Chapter 55

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When we head back to Ever Grande City, we find that Wallace, East, and Lisia are waiting for us. From the looks of it, Wallace has been training Lisia with the contest moves.

"Hey, Ash! How is your battle?" Lisia leans closer to me, only to be pulled away by Reisa.

"You are making him uncomfortable, Lisia." Alice sighs as the others laugh. Wallace turns to me and says, "So you get all 4 medals, as expected from you."

"Yeah, and now the Champion is the only thing left." I say.

When we go to the battlefield, we can see a lot of fan girls and they are cheering for me. As for Wallace's surprise opening, they cheer even louder. Alice mutters, "Why do I feel a little jealous..."

East says, "That is because Ash is famous, the same goes for Dad. They have a lot in common you know, and both of them are Champions and Top Coordinators."

Reisa says, "She is right. Alice, you have to be quick or else he will be taken away." Alice then blushes on Reisa's comment.

After the rules stating from the announcer, Minami says, "If Brother wins this match, it will be his second Champion title."

"Yeah. I hope Ash can win." May says.

Steven says, "Though I wonder how will the battle turn out."

"Welcome, Ash. That incident in Sootopolis City... That was superb work, putting an end to that crisis all by yourself. Oops! It wouldn't be fair to say that you alone ended the crisis. You overcame that difficult situation by working as one with your Pokémon. We Trainers raise Pokémon by giving them items and by teaching them new techniques for battle. But we ourselves also learn many things from Pokémon. And this is where your achievements are put to the test against what others like you have achieved. Now! Who can most elegantly dance with their Pokémon in Hoenn? Show me right here and now!"

"You bet!" I say to him as we send out our first Pokemon. Wallace chooses Wailord while I go with Meganium. Meganium uses Vine Whip to hit Wailord, but Wailord uses Blizzard, causing Meganium to get hurt.

"Meganium, are you okay?" I ask her, and she nods at me. "Good, now use Energy Ball!"

Meganium fires the attack, and it damages Wailord.

"Nice try, but you can do better than that! Use Heavy Slam!" Wailord uses Heavy Slam, causing Meganium to be under him. Meganium then fires Petal Blizzard to send him flying and defeat him.

Next is Gyarados, who defeats Meganium with an Ice Fang. My second Pokemon is Manectric, and it uses Electric Terrain to power up his Electric moves, then uses Wild Charge to finish it off.

Whiscash is Wallace's 3rd Pokemon. Due to being Ground Type, Manectric can't do much damage. And Manectric is defeated by a powerful Earthquake. Sceptile is my third choice. Sceptile uses Bullet Seed and even jumps high to dodge the attack. Then Whiscash uses Rock Tomb to surround Sceptile, only to be knocked out by Dual Chop.

"Since one has three Pokemon unable to battle, there will be a 5-minute break!" The referee says.

After we're in the resting room, I say, "Pikachu, I'm sorry that you have to sit this one out."

Pikachu sighs, "It's fine, I should have let my sister do the work this time. She has been training hard for this battle."

Then after we get back, Wallace sends out Ludicolo, while I send out Beautifly, which catches a lot of fans' eyes. Beautifly uses Solar Beam, which Ludicolo dodges and it uses Ice Beam, which freezes the wings of Beautifly. Beautifly uses Gust before it lands on the ground. But it breaks free using Struggle Bug and defeats Ludicolo with Bug Buzz. Wallace sends out Tentacruel, which defeats Beautifly by using Sludge Wave.

"Alright, Deoxys, I choose you!" I send out the Pokemon and earn shock from everyone. Max notices the form and says, "Deoxys is now in the Speed Form!"

"Ash really wants the Deoxys to end swiftly." Steven says. "This is going to be an interesting match considering that I seldom see Deoxys in a battle."

Deoxys uses Hyper Beam to hit Tentacruel, and then they all have a tug-out war using their tentacles. Then Deoxys finishes off with the Psycho Boost.

"Well, Ash. I see you are a strong trainer. But here is my last hope. Milotic!" Milotic appears on the field, its beauty catches a lot of people's eyes.

I recall Deoxys and sending out Sceptile. I decide to Mega Evolve my Sceptile, and it evades Milotic's attacks and uses Leaf Blade.

"Use Blizzard!" This is bad... Sceptile is hit by the attack and it is defeated, returning back to its normal form.

"Wow, not only it is beautiful, it is also powerful." Mark says.

"That is my father. I am always proud of him." Reisa says.

"I know the feeling, it is just like the time when Ash fought Dad." Max says.

Ash says, "Alright. Pikachu! Make a cute entrance!"

My female Pikachu, who is wearing an idol costume, appears in front of the crowds and gives a wink.

"So~~Cute~~" The crowd says in unison.

Alice says, "Since the male Pikachu is with me, that's why Ash decides to go with the Female Pikachu."

"And that idol outfit means that it is now in its cutest form!" Lisia says.

Milotic uses another Water Pulse, but Pikachu uses Quick Attack and dodges it. Then using Thunderbolt to cause a lot of damage.

"Now for the ending, Draining Kiss!" Pikachu winks again and then runs to Milotic, giving him a kiss.

"Milotic is unable to battle, Pikachu wins! Which means the match goes to Ash Ketchum!"

Ash cheers the victory with both Pikachu and Absol. Max says, "He really did it! He is the Hoenn Champion!"

Wallace recalls his Pokemon, then he is tackled by Reisa and East together. He is surprised as Reisa says, "Dad, you are awesome!"

Wallace smiles at them, then he turns to Ash. "I, the Champion, fall in defeat... That was wonderful work. You were elegant, infuriatingly so. And yet it was utterly glorious! Kudos to you, Ash! You are a truly noble Pokémon Trainer!"

"Indeed." Steven says. "You really are a material for a Champion."

"Thank you, Wallace, Steven." I say.

"The Pokémon you sent into battle... At times they danced like a spring breeze, and at times they struck like lightning. It was with light, yet surefooted, elegance that you led your Pokémon. Even I felt bedazzled by your masterful performance! You now stand at the glorious peak of the Pokémon League. I now proclaim you to be the new Hoenn region..." Wallace says.

Mr. Goodshow also arrives and he wants to congratulate me as well. And when he asks me if I want to take the title, I give him the same reply as I want to travel more. Then we are taken to the Hall of Fame, and Wallace says, "This room... This is where we keep records of Pokémon that prevailed through harsh battles. It is here that the League Champions are honored. Come on, let's record your name as a Trainer who triumphed over the Pokémon League, and the names of the partners who battled with you."

After our registration, Wallace decides to tell me something. "You know about Wallace Cup, right?"

"I know, it is a special kind of contest that makes you the judge, and the ribbon earned from the Cup can be used in every regions." I say.

"I am glad that you know about it." Wallace says to him, "The reason I tell you about this is because I want you to attend it once."

I look at everyone, who smiles at me. I say, "Sure, if I encounter one, I will be entering it for sure."

After that, we decide to bid farewell to everyone as the seven of us go back at Oldale Town. May and Max are going back home while we're going to head back to Pallet Town.

"Well... I am going to miss your cooking." May says as they are having lunch.

"Well, I can share some recipes for you." Minami says.

"So where are we going?" Alice asks Ash.

"I called Dad, he says that we should go to Kanto since everyone is there waiting for us."

"Okay." Reisa says.

After lunch, we bid farewell to the Maple siblings as the five of us are going to Kanto by ferry. Although it will be a problem because the ferry won't arrive until 3 hours. So while we wait, we heard from Professor Birch that Brendan is at Route 103 and he wants to meet us.

Once we get there, he says, "Man, this is nostalgic. Back on Route 103, huh? Remember that pond over there? This is where we battled the first time, huh? Hey, Ash... Do me a favor? Come on! Let's battle one more time! I wanna know about what you saw on your journey, how you felt, and what you experienced out there. I want to know all about you and your Pokémon, Ash. But that's not all... I want you to know all about me and mine!"

"Sure!" I accept his challenge, and he uses Swellow, Raichu, Breloom, Magcargo, and a Mega Swampert. I go with my Pikachu, Absol, Solrock, Gardevoir, and Masquerain to defeat his team with ease.

"... Thanks, Ash! Just what I'd expect from a Champion! Getting to meet so many different people... And so many different Pokémon... It's like... I don't know... It's been really, really fun!"

"I know. I just hope that we can battle again." I say as we bid each other farewell.

After getting back to Littleroot Town, we find Professor Birch in the lab with Joshua. Professor Birch is happy to see the Pokedex complete, and he decides to reward me with a certificate. This is actually the third one after I got each from Professor Oak and Professor Elm. And once we're done, the ferry arrives, and we all head back to Kanto.

On the ferry, I say, "Time really flies fast..."

"Yeah. Hoenn really is a nice place." Alice adds.

Now the Hoenn Arc is finished. Next will be the Kanto Battle Frontier and Contests, as well as something that I have planned like a prequel to one of the versions. I hope you like this chapter and we'll see you in Part 4.

Ash and Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu x2, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Sceptile, Blaziken, Swampert, Mightyena, Linoone, Beautifly, Dustox, Ludicolo, Shiftry, Swellow, Pelipper, Kirlia, Gardevoir (Shiny), Masquerain, Breloom, Slaking, Ninjask, Shedinja, Exploud, Hariyama, Nosepass, Delcatty, Sableye, Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Plusle, Minun, Volbeat, Illumise, Roselia, Swalot, Sharpedo, Wailord, Camerupt, Torkoal, Grumpig, Spinda, Flygon, Cacturne, Altaria, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Claydol, Cradily, Armaldo, Milotic, Castform, Kecleon, Banette, Dusclops, Tropius, Chimecho, Absol, Glalie, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth, Luvdisc, Salamence, Metagross, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza (Shiny), Jirachi, Deoxys

May's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Blaziken, Beautifly, Skitty, Munchlax

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Swampert, Ludicolo, Pelipper, Surskit, Breloom, Hariyama, Medicham, Sharpedo, Wailord, Camerupt, Torkoal, Whiscash, Crawdaunt, Milotic, Walrein, Huntail, Gorebyss, Relicanth

Minami's Pokemon:

Linoone, Swellow, Gardevoir, Slaking, Exploud, Delcatty, Mawile, Medicham, Grumpig, Spinda, Swablu, Zangoose, Lunatone, Solrock, Claydol, Castform, Kecleon, Chimecho

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