Chapter 34

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On the way back to Slateport City, we decide to stop at Route 123 to check out the Berry Master's House. There are a lot of berries that they plant, and after we receive some berries, we head to Slateport City and find Captain Stern.

"Yes, indeed. And that is why we intend to move ahead with our expedition."

"That's wonderful, Captain Stern! Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to talk to us. We hope we can interview you again with news of more discoveries!"

After the reporters are gone, Captain Stern sighs, "Whew... That was my first time being filmed for TV. What a nerve-racking experience!"

"Captain Stern." We all greet the man, and he recognizes us, "Oh! It's you again! You're looking well. Glad to see it. We made a huge discovery on our latest expedition to the seafloor. We found an underwater cavern on Route 128—and we think it may be the den of a super-ancient Pokémon long thought to have been extinct."

Before we can say anything, we hear some voice, "Ahhh... Ahhh... Testing, testing. One, two, three... OK. I hope you're listening out there... Captain Stern! We of Team Aqua will now be assuming control of your lovely submarine. You'll contribute to our great plan of returning everything to the beginning... I hope you appreciate this great honor! Wah...hahahah! Bwahahahahahahahah!"

"Now you give me that thing." There is a crash sound, and then we hear another voice, "Hrr-hrrmph. Captain Stern, I presume you can hear me. We of Team Magma will now assume control of your famed submarine. Take pride in the fact that your invention will serve as a linchpin of the next great step in humanity's development! Fufufu... Fuwahahahahaha!"

"Why you!" Then another crash sound and the voices are gone. "Do you hear that voice? It's like someone is using a megaphone... But where is it coming from?"

Max says, "Is Maxie and Archie!"

"And I have to assume they came from the Harbor!" I say.

"Our submarines! They took it! I'm sorry, but young children... Please come with me!"

We rush into the harbor, and we find Team Magma in one of the rooms. Captain Stern asks, "Who are those guys?"

Maxie notices us and says, "Hmph... So you have bothered to chase me, Maxie, all the way here from Mt. Pyre... Hohoho. You have earned my respect for the persistence you have shown. However... None can stop us now. All that remains is to retrofit this submarine and force our way into the Seafloor Cavern, where the great Pokémon sleeps... Our plans to propel humanity to its ultimate heights have entered their final stage."

"So you actually find where Groudn is..." I mutter.

"If you wish to prolong your futile struggle, I will not deny your right to try. Our hideout lies in Jagged Pass. Follow us to our very door if you feel that justice demands it. And now I must be going. Tabitha!"

"We are in accord, Leader Maxie... You Grunts, here! Until our Leader and I, your Admin, have made our escape in the submarine, stay here and buy us some time!"

Then we are ambushed by the grunts, and Maxie says, "Let's go."

"This way, Leader Maxie... We should make haste." Then they take the submarine when we defeat those grunts.

"They get away!" May says.

"What about the other submarine?" Captain Stern asks as we rush into another room, and we see Archie and Shelly there.

"Those thugs... They're the same lot who tried to take the Devon Parts at the museum..." Captain Stern gasps.

"Impossible! You actually followed us all the way from Mt. Pyre? Grah-hah! You got me! I bow to your persistence and love of justice! Bwaha! Bwahahahahah! It's a pity, so it is, but we're well past the time when you and your best efforts could turn the tide. We'll add a few last touches to this submarine, and we'll be all set to bust open the Seafloor Cavern where that great Pokémon is sleeping. Our plans to return everything to the beginning...They're as good as complete! But I know you gotta do what you gotta do, scamp. I'm not gonna tell ya to quit chasing us... Follow us all the way to our hideout in Lilycove, if that's what your honor demands. Now then... Shelly?"

"...Got it. You guys! Keep those spoiled brats busy until the submarine takes off."

Then we are also forced to battle the Aqua Grunts. And Archie says, "Got it. We'll see you there, then! My little scamp adversaries! Grahahaha! Bwahahahahahahah!"

"Let's go. Archie..."

After they get away, Captain Stern also hears the grunts saying that they're going to modding the submarines.

"M-modding? Those criminals... What are they planning to do with my Submarine Explorer 1 and Submarine Explorer 2?" Captain Stern asks.

"It is obvious... they are going for the super-ancient Pokemon that slumbers at the bottom of the sea..." I say. "Groudon and Kyogre."

"Guys, I'm sorry, but... My stolen submarines... They could bring an unimaginable disaster upon the world... Someone has to get to their hideout in Lilycove and Jagged Pass and stop them! But I've got no chance alone!"

"Don't worry, we'll stop them." Then we decide to rush to the Magma Hideout first, which is located at Jagged Pass. We rush to the hideout, which needs a Magma Emblem to open, but luckily we manage to steal one and use it to get inside the hideout.

We are surprised at the hideout, there are a lot of lava tubes around the area. Alice says, "Are those the lava from Mt. Chimney?"

"Looks like they're using it as a fuel source." Mark says.

And when we rush in, we find some panels on the ground. I say, "May, Max, this might be the first time you raid the base of an evil organization. But what you see there is a Wrap Panel. It can teleport us to different rooms."

We take the wrap panel to the north and Max and May are in awe at the object. Then we continue moving and defeat the grunts, we manage to get to the room full of beds, which we can actually use to rest up. Then we continue moving and arrive at a room.

"What is this room?" Minami asks.

"I think this is the room where they're conducting experiments to create the Red Orb. But judging by the meteorite on the device, I think they failed so they need to steal from Mt. Pyre.

There is also a library, and we also notice a room with a suit. I say, "Hey, I think I've seen the Devon Corp researching something like this..."

"Considering that Tabitha is a traitor, they probably stole the documents." Minami says.

Eventually, we arrive at the room where we see a Helicopter bringing the submarine, which is now shaped as a Camerupt. Courtney is standing there, and she says, ".. ... ...I knew you would come."

"You're Courtney!" I say as I remember her from Alto Mare.

"...Too bad, though. ...It's all over now. ...The submarine has been upgraded ...Look. ...At that drill. ...With that...even the seal on the Seafloor Cavern is in for a walloping! ... ...There's still for me to do. ...I must...stop you. ...Until Leader Maxie...departs... ...But... ...Now...I just...want to... ...With you... ...I want to...engage... ...You... ...I want to...analyze. Ahahaha."

Okay, she's using Camerupt to stop us, but with the help of our Loudred, which evolves into Exploud, we defeat her with the Hyper Voice.

Exploud: The Loud Noise Pokemon: Normal Type. Evolve from Loudred at LV:40. Exploud triggers earthquakes with the tremors it creates by bellowing. If this Pokémon violently inhales from the ports on its body, it's a sign that it is preparing to let loose a huge bellow.

".. ...Change...the world." Then we notice the helicopter with the submarine is taking off, and Max yells, "No! We're too late!"

"...Leader Maxie... ... ...Mission... ...Complete. ...Leader Maxie...has departed. ...For the development...of humanity. ...For our...dreams... ...To you...whom I had not foreseen. ...I will give a hint. ...So that you...may dream...the same dream as us. ...Leader headed for...the sea stretching out from Lilycove. ...In the depths of the sea...lies the Seafloor Cavern. ...What are you...going to do? ...Looking seaside towns. ...That might work. ...Ahaha. "

We glare at her, and she says, "...I don't know...what you could do to get there. ...Even if I knew...I wouldn't tell. ...Ahaha. "

"Just great... we should really get to Lilycove City." I say. "Even if we can't stop Team Magma, we have to stop Team Aqua as well."

The others nod as we all head to Lilycove City using Fly.

After heading to Lilycove City, we decide to stock up on some items until we find Brendan. "Oh, hey, it's you guys. I'm running an errand for my dad. No, I'm not buying any dolls. Anyways, it's been a while. Want to have a battle to see who's been raising Pokémon better?"

Alice says, "How about I battle you this time?"

Then he uses four Pokemon, a Swellow, a Breloom, a Magcargo, and a Swampert. Alice uses our Pokemon to defeat him with ease.

"Humph... You've done a lot of raising. That stings a bit-I had a head start on you as a Trainer..." Brendan says.

"But Ash and I share our Pokemon together." Alice says. "So what you doing next?"

"I... I plan on going home to Littleroot. You know I'm helping out my dad on his Pokédex. It's coming together pretty decently, so I should go show him. Ash, what are you going to do? Collect all the Gym Badges and take the Pokémon League challenge? Maybe I'll do that, too... Well, anyway, hang in there!"

After he leaves, we head to the department store, but we are also surprised to find Lisia there as well.

"You guys are here! Are you here for the Contest as well?" Lisia asks.

"Wait, there is a Contest held today?" May asks.

"Of course, you've better get registered because it is almost time." Lisia says.

We rush to the Contest and May is able to enter it. But it comes to a chaotic start when Combusken's Fire Spin goes out of control. Luckily, Combusken blocks the oncoming inferno and uses Peck to a dazzling display of embers. May orders a follow-up Fire Spin to gather up the embers into a fireball before smacking it with a Sky Uppercut, bringing another rain of fire down.

"That was a close one..." I say after the appeal round. May is the last one to enter.

"But seriously, I still think that performance is reckless..." Alice sighs.

May is battling Jessie in the finals, Combusken is facing Chimecho. Combusken lashes Chimecho with a Quick Attack, and Chimecho retaliates by Wrapping itself around its opponent's neck.

"Use Peck!" Combusken pecks at Chimecho to free itself before engulfing it in a Fire Spin.

"Use Double Edge!" "Block it with Sky Uppercut." And Combusken knocks the opponent out, winning the contest.

"The winner of this contest is May! Please cheer for her!" Vivian comments as May hugs her Combusken in joy. Combusken also starts to glow and becomes Blaziken. May is excited to have another strong member of the team.

Then after getting the third ribbon, we find Lisia again. This time she's singing in the backstage. "Ahem... Aaah, aah, aah. There's no jamming my feelings for you. I'll show you the appeal of my love. "

"Hey, Lisia. What are you singing?" I ask.

"Oh! Ash, May! I was just sneaking in a little rehearsal! I want to shine as an idol, so when I have free time, I get some practice in! But I was forgetting something more important! You've finally made it! You've won your third ribbon, May! Wow! Fantastic! You're totally on fire! "You Can Always Count on Me! The Glittering Life of an Idol!" That's what I'll call this chapter! Don't you think that's perfect, Ali?"

Ali nods in agreement, and Lisia continues, "Oooh! I almost forgot to tell you! I'm sure you'll blast right through the next contest, too, May! The other contestants will be tough... You've gotta give your Pokémon plenty of Pokéblocks so their condition is just perfect, and think of the perfect set of moves to use together! But I'm not worried! I know you can do it, May! And, um... If you... When you... If you win all the contests until the Grand Festival... Then what would you think about you and me maybe-"

"Heeey! Lisia! I know you've been pining away for me, but Chaz is on the scene at last!" We groan as we see that blonde hair boy again with his Machoke Macherie.

"Oh. Chaz. And Macherie. I don't think anyone would say I've been "pining"... And could you have picked a worse time to interrupt?" Lisia sighs.

"What could I be interrupting? Nothing worth anything is going on till I'm here! I'm your MVP! Never mind that anyway. Look, Macherie brought lunch again today, so come and join me for a nice, private—"

Not only he try to gain Lisia's attention, but his Machoke is also trying to get Ali's attention as well.

"Hahaha! Macherie, you scamp! You've got a crush a mile wide on Ali! See? Even our Pokémon have good chemistry! We're a perfect pair! It's written in the stars. Destined to be...the ultimate rivals...Chaz and Lisia!"

"Nice try, but that's not going to happen." I say as I step forward.

"And YOU! Here you are again, trying to steal my spot as a rival. Getting in our way!" Chaz says to me.

"And what if I were? I am also a Top Coordinator like Lisia, you know." I say.

"So you're not as hopeless as I figured. Sure it's pretty impressive, and I... I should congratulate you on it... But still! Don't dream you're ever gonna beat ME!" Chaz says.

"Chaz! Look, the contest has brought us all together, which is pretty lucky for us. Can you just drop all this talk of winning and losing? Make the most of being here and doing our best! Am I right? Right! Let's all have fun!" Lisia says.

Then Chaz storms off after being rejected for a lunch with Lisia, we all head back to the Pokemon Center to rest.

Here is a new chapter, and we have manage to finish the Team Magma base. The next chapter will be Team Aqua's base and I hope you like it.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Lairon, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Vibrava, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Lileep, Anorith, Feebas, Castform, Kecleon, banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Latias, Latios, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Ivysaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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