Chapter 35

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The next day, we decide to relax as we try the beauty outfit for our female Pikachu. The outfit this time is a princess outfit that we called Belle outfit. The following are the Beautyf moves:

1. Graceful Shining Road: By using Flash and Round, we make a graceful show with the Normal Pokemon.

2. Uplifting Dawn: By using Aura Sphere and Focus Blast, we create a special dawn with the Fighting Pokemon.

3. Celestial Skies: By using Feather Dance and Tailwind, we create a celestial sky with the Flying Pokemon.

4. Venin Quartet BT: By using Venoshock and Acid Spray, we create a quartet with the Poison Pokemon.

5. Global Shuddering: By using Earth Power and Dig, we create a shuddering with the Ground Pokemon.

6. Roaring Fantasia: By using Power Gem and Rock Blast, we create a fantasy with the Rock Pokemon.

7. Radiant Emergence: By using Quiver Dance and Silver Wind, we create an appearance with the Bug Pokemon.

8. Nightmare Dawn: By using Ominous Wind and Poltergeist, we create a nightmare with Ghost Pokemon.

9. Luceat Lux Vestra: By using Mirror Shot and Flash Cannon, we create a sunrise scene with the Steel Pokemon.

10. Exquisite Inferno: By using Blast Burn and Flamethrower, we create an exquisite Inferno with the Fire Pokemon.

11. Serene Blessed Rain: By using Hydro Cannon and Hydro Pump, we create a serene rain with the Water Pokemon.

12. Cultured Flower Garden: By using Frenzy Plant and Petal Dance, we create a cultured garden with the Grass Pokemon.

13. Lightning Dazzle: By using Ion Deluge and Discharge, we create a dazzling light show with the Electric Pokemon.

14. Serenade: By using Heal Pulse and Cosmic Power, we create a Serenade with the Psychic Pokemon.

15. Glistening Icicles: By using Icicle Crash and Icicle Spear, we create a lot of glistening icicles with the Ice Pokemon.

16. Regal Courtesy: By using Dragon Pulse and Draco Meteor, we create a king's appearance with the Dragon Pokemon.

17. Moonscape Reflection: By using Snarl and Nasty Plot, we create a reflection with the Dark Pokemon.

18. Elegant Outing: By using Fairy Wind and Misty Terrain, we create an elegant field with the Fairy Pokemon.

And while we're doing the moves, we are delighted to see that our Feebas finally evolving into a Milotic. Milotic has been nuzzling me and I'm glad to have her on my team.

Milotic: The Tender Pokemon: Water Type. Evolved from Feebas with Maximum Beauty condition or trading with Prism Scale. Milotic live at the bottom of large lakes. When this Pokémon's body glows a vivid pink, it releases a pulsing wave of energy that brings soothing calm to restless spirits.

As for our female Pikachu, she uses a move that we're not expecting. May asks, "Is that Icicle Crash?"

Alice says, "Of course! I think I like this one better than the other costumes."

"You say that because you like Ice Types." Lisia says as she gives me the Rose Badge, and I get the badge and thank her. Then she decides to head back to Fortree City to relax.

We continue to surf until we reach a cave, and when we enter the cave, we see familiar tubes and I say, "This must be the Team Aqua hideout."

"I think it has a similar base to Team Magma's..." Mark says after looking at the Wrap Panels.

We walk around the area and we also find that they are also trying to use a meteorite to create the Blue Orb for Kyogre, and we also notice the Aqua Suit that is similar to Magma Suit.

As we arrive at the room with the submarine, we find Matt is the one who's guarding the place. "Oh! I knew you'd come! You're the first punks ever to sneak into this hideout and make it this far! I expected nothing less from crumbs like you! But I've got some bad news for you! We already completely finished upgrading the ship!"

"Kinda late compared to Team Magma, I say." Minami says.

"Look at that drill! As long as we've got that thing, we could KO the seal over the Seafloor Cavern with one punch! My bro Archie's in the ship! Come at me! If you take me out fast, you might be able to catch up to him! Before you do, though... We need to settle once and for all who's stronger, you and your sorry Pokémon, or me and my not-so-sorry Pokémon! ...Hoo! ...Haaahh! I'm... Heating up! Me! You! Pokémon! Mixing it up! Dueling! Hooah! Full on! I'm burning up! Well! Welll! Wellllll! Let's battle it out until we've got nothing left!"

He uses a Sharpedo, and I decide to go with Wailmer to battle and Wailmer evolves into a Wailord and uses Body Slam to defeat it despite the Rough Skin ability.

Wailord: The Float Whale Pokemon: Water Type. Evolved from Wailmer at LV:40. Wailord is the largest of all identified Pokémon up to now. This giant Pokémon swims languorously in the vast open sea, eating massive amounts of food at once with its enormous mouth.

"Hah... Hah... Hah... Bro! It's all...on" Then we notice the submarine is sinking into the ocean. "... While we were battling it out... My bro Archie finished getting ready... ... I have only one hope... For my bro Archie to finish doing what he set out to do... That's all... My bro Archie is everything to me... I live to serve my bro..."

"So they're heading to the Seafloor Cavern as well?" I demand.

"...All right, then. You took me out, so I'll give you an idea of what the world will be like if my bro has his way. My bro Archie is headed for the big blue sea that stretches out from Lilycove City. Deep beneath the surface is the Seafloor Cavern. That's where the world my bro hopes to create... Where the beginnings of the primordial world will be felt... Regular people and Pokémon can't make it there, though. How could you get there... Why don't you look around in towns by the sea and use your own thick head to think about it?"

"So let me guess this straight, both Groudon and Kyogre are actually in the same Seafloor Cavern?" Max asks.

"I think so." I say.

Now we're at Route 124, since we're heading to Mossdeep City for my seventh gym badge. On the way, we stop at Wales Island, a nature preserve said to have not changed in over a millennia. While I have Pikachu practice some of his attacks on some driftwood, May says, "I did it, Ivysaur learns Petal Dance!"

"Really?" Alice asks as she shows them, sure enough, Ivysaur is able to use the move to slice a hole through an incoming wave. Just then, we hear Max's screaming and we rush to him. "What's wrong?"

"I thought I saw a Cradily..." Max says.

"That's impossible...Cradily is supposed to be extinct..." Mark says.

"Wait, maybe he can help us." I decide to send out Lileep to see if he sees a Cradily. But all we find is a Breloom, May says, "Maybe this is what you saw."

"I swear I saw a Cradily!" Max says, and then Lileep also notices the strange voice as he rushes off. "Wait up!" We chase the Pokemon until we arrive at a lab. We see a woman who introduces herself as Annie Protector, she asks, "So this is your Lileep?"

"Yeah, I am sorry that it runs off." I say.

Then she shows them her husband, Professor Proctor. And we realizes that this is actually a Fossil Restoration Lab. I ask, "So you are having a Fossil Restoration Lab?"

"Of course. We have a lot of Root Fossils and the Claw Fossils in these islands." Professor Proctor says.

Using a computer simulation, Professor Proctor explains that Wales Island was once connected to the mainland, though became an isolated location because of rising waters. The resident ancient Pokémon, like Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, and Armaldo lived on a peninsula, and became extinct as a result of the geographic isolation. Professor Proctor admits that he hopes to make Wales Island an amusement park inhabited exclusively by his resurrected Fossil Pokémon.

"Please keep it a secret, since we aren't ready to officially announce our discoveries to the scientific world." Annie says.

"Sure." We then decide to let Lileep and Anorith play with the other Pokemon. After playing with the Pokemon, Anorith and Lileep start to evolve, much to Ash's delight.

Cradily: The Barnacle Pokemon. Rock and Grass Type. Evolved from Lileep at LV:40. Cradily roams around the ocean floor in search of food. This Pokémon freely extends its tree trunk-like neck and captures unwary prey using its eight tentacles.

Armaldo: The Plate Pokemon: Rock and Bug Type. Evolved from Anorith at LV:40. Armaldo's tough armor makes all attacks bounce off. This Pokémon's two enormous claws can be freely extended or contracted. They have the power to punch right through a steel slab.

Their happy moment immediately ends as Team Rocket appears and they try to steal the two Pokemon. But Armaldo uses Metal Claw to break free of the net and Cradily uses Brine on Team Rocket, sending them blasting off.

"Nice job. You two." As we hug the two Pokemon, Armaldo frowns. When I ask what's wrong, he just tells me that he misses the fruit that he likes to eat, so we search the island and then they manage to find the berry, after the search Team Rocket is back for more, but they are sent flying again. After that, we bid farewell and leave the island.

Then we also decide to train with our Pokemon before heading to Mossdeep City, and Lairon is also evolving into an Aggron.

Aggron: The Iron Armor Pokemon: Steel and Rock Type. Evovled from Lairon at LV:42. Aggron is surprisingly protective of its environment. If its mountain is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokémon will haul topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its own territory.

Then we arrive at Grand Wazoo Resort, we decide to take a rest there and we come across a store that sells items related to the Shards. I want to get the necklace made of Green Shards for Lillie, but we find that it is actually a fake and the owner is a treasure hunter that's looking for the treasure known as King Neptune.

Alice and I decide to help him out and we search for the treasure. We also learn that Relicanth can help us find the treasure, so we decide to search for it, but we find Team Rocket's submarine and they try to hit the submarine. After that, we continue to follow the Relicanth and find the sunken ship with a group of Relicanth emerging from the hull of the ship. We find the Treasure Chest, but then they are spotted by Team Rocket, who comes to steal the treasure.

After sending Team Rocket flying, we find more Green Shards and we can finally make a necklace for Lillie. And then we also capture two Relicanth who want to join our team.

Relicanth: The Longevity Pokemon: Water and Rock Type. Relicanth is a rare species that was discovered in deep-sea explorations. This Pokémon's body withstands the enormous water pressure of the ocean depths. Its body is covered in tough scales that are like craggy rocks.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Team Aqua is also headed for the Seafloor Cavern. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the Mossdeep Gym battle.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Lombre, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Vibrava, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Latias, Latios, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Ivysaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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