Chapter 12

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After we have Pancham, we are now looking around Camphrier Town. We meet the Kalos Region's PC maintainer, though he seems to be a punk guy to me...

"Yo, how's it going there? I'm Cassius. Check this out. You know what I'm doing here? I'm keeping the PC Box running! No, seriously! Bill over in Kanto asked me to come here and run things. For real! Enough with the introductions. Get out there, catch some Pokémon, and put 'em in the PC! Yo, you got something you wanna ask me? I ain't got all day, you know?"

"Actually we are friends with Bill." Serena says as he knows.

After the visit, we arrive at Shabboneau Castle. Shauna is there and she says, "Hey, guys. I see you're still here."

Serena then tells her how she manages to capture the Pancham, and she is delighted. Then Elline asks, "So what are you doing here?"

"You see..." Shauna says and then a person who seems to be Lord Shabboneau arrives. "An acquaintance of yours? More visitors to Shabboneau Castle? I can't remember the last time we've been so busy! This castle, chateau if you will, was a manor house of a noble family. It may be a little run down, but that's because there's history to this place. During that history, the owners of this castle gave away a lot of their stuff to everyone, so that's why it feels so empty. The end."

"That's it?! Don't you have anything related to Mega Evolution?" Shauna asks.

"That's it. What in the world is Mega Evolution?" Lord Shabboneau says as we are all speechless. It is then a man rushes in. "Sir! It's back again."

"Is it that time of year already? Well, there's nothing I can do about that now... I need to go to Route 7, but please take your time and have a look around."

After they leave, I say, "I wonder what that's about. Why don't we go to Route 7, too?"

Then we decide to head there, but before that, Serena seems to have found a Mega Stone on the floor, she says, "Guys! Look what I found!"

I say as I pick up the stone. "Let's see... there is a Mega Stone, but the problem is that we don't know which one this is..."

"We can worry about that later." Clemont says as we all head to Route 7, also known as Rivière Walk. Though before we continue, we stop in front of giant berry fields, and a girl says, "Hey, mister... This way, this way!"

"You!" The girl's grandfather says, "I know this is an unexpected request, but I need you to take care of my Berry Field! Berries are great! One Berry can produce more Berries! I assure you that you'll love fieldwork!"

"I guess we can handle the field..." I say, now I also need to remember that I have to call my Mom to see what to do with this field.

Then he teaches us how to plant the berry, and we also get a Sprinklotad, which we can use it to water the fields. After we leave, we finally find Lord Shabboneau in front of a sleeping Snorlax on the bridge.

"Here we go again. It's sleeping so soundly, the end of the world wouldn't wake it." Lord Shabboneau says.

"Look! It's practically a mountain, right? It's blocking the road completely." The man replies. "Come now, sir. Use the Poke Flute! Oh, wait. Do you even have it anymore?"

"Nope. I handed it over." Lord Shabboneau says.

"Or you could say it was taken... By the owner of the palace." The man frowns.

Shauna asks, "What? Huh? What's a Poke Flute?"

"Basically an item to wake up the Snorlax. Serena, I remember that we still have one that Mr. Fuji gave us, right?"

"I left it at home... so it's not with me..." Serena mutters.

"There is another Poke Flute, but that's in the Parfum Palace, Princess Allie was the owner of that palace and she took the flute away..." Lord Shabboneau says.

"Oh, that's it? All we need to do is go get it, then! " Shauna says. "C'mon, guys! Let's go! The Parfum Palace is just past Route 6! And maybe at a place like that, we might learn something about Mega Evolution!"

"If you plan on negotiating for the Pokéflute, you might have better luck trying to steal it. Because she will never give back the flute." Shabboneau states.

"Well, she hasn't run across us yet. We'll get the flute back." I say.

As we head to Route 6, it is starting to rain so we have to find a place to hide from the rain. That's when we come across an old mansion and that's when we can finally stop.

"What a storm..." Elline says.

"It came up so suddenly." Clemont says.

"I hate thunder." Bonnie says. And at that moment, a thunder flashes by, scaring the little girl. She takes a step back and accidentally opens the door. I look at the mansion and mutter, "Oh great...just how many times did this happen to me..."

"Ash? What's wrong? You look really worried." Serena asks in concern.

"Right, you aren't there. It happened to me and Alice before." I say. "Let's ask if we can stay here until it stops raining."

Bonnie turns around and says, "Guys, the door is open! Yay!"

After we are inside the mansion, Clemont scolds his sister, "Bonnie, you can't just go in there!"

"Anybody home? Hello? Can we stay here until it stops raining?" Bonnie asks.

"Excuse us!" Shauna says.

"Is anybody here?" Serena asks.

Since no one is answering us, I really don't want to be another Litwick mansion... I yell, "Is anybody in here?"

"Sorry to bother you!" Elline says. "It seems like this place is totally deserted."

"The exterior's in pretty bad shape so maybe nobody lives here anymore." David says.

"Hey, why don't we just stay here for a while?" Bonnie asks.

"I guess so..." Clemont says.

"Maybe, but this place gives me the creeps." Serena says.

"Yeah, but it's better than getting wet. I just hope it is not some sort of Litwick mansion..." I say.

"Litwick?" Clemont asks.

"Yeah, the Pokemon who sucks your life energy to light up their candles, and they will also guide you to the spirit world... they try to do this to Alice and we." I say as the others are shivering.

"Seriously?" Serena asks.

"I think it feels creepy because there's no light." Clemont says while checking the lights, "Hmm... Looks like it's still working."

As the lights turn on, I sigh in relief, since Ghosts are afraid of light, But that still begs the question... who turns on the lights?

"That's kinda weird..." Bonnie says.

"Probably, it must've been the sensors!" Clemont says. "Motion detectors. That's why the lights came on automatically. It may be an old house but it must be equipped with the latest technology, huh?"

David says, "Haha, nice joke, Clemont. Look at the dust, a highly advanced mansion that no one has ever lived? Are you going to say that?"

"But I think maybe we should stay outside until the rain pass." Serena says.

Just then, the door is shut, and I can't get it open. "The door is locked!" I say.

"No way! But it was just wide open!" Shauna says.

"It must be the motion detectors closing and locking the doors after they're open for a short while!" Clemont says.

"But why are they still locked?" Serena asks.

"Let me see..." Clemont mutters. "You shouldn't trust anything that can't be explained by science. This is a huge mansion, and so there has to be another way to get out of here!"

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go and find it." I say.

As we continue moving, we come across a portrait, everyone except for Bonnie and I are terrified of it. Bonnie says, "Guys, it's just a portrait."

"Yeah, but I this the owner of the mansion?" I say.

"Maybe she's not alive, but she's here, anyway if you know what I mean." Serena says as they all shiver again. "Did I say that?"

"Right, I still remember you always like to do that..." Elline mutters.

I decide to say, "You don't need to worry about haunted or ghosts. Think about it, Ghosts are afraid of the lights, so why are they turning the lights on?"

"Yeah, you're right. Ghosts like to live in darkness..." Shauna says.

It is then I notice a sword on the ground. "A sword on the ground?" But when I see the pattern, I start to pale. "Okay...I guess I spoke too soon."

"Spoke too soon about what?" Bonnie asks as she tries to pick the sword up, but I quickly grab her hand.

"Don't, Bonnie. If anyone dares to grab its hilt, look at the blue cloth beside it, it will wrap around that person's arm and drain that person's life energy completely."

This causes them to be terrified, and Elline says, "Ash? Why are you saying such things to a young girl like Bonnie?"

David says, "Wait, as a Future Steel Type master, I think I know what Ash is implying..."

Just then, the sword opens its eyes and then it starts to float in the air. Shauna asks, "W-what is that?"

"A Honedge... a Steel and Ghost Type Pokemon." David says. "My Aegislash is the final evolved form of this guy."

Just then, it detaches its sheath and then it starts to use Fury Cutter, I yell, "Pikachu, Thunderbolt." Pikachu attacks the Pokemon with the attack and then it shakes it off.

"What?" I'm surprised and it starts to use Autotomize, causing the blades to be more sharper. "This is bad..." Just then, it charges up the Shadow Sneak, but before it can hit Pikachu, I rush in front and then the attack doesn't affect me. Honedge is a little dazed at the fact, and then Zoroark uses Shadow Ball to knock it out.

"Ash... why didn't the attack hit you? What's going on?" Shauna asks.

"A long story, but ghosts can't attack me. That's for sure." I say.

After waiting until the Honedge wakes up, I say, "Honedge, I am sorry for intrusion in this house, where is your owner?"

Honedge looks at them curiously, she says, "I am the owner...I was dead a few years ago. My soul had become this Pokemon."

I turn to one of the portraits, and he asks, "This lady in the picture, that is you, right?"

Honedge floats to the portrait and nods her head. "Yes, this is me before I become a Honedge. Why did you come to this house uninvited?"

"Wait, Honedge. Your door opened on its own and have us inside." Serena says. Then Honedge thinks for a second and says, " it is their doing."

"Who?" We ask, and then Honedge starts to float away, we follow her until we reach the bedroom. There, we see two Espurrs who are playing balls.

"Espurrs?" Elline asks. "You say that they are the ones that lock the door and also open the lights?"

"Yes. They are my Pokemon." Honedge says, "With me being dead, we are the only ones in the house."

The two Espurr turn to them as the male one says, "Hi."

"Um...hello." I ask.

Then the two Restraint Pokémon lead us to a door to the next room. In the next room, there was a slide, a Ponyta rocking horse, and various toys on the floor. The female Espurr then used Psychic to toss a ball to Bonnie.

"Do you want us to play with you?" They nod and Bonnie then tosses the ball back and it.

"Cool." Clemont says. "So the problem is solved."

"Yeah." Serena says as the ball goes to her. "Here, Let's play together." Serena tosses the ball to Honedge, and Honedge throws the ball to Absol, who catches it and throws it back.

Once we have fun in the mansion, they decide to take a rest. After we find that the rain has stopped, David says, "Well, now the rain stops, we should continue our journey."

The male Espurr whines, "No, don't go. We don't want to leave you."

Honedge looks at them and says, "You guys..." She turns to me and asks, "Ash, can you also take us with you on your journey?"

"You want to come with us?" I ask as they all nod. Serena says, "But what about the toys?"

"Maybe I can teleport them to our house." Just then, my Mom walks into the room, much to our surprise.

"Mom! You scared us." I say. "More importantly, how did you get inside the place?"

"Sorry, I used Teleport to get inside. You did call me to come here, right?" My Mom asks. I remember that I called her earlier because I want to know what the Mega stone is.

"Right, Mom. I just found this on the ground. Can you tell me what this is?" I say while showing the Mega Stone, she says, "A mega stone... and I think it is a Mawilite."

"A Mawilite? That's so cool." I say. Then my Mom decide to help move the toys away with Mimey, and then we also capture the three Pokemon.

Espurr: The Restraint Pokemon: Psychic Type. It has enough psychic energy to blast everything within 300 feet of itself, but it has no control over its power.

Honedge: The Sword Pokemon: Steel and Ghost Type. If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person's arm and drains that person's life energy completely.

After we're done, we bid farewell to my Mom and we continue heading towards the Parfum Palace.

Here is a new chapter, and in this chapter, you can see I put the Espurr chapter in Route 6. I hope you like it and the next chapter will be Parfum Palace.

Ash and Serena's Pokemon:

Venusaur, Charizard x2, Blastoise, Pikachu x2, Alakazam, Gengar, Kangaskhan, Pinsir, Gyarados (Shiny), Aerodactyl, Ampharos, Scizor, Heracross, Houndoom, Tyranitar, Gardevoir (Shiny), Mawile, Aggron, Medicham, Manectric, Banette, Absol, Garchomp, Lucario, Samurott, Audino, Zoroark, Hydreigon, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Bunnelby, Fletchling, Vivillon x20, Litleo, Flabebe (Rainbow), Skiddo, Pancham, Furfrou, Espurr x2, Honedge

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