Chapter 8

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When we get out of the Devon Corporation, we find Brendan, and he asks, "Hey, guys. How's your Pokédex? Completed any entries yet? Mine pretty much rules. I went on a Pokémon-catching frenzy in Petalburg Woods until I ran out of Poké Balls! Oh, yeah. I passed by Mr. Briney in Petalburg Woods. I bet he was on his way home to his cottage on Route 104. I guess you wouldn't know, since you just moved here and all, but they say that old guy used to be an amazing sailor!"

"We know about that." I say as we bid farewell to Brendan and get to the cottage where he is located. Mr. Briney says, "Hold on, lass! Belay that, Peeko!"

"Mr. Briney!" We call out to him, and he notices us. "Oh, if it ain't Ash and his friends! You're the one who saved my Peeko! Aye, but we owe you for that day!"

"Yeah, and we really need a boat ride to Dewford Town, we heard that you're an amazing sailor and we want to sail with you." Alice says.

"What's that? You want to sail with me? What's this all about, then?" Mr. Briney continues to ask.

"We need to deliver a letter to my Dad Steven Stone in Dewford Island." Luke says.

" A letter bound for Dewford? Certainly, that'd be no problem at all. You've come to the right man! Shall we hoist sail for Dewford at once?"

Then we all take the boat and head over to Dewford Island, on the way, we can see a lot of Wingull flying around the area, and in the end, we arrive at Dewford Town. "Ahoy! We've struck land in Dewford, lad. I suppose you'll be heading ashore to deliver that letter to what's his name or whomever. If you're ever feeling lost and adrift though, try calling in on the island's Pokémon Gym. The Leader, Brawly, surely knows everyone and everything that goes on in his town!"

"Okay." We bid farewell to Mr. Briney and head to the FS Resort. May is the one who is really excited to see the whole resort, and she says, "I can't believe I'm actually here!"

"Yeah, but do we have enough money to book a room here in the first place?" Max asks with a doubting voice.

I say, "Don't worry. FS Resort is actually owned by the RPA Company, and that company's owner is my father."

This causes both May and Max to be surprised, and with our help, we manage to book some rooms. While we put our luggage down in our rooms, we decided to explore the island.

When we find a fisherman, he says, "This is a renowned fishing spot. Are you getting the itch to fish?"

May says, "I've never tried fishing before...but I want to try it out."

"I hear you, and I like what you're saying! I'll give you one of my fishing rods." So I guess in this region, he is the one giving out the Old Rods. And that reminds me, we probably should try fishing out some Pokemon around the area. After fishing for a moment, May manages to fish out an Octillery, but it suctions itself onto Max's head. May tries to use Wurmple to attack, only to hit Max instead and the Octillery is back to the sea. As for Mark, he is much luckier as he manages to fish a Corphish and captures it.

Then we decided to check out the gyms, only to find that the gym was closed because Brawly was not there, so we decided to search for Steven first. When we hear that he's in Granite Cave, we decide to head there. Although we come across Team Rocket, we battle them and both of my Wurmple evolve into Silcoon and Cascoon at the same time.

Silcoon: The Cocoon Pokemon: Bug Type. Evolve from Wurmple in random. Silcoon was thought to endure hunger and not consume anything before its evolution. However, it is now thought that this Pokémon slakes its thirst by drinking rainwater that collects on its silk.

Cascoon: The Cocoon Pokemon: Bug Type. Evolve from Wurmple in random. If it is attacked, Cascoon remains motionless however badly it may be hurt. It does so because if it were to move, its body would be weak upon evolution. This Pokémon will also not forget the pain it endured.

When we're excited about both of my Wurmples' evolution, May and Jessie are now in an argument about which Wurmple is better. And in the end, there is a switcheroo and May gets Jessie's Wurmple while Jessie gets May's. When we find them again after sending them blasting off, Jessie tries to take both of them for herself, only to fail in the end. And their Wurmple also evolves in the end. May gets a Silcoon while Jessie gets a Cascoon, although she thinks that she also gets a Silcoon.

"This is it, the Granite Cave!" Max says as we arrive at the place.

"Yeah, and we will be able to find Dad inside." Luke says.

"Although I wonder what kind of Pokemon we can actually find in the cave." I say.

And after we get inside the cave, we find a lot of Pokemon in here. Alice says, "I think it is really hard to navigate through this cave..."

It is then I find a Nosepass and say, "Maybe this Nosepass can help us out?"

Then I have Treecko battle the Nosepass and capture it in the end, much to our delight, Nosepass can help us find our way through the cave.

Nosepass: The Compass Pokemon: Rock Type. Nosepass had been said to be completely unmoving, with its magnetic nose pointed due north. However, close observation has revealed that the Pokémon actually moves by a little over 3/8 of an inch every year.

As we continue, we fall into a trap, and it turns out that Team Rocket is the one who did this, but they also fall because of the groundbreaking. "What's that sound?"

The ground is breaking further and now we are all separated. I am with Mark, Alice, and much to my annoyance, James. Pikachu is not with me, so he is probably with the others.

"We have to find our way back to the others." I say.

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to you." Mark glares at James, who says, "Me? Jessie is the one who insists on digging a hole!"

"I wonder, you always be in our way for what? 503 times now." I say.

"Hey! I was the one who wanted to battle you fair and square! It's Jessie and Meowth that comes up with all those schemes!" Really, he tries to dump all the fault for the other two?

Alice says, "Perhaps we should try to find our way out of here first."

But much to our horror, our body are stuck within the sand, and we can't even get it out. Alice asks, "What are we going to do now?"

I notice a Mawile approaching us and I say, "Maybe she can help. Mawile, can you help us get out of here?"

The Mawile then opens his giant mouth and removes the sand, we thank the Mawile and she decides to come with us.

Mawile: The Deceiver Pokemon: Steel and Fairy Type. Don't be taken by this Pokémon's cute face - it's very dangerous. Mawile fools the foe into letting down its guard then chomps down with its massive jaws. The steel jaws are really horns that have been transformed.

After we get out, we try to call out May, Max, Luke, and Minami's names, but none of them seem to respond to us. When James reveals how the other two, I ask, "Then why don't you just stay away from them?"

"I guess the real problem is just stubbornness. But now that you mention it, why should I do anything they say? I deserve to get rights and angry too!"

Then he starts to charge forward and blame Jessie and Meowth, and it is then we find Aron approaching us.

"It's an Aron." Alice says.

James tries to attack the Aron, and it causes more Aron to appear. They are trying to attack us, so we can only run. In the chaos, I manage to capture one, and we seem to escape them by going into another hole.

Aron: The Iron Armor Pokemon: Steel and Rock Type. Aron has a body of steel. With one all-out charge, this Pokémon can demolish even a heavy dump truck. The destroyed dump truck then becomes a handy meal for the Pokémon.

After they're not chasing after us, I say, "This has become a nightmare..."

"Since we have climbed up that shaft, we are probably on a higher level..." Mark says.

"Guys! Look!" Alice says as we notice the sticker that Luke placed on the wall for safety measures. So we rush towards where we split up, and much to our annoyance, we try to dodge the hole, but it only gets bigger and we fall again.

As we are trying to run away from Aron once more, we finally meet up with May and Minami, although Jessie is also there. So that means Luke, Max, Pikachu, and Meowth are together.

As we continue to run, we hear Max calling out to us, we look up to see Max and the others up there. I yell, "You guys okay?"

"Yeah, we found Dad!" Luke says.

"Ash, Mark, Minami, Alice. I was surprised when I heard Luke that you're here." Steven says. Then he gives us a direction so that we can meet up. Once we arrive at the waterfall that Steven asked us to meet, he has Aron use Roar, and just then, the Aron all stops.

Now that the Team Rocket is back again, they are trying to steal our Pokemon again. I groan, "Steven, those three are Team Rocket, they are the ones who created the hole."

"So Team Rocket is still active..." Steven says with disbelief. Then he decides to send out his Aggron to battle, by using Hyper Beam, Aggron sends Team Rocket flying. May says, "So powerful..."

"My Dad used to be a Champion if you don't know." Luke says.

"Used to? Isn't he still the Champion?" I ask in confusion, and Steven sighs, "About that, I lost my title to my friend Wallace, so he is the new Champion."

"What?" We are all surprised. Does that mean Reisa and East's father, Wallace, is now the Champion of Hoenn? Steven says, "But I'm glad that I'm not the Champion, that means I'm free to go wherever I want to collect stones."

Luke says, "So did you find any rare stones here in Granite Cave?"

Steven says, "Why don't I show you guys instead?"

When we follow Steven, we are in awe at what we're seeing. There is an ancient mural depicting Kyogre and Grouodon on the wall. "What is that?" Max asks.

"As you can see, I'm still trying to read what it implies." Steven says. "...Mm-hmm. So in the ancient world, their primal forms once held this much power...? The super-ancient Pokémon... What terrible strength... But this appearance here... It seems somehow different from Mega Evolution... Hmm. It seems my questions will not be answered today."

Minami says, "Sorry to interrupt, but Brother, aren't we here for something?"

I remember the letter and give it to Steven, and he says, "Oh? A letter for me?" He takes the letter and smiles, " It must have been some trouble to track me down. I suppose I must repay you in some way, Ash. I heard that you have a Crystal Steelix, why don't you have this?"

Much to my surprise, Steven decides to give me Steelixite, a Mega Stone for Steelix. And with the Key Stone in my glove, I can actually Mega Evolve my Steelix.

"Wow...thank you so much, Steven." I say.

Steven nods and says, "No problem. If you don't mind me asking... Do you feel anything in particular when you look up at this wall? A primal world, lost thousands of years in the past... A Legendary Pokémon of tremendous power became humanity's greatest threat... The terror aroused by that power is clear to see in this ancient artwork."

We continue to look at the picture, and I say, "That sure is terrifying."

"Yes. But not all power is terrible. Your Pokémon are clearly quite capable as well. Looking at you all together... I think that you have in you what it takes to become a Hoenn Champion. As long as you keep training, that is."

Then we decide to bid farewell to Steven and Luke decides to help his father by staying with him. So the six of us are heading back to the FS Resort to take a rest.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, Steven Stone made his appearance, but the Champion of my Hoenn Story is going to be Wallace like in Emerald. But I hope you like this chapter.

Ash + Alice's Pokemon:

Butterfree x2 (One Pink), Pikachu, Lapras, Meganium, Espeon, Steelix (Crystal), Mantine, Treecko, Torchic, Poochyena, Zigzagoon, Silcoon, Cascoon, Lotad, Seedot, Taillow, Wingull, Ralts x2 (One Shiny), Surskit, Shroomish, Slakoth, Nincada, Whismur, Nosepass, Skitty, Mawile, Aron

May's Pokemon:

Torchic, Silcoon, Skitty

Mark's Pokemon:

Blaziken, Ludicolo, Wingull, Surskit, Shroomish, Hariyama, Corphish

Minami's Pokemon:

Zigzagoon, Taillow, Ralts, Slakoth, Delcatty, Mawile, Lunatone

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