Chapter 38

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"Finally, something that I like." Alice says as we are now at the island where the Shoal Cave is, and the area around us is pretty cool, and Alice likes it.

"Hey, there it is!" We notice the Pokemon Center. "Last one there is a rotten Exeggcute!" I yell.

"No fair! You have a headstart!" Max yells as we all rush to the place. After we get inside, we hear Nurse Joy that there is a blizzard coming. But just then, we feel some coldness and we turn to see a Snorunt.

"Wow! That's a cool Snorunt!" Alice says with stars in her eyes. "He's such a cutie!"

"It's nice to see you again, Snorunt." Nurse Joy says.

When we ask if she knows the Snorunt, she replies that this Snorunt has been visiting the Pokemon Center for a long time. But much to my horror, he rummages through Ash's backpack and walks off with my Badge case in hand.

"Hey! That's my badge case, let go!" I say.

"That Snorunt always likes to play pranks with people. Taking things from the visitors and then scampering away." Then Snorunt is about to leave, and Nurse Joy adds, "No need to worry, just relax. It will come back. Snorunt's playing a game, it will be fun, so give it a little time and you'll get your badges back."

"I work hard for those badges and I'm not going to play hide and seek with them!" I decide to have Kecleon help me out, and we are chasing after the Snorunt with the badge case.

When we finally find him, I say, "Okay, Snorunt, give me back my badges!"

Just then, Snorunt takes the Stone Badge out, throws it in the air, and then uses Icy Wind to freeze it into a piece of ice before returning it to me. Then he starts using Double Team to get away with the rest.

"Pikachu, Absol, Kecleon! I need you two to get the Snorunt!" But the three Pokemon bump into each other as the Snorunt gets away.

"Something's wrong. Snorunt should've given the badges back to you by now..." Nurse Joy says.

"Well that's too bad, but I'm not waiting around here anymore." I say.

We continue to chase and we find a Knuckle Badge lying on the floor. Mark says, "Maybe it is returning the badges one at a time."

"But that means there are five more to go..." May says.

Kecleon then notices something and we rush into the Storage room, Kecleon uses its tongue to move the boxes, and we find Team Rocket with food in hand and mouth.

"You guys again?" Alice groans. But when the Snorunt appears, I yell, "There he is! Get back here!" We are chasing after the Snorunt, and when it uses Icy Wind, I dodge it and the attacks hit Team Rocket.

"Alright. I'm done playing around. You're only making it worse for yourself, Snorunt!" I yell as we continue to chase the Snorunt. But we also notice that Snorunt is helping us attack Team Rocket.

"Kecleon! Synchronoise!" I decide to attack Team Rocket first, and Snorunt opens the window so that the attack sends them flying again.

"Thank you, because of you and Snorunt, the food won't be gone." Nurse Joy says.

I say, "Snorunt, you're actually a pretty good battler."

Alice says, "Yeah, the Pokemon Center must have meant a lot to you."

Then Snorunt is about to give me back the Badge Case, and as I am about to take it, Snorunt uses Icy Wind on me again. Then he rushes outside with my badge case once more.

"Ice Type or not, that Pokemon is driving me nuts!" I chase after the Snorunt, ignoring the others yelling at me.

I chase after the Snorunt at the edge of a steep hill, where it dances around a bit to taunt him. The ice at the edge crumbles under its foot, and it ends up sliding out of control down a hill.

"I'm coming!" I decide to ignore the fact that he tricked me and grab him. But I'm also falling as well. "Ash!" Alice is trying to hold my hand, but the three of us fall together at the same time.

Then we notice a giant rock in front of us, and I decide to protect Alice and Snorunt by turning around, having my back hit the rock and I groan in pain.

"Ash!" Alice yells in worry, but my mind is losing...

When I wake up, Alice has been hugging me and I notice that I'm in a cave. "Where am I?"

"Ash! You're awake!" Alice says.

"Yeah... did you guys get me out of the storm?" I ask, and they all nod, Alice says, "Don't you ever do that again! I am so worried about you..."

"Sorry." I sigh. "But with that blizzard, I don't think I'm going anywhere soon..."

Then Snorunt gives us some apples, and at first, I think it is a trick, but it turns out that he's not pranking this time. Alice says, "I think everyone's worried about us... what are we going to do?"

Just then, Snorunt takes my hat and rushes off, I yell, "That's my hat!"

"Snorunt is an Ice Type Pokemon, he probably can walk in the blizzard without any trouble." Alice says. "I think we should wait for him to bring others here."

I sigh as we wait for the blizzard to stop, and after a while, the others come for us on the snowmobiles. Mark says, "That is an impressive igloo."

"Well, Snorunt and I built it because Ash passed out trying to save us from the fall." Alice says.

Then we realize the Snorunt hasn't given me the badges back, but he seems to be sad when I ask to give my badges back.

Just then, Team Rocket appears and they capture Pikachu, Absol, and Snorunt, putting them in boxes, however, Snorunt breaks out of its box with Icy Wind. It then uses another Icy Wind against Team Rocket, but Wobbuffet uses Mirror Coat to send the attack back.

Team Rocket manages to escape in their Meowth balloon, but we follow them on the snowmobiles. Team Rocket manages to speed up, but Nurse Joy leads everyone to a shortcut through the forest. With the added air from a jump, I throw Snorunt directly at Team Rocket's balloon. Snorunt lands inside the basket and promptly freezes the trio and the balloon with a blast of its Icy Wind. It then jumps out with the still-captive Pikachu and Absol before the balloon crashes down.

Alice and I then get all two Pokemon out of the box, but then Team Rocket sends out their Pokemon to attack, only to be frozen solid by Snorunt's Icy Wind. Pikachu then uses Thunderbolt to knock them back into Team Rocket and sends them blasting off again.

After getting back to the Pokemon Center, Ash asks, "Snorunt, if you give me my badges back, then you think we're not going to play with you anymore, is that right?"

When Snorunt nods, I say, "You can come with us if you want to."

Snorunt cheers while jumping around, and Alice says, "Yes! We finally have an Ice Type!"

Then we throw the Pokeball and capture the Snorunt.

Snorunt: The Snow Hat Pokemon: Ice Type. Snorunt live in regions with heavy snowfall. In seasons without snow, such as spring and summer, this Pokémon steals away to live quietly among stalactites and stalagmites deep in caverns.

After sending it back out, he gives us back the badge case, but when I have it meet the other Pokemon, it plays pranks with Kecleon by freezing him, and Blaziken uses a Blaze Kick to set it free.

"I think that Snorunt really is a prankster..." Alice says.

When we arrive at Shoal Cave, we find Daisy there as well. Daisy says, "I'm here to find a Titan Walrein. Do you want to help out?"

"A Titan Walrein? That sounds cool." Alice says as we follow her into the Shoal Cave.

When we get inside, we find that there isn't much water and I say, "Looks like we're in low-tide right now."

"Guys! Look what I've found!" Alice says as she picks up a Mega Stone. "It's a Mega Stone!"

"No way! What is that Mega Stone for?" Mark asks.

Daisy says, "Good thing that my Grandfather gives me something to check it out." When she places the item in the scanner, she says, "It's a Slowbronite."

"Slowbronite? I have a Slowbro but he's not with me..." I mutter.

Then we continue to search until I find a Spheal rolling in front of us. I decide to capture the Pokemon so that maybe it can lead us to the Titan Walrein.

Spheal: The Clap Pokemon: Ice and Water Type. Spheal is much faster rolling than walking to get around. When groups of this Pokémon eat, they all clap at once to show their pleasure. Because of this, their mealtimes are noisy.

"Guys! Look-" Before I can say something, I notice that the others are watching Alice making a Shell Bell. Mark says, "Hey, brother. Alice is using the four Shoal Shells and four Shoal Salts to make the Shell Bell."

"I see... as expected from the one who likes to create instruments." I say.

After she finishes, Alice asks, "So what are you going to tell us?"

"Oh, I captured another Ice Type Pokemon." I say and that causes Alice to widen her eyes with delight. "Show me!"

I send out Spheal and she squeals, "So cute!"

"Yeah, I found it rolling around and I was thinking maybe it can show us where the Walrein is." And much to our surprise, the Spheal is evolving into a Sealeo. Minami says, "Looks like this one is a high-leveled one. It is now a Sealeo."

Sealeo: The Ball Roll Pokemon: Ice and Water Type. Evolve from Spheal at LV:32. Sealeo has the habit of always juggling on the tip of its nose anything it sees for the first time. This Pokémon occasionally entertains itself by balancing and rolling a Spheal on its nose.

Then the Sealeo decide to bring us to a place that is filled with ice, and May says, "Amazing... this place is-"

Before she can finish, she is slipping away from us because of the ice below. I say, "Guys, be careful. There are a bunch of ice puzzles around here."

The others nod as we are careful moving, and then we also notice Team Rocket who are also slipping around on the ice. When they spot us, they try to take our Sealeo, Pikachu, and Absol. However, before they can escape, a large Walrein along with some Sealeo come and attack Team Rocket. And all their Pokemon are fainted instantly.

"Those are Sheer Cold attacks..." Alice says, "They're one-hit KO moves that works when the opponents' levels are lowered."

"I wonder when they have a proper battle considering they used to cheat their way through..." I shake my head, then we all send them flying off the cave, and Walrein gives me something as a thank you gift.

"No way! Another Mega Stone?" Max asks.

And after scanning this one, Daisy says, "There's no doubt about it. It's a Glalitite!"

"Which means after we evolve Snorunt, we can use it!" Alice says as we all cheer, and before we leave, Mark also captures one of the Sealeo with him. And Daisy gives me another badge to thank for my hard work, and it is the Salt Badge.

As we are heading back to Mossdeep City, we decide to go to a restaurant for lunch. I say, "Well, I think it is getting a little boring when there are no tough opponents around."

"You're a champion, what do you expect?" Alice says. "And not to mention you're a Top Coordinator as well."

"Yeah. That reminds me. May, what are you going to use in your next contest?" I ask.

"Well, I haven't made up my mind, but I want to try the Mega Blaziken this time." May says.

"In a Pokemon Contest, huh? Solid teamwork with one of the Pokemon is the essential element needed to be victorious. So you need to take the utmost care and choose your partner."

"Right... thank you very much, sir." May says.

I say, "Is that you, Drake? From the Hoenn Elite Four?"

"It is nice to see you again. Especially you, Ash. Since you managed to defeat Lance." He shakes my hand. And he asks, "How would you like to get on a little ride on my boat?"

"Of course, we want to." I say.

Then we all get onto Drake's ship and we notice that it looks like a pirate ship. Max asks, "Excuse me, Mr. Drake, do you think we can have a look at your Pokemon please?"

"That'll be awesome." Minami says.

"I guess so, but that won't be fun if I just show him to you. So Ash, what do you say to a little battle?"

"A battle against you? You bet!" I say with excitement. He's an Elite Four member after all, and the strongest one of course. Drake asks for a three-on-three match, and he goes for Shelgon while I select Pikachu.

I thought that Pikachu's speed is giving me the advantage, so I have it use Thunderbolt first, and it hits Shelgon directly. However, Drake seems calm. Pikachu repeats the attack, but this time Shelgon dodges it, although barely, with Double-Edge. Shelgon keeps charging at Pikachu, but he is easily able to avoid it with a Quick Attack.

"Pikachu! Finish it off with Iron Tail!" I yell, but much to my surprise, Shelgon counters with Dragon Breath and follows up with Dragon Claw. The two attacks prove to be too much for Pikachu, and the little Pokémon faints.

"Well, Ash, those are some pretty aggressive attacks. The problem is: You don't know your opponent's strength, and your reckless attacks can be dangerous. So, shall we move on to the next battle?"

I decide to go with Vibrava against his Altaria. I decide to use Vibrava's supersonic speed to reach the Flying Pokemon. It goes for a Bug Buzz, but Altaria flies behind one of the masts to evade the onslaught.

I try to have Vibrava use Hyper Voice, and it manages to hit Altaria, but Altaria retaliates with a Take Down attack, and a Dragon Breath hits Vibrava and it falls to the ground.

"Ash, you can count on every battle to have a lot of unexpected twists and turns, but if you want to respond properly in time, you must have full focus. So you have confidence, that's a good thing, but overconfidence can cause you to be careless and miss things that you normally won't."

And much to my delight, just when Vibrava is about to be hit by a Sky Attack, it evolves into a Flygon and retaliates with a Dragon Pulse.

Flygon: The Mystic Pokemon: Ground and Dragon Type. Evolved from Vibrava at LV:45. Flygon whips up a sandstorm by flapping its wings. The wings create a series of notes that sound like singing. Because the "singing" is the only thing that can be heard in a sandstorm, this Pokémon is said to be the desert spirit.

"Now the counterattack begins!" I say as I have Flygon use Rock Slide, which hits Altaria, and when it goes for a Solar Beam, I have Flygon dodge the attack and use Dragon Pulse once more, defeating the Altaria.

"Nice one! Flygon!" I yell.

"That is a good battle towards the end, you really focused on the battle to the end and cleared your mind. Keep that as your first priority." Drake says to me.

"I will, thanks for your help. Now that's one win and one loss." I say with confidence, but Drake says, "How about we treat this as a tie. It's getting late after all."

Then we notice the sunset, and fortunately for us, Drake is treating us to dinner. But much to our surprise, Team Rocket arrives and they steal Pikachu and Absol once again. Drake decides to call out his final Pokemon which was about to be my opponent, a Salamence, and it uses Dragon Claw to destroy the balloon.

After Pikachu and Absol are riding on Salamence and Flygon's backs, and they both use Flamethrower to send them flying.

That night, we join Drake and the crew for a hearty dinner. Drake reveals to us that he has suffered from overly large self-confidence in the past, and that's why he wants me not to focus so much on winning but should always seek stronger and stronger opponents. After that, we bid farewell and head to Mossdeep City to rest.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Ash has gotten the Ice Type Pokemon of Hoenn and also meets Drake. The next chapter will finally begin the Team Magma and Team Aqua battle.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Flygon, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Absol, Snorunt, Sealeo, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Latias, Latios, Jirachi

May's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailmer, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic, Sealeo, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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