Chapter 54

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When we stroll on Mauville City, we find Wattson in front of the tower at the central plaza. "Oh, Ash, eh? You got here just in time to give me a hand and take a look at this. This is Square Tower, an attraction here in Mauville City. It's not just for decoration, though. It has a purpose. It's monitoring how things are going in a place near here called New Mauville."

"So it is a watchtower?" Minami asks.

"Of course. The light's shining brightly now, see? It's warning us that something out of the ordinary may be going on in New Mauville. I've got something to ask of you. If we're going to keep standing around talking, could I get you to come to my place? I've got an apartment on the second floor at Mauville Hills. I'll let the security guy know, so how about you grab the elevator on the first floor? I sure am sorry to put you out like this, but please do come."

And with that, we are able to get to the Mauville Hills, which are located on the second floor. When we find Wattson's living place, he says, "Oh, you made it! I'm sure sorry to call you all the way out here. Well, I've got a favor I need to be done right away."

"So what is the favor?" I ask.

"I've mentioned this before, but that bright, flashing light on top of that tower means something may have happened in New Mauville! That's why I called you here. I want you to go check on things in New Mauville. There's just one thing, though. New Mauville is usually a prohibited area. Back in my day, it was just locked up normally, but security has been evolving, too! Don't you go anywhere just yet..."

When Wattson takes a picture of our eyes, he says, "Hey, thanks! I just took a picture of your eyes. Now if we just use the computer to transmit this data... Now if you go to New Mauville, the doors will open automatically! The Basement Key has what they call "iris recognition." When you get inside, go press the button on the computer in the back. When that computer starts working right, come back here and report to me. I sure am sorry to bug you with all this, but I'm really counting on you!"

We already have the Electric Manor in New Mauville, but I guess this is for the computer in the other part of the area. So we go there and check out the computer.

"Welcome. This is the New Mauville Management System. Surveillance of New Mauville begins." After scanning the area, it says, "No unusual activity noted in New Mauville. Transmitting the Surveillance result..."

We then head back to Wattson's place, and we tell him about the news. "Sorry to make you come all this way. You went out to New Mauville, right? The results of your investigation have been sent here to my computer, too. The most important thing is that there don't appear to be any abnormalities for the time being."

"Yeah." I say.

"By the way, there wasn't anything going on in New Mauville, right? That was supposed to be a new town, though... We should've been able to build a huge underground city stretching down into the depths. Things happened, and its development had to be suspended. Since then it's just been left to rot. All the equipment inside might have seen better days."

After we bid farewell to Wattson, we decide to look around until we find a man in front of the door. "Yo! How many months do you think you haven't paid for? If you don't pay what you owe, I'll take everything you have, including your Pokemon!"

"No one is here! No one is in this unit!" The speaker replies.

"Oh, no one is here... Then it can't be helped... What? You're there, talking! Don't give me that!" The man yells as the other man opens the door. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"You pretended not to be in last month and the month before that!" The man scolds. "You and I need to have a long talk. Let's go inside."

After the two men get into the room, Max says, "I think that's the landlord trying to get the money from the stayers..."

"But that's what he gets for not paying rent." Minami sighs.

After the man comes out, he says, "Yo! You're a Trainer, aren't ya? Then take this!"

And he gives us another Mega Stone? I think this one is for Lopunny, a Pokemon from the Sinnoh Region. We thank the man and we leave the place and head to Professor Cozmo's house at Fallarbor Town.

When we get there, we greet Professor Cozmo. He says, "Oh! Why, hello again! What good fortune... I'd been thinking that if I saw you again, I would want to give you this..."

And he gives me the Mega Stone for Gallade, much to our delight. "I happened to pick this up some time ago, while doing excavation at Meteor Falls. I hoped it might help you and your team along on your journey. But I'm still astounded by it all. A relationship between the Mega Stones, Key Stones, and the Meteorites... My, but new facts do come to light every day! This is what makes my research feel worthwhile! I know a man, a dear friend in the Kalos region, who has been researching Mega Evolution. We worked together a few years back here at Meteor Falls researching Meteorites. I'll have to share this information with him at once. It might propel his research forward, and help future Trainers and Pokémon. I hope it does."

Then after discussing Deoxys, he decided to give me four pieces of Meteorites, and each one of them can change the form of Deoxys into Attack, Defense, or Speed form.

And before we go to fight Wallace, we decide to find Steven at Meteor Falls, since that's where we heard from Luke that they are.

When we greet Steven and Luke, Steven says, "I see that you've already beaten the Elite Four, Wallace is last, right?"

"Yeah. But before I challenge him, I realize that I never get to battle you." I say. "So I was thinking if we can have a battle."

"Sure. Tell me... What have you seen on your journey with your Pokémon? What have you felt, meeting so many other Trainers out there? Traveling this rich land of Hoenn... Has it awoken something inside you? I want you to come to me with all that you've learned. My Pokémon and I will respond in turn with all that we know!"

We decided to make it a three-on-three, and I'm surprised that Steven is going to lead with his ace: Shiny Metagross. I decide to go with Salamence.

"Salamence! Let's start with Flamethrower!" I yell, but Metagross uses Agility to dodge and move in close. Salamence uses Crunch to subdue Psychic and cause Metagross damage, but Salamence is still sent flying back by the attack.

"So you predicted that." Steven smiles.

"Yeah, I have some training for that before I realize that Wallace has taken your title." I say.

Steven decides to recall Metagross and sends out Aggron instead. He says, "Did you know I might be the strongest trainer in Hoenn, but that is not enough for me."

"Same for me, for everyone who cheers us on all the way here, and for the Pokemon, I've gotta win this."

I have Salamence use Dragon Rush, but Aggron's Heavy Slam overpowers the attack and flings Salamence back. Though Salamence gets back on its feet and seems able to continue, it suddenly collapses and faints.

Max says, "Salamence has lost the battle..."

"That's how strong Dad is." Luke says with a smile.

I recall Salamence and decide to go with Dusclops, who immediately uses Will-O-Wisp to burn Aggron, causing it to stumble. Undeterred, Steven has Aggron use Smart Strike, which sends Dusclops flying, but Aggron's burn saps more of its strength. Aggron uses Rock Tomb in an attempt to trap Dusclops, but Dusclops uses Ice Beam to easily free itself and hit Aggron. Once again Aggron takes damage from its burn and collapses to the ground, unable to continue battling.

"That looks like a pretty close win..." May says.

"Thank you, Aggron. Now you're turn! Cradily!"

Steven's third Pokemon is Cradily, and it goes for Power Whip, surrounding Dusclops with its many tentacles and striking it multiple times. The tentacles proceed to wrap around Dusclops, who struggles to break free.

"Ingrain!" Steven commands as Cradily plants its roots. Minami says, "Ingrain will stop him from switching out."

"It's a message that he'll take down Dusclops here and now." Mark adds.

I order a Shadow Ball, which scores a direct hit; however, Ingrain slowly begins restoring Cradily's health. Steven goes on the offensive, calling for Meteor Beam, the attack's intense light blinding us.

"Dusclops! Ominous Wind!" I yell, and it blocks the Meteor Beam and results in a massive explosion that damages both Pokémon but also frees Dusclops.

"Not bad." Steven says.

"Use Shadow Ball!" I yell, and Steven also commands Power Whip. Dusclops avoids several tentacles and launches its attack, but Cradily bats it aside and batters Dusclops with its attack, flinging it into the ground and defeating it.

After Duslcops is defeated, I decide to call out my final Pokemon. "Pikachu! I choose you!"

When Pikachu jumps to the field, Steven says, "Your greatest partner arrives."

"Electric Types are not good against Grass Types... and there is also a Metagross to worry about." Alice frowns.

Steven orders Cradily to use Rock Blast, but Pikachu's Quick Attack strikes first. When the rocks are subsequently launched, Pikachu jumps from one rock to another to gain height and wraps up Cradily's Power Whip with Electroweb, a maneuver that leaves Leon impressed. With Cradily's tentacles out of the way, Pikachu lands a super-effective Iron Tail, taking Cradily out of the fight.

"Marvelous! Each and every one of your attacks surprises me!" Steven says.

"I couldn't do it without Dusclops setting up for Pikachu." I say back.

Then Steven recalls Cradily and sends out Metagross once more. Immediately he grasps his Mega Stickpin and Mega Evolves Metagross.

I have Pikachu use Thunderbolt, but Metagross effortlessly avoids the attack, as well as several follow-up Thunderbolts. Metagross uses Meteor Mash, which smashes into Pikachu and causes big damage.

"Mega Metagross is said to have far superior strategic and information process capabilities." Luke says. "Every moment and breath Pikachu takes... It's calculating them all instantaneously and evading with ease."

I call for Iron Tail, but Metagross easily dodges again and smashes Pikachu into the ground with Psychic, though Pikachu is still able to stand back up.

"Now let's try out the move we learn together! Use Pika Papow!" I command, and Pikachu fires the attack, but Metagross dodges and prepares to finish Pikachu with Flash Cannon. To Steven's shock, however, the lightning bolts suddenly change direction and block Metagross's attack, as well as strike the Iron Leg Pokémon and send it plummeting to the ground.

"He's commanding the electricity?" Steven gasps.

"Now finish with Iron Tail!" I yell, and Pikachu strikes Metagross with Iron Tail, scoring the finishing blow on his opponent.

"Dad lost..." Luke gasps and the others are amazed.

"Just as I have come to expect. Ash, you are truly an excellent Pokémon Trainer. Thank you... I wanted to learn how you feel about this world, what kinds of ideals you have developed with your Pokémon... I feel I was able to find the answer in our battle. The feelings you have for your Pokémon... And the way that your Pokémon gave their all in battle in response to those feelings... Those two together created a great power. That is how you seized victory today. I felt a thrill of excitement in my breast when we first met, and now I know for sure that feeling was not misplaced!" Steven says.

"Thanks for the battle, Steven." I say.

"And with the power, I think you'll be fine facing Wallace in the Champion match." Steven says as he offers to take us to the Ever Grande City.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, I decide to give Ash the battle with Steven from the Journeys. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be the final chapter in the series.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailord, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Flygon, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, Banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Absol, Glalie, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Salamence, Metagross, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Shiny), Jirachi, Deoxys

May's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Munchlax

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailord, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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