Team Aqua have their hands on the Blue Orb and the Red Orb. I hope you like this chapter.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Loudred, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Lairon, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Gulpin, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Vibrava, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Lileep, Anorith, Feebas, Castform, Kecleon, banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Latias, Latios, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Ivysaur, Combusken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Loudred, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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